Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama, Hiei, and the new demon. ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Nakira: Guess what? I've got chapter five done!

Kurama: And guess who's here Nakira?

Nakira: Hmm?

Shishi: Me.

Nakira: *huggles Shishi* Do the disclaimer Hiei!

Hiei: No. Kurama you do it.

Kurama: She doesn't own Yu Yu Hakusho. She never will. And for all you idiots out there that think she does, here's a message: DO NOT SUE HER! …bakas…stupid ningens…

Nakira, Shishi, and Hiei: Kurama?

Nakira: You okay there buddy?

Kurama: Yes. I believe so.

Nakira: Okay…here's…chapter five…

Chapter Five

"How did you find me?" Kiana asked as she looked into the demon's violet eyes.

"It was easy when I had help…" the demon said and looked at Kurama. Kiana looked over to Kurama who was smiling.

"Shishi…why did you leave me behind with that human?" Kiana asked.

"I had to. I had a mission to do and I didn't know whether I would come out of it alive or not…" he said. Kiana hugged him and began to cry. "Kiana please don't cry…I'm here with you again and I don't plan on leaving you ever again." he said and held her close. Kurama followed Hiei into the house and motioned for Shishi to follow them. When they got in the house Kurama led Shishi to the Kiana's room. Shishi walked in and closed the door behind him. Kurama and Hiei went to their room.

"Shishi?" Kiana asked and looked up at him.

"Yes Kiana?" he asked as he sat down on the bed with Kiana in his lap. He noticed that even though she was 15 years old, she was still small enough for him to hold like a child.

"Will you let me travel with you now?" she asked him.

"We'll see, though I think you may be old enough." he replied. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Shishi heard a knock at the door and looked up to see that Kurama had opened the door and was standing in the doorway.

"I think it would be wise to take her with you." Kurama said.

"Why do you think that?" Shishi asked Kurama.

"Because she wants to be with you more than she wants to be with me and Hiei." Kurama replied.

"I'll think about taking her." Shishi said and laid back on the bed with Kiana on top of him. He hugged her close and vowed to never leave her again. Kurama stepped out of the room and smiled. He heard Shishi whisper his vow to Kiana and he knew that Hiei might be happy that she was going to leave with Shishi. He returned to his and Hiei's room to see Hiei sitting up in bed staring out the window.

"She's leaving isn't she?" he asked Kurama.

"Yes. She'll be leaving when Shishi does." Kurama replied. Hiei turned to Kurama and asked something that Kurama never expected to hear from him.

"Do you think we can get them to stay?" he asked. Kurama shrugged and sat down next to Hiei.

"It all depends on whether Shishi only came here to get Kiana or not." Kurama replied and laid down and pulled Hiei down beside him. "Do you want them to stay?" he asked Hiei.

"Yes." Hiei replied and he and Kurama went to sleep.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Nakira: And I'll start chapter six soon.

Shishi: I can't believe this…

Hiei: Believe what? This story?

Shishi: No…it's not that…*walks away*

Nakira: Fine, you people review and I'm going to go check on Shishi. Bye! *runs after Shishi and Hiei and Kurama follow*