Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama Kun WHere Are You?! ❯ Capture! ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I don't and will never own yyh, get used to it!

A young girl waited outside the jewelry store for her friend, but little did she know that today would change her life, forever!

"Oh, sorry Mela, the line was huge! Anyways I got you special birthday present!" Her friend said while handing her a green stoned bracelet.

"Oh, I love it, thank you so much, Norie! It's my favorite color too. Well I have to go home, or my parents will freak out, and that's bad even if it's my birthday! Bye, see you at school tomorrow!" And with that said, Mela dashed home to greet her parents. "I'm home! Mom, Dad? Hey where'd everyone go?" Mela cried. As she went into the kitchen something caught eye. "What's this?" She said.

'Dear, Mela, Happy 14'th birthday!! As a treat met us at Pizza Hut, for a party and family dinner! Bye-bye! See you there!
love mom, dad, and Cenu.'

'Wow a party! Better get going, don't wanna be late!' Mela thought as she ran up stairs to change. And when she came down she was wearing a white tank top on that said 'Aren't I rosy?' and it had small red roses everywhere, a short navy blue shirt, a pair of yellow sandals, and a blue bandana over her light brown hair in pigtails. "Off I go then!" She said as she locked her house, and walked onward to Pizza Hut. Mela had been to Pizza Hut many times, but at night it a was a blur to her. "Huh, I don't remember going this far left." She said slowly. Just then what seemed to be a large man jumped out at her. "Aaaaaa! Help!" Mela shouted.

"Ha! Nothing or no one can save you now! I've waited too long to be stopped! And I believe that you have something that's belongs to me!?" He said. What Mela saw was no human but a big hairy muscle guy. "I am Yoven, a powerful demon and I might spare your life if you give me the stones, kid!" Yoven said forcefully.

"Hey, for your information, Yover or whatever my name's Mela Acon Mecora! And I don't have anything that would ever belong to you! And plus it's my birthday so.um, never mind! Ha! Ha! Silly me!" She said suddenly remembering that he was a demon. "Hey, wait you remind me of that idiot guy from Yu Yu Hakousho.Gema or something." Mela asked. But Yoven paid no attention to the last part.

"I don't give a damn who you are but just give me the freakin' stones!" He yelled.

"Never! Plus, I still have know idea what you're babbling about! Jerk!" Mela said while sticking her tongue out at the angry demon. Yoven had, had enough and punched Mela in the stomach, making it very hard to breath. She collapsed right on the stop too.

"Oh, sorry I forgot how you humans bodies are extra sensitive!" He shouted. Yoven snatched her new bracelet in half and collected all the beads and ran off.

"Hold it Yoven! Don't make me get you by force!" Someone shouted.

"No! Kurama? Not again, and ever since you started working for Koenma you've turned soft! Where's you demon spirit!?" Yoven said.

"Fine, be that way." Kurama replied. And then he whipped out his rose whip and diced Yoven into cubes. Kurama rushed over to see if Mela was alright. "Ms, Ms, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Kurama asked.

"Oh, I'm-I'm ok, j-just a scratch. By t-the way, I'm Mela Acon Mecora." She said with great difficulty. And passed out in Kurama's arms.