Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama Molested by Evil Demon Guy ❯ First 54 Pages ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
' ~_^ '
Dear Readers,
Hello! Lyn (my VERY BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD!!) has been nagging me constantly about posting this story, so here it is. It's not done, and doesn't have a title yet. If any of you would do me a great honor of submitting a title idea, I would be most grateful! It will take me a LONG while to finish this fic, and I will be updating as soon as I can. School has been in for a little over ten weeks now and my advanced English teacher gives out homework like there's no tomorrow.

I love Kurama and Hiei. I care more about the one shot characters than Kazuma. Don't expect anything really good or bad to happen to him. He's just there. He may get annoying in my fics, but that's what his character is anyway- Loud, annoying, and tone-deaf.

Sorry if you don't like my fic, it's sort of fast paced at the beginning. Any help would be Helpful. (Especially if you could help me with a title, and tell me about Karasu's personality. I know he likes hair and Kurama, and kills everything he loves so he doesn't have to see it grow old and die but other than that, I know diddlysquat.)

Pairings: Kurama x Hiei, Koenma x Botan, (unrequited) Kazuma x Yukina, Yukina x Hiei (until she learns the truth DUN, DUN, DUN!!), if I get around to it Keiko x Yusuke.

Any way, as much as I'd like to, I don't own them. They belong to big companies, blah, blah, and more blah. I own diddlysquat. I think I have a dime somewhere in my room, but other than that suing me will get you nothing.

There are some scenes where I speak a ton or a little Japanese. Especially when Yukina and Hiei are talking in one scene. If there are any other words or phrases that you don't understand, ask me. I'll tell you as soon as I can, ok?
Choshoku= breakfast
Ii desu ne= That sounds good
Krai Udon= Spicy Noodles
Koshii= coffee
Kocha= tea
Ocha= green tea
Omizu= water
Domo arigato gozaimasu= Thank you very much
Netsu o seki ga arimasu ka= Do you have a cough or fever? (roughly)
Wakarimasu ka= Do you understand?
Hai Wakarimasu= Yes I understand.
Shinidamachu= Soul Gatherer

If you are a extremely immature, you may want to consider not reading this. It doesn't have anything bad in it (besides blood, death and torture) but I got pretty weird at the end of my comment section. There's not a lot of cursing in the story, but I don't always speak decently. I don't want some five-year-old calling her mom a lazy @$$ mo'er fer B*** who can get her @$$ to h*** (note: I've never said that to my mommy and never will. It is not said in the fic either, it was just an example). Please don't read if you think it gets bad, though bad scenes will be marked if any.

If you like my fanfic, my name is Night Fox Hiten. If you don't like it, my name is Bob. If you want to flame me, my E-mail is mailto:MissBob89@nonexistantaddress.com .

Some parts of the comments at the bottom have nothing to do with the fic, ok? They all say something about it, but I start talking about my broken foot and stuff. They state my opinions on some situations in the story and the TV series. (Anyone ever seen the Samurai X movie?)

WARNINGS AND BLAH:: Yaoi (don't expect Kazuma to EVER get a boy/girl-friend. I'm not cruel enough to torture any one like that.) Sap, Comedy (depends on how you see it I guess), ANGST!!! The fic does sound kinda like Gundam Wing when talking about mission, so help me if you can. Thank you.

Summary :
Ferio, a bored demon, wants to show all of Makai what he can do. He shows them by kidnapping Kurama. After the others retrieve Kurama, they discover that Ferio has placed a curse on our beloved youkai. Will they be able to save Kurama from a fate that not ever the author of this fic knows about yet? (Wait, wait I just thought of it!) Hiei has never told Kurama what he feels for him yet. Will he be able to before Kurama's demise? What happens if ****** betrays them?

Here it goes:

Koenma sent the request the day they were to head out. The mission was supposed to be flawless. [1] There were some minor difficulties, but nothing out of the ordinary. What was not expected was the wraith that was waiting for them. (-*That made sense right?*-)

It was only supposed to take them a few hours to complete, but as luck would have it, one of them was delayed. Yusuke and Kazuma told their guardians that they'd be gone for a while, and possibly overnight. Kurama was out with Hiei when they received the call, so he didn't have time to talk to his mother. They left for the spirit world as soon as they all got together.

Yusuke and Kuwabara ran ahead to try and open the gates to the enemy fortress. Hiei was next and Kurama took the end. They traveled across the enemy's territory with little problems. A small army of weakling demons challenged them, but they were all easily defeated.

The wraiths sneaked out from behind a corner and slunk as quietly as a cat behind the yohko in their midst. The one nearest to him grabbed him from behind, causing him to gasp in surprise.

"Ah!" [2]
Hiei whirled around in time to see Kurama being pulled backwards by over ten wraiths.
"Kurama!" Hiei called frantically.
"Uremeshi! Kurama's in trouble!!" Kuwabara shouted to his friend (who was ahead of them).

Yusuke and Kazuma appeared quickly, but they were no where as fast as Hiei. Kurama was struggling frantically but the ghost-like minions of darkness put an old fashioned sutra on the youkai, so he was unable to use his spirit energy.

"AAHH!" Kurama cried.

Hiei ran as fast as he could, but he was too late. The wraiths were already starting to disappear with Kurama in tow.

"Hiei!!" Kurama yelled as he almost broke free of his captors. He was restrained quickly by three more wraiths. Kurama cried out as one wraith sink its fangs into his neck. The wraith began to drain the blood from Kurama's body.

"Kurama! Hold on dammit!" Hiei yelled and ran even faster. The wraiths around Kurama were starting to disappear. Three of them abandoned Kurama and tried to stop Hiei. He slashed his sword through them, but more appeared. "Damn you!!" he cursed them before turning his attention to his friend.

Kurama was struggling weakly as four wraiths plastered their mouths to him to drain his life away. "H-Hiei!" He yelled. Hie voice was mush softer and shaky than before which in turn caused Hiei to panic. The wraiths and Kurama disappeared in front of Hiei's disbelieving eyes. "Hiei~ei-ei-ei-ei-! Kurama's scream echoed through the night as he vanished. [3]

Hiei sank to his knees and felt a cool liquid fall down his face on both sides. Tears. He raised his head skywards, hoping that it would give his friend back. When it didn't, he could think of nothing to do.

"Kurama!!" he screamed into the night.


