Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama and a Mysterious Wizard ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama and a Mysterious Wizard

Chapter Six:

Malfoy smirked and said in a cold voice, "If you're so perfect, why don't you finish another potion in time for class to end?" With that said, he smashed the vial on the floor, causing it to explode and burn the stone floor. Malfoy smirked at Kurama, but turned pale when he caught Trina's expression.

Trina gave the coldest look she had ever given anyone to Malfoy, her eyes glowed with a promise of pain, and she stood gracefully. "The same goes to you Malfoy," she said, her voice was lower and stronger than her usual flimsy and cheerful one.

Malfoy paled further when he heard the deadly tone in Trina's voice, shocked speechless and motionless by the girl's abrupt change of personality. His eyes widened considerably when she pointed her wand at his cauldron and muttered some spell under her breath.

The cauldron literally exploded, and students fled the metal pieces that shot through the room. With another flick of her wand, Trina made all of the damage disappear, but Malfoy's cauldron didn't come back, and he had nothing to work with.

Malfoy glared at Trina when he realized that he would fail, but smirked at her none the less when he thought he still held the advantage. "You still don't have a potion yourself, so you'll fail too," he said smugly.

Trina raised an elegant eyebrow, her narrowed eyes took on a bored look as she sat back down. She crossed her arms across her chest and closed her eyes in a relaxed position. "I believe you are wrong Malfoy, you see, we still have our drought, but the same cannot be said for you." Her eyes opened and gave Malfoy the most chilling look he'd ever seen, and dark amusement shone in those eyes... wait, those eyes! They had turned GREEN!

'Her eyes are green! What the hell?!' Malfoy thought to himself, but before he had though of a reason why, Trina had gone back to normal, and everyone went back to their own work, leaving Malfoy to defend for himself.

* Trinity, * Trina thought-spoke, * That was a little overboard. *

** Do you think I care? ** the presence thought back hotly with malice dripping from every word,

** That little shit deserved it, besides, now the jackass is afraid of you, or rather of ME. And I quite like him that way, ** she thought back hotly.

Trina's eyes narrowed at the presence known as Trinity, and she turned back to her conversation with Kurama about different potions and the like. Kurama didn't seem disturbed by her personality switch, and she could tell was that Kurama had enjoyed the little show Trinity had performed.

Snape came back soon enough and the whole class immediately shushed. Not a noise was made. His eyes roamed over the students and narrowed when they crossed Malfoy and his partner, Pansy Parkinson. "Where is your drought Draco?" he asked darkly.

Malfoy turned his gaze slightly and caught Trina's blue eyes, which soon turned green and narrowed with a bone-chilling glare. He gulped and said with a confidence he didn't feel, "My cauldron exploded, and I don't have one to start over with." His voice held controlled anger, and his eyes yet again turned to the yet again blue eyes.

Snape followed Malfoy's gaze and narrowed when he came face to face with blue eyed girl who was blinking confused, and in an innocent way. He asked coldly, "Where is your vial Ms. Taylor? Mr. Minamino?"

Trina blinked a few times before calmly reaching into her bag to pull out a pinky coloured vial, "I s'pose this is what you're lookin' for?" she asked, holding it up.

Snape's eyes narrowed at not being able to take points, so he settled for waving his wand and gave Malfoy a new cauldron. He turned back to taking points away for any reasons he could find, and adding points to Slytherin for the dumbest of reasons.

Malfoy shot Trina a smirk, but she only gave him a smile and went back to looking over potions with Kurama. Malfoy glared at Trina with contempt, and he went back to hurriedly making his potion.

The only other person who had thought, and noticed, Trina's behaviour to be odd was Harry. Ron had been concentrating too deeply on his potion, so he hadn't noticed a thing. Harry had also seen Trina's eyes turn that disturbing shade of light emerald green... and her blue almost-silver hair go completely silver.

Surprisingly enough, at the end of the day, only one person had failed to make the Darkethen Potion, and 20 points were deducted from Gryffindor, but they didn't care. Neville for once wasn't the person who took away points, because his partner had helped him out, and he was grinning like a maniac when all the students gave the half-finished potions in vials to Snape for 'safekeeping'.

Snape glared at all of the Gryffendor's as they left and glared especially long at Harry. Harry though, didn't seem to care in the least, and Snape was left to his dungeons, alone.

Harry grinned when he walked up to Trina. "That was awesome what you did back there, but why didn't most of the students notice? Some didn't even duck from the explosion..." he trailed off thoughtfully as he stared into Trina's eyes.

Trina's eyes flashed and she said happily, "I guess the students didn't want to fail. They must have been REALLY into their potions!" Trina's eyes closed in an innocent smile.

Harry inwardly frowned and followed the rest of the flow of students out of the dungeons. He took a quick glance at his schedule to see they had Transfiguration next.

