Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama Kun WHere Are You?! ❯ Card Games! ( Chapter 3 )

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Mela" HI! Please review…thanks btw…I own NOTHING!!!!

"So I noticed that you must have great potential, Mela. How would you like it if I trained you, so you'd be prepared when a demon came?" Kurama asked.

"Um, sure I guess, but.I can't fight." Mela said shyly.

"Oh, it's ok! I can teach you!" Kurama said brightly.

"Ok! Sounds fun.when do we start?" said Mela a little happier.

"How's about tomorrow morning?" Kurama asked.

"Kay!" Mela answered.

*************************Later that night************************

Kuwabara came over and wanted to do something, Yusuke and Kayko were fighting about school, Koenma and Botan were watching TV, Genkai was making dinner, and Mela and Kurama were playing B.S. (a/n card game)

"Hey, what are ya playin'? Kuwabara asked.

"Oh, we're playing bull-shit, otherwise know as B.S." Mela answered,

"Yes, and it's a lot better with more than two people, so come and join us. Mela taught me so I'll teach you guys!" Kurama added.

So Mela and Kurama taught Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kayko, Koenma, and Botan how to play. (A/n most probably know how to play it.so that's why I'm not explaining it.)

**********************Hours Later***********************

"Kurama! Hey.it's your turn! Hurry UP!" Mela shouted at the red haired teen who was thinking carefully.

"Ok, two fives, I'm out! Ha!" Kurama said cleverly. He looked around to see if anyone would dare challenge him after fifteen wins in a row! And the tension was so thick even Genkai stopped to watched, although she's psyche so she could see it already.

"Bull shit!!" Mela yelled. Everyone looked at her in shock as Kurama looked down. "HA! In your face!" Mela said gloatingly as she look at the two cards to find that they were not fives, but a three and a queen.

"I admit it!! Happy?" Kurama retorted back

"Yup!" Mela answered. But it didn't really matter because Koenma ended up winning.

"You did it Koenma-Sama I'm so happy!" Botan said as everyone started to head home.

"Mela, hey nice game!" Kurama told he when everyone left.

"Thanks you to!" said Mela in return while blushing slightly. Just then Genkai cam into the room sipping herbal tea.

"You better getting to bed, Mela." Genkai said

"Huh?" Mela said looking puzzled.

"Ah, Koenma didn't tell you, both you and Kurama will be staying here until we're sure that you're safe." Genkai explained.

"Alright!" Mela said happily.

Mela: HI!!! BYE!!!