[Back at the Uremeshi house] [Heheheh. I'm a narrator. =^_^=]

Hiei, Botan, Yusuke, Koenma, George the ogre, and Kuwabara all sat in Yusuke's room.

"I don't fucking understand this at all!" Yusuke whined. "Sure, we get to kick some demon ass, but what's the point if we lose a team member?"

"You talk as if you know that he's dead." Koenma said. "We don't know that so shut up."
"You shut up toddler!"

"Yusuke!" Botan scolded. "Don't speak to him that way! He's right of course. Kurama is a powerful demon, and there is a chance that he survived." She said hesitantly.

"Yeah Uremeshi," Kuwabara agreed. "Besides, I'd bet Yukina could tell us which way to go."

(-*You all will never know how hard it is to not tease him without mercy.*-)

"Dummy, she's an ice apparition not a compass. Besides I don't think Hiei would appreciate you using his sister like that." Yusuke teased.

"Oh yeah I forgot that part." Kuwabara pouted.
"I do feel so sorry to Hiei though." Botan said quietly.
"Huh?" Yusuke and Kuwabara asked in unison. "Why Botan?"

"Well, I think it's quite obvious don't you?" She pointed to Hiei who was out on the balcony, not paying any attention to them at all [4]. "Kurama was the first friend he's ever had, and I think that was his only friend for a few years now. They met when 'Shuiichi' was around ten. Now he's lost him and might never get him back."

"I think that their friendship goes deeper than that, Botan." Koenma said and sipped his tea.
"You're right Koenma-Sir." Said George.
"Of COURSE I'm right, I'm perfect!"
"Hiei hasn't uttered a single word since then either -not that he talks much anyway." Botan sighed and looked back at the others. "He hasn't tortured Kuwabara since then."
"I think that we'd better get Kurama back soon or Hiei will never get out of this depression." Koenma said.
"By the way Koenma, do you think you could give us some info on our ghoul friends?" Yusuke asked.

" Wraiths, and I have limited information on the group. They travel around as professional assassins to execute the unwanted. Apparently they had motivation for taking Kurama. They also drink the blood of their victims, which is one of the main ways that they kill them. Kurama will be in a lot of trouble if we don't get him out of there soon. I've never heard of them to start killing their victims immediately though. It's rare enough to even have them around anymore."

Yusuke sweat-dropped. "That's ' limited information'?"
"Yes." Koenma glared.
" Really. Anyway let's get the info on how to find them."

"That would probably be the wisest thing you've said all day." Koenma hissed. "That's a very difficult task though. The best way would be to find out who sent them, but that's next to impossible."

"After being dead for two weeks I think that that isn't right." Yusuke said. "I don't use the words 'never' or 'impossible' much anymore."

Botan smiled at him. "I think that it's best to locate Kurama with the demon compass don't you?"
"Great idea Botan!" Yusuke yelled and hugged her.
"Botan," Koenma said and blushed a little. He glared at Yusuke for hugging her. "Can I talk to you in private after all this is done?"

"Huh? Oh of course Koenma Sir!" she beamed. "Yusuke, take the demon compass out and try to find a reading on Kurama. I'm going to talk to Hiei."

"Got 'cha."


Botan stepped out onto the balcony of Yusuke's apartment and stood next to Hiei.
"Hello, Hiei." She said. "We're going after Kurama as soon as we can."

Silence answered her so she kept talking. "We're all worried about him, but also about you, you know. You need to confide in someone."

" Could I 'confide' in you?"

"Huh?" Botan was a little startled by the question. "Of course. I don't think that the boys will be thrilled, but you can always talk to either Keiko or me about anything."

"Can I talk with you about Kurama?"

"As I said, anything, Hiei. Right now you need to tell someone how you're feeling or else you'll do something crazy."

"Hmm. I've always liked you. You were the brains behind Uremeshi and the fool."
"Well I'm flattered Hiei." Botan said. "You were a bit troublesome but I liked you as well."

He chuckled. "I'd still be trouble without Kurama. He's the one who really made me stop killing for fun." He shook his head. "It's been a long time since I was this scared."

"We can tell. This is the first time you've spoken since he was taken."

"Hn. BotanI think..." Hiei stopped and glared at the moon, hoping it would either solve his problems or explode. It did neither.

"What Hiei?" Botan asked concernedly.
"I think..." Hiei said.

"Think that you care about him?" Botan asked. She smiled up at the moon. "I thought so. I know he considers you his very best friend and truest ally."

"I hate myself for it. He deserves someone better for a friend than a felon like me. It's the same with Yukina, only she's my sister."

"Go on."

"Every time they're in danger I'm afraid. Right now...I'm terrified. When we fought in the Dark Tournament, when he was in a coma and Bakken kept beating him, I nearly let out the dragon again just so I could kill that man. And when he was nearly killed, then kidnapped by Karasu [5] I was so scared I couldn't think."

"Friendship does that to people. You get scared when you can't protect them, and when you can, you do. That's what you and Kurama have. You two always fight back to back, -butt to butt one time. I saw it. You both leaned forward but your butts were still touching. [6] It looked funny-" Botan burst out laughing but collected herself shortly. " You two have a special bond, don't ever break it. Wakarimasu ka?"

"Hai, wakarimasu. Domo sumimasen, Botan." Hiei smiled at her for a second then closed his eyes.


The wraiths circled their new victim. The now white haired fox demon was under their spell. He had had a tremendous amount of spirit energy, which they drained from him in a feeding manner. The fox's eyes were wide and his pupils were tiny slits as his blood was drained from his body. The wraiths fastened their mouths to his arms, legs, and chest to suck out the red liquid. However, the fox demon did not die. He was holding onto something and it was keeping him alive.

Let it go. One of them hissed to the fox.
You'll die. They won't save you. He , won't save you.
"You're wrong. He will."
You're dying as we speak. You are slipping away.
The fox's hair reverted back to a familiar red, and his fox ears turned to those of a human.
"He-Hewillsave me." He said as his eyes changed from yellow to green before falling closed.
No he won't. You will die. You already don't have enough energy to uphold your youko form.
Kurama slumped down into the arms of the wraiths and felt consciousness slip from him.
"Hiei." He whispered before darkness claimed him.


Hiei gasped and whipped around to face Botan.
"Hiei?!" Botan asked. "What's wrong?!"
"He's dying."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Botan asked and tried to get his attention. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were unusually wide. "Hiei, who's dying? Do you mean Kurama?!"