"Well," Ron started, "we have Transfiguration with McGonagall next."

There was a silence and Trina and Kurama glanced at eachother.

"Why don't we go early?" Trina asked.

Harry and Ron looked at eachother and Harry shrugged, "Why not?"

They all headed towards McGonagall's classroom and took seats near the front so they would pay attention, none of them wanted to fail.

Trina and Kurama were once again talking about nothing in particular, and left Harry and Ron to talk about whatever they wanted to.

After another ten minutes students began to file in, and chatter started up side by side with gossip. Trina and the others heard fragmented conversations like, "Malfoy's cauldron blew up," and other pointless things about the previous class.

Trina ignored any looks that Harry and Ron sent her, and continued to chat with Kurama about meaningless things that melted together into nonsense. She enjoyed talking to Kurama, because he was intelligent, wise, and very attractive, she was embarrassed to admit.

Soon enough, Trina became so bored and annoyed that she simply pulled out the 6th year Transfiguration book and quickly started reading. She took in every bit of information that she saw, for it was a habit by then from her training in her previous school…

Kurama was surprised when he noticed how quickly Trina read. Her eyes literally flew down the page, as if she were only quickly skimming it, but the intelligence behind her eyes proved him wrong with the assumption that she wasn't taking everything she read, in.

"Class," a voice sounded through the quiet room, and Trina's eyes flew up immediately and trained themselves on the owner of the voice. Professor McGonagall didn't speak again until she was sure that she had everyone's attention. "Today," she began strictly, "we will be changing a variety of animals into clothing. In one month there will be a test, and I won't tell you what it is. The test will consist of everything we have learned so far in the year, and I hope that all you will pass with flying colours…" she regarded her students over her spectacles, but soon turned her attention to the blackboard at the front of the class. "On the board the pages have been written that you must read, and I trust that you will proceed to follow the instructions on the page with ease. If you have any questions, I will answer them." With that said, she strode to her desk, at the front, and sat down. The students watched her pull assignments over to her to be marked.

The sound of papers shuffling was loud in the silent room as everyone got to the first page that they had to read.

As soon as Professor McGonagall had finished speaking, Trina had immediately copied down the pages that were written on the board into a little booklet that she carried everywhere with her. Her fingers flew with ease across the paper, and before most of the students had pulled out the book, she was zipping through the book.

Kurama started to read the pages, and was absolutely shocked when Trina was already a page ahead of him, and they had only just started to read! He eyed the quick girl in surprise when she easily read through five pages when he'd only read one. He frowned softly to himself and pondered how she could read and write so fast, it was mind boggling! He mentally shrugged and went back to work. By the time he'd finished reading, Trina had already finished transforming her animal into a dress.

McGonagall looked up when she heard a few gasps of surprise, and was surprised when she saw Trina staring at the dress she had transformed from a rabbit. She raised a cool eyebrow to herself when Trina glared at the dress and transformed it back into the bunny.

"You have already finished, Ms. Taylor?" McGonagall asked calmly.

Trina looked surprised at being addressed by the Professor, and immediately gave McGonagall her attention. "Yes Professor," she said politely.

"Ms. Taylor, how is it you are able to pick things up so quickly?" McGonagall asked.

Trina seemed very uncomfortable from Kurama's view, and he watched as she nervously answered the Professor's question.

"At my old school…" Trina started softly, "It was required of a student to pick things up quickly." With that said, Trina turned her gaze away from McGonagall and didn't say any more.

McGonagall accepted what Trina had told her, and mentally noted to herself to question the girl further in the matter. "Very well then, you may study ahead in the book or help others who are having trouble," she told the nervous girl before turning back to her papers.

Trina made no response, but she picked up her text and began to read through it, and her rabbit hopped around the table. Her eyebrow twitched, and she absently transformed it into a rock without so much as removing her eyes from the pages.

McGonagall spotted the young teen's transformation and eyed the rock for a moment before adding another mental note to her to-question-later list.

Kurama smiled to himself when he easily transformed his rat into a tuxedo, and could have smirked at the strange looks he received from the wizards in the room that had never lived with muggles. He was surprised when Trina looked up from her book long enough to straighten the tie before burying her nose in it once again. He raised an unanswered eyebrow at her, and went back to transforming the rat back. He continued to practice changing it into other assortments of clothing before he finally got bored, like Trina, and started to read through his book once again.

Near the end of class, McGonagall stood from her seat and spoke out strictly, "Four Gryffindors managed to create clothing, therefore Gryffindor receives 40 points. And 30 points to Ravenclaw as well." She gave a small smile to the students who had transformed their animals into clothing (Trina, Kurama, Harry, surprisingly Ron, and the three Ravenclaws). "Dismissed," she said, and the students left in a flurry of parchment and chatter. "Ms. Taylor," McGonagall called out through the noise, "would you please stay behind? I would like to speak to you."

