Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama, Hiei, and the new demon. ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hiei: She still doesn't own Yu Yu Hakusho. Nor will she ever own it or us.

Nakira: Sad but true. I'll never own you wonderful demons or the rest of the YYH world.

Kurama: What was with that semi-cliff hanger last chapter?

Nakira: Mess with me and this will be one too. Now, on with the fic!

Chapter Four

"What is it Hiei?" Kurama asked.

"…I do know how she got that scar…" Hiei said and took out his sword.

"Hiei…did you…were you the one…?" Kurama asked.

"Yes. But I'm not proud of it. I didn't want to do it…it was a life or death job…" Hiei explained. Kurama shook his head.

"No Hiei. It was a job that would end in death no matter what you did to prevent it." he said and pulled Hiei close.

"…I killed Kiana's family and I was supposed to kill her…but I didn't…there was another demon there who stopped me. He said he would take care of Kiana and never let anyone harm her…but I had already harmed her…" Hiei said as he looked up at Kurama with tears in his eyes.

`Hiei doesn't ever cry…this must have really upset him…' Kurama thought and picked Hiei up gently.

~*~ Flashback ~*~

Hiei ran into a small town looking for a large house. He knew what he had to do and if he didn't do it, he would be killed.

`It's their life or mine…' he thought and continued running until he stopped at the front door of the house he was looking for. `This will be easy.' He kicked down the door. He attacked and killed everyone in sight until everyone he saw was dead. `Wait…there's still some that are alive…' he thought when he heard a baby crying upstairs. He headed upstairs and kicked the doors to the baby's room open and saw the child lying in the floor with toys in front of her. Hiei walked towards her and lifted her up by the front of her shirt. She giggled thinking he was going to play with her, but he only glared and lifted his sword and cut a complete circle around her right arm. "If you happen to live through this, you'll always have that scar to remind you of this night." he told her and cut deeper into her arm. She screamed and cried. While she cried Hiei watched her and didn't notice the blue haired demon come in behind him.

"Give me the girl." the demon commanded. "I'll raise her and you won't have to kill an innocent child that can't even properly defend herself."

"I have to kill her." Hiei said. The demon hit Hiei with all the strength he could and grabbed the baby as Hiei was sent flying into a wall.

"No you don't. I'm taking her and raising her as my own child. Who knows…maybe you and her will cross paths again so you can tell her how you killed her entire family." he said and rocked the baby gently. She was still crying but not as much as she was before.

"Who are you…?" Hiei asked. The demon moved his blue hair out of his violet eyes and smiled.

"My name is Shishi Wakamaru. Don't worry about anyone ever finding out about this." Shishi said and left Hiei to stand there among the dead corpses.

~*~ End Flashback ~*~

"Hiei…you have to tell her…she deserves to know…" Kurama said as he held Hiei close.

"How do you tell a child you killed her entire family?" Hiei asked and looked away from Kurama.

"Easy. You talk about it out in the open so she can hear everything you say…" Kiana said as she approached them. "Hiei why didn't you tell me this before?" she asked as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Why…?"

"Kiana, please understand that it was hard enough to accept the fact that I had killed them in the first place." Hiei said and broke free of Kurama's grasp. Kiana felt strong arms pick her up from behind and she turned around.

"No…how did you find me?" Kiana asked.


Nakira: And This Is How It Ends. Who Picked Kiana Up From Behind? Review With Your Guesses, And/Or Suggestions For Next Chapter.

Hiei: I can tell you people everything. From her address, to the many ways you could kill her.

Nakira: *pulls Hiei into a closet with a roll of Duct tape around her wrist*

Kurama: Oh dear…here she goes again…*grabs a pair of scissors* Read and review.