"How do you know this?!"

"I can sense him. He's hurt. They're killing him!!" Hiei yelled and leapt from the balcony to the building across from the apartment.

"Hiei!!" Botan called. "Do you know where you're going?!"

"The forest of Makai! The Cave of Midoriko! That's where they're keeping him!" Hiei answered before he disappeared.

"Hiei!!" Botan shrieked.


Botan flung open the doors to Yusuke's living room.
"Hiei left!!"
Yusuke jumped up from his spot on the couch with a rice cracker in his mouth. "Mut?!" (What?!)
"What do you mean he left?!" Koenma cried exasperatedly.
"He left! He said something about sensing that Kurama was dying and left for Makai!" Botan yelled.
"Well," Yusuke said after finishing his snack. "Did he say where the hell he was going?"

"To the Midoriko Cave in the Makai forest!!" Botan reported. "He said that that's where the wraiths are keeping him. I know that Hiei is a telepath so maybe he contacted Kurama?"

"So the wraiths are killing him now ?!" Koenma asked. "That means he was still alive for these three days!"

"Yes Koenma-Sir. That's what Hiei said and I for one will not doubt his reasons for leaving. It's because of what we suspected, Koenma Sir." Botan said winking to Koenma and intentionally keeping Yusuke and Kuwabara in the dark.

"Oooooooh." Koenma said and giggled. "That reason."
"Huh?" Yusuke asked.
"Oh, nothing. Now let's get to Spirit world!!" Botan yelled and ran out of the door to the nearest portal [7]


The wraiths lifted Kurama's cold and limp body off of the ground.
What shall we do with the body, master? A tall, lanky, figure sat in the shadows of the cave.
"You shall leave him. I want him where Hiei will find him." The figure said in a deep voice.
Hiei? Is he the demon with the powers of the Jagan?

"Yes, he is the one. The Jaganshi was special, to him. Kurama himself was very powerful and has the same amount of strength as Hiei, and both of them brought tremendous strength to the Earth's Special Forces. However, without both of them, Earth's forces will be reduced to a couple of street punks."

So you plan to overthrow the Spirit Detectives?

"Yes, as most before me. Only, I am not nearly as cocky as the rest and accept the fact that my tactics may fail. However, if we can destroy Hiei, then Yusuke and Kuwabara shouldn't be a problem."

The other two are weak?

"No, but they are not a great challenge either. If Hiei doesn't fall victim to our plan, then we retreat and try again when I think of a new plan. Otherwise, I will rule Earth and Spirit world."

Why do you whish to rule? What will your reign accomplish?

"Nothing. I only wish to prove that I am capable to defeat the so-called 'strongest'. I want to kill the ones who defeated Toguro and Yakumo."

Sir, Hiei and the others are quickly approaching.
"Good. Let them inside with no distractions."


Hiei easily slipped through the door with Botan and Yusuke in tow. Botan and Yusuke had flown on her oar to reach Hiei ahead of the others. Inside the cavern was dark but had a few lights hanging around in it.

Hiei glanced about the room quickly. "Kurama!!" he called.
"Hiei." Yusuke said and walked up to his friend.
"What, Uremeshi?" Hiei growled testily.
Yusuke smiled. "Hiei, I just want to tell you that we're here for you."
Hiei nodded and visibly relaxed.
"So how about we get your fox back?" Yusuke asked.
"Good plan." Hiei said.

Yusuke, Hiei and Botan walked to the center of the cave and peered around. After a moment Botan gasped and took a step back.

"Hiei" she said slowly and gripped the sleeve of his shirt.

She pointed to a shadowy figure on the ground near a torch not far from where they were. The person was facedown and their long red hair was sprawled over them in an untamed manner.

It was Kurama.
Hiei slowly walked over to his fallen friend. Botan came next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hiei." She said softly. "I I don't think he's-" She didn't have to finish her thought. Hiei knelt down and turned Kurama onto his back. Botan shrieked and stepped back. Yusuke groaned and held Botan to calm her down. Hiei's eyes narrowed and he checked over Kurama in nothing short of rage.

Kurama's shirt was ripped into useless tatters. His face and chest were as cold as ice, and deathly pale. There were bite marks covering his entire chest, neck, and arms. He had lacerations and deep gashes all over him and a bloody rose lay near him, signifying a struggle. The wounds were deep, but no blood came from them. It appeared that all the blood in his body had been drained. Clutched in his hand, was a note, written on a leaf with his blood.


The one in charge here is a formidable foe. If I am not alive to help you, then I'm sorry. Be careful! These leeches play dirty, but they will pay in the end.

Life doesn't last forever. I've lived long enough as it is and am unafraid. Tell that to the others. I will see you again in the after-life, but I'm hoping later rather than sooner. I'm so sorry for leaving you though Hiei, if you even care.

The last sentence was smeared and there was burn like handprints on Kurama's wrist. Hiei assumed that someone had caught him writing his farewell note. Hiei set the note down and checked Kurama's pulse. He felt nothing. He tried to find a trace of his friend's spirit energy, but found none.

Kurama was dead.
"Hiei? Is he-?" Yusuke hesitated.

"Kurama is dead." Hiei said, trying not to show the rage and ultimate sorrow that he felt. He took off his cape/shirt and laid it carefully over Kurama's still face.

"No!!" Botan shrieked and sobbed into Yusuke's shirt.
"Damnit!" Yusuke said. "Are you sure, Hiei? Is there someway we can bring him back?"

"Maybe. If we can get his spirit energy from the bodies if those bastard wraiths." Hiei picked the fox into his arms as best he could. "I wouldn't bet on it though. He's been dead for a few hours now. I want to see if his soul is still around."


"As long as he didn't go to heaven or hell, and his soul is still here we should be able to revive him. All it takes is his spirit energy and ghost."

"I won't let you do that." A voice said from behind them.


Kazuma and Yukina ran through the forest quickly as they could. Suddenly, Yukina stopped running and stared fearfully at the mountains ahead of them.

"What is it, Yukina?" Kazuma asked.
"I sense a great evil here. There is a wrongness in the air."
"What can you make of it? Who is it coming from?"
"It's a tremendous amount of evil energy...I don't understand it."
"Yukina," Kazuma looked at her seriously, "whom is it coming from?"
"It's coming from.... Kurama."
The two of them stood in the clearing facing each other.
"I don't like this, Yukina." Kazuma said.