Trina blinked in confusion and finished to pack her things away. She waited as all of the students left except for Kurama, and was surprised when the redhead slipped a piece of folded parchment into her pocket.

"Good bye Professor McGonagall," Kurama said politely with a small bow before he left the classroom as everyone else had.

Trina watched him leave expressionless as she was left alone with the Professor.

"Ms. Taylor?" McGonagall called to her.

Trina immediately snapped her face to her professor and stood at attention. "Yes Professor?" she asked with a practiced politeness.

McGonagall sat down in her desk and motioned for Trina to come stand beside her. Trina did as she was motioned, but left her bag on her desk. She waited patiently as McGonagall shuffled a few papers before she spoke in a calm voice, "Ms. Taylor, why is it that you read and write with such speed and learn things so fast that even Albus Dumbledore would be envious?"

Trina schooled her face into calm and replied evenly, "It was trained into me like a program."

McGonagall blinked in slight surprise and turned her eyes to the emotionless student. "Trained into you? You must have had very strict teachers then?" she asked warily.

Trina answered truthfully, "Yes, very strict, if we did not do as we were told, we were punished."

McGonagall's eyes narrowed slightly when her student said `punished', and asked, "Punished? You were punished by your professors?"

Trina only nodded her eyes and asked respectfully, "Is that all Professor?"

McGonagall nodded her head, and Trina left without a word, her heavy looking bag easily slung over her shoulder. The Professor eyed Trina go, and worried about what secrets the girl hid from others…

As soon as Trina was out of the room, she quickly and efficiently pulled the piece of parchment form her pocket with a practiced grace, and opened it with nimble fingers.

It read:

`Trina, meet me at the Library after McGonagall is done discussing what ever she wished to with you. If I am not there, I will be shortly, for I'm bringing us lunch to eat while we talk or study. It's your choice.


Trina quickly headed to the Library, and was glad that Kurama was already there with lunch, she was hungry. To her surprise, Harry and the others weren't there, and she sent a questioning glance Kurama's way before she reached him.

Kurama smiled up at her, his eyes holding a mischievous glint when he winked. "I slipped these past the clerk," he whispered.

Trina grinned like a child when she spotted the assortment of fruit that Kurama had slipped out of his robes. "Great!" she said cheerfully, though her voice wasn't too loud. She dug into a pear with gusto, and quickly finished it off. A contented sigh escaped her well-shaped lips, and she waved her wand at the pear core. It immediately disappeared, and Kurama spotted it appearing above the librarian's garbage can, and land with a bang. The small crash was so loud in the quiet library that it called all eyes to it. The librarian blinked and turned her eyes to try to find the rascal that had caused the noise.

Kurama hid a smile behind a hand and turned back to his textbook when the librarian's accusing eyes landed on them. He was amused when he found Trina easily acting like nothing had happened, and he continued to act inconspicuous. He heard Trina's almost silent giggles, though no normal human would be able to. Once the coast as clear, they both looked up from their books and exchanged looks.

Trina grinned when she noticed that Kurama, `the perfect student', was amused by her antics. She gracefully stood from her chair and wandered off into the recesses of the library.

Kurama waited patiently for her to come back, but became slightly worried when she didn't return… He walked in the direction she had taken and found her scanning quickly through a book, obviously looking for something. When she spotted him out of the corner of her eye, she snapped the book shut and turned to face him.

Kurama raised an elegant eyebrow when quickly glimpsed the title, "Ways to Kill the Undead". He turned his emerald eyes to Trina and opened his mouth to ask why she wanted to look through that book, but someone interrupted him.

"Hey Kurama! Trina! We've been looking for you!" Hermione call-whispered from down the little `corridor' that was created by the bookshelves.

Kurama turned to look at Hermione, and was surprised to find Harry and Ron with her.

Quickly and soundlessly, Trina slipped the book back into the bookshelf and turned to her friends with a cheerful smile on her face. "What's up?" she asked.

Everyone looked at her strangely, and she raised a speculative eyebrow.

"What?" Ron asked dumbly.

Trina looked increasingly more uncomfortable… "Uh… How's it going?" she asked more than said.

Harry blinked and answered, "Fine…"

A thick and uncomfortable silence encased the group, and Kurama broke it by asking Trina, "What did you mean by `What's up'?"

Trina squirmed where she stood and answered uneasily, "It means… how is everything going, what are you doing… yeah… it's slang…"

"From where?" Kurama asked, saving Trina from more embarrassment.

"Canada," the blue-silver haired girl replied instantly.

"Oh…" the other four said and stared at Trina funnily.

"What?" she asked, blinking repetitively.

"Forget about it," Harry said nervously and turned to Hermione.