"Me neither." Yukina said. She looked towards the distant mountains cautiously. "There's definitely something wrong here."


"Who the hell are you?" Yusuke asked.

"I am Ferio. You may try to memorize my name, but you'll probably die soon so you won't need to use it. Your precious fox's soul is with me. He will not return to you."

"Oh yeah, and why is that?"

"His soul is contained inside this," he said and pulled a glowing orb out from his robes. "Time for a brief schooling. This is the Youkai Shinidamachu. It was commonly used way back in time, to capture the souls of demons. The people who used them would hold the orb towards the demon's heart and the soul would be cast into the orb, rendering the body useless and therefore, no longer a threat. Once the soul is inside, you break it. Once it is broken, the soul is gone forever. It cannot be brought back to life by any measure of magic."

"You seem to like using antiques." Hiei said. "I haven't seen sutras in many years."

"Though they are old and out of style, they are tremendously powerful." Ferio said in response. "Any further questions?" He asked in a happy tone.

"Why did you kill Kurama?" Botan asked. "To weaken our group?"
"Yes, m'lady, to weaken the Uremeshi team." he said and bowed. "However, I'm not yet finished."
"What time are you from?" Yusuke asked. "You use old school weapons and you talk funny."

Ferio smiled and answered calmly, "I believe that age isn't an appropriate question. However, I'll humor you. I've lived a very long time, nearing five-hundred years."

"Quite the young appearance for someone of your age."
"Quite the mouth for someone of your stature."
"Enough." Hiei said. "Hand me the orb or I shall kill you."
"Surrender if you wish to live." Ferio answered playfully.
"Oh, if I want to live, I'll just kill you." Hiei said and drew his sword.

"If you move, but one step I shall shatter the orb." Ferio said calmly. "I'm not finished speaking, I find it pleasant."

"Pleasant to threaten the life of my comrade?!" Hiei shouted.

Ferio smirked. " 'Comrade'? Is that all he is to you, Hiei? A 'comrade'? And no, I find it pleasant to talk and have conversations.

"Hiei, I know by word of mouth that you seem to not care about your comrades." He continued.
Hiei tensed. Though it was a slight motion, Ferio noticed.

"That brings to mind that since Kurama is only a comrade -which to you is probably nothing more than dust- you wouldn't feel remorse by losing his cherished life?" Ferio said.

"I think you should talk to Mrs. Minamino about that one, old geezer." Yusuke said testily. "I'm sure she'll feel the pain of the loss of her only son."

"Well, my dear Yusuke, I am not interested in 'Shuiichi's' mother. I care only for the one known as Kurama. I believe that I have made up my mind." He raised the hand with the Youkai Shinidamachu. "It is the unfortunate end of a great Youkai."

"No!! Kurama!!" Hiei shouted as Ferio slammed the orb onto the ground, shattering it into useless glass shards.

Hiei slashed at Ferio in with his sword in fury as he watched the light of the orb fade from the shards. "You have taken the only chance of a happy life that I had!" Hiei yelled as he continued to slash wildly at Ferio, who only dodged. "Kurama was my life and you stole him you bastard!"

Ferio looked at Hiei and grinned. "Kurama will not come back to you. His spirit is on its way to hell by now, if not disappeared entirely. I believe that your friend over there, the girl, is the grim reaper? Why don't you ask her to take him there peacefully?"

"Silence hell scum!!" Hiei yelled. With god-like speed he slashed Ferio across the chest with his sword. "I will extract every ounce of my revenge from you now!"

"So you truly love him, do you?" Ferio asked quietly. Hiei stopped.
"I shall ask you one final question before you pass to hell; why did you do this?" Hiei snapped.

"I only wanted to prove that I could. I have no desire to rule, I simply want to show that I am able to defeat you." Ferio answered.

"So killing Kurama was just an ego boost?" Yusuke asked hotly.

"That's what this whole plan is. I may give spirit world away when I'm done. I'll consider giving it to the demons or the authorities. Depends on what type of mood I'm in, that it does. [8]"

"What an asshole. Why not try something smaller, like oh I don't now, cities? Why the hell do you have to kill us?"

"I'm only looking to kill two people. Both of which are still hanging around." Ferio answered coolly.
"So you didn't plan on killing Kurama?"
"I did."
"So he's one of your two people?"
"But he's dead! You already killed him! What the hell are you saying lies for?"

"Shut it, Uremeshi." Hiei interrupted. "If you weren't so caught up in your cat fight you'd have noticed that white thing over to your left."

Yusuke looked at the wall to his left where Hiei indicated. Standing against the wall was a shade. [9] Its color was a transparent white, but it has long hair that spiked out, near it's neck. It was the shade of Kurama. Kurama was leaning against the wall with a plaintive look on his face. Yusuke tripped and fell flat on his face. Kurama gave him a weird look before stepping close to Hiei.

"Damn thing must have been defective." Ferio muttered, though he didn't seem entirely disappointed.
"That's what you get for trying to use antiques." Hiei said, while grinning.

The shade moved silently next to Hiei and bent over so that his lips were next to Hiei's ear. His lips moved, but made no sound. Yusuke and Botan stared at the two of them, noticing that Hiei's expression would change as if he could hear the silent words.

"Hiei," Botan began. "What is he saying?"
Hiei smirked. "Nothing good for the antique. But," his face turned grim. "Nothing good for fox."
"Why isn't it good for Kurama?" Botan asked nervously.

"This is what!" Ferio shouted at her. He reached his hand so that the center of his palm was facing Kurama. Lightning like bolts of energy sparked from his hand and shot towards the fox's shade. Kurama quickly moved away from Hiei as the lightning reached him so his friends wouldn't receive any of the blast. The lightning completely surrounded the fox and went through him. Kurama shut his eyes and winced against the pain.

"Kurama!" Yusuke shouted and ran towards his friend's spirit.

Kurama sunk down to the floor just as Hiei and reached him. "You'll pay for that, Ferio!"

"Just watch Hiei." Ferio ordered. Though he had not intended to, Hiei obeyed. Something in Ferio's voice had a touch of amusement, and he knew that whatever was about to happen, it would be bad.

As much as it pained him, he watched his lover hug himself against the pain that the lightning caused. A moment later, Kurama's eyes flew open and he screamed inaudibly.

"Kurama!!" Hiei screamed.
Then abruptly, Kurama vanished.
"Kurama?!" Hiei and Botan yelled.
"What did you do with him?" Yusuke demanded.
"My surprise isn't over yet. Look." Ferio said and pointed to something behind him.
Hiei whirled around, as did Botan. To the far wall, Kurama's body stirred.
"Kurama?!" Hiei shouted.
Kurama unsteadily rose from where he was and starred at them.

"Kurama!" Botan shouted excitedly. She ran up to him and squeezed his waist. "I'm so happy you're alive!"

Kurama stared at her in obvious confusion. "Who are you?" he asked.
Botan gasped and leapt back. "I'm Botan! Don't you recognize us?"

"It's futile." Ferio said in amusement. "He's under my power. Kurama's life force is balanced here. Either he will revive his old memory (which is really hard to do) and dies, or he will be mine and kill you. Either way, I get something. That is my favorite type of game."

"You've already killed him once! I'll never let you hurt him again!" Hiei declared.
"So you will die for him?" Ferio asked, not bothering to mask his enjoyment.
"If need be."
"By all means, try to save him first."
"I had planned on it."
"I like you."
"That's funny, because I hate you."
"You're funny. I like that."
"Is there a way to reverse this nonsense?"
"Only if you can at least get him to remember who you are."
Hiei turned away from Ferio and walked up to Kurama.

"Kurama, I'm going to fight with you. Does that sound like something you are able to do at the moment or do you need rest?"

" You are concerned Why?" Kurama asked. "Should one be concerned for the welfare of a foe?"

"Only if they are your friend. You're not my enemy. You are my best friend. If you were able to remember me then you'd know that without having to be told." Hiei said, his voice pained.

Yusuke and Botan glanced sympathetically at him.
"Kurama." Ferio interrupted. Kurama shot his face up to attention. "Fight him."

Without warning Kurama threw a punch into Hiei's stomach. Hiei reeled back on impact and fell to the ground. Kurama then picked him up and threw him against the wall across the room.

"Pick him up." Ferio ordered.
Kurama approached Hiei as quick as lightning and held him up by the collar of his shirt.

Hiei stared into Kurama's wide eyes with shock. "K-Kurama!" Hiei looked at Kurama's eyes in surprise. His normally jade-green eyes were a dull Grey.

"Is he familiar to you Kurama?" Ferio asked from the side.

"No." Kurama's eyes said other wise. They were filled with a sorrow and regret that Hiei couldn't ignore. He read Kurama's thoughts, which told him the truth.

Why can't I see this man's face?! Why do I hesitate from killing him? What is he to me?!
Hiei gasped as he heard another voice.
No, he is nothing to you. Don't think for a moment that he has come to save you.
But save me from whom? What is happening?!
Nothing. You will be free once you get rid of this burden. He is the burden so kill him!! KILL HIM!!
I don't understand!! Who is he?!
Hiei's eyes widened with the realization. "Kurama" The other voice is Ferio's power controlling him!
"Kurama that's your best friend!!" Botan screamed. "How can you forget about him?! He cares for you so much!"

Hiei's eyes filled with unwelcome tears, as Kurama's showed no sign of recognition. Ferio's voice is in dominant control. He can't keep this up!! The inner struggle will tear Kurama apart!

"Kurama," Ferio ordered. He smirked. "When I say, turn into your Yohko form."
"No, Kurama don't!" Yusuke yelled and ran forward. "Don't kill Hiei!"

"Heheheheheh. Forget about Spirit World, watching you is better." Ferio muttered. He grinned and looked expectantly at Hiei. "Hiei, just give up on him. Kurama will never be free, he is under my complete control. If I simply will it, he will kill you for me." Ferio said calmly. "Don't believe me? I'll show you. Kurama!" The fox's ears twitched at the sound of his name. "Go and take the girl away from Yusuke."

Kurama abandoned Hiei and dashed to Yusuke. Before they had time to turn their heads, Kurama had Botan in his arms and was in front of his 'master'.

"Very good. Now, turn into Yohko and rip out Hiei's throat."

Kurama nodded and began his transformation. [10] [11] (*-Hey! That gets two numbers! How special. =^_^=-*)

"Oh my goodness!! Hiei, we can't fight Kurama, let alone his Yohko form! What are we going to do?!" Botan asked frantically after she had run back to Yusuke.

"I-I don't know." Hiei stuttered and looked at Yusuke.
"I say we fight him, but none of us had better kill him."
"Agreed." Hiei said.
Yoko Kurama had fully transformed and was advancing towards them.
"Rip out his throat, Kurama." Ferio ordered again.
Kurama nodded and was in front of Hiei in seconds.
"Kurama stop this!" Hiei shouted futilely. "It's me! It's Hiei!"
"Die." Kurama said wickedly before reaching his hand up to Hiei's neck,

Hiei gasped as Kurama's hand clasped around his throat. Hiei choked as Kurama's grip tightened. Hiei could hear Botan screaming something incoherently, but he didn't care.

II love you Kurama. Hiei thought. I know you can hear me, because you know I'm a telepath. Kurama, you have to come back to us. You need to come back to me .

Your name! What is it?
No Kurama!
It's Hiei!!

Suddenly, the hand was gone, and Hiei fell to the ground. He looked around in amazement and found Kurama kneeling in front of him, looking horrified.

"H-Hiei?!" he asked shakily. "What haveI done?!"
Hiei smiled reassuringly at his love. "Kurama."

Kurama looked up at him. "HieiI'm s-so sorry." He said before slumping down into Hiei's arms and began shaking uncontrollably.


"I told you he would die." Ferio said. He looked annoyed. "The strain it had on him is enormous. It must have taken a lot of soul-searching to recognize your face. That's what you get for a defective Shinidamachu. If it had worked properly, he would never have seen your face clearly, or heard your voice. Those are a couple of the reasons why he couldn't place you in the first place."

"Damn you." Hiei said, obviously pissed.
"So my question is why you chose Kurama!" Yusuke demanded.
"It was either him, or Hiei." Ferio said simply.
"What do you mean?" Botan asked incredulously.

"Well, it was a much wiser choice to take Kurama. He is of the most wits of those in the Uremeshi team. If I took Hiei, Kurama would simply made a plan to retrieve him. However, if I stole Kurama, the reaction if the other lover would be different. When a loved one is taken from Hiei, he turns to brute force, which I am well prepared for. It seems as though I have lost this battle. But," He smirked before turning. "I have not yet lost the war."