The bushy haired girl uneasily started speaking, "We came to see if you all wanted to join us in some… activities… as long as you swear secrecy," she whispered the last part, unwilling to say any more in the library.

Kurama and Trina glanced at eachother, and Trina said seriously, "I swear to secrecy, no matter the consequences."

Kurama blinked at the blue eyed girl in surprise and stepped up to stand beside. "As do I," he spoke in a calm tone.

Hermione smiled at them and dragged them from the library after Kurama and Trina had gotten their bags, ignoring the scolding looks the librarian sent them.

The five of them hurried down the halls and soon arrived in a hallway on the seventh floor, where a very strange portrait sat with a man that seemed to have attempted to teach trolls was being beaten with the ugly creatures' clubs. Trina blinked with a raised eyebrow at the portrait as they walked past. To her surprise, they turned to pass by again after they reached at a window just beyond a blank stretch of wall. When they turned to head back the direction they had come, to the complete shock and confusion of both Kurama and Trina, they ended up walking back to a vase about a head taller than them, only to turn around again. By then Kurama was about to ask what in the name of Hogwarts they were doing, when they got to the window again and turned back around. Trina was about snap when they reached the vase on the other side of the blank wall, when they turned around again and she spotted a well-polished door with a brass handle sitting where a blank... wall... used… to… be….

"What the hell?" she commented, to the shock of everyone there. She blinked at them and raised an eyebrow, "What? I'm Canadian! What did you expect?! A goody-goody?!!" Her cheeks became tainted a becoming red and she burst past them to go into the door, away from their disturbing stares…

When she opened the door however, she was shocked to find a room full of books and all sorts of Defense Against the Dark Arts instruments. She walked over to what she knew was Foe-Glass, though the mirror was cracked, and gazed into its depths to see shadowy figures looming about in its murky depths. She turned away from it, and took a good look around. The vast and spacious (taken out of the book) room was lit with illuminating torches that could also be found in the dungeons, which resided eight floors down. Around the room, she also spotted many other handy things, like cushions for example, which were very handy for various charms to be tested on. She took a closer look at the large `pillows' as she would put it, and was surprised to find them a very fine white Silk. She toed one with a shoe, and found it to be quite light for something so large. Her blue eyes turned to Harry and the others, and she wasn't surprised to find Kurama staring at the room with calculating eyes that held a little shock.

With a delicate eyebrow raised, she questioned cautiously, "How did you come to know of this room?" Her eyes became flecked with green…

Kurama was examining the room when something caught his eye… or, rather, SOMEONE caught his eye… Trina's hair had started to turn slightly platinum silver, and his sharp and enhanced vision allowed him to see that her eyes were flecked with a light emerald green. He stared into her captivating eyes, and was snapped out of his reverie when she spoke again.

"Harry? Hermione? Ron? How did three students such as yourselves, just `happen' to come across a room such as this?" she asked as she looked around the room again. Before, however, any one of them could answer, she had noted, aloud, to herself, "It is quite handy… I should like to spend more time here…" Her dazzling smile startled them all, while the dim light prevented Harry, Hermione, and Ron from seeing the changes in her appearance. Kurama, however, did not fail to notice her hair turn entirely platinum silver, and her eyes completely light emerald.

** Yes… this SHALL be VERY handy… ** Trinity smirked to herself when she acquired full control over Trina, and didn't respond when the said girl warned her in a scolding way.

* Trinity… if you do anything bad or conspicuous you'll hear HELL from me! * Trina warned the presence as if scolding a child.

** That hurt Trina, you REALLY should have more `faith' in me… ** Trinity sent back.

Trina mentally glared at the presence and `humphed' cutely.

Trinity's conniving little laugh could be heard easily through the connection, though Trina ignored it.

"Yes, this will be VERY convenient," Kurama noted to the others as he walked forward to a title that caught his eye, though he really wanted to get a better look at Trina's strange change.

Trinity regarded Kurama as he walked past her, and she knew that he was examining her. She purposefully ignored him as she wandered over to a shadowy shelf that sat ominously in a corner. She pulled out an old book and was shocked at what she found…

"Hermione," Trinity's voice cut sharply through the silence like a heated whip, "Why is there restricted material in this room?"

Hermione nervously answered, "Well, when this room appears, it's when you walk past the blank wall three times thinking of something you desperately need… The room's called the Room of Requirement, and I thought that some restricted books might help us in case Voldemort attacks…"

Trinity listened to Hermione's weak answer, and purposefully ignored Trina's mental questioning. "I see. I did not think that you of all people would wish to break the rules with Dark Arts material," she said forebodingly…

Hermione's eyes widened at that, and she stared at Trinity in shock as Harry and Ron looked at her questioningly. "That is real Dark Arts material?" she asked softly.