"What do you mean?! We have Kurama so now we're just going to leave!" Yusuke yelled.
"I won't stop you, but if you go, Kurama will die again." Ferio said calmly.
"What do you mean?!" Yusuke said and whipped around.

"Well, look at him. He needs something that only I can give him. You all were beginning to bore me so I had to do something to make this all worthwhile and interesting."

"What did you do to him?" Hiei growled.

"Nothing too special. I mean, nothing to excite me. If you want Kurama to live, you had better get him home to rest. I'll see you later." Ferio smirked. He waved, then disappeared into the dark.

Kurama jerked suddenly in Hiei's arms.

"Kurama?! What's the matter?!" Yusuke and Botan asked. They kneeled down next to Hiei and helped him check over the fox.

"What's wrong? Where does it hurt?!" Hiei asked.
Kurama lifted his head and stared at Hiei. "Hiei?
"Who else?" Hiei snapped. "Now tell us what's wrong?"

Kurama seemed oblivious to his surroundings. "You...came for Me." he said happily and smiled. "I told them you would. Theythey said you wouldn't."

"Of course I did Kurama. None of this nonsense." Hiei said hotly, but Botan noticed the inner joy he felt by being at Kurama's side.

Botan put her hand on Kurama's forehead. It was searing hot to the touch.
"Hiei, he has a fever. We need to leave now." She said.
"Botan?" Kurama asked weakly. "W-who all is here?"

"Hiei, Yusuke and I are here, and Kazuma and Yukina are on their way." Botan said. She turned to Yusuke. "Contact Kazuma and Yukina. Tell them that they need to bring medical supplies to the Minamino house. That's where we should take Kurama."

"Gotcha." Yusuke said and pulled out his communication mirror.

"Hiei, though she won't be pleased anyway, we need to get Kurama into his human form before we reach his home. His mother would freak out." Botan said gently. "Once we get there I'll ask Yukina to help me heal him. Is that alright?"

"It's fine. We'd better hurry though." Hiei said.

" Shiori" Kurama whispered.
"What? Shiori?" Yusuke asked as he came up. "Who -or come to think of it, what - is 'Shiori'?"

"Shiori is the name of Kurama's human mother." Hiei answered. "Kurama?" he called. Kurama opened his eyes and tried to focus on him. "Kurama, stay awake."

"What about Shiori?"
"MotherI never told herthat I left. She doesn't know."
"It's ok. We're going to treat you first, but then we'll take you back to her. Is that alright?"
"She's worried about me. She always is." Kurama whispered.
"Kurama, turn back into your human form please."

"Aw 'ite" Kurama mumbled. A white mist surrounded him and a six-tailed fox appeared before the mist dissipated. When it did Human Kurama lay sleeping in Hiei's arms.

"Heeeeeeeeeeey!" Kazuma shouted as he and Yukina came up. "Uremeshi! What'd we miss?"
"All of it!" Yusuke called back.
"No way!!" Kazuma shouted as he came closer.
"How is Kurama?" Yukina asked as she walked over to Hiei.

"He's not doing well, with all honesty." Hiei said without looking at her. "Tell the fool to calm down and sit. Then I'll tell you what happened."

"Kazuma, sit here." Yukina said and patted the ground near -but not too near- to her.
"So what happened?" Kazuma asked.
"Kurama was killed." Hiei said.
"WHAT?!" Yukina and Kazuma gasped in horror.

"He was dead when we arrived. The demon who took him then showed up and brought him back as his slave." Hiei said, ignoring their aghast looks.

"What happened then?" Yukina asked. "He's not under his power still is he?"

"No, I broke that spell, luckily. The problem is that he was drained of all of his blood, but now that his heart is pumping blood through his system again, the lacerations on his body will hemorrhage."

"How can we save him?" Yukina asked worriedly. "What are his wounds?"

"His wounds are the many deep lacerations made by the vampiric demons, and there are many bruises and gashes that have been reopened from previous fights." Hiei said. "For Instance, the wound on his abdomen that goes through his body is from our last mission."

"Good lord!" Yukina gasped. "Botan!" She called.
"Yes, Yukina?" Botan asked from where she was speaking with Yusuke.
"Please help me save him."

Yukina leaned over Kurama and held her arms over his more serious wounds. Botan went over and did the same. Within moments the deepest injuries were nearly fully healed. Soon nearly all of his injuries were closed or healed.

"Botan there's a force that seems to be hovering over him. It's not a good one either." Yukina said.

"I sense it too. It must be what Ferio meant when he was saying that he made things more interesting. It's some sort of hex. I wish we knew what it does." Botan said. She lifted her hand away from Kurama and turned to Hiei. "I'm afraid that I can't help him any more than I have."

"Thank you both, Yukina, Botan." Hiei said. He picked Kurama up and chuckled slightly.
"What's so funny?" Yukina asked.
"I was just thinking about. Heheh. No, we need to stay focused."
"What?" Botan inquired.

"One day, I was wrestling with yohko Kurama and I accidentally scratched a spot near his midsection. When I did his leg started to thump on the ground repeatedly, just like a dog. It was hilarious. So now whenever I want to annoy him I scratch him on that spot. [12] We should stay focused on the problem though." Hiei scolded himself.

Yukina and Botan laughed.
"That'sso cute!" Yukina gasped while chortling.
"So he's like the bunny with ADHD on Bambi?[13]" Yusuke asked.
"I though he was on crack?" Kazuma asked.
"No it was ADHD. [14]"
"Can we forget about crack addict rabbits?" Hiei hissed. "Kurama's life is at stake"
"Good point." Yusuke said as his brain reactivated. "How bad is he after Botan and Yukina's help?"

"Still not really good. His fever is horrible! The bleeding still hasn't stopped." Hiei said. "Hey, my foxy boy [15]? Can you hear me?"

"Hey Kurama, answer me. Come one my foxy one, talk to me."
"Is he breathing?" Yukina asked. Panic had brought her voice higher than usual.

"Barely. He may have slipped into a coma." Hiei answered. He shook Kurama's shoulders lightly and continued to call out of his slumber. "Kurama, can you hear me?" "

"Wake up."
"Shuiichi, talk to me please."
" Please Shuiichi!! Answer me."

"Come on, Kurama!" Hiei pleaded. Unwelcome tears fell from his eyes and gathered as black stones on the cave floor. "Come on."



" Please ! Wake up! Kurama!"
"Nng." Kurama stirred slightly in Hiei's arms.
"That's it, wake up."

Kurama moved his head upwards slightly so that he could see Hiei. His eyes were more of their regular color, but they were still tinted with Grey and the pupils were tiny slits.

"You scared me." Hiei said. He smiled slightly.

"S'ry." Kurama said quietly. His hand fell from Hiei's lap and he picked up the black stones that had formed from Hiei's tears. He held them up and looked at Hiei questioningly since he didn't have the energy to speak.

"I was that scared." Hiei closed Kurama's hands over the stones and kissed his hand. "Black Hiroseki stones are far more rare than the white. Especially since they are from me."

Kurama smiled feebly at Hiei and rested his head on Hiei's arm. Hiei grabbed his shirt -which was lying nearby- and put it on Kurama. (*-Miraculously it fits him. Ok?-*)

"Don't you dare fall asleep on me again." Hiei said in mock warning. "You may have slipped into a coma."
"Hn." Kurama answered. "Ti'rd." He rested hie head on Hiei's shoulder and all but closed his eyes.

"I know, but hold on." Hiei stood with Kurama in his arms and walked over to Yusuke and the others -who were a few feet away. "We need to leave now . He's getting worse."

"Okay, Hiei." Yusuke said. "How are we going to do this?"

"Hiei and Kurama will ride on my oar." Botan said. "Yusuke and Kazuma, you two may be able to fit, but then what about Yukina?"

"I can walk Botan." Yukina said.

"No you can't!" Botan said. "Hiei will sit Kurama on his lap behind me, Yukina will sit on Yusuke's lap behind them and Kazuma can hold on to the end. Does everyone agree to this?"

"Sure." Yusuke and Yukina said.
"Whatever." Hiei answered.
"Why do I have to hold onto the back? Why can't Yukina sit on my lap?" Kazuma complained.
"NO!" Hiei snarled. "She'll sit with someone who isn't a fool. I don't want her dropped."
"What happens if I fall?"
"I don't suppose you can fly, can you?" Hiei smirked. "You can always die." He suggested.
"Just use your spirit sword like you did with Rinku's attack-"
"The child's yo-yos. " Hiei pointed out.

"-And hoof it the rest of the way." Yusuke said as he and Yukina sat on the end of the oar.

"Or he can die." Hiei said as he settled himself and Kurama onto the oar's midsection.
"Hold tight, Kuwabara." Botan said as she rose the oar into the air and took off.

The ride was only ten minutes to get to the Minamino house. Everyone got off of the oar and stood against the wall of Shiori and Kurama's home.

"I don't think we should take Kurama here in this condition." Botan said warily.
"The poor woman hasn't seen her son in five days though, Botan." Yusuke pointed out.
"But what happens when we bring him in?"
"She won't freak." Hiei said.
All of the others turned to him.

"She'll be shocked at first, but she'll listen to our story. I promise that she'll be very happy to see him, and that we should bring him home as soon as possible. If we ask, she'll let us stay here and take care of him. We need to tell her everything. "

"Ok Hiei." Botan said. "Let's bring him in."
Botan stood in front of Hiei and knocked on the door.

The door opened and Shiori stood in front of them. Her eyes were red and there were tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh, Shiori, you look awful!" Botan said.
"Do I know you?" Shiori asked curiously. Her voice was strong, despite her appearance.
"No, but I'm a good friend of your son, Shuiichi." Botan said. "My name is Botan."
"What brings you here, Botan?" Shiori looked over Botan to the others. "Who are the others?"
"Yusuke Uremeshi, Yukina, Kazuma Kuwabara, and Hiei." Botan said.
"I only see three people." Shiori stated.
"Hiei's very short. Ouch! Hiei, that hurt!" Botan cried after a loud thud was heard.
"No more snide remarks." Hiei hissed from somewhere near the ground.
"What brings you all here? Have you heard from Shuiichi?!" Shiori asked hopefully.
"May we come in, Ms. Minamino? We need to talk about Shuiichi." Botan said quietly.
"Of course, come in. Do you know where he is?"
"Yes, ma'am, we do." Botan said and laughed nervously.

When Botan moved away, Hiei (who was still carrying Kurama) was in plain view. Shiori gaped at him in terror.

"What happened to my son?" She asked quietly after she had regained her composure.

"We came here to tell you." Yusuke said after he, Yukina, and Kazuma entered the house. He closed the door and ushered them all to the living room.

"Shuiichi's main injuries have been treated, but they are still calamitous. He's in trouble, but there's not much that the hospital doctors can do for him." Hiei said. He laid Kurama on the couch and covered him with a nearby blanket. "No one else lives here, am I right?"

"No, not yet. In a few months though I'm getting married." Shiori said. "Then there will be two others."

"I'm so happy for you!" Botan said. "Ku-Shuiichi told me a while ago! I'm sorry I couldn't have congratulated you earlier."

"What happened to Shuiichi?" Shiori asked quietly.
"He was kidnapped, but we got him back for you." Hiei said simply.

"How'd you know where to find him?" Shiori asked confusedly. "Who did this to him? Who's shirt is he wearing?"

"I'm psychic, Ferio, mine." Hiei said shortly.
"What happened to his shirt?"
"It was rippedbadly." Hiei said.
"Is he hurt under there?"

"Yeah. You don't want to look." Kazuma said. "You should let us take care of him, and wait outside the room. It's not a pretty sight."

"Is it serious?"

"The wounds are bleeding and look hideous, but only a few of the deeper gashes are something to worry about." Hiei said. "Will you wait outside?"

"No, I want you to show me every injury on his body!" Shiori said in rage. "The one who did this to himDo you know him? Where is he?!"

"No, we don't know him. We've never seen or heard of him before this. As to where he is, we also don't know. He left after we got there." Hiei said. He began to remove Kurama's shirt but paused. "Are you sure you want to see this? We've all seen worse and it's nothing like before, but I'm not sure how much blood you can stand seeing. Especially since this is your son."

"Just help him. Don't mind me at all."

Hiei nodded. He removed Kurama's shirt and revealed the condition he was in. He sensed Shiori tense and utter a small gasps. She moved closer and looked at each and every wound with rage and wretchedness.

Her eyes welled up with tears as she looked at the teeth marks -not knowing what they were-, the deep gash on his abdomen, the other various cuts, and the red burns on his wrists where the wraiths has grabbed him. She quickly brushed her tears away and put on a strong face.

She lowered her hand to his face causing him to jump slightly. The movement caused pain and he moaned softly. His eyes scrunched closed tighter and he began to sweat more.

Hiei looked sadly at Kurama before returning his poker face.

" Mom?" Kurama asked. Hie voice was soft and very hoarse.

"Yes, sweetie. I'm here."

"Wanted to tell youtell you not to worry." He mumbled.

"It is ok, sweetie. You don't have to torment yourself about it." She rubbed his cheek gently, which made him smile.

"Feels good." He said. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked at her. His eyes were unfocused and gray, and it seemed that he was looking through her before his eyelids fell closed once again.

"Shiori, keep talking to him. It keeps his mind off of the pain." Hiei whispered.

Botan, Yukina, Yusuke, Kazuma and Hiei began to stitch up the wounds with a first aid kit that Yusuke had snagged from a closet.

"Tell me about your friends, Shuiichi." Shiori requested.

"Yusuke and Kazumarowdy boysAlways trouble" He coughed and his voice grew harsher. He appeared to not have noticed that the others were there. "Botan is chipper and reliable, as is Yukina Hiei's the best."

Hiei's hands stopped working as he listened to what Kurama was saying.

"He's always there for me real good friend. First one in a long time." Kurama all but whispered as he enjoyed his mother's touch.

"Keep going." She urged, noticing Hiei's shocked and speechless expression.
"Good fighter fiercely loyal to people he respects. I'd die for him"

Shiori looked at Hiei again. That boy My son loves him that much? Who is he? WaitThat must be itlove. "Shuiichi, are you tired?" She asked and turned back to Kurama.

"Yeah." He mumbled. "Have to stay awakeHiei told me too."

"That's right. Do you want to talk to Hiei?"
"He's here?"
"Mm. Hiei?"
"Y-yeah?" he asked after blinking several times. "What?"

"'M s'ry."

"What for?" Hiei asked confusedly.
"Forget it. It wasn't your fault and I don't want an apology on my conscience." He snapped, though not nearly as harshly as usual.
"Still s'ry"
"We're almost done fixing you up, Fox. Sleep now, it's ok now. Just wake up when you hear us ok?"
Kurama was fast asleep in seconds. A few minutes later Hiei tied off the last stitch.

"Thank Yama that's over with!" Hiei huffed. He picked up a wet washcloth (provided by Shiori) and began to wash the blood off of his friend.

*** The Sap Chap. [16-1/2] Nothing bad in this chapter, just some sap.

Botan and Yukina went to prepare beds for themselves and Hiei as Kazuma and Yusuke went home. Shiori went to sleep, and would leave for work early in the morning.
"Call me if anything happens." They said.
Hiei rinsed out the rag and cleaned another part of his friend off. Most of the blood was gone, but the wounds still needed to be cleaned often to stop infection. It seemed to take him hours to clean his hands. Perhaps it did? Hiei would never know. It could have taken an eternity, and he wouldn't have minded.

Kurama's body was mesmerizing. [17] His hands were delicate and soft. His torso was tan and thin, but not sickly so. He was perfect. Not only was he ravishing in his kitsune body, he was gorgeous in his "Shuiichi" form. I could fall in love with him. Hiei thought. PerhapsmaybeI already have?

Hiei slowly washed the blood off of 'Shuiichi's' cheeks and forehead. The fox's eyes were closed in a peaceful sleep. He whipped the remnants of the sweat off of his brow. His fever had calmed considerably thanks to some Ningen medicines Shiori provided.

Perhaps Ningens are not completely useless.
His hand brushed lightly on Kurama's lips and he stopped. He stared at Kurama's lips and blushed slightly.

He is so wonderfulso gorgeous. His beauty is benumbing. Hiei leaned closer when he smelled Kurama's scent. He smelled of roses. Such a nice fragrancelike that of the plants he controls. I strive to hold him in a close embrace. The one that Ningens are so fond of. What do they call it? A hug? His body leaned so close to Kurama that he could feel his koi's breath against his own lips.

"So beautiful." Hiei whispered as he lost his self-control.

Hiei set the cloth down and leaned over Kurama's face. Forgetting about his surroundings, he bent his head down ad gently kissed Kurama on the lips.

The feelings that shot through his body were unlike that any he had ever felt before. Nothing could compare to this wondrous feeling; one that overcame all of his senses. It was all he cared about in all of the three worlds was that moment. He was in ecstasy; a pure, blissful, rapturous feeling. A fire ran through his body, from his lips to his(*-Stopping RIGHT THERE!-*) Only when he ran out of breath did he break the kiss.

Bu-bump. Bu-bump. Bu-bump.

Hiei's heart rate was as fast as if he was in a serious battle. He could hear it thumping against his chest. It seemed so loud that he was convinced that the others in the house could hear it as well.

Hiei leaned back and stared at Kurama. The fox his beloved fox was still asleep, but he was glad for that. He wasn't sure how the yohko would react to the koorime's boldness. Such and advance was foolhardy.

Hiei leaned forward again, but this time he laid his head next to Kurama's hand. He reached up his own hand and laced their fingers together.

"Oyasumi nasai itooshi." Hiei whispered.

Hiei awoke with a start. He stared at the window where sunlight was streaming in under the half-drawn shades. He was leaning on the couch next to Kurama just as he was last night.
When did I fall asleep? He wondered.

He sat up and looked at his hand. His and Kurama's fingersthey were still entwined. He recalled the event that had taken place last night.

Did I really kiss him? He raised his hand to his lips. Yeah.
Someone knocked on the door softly.
"Hiei, are you awake?" Yukina asked.
"Hai, Yukina." He answered.
She opened the door and slipped inside. "Ohayo gozaimasu, Hiei."
He nodded.
"How is he?"
"He's doing alright. He should be waking soon."
"Good to hear it." She smiled one of her heart-warming smiles which made the corners of his mouth twitch. "I made choshoku."
"What did you make?"
"Krai udon and fried rice. There's koshii, kocha, and ocha for drink. Of course there's omizu as well."
"Ii desu ne." Hiei said. "Smells good too."

"Domo arigato gozaimasu!" Yukina said gratefully. "We're all worried about Kurama. Do you think he'll be hungry when he wakes?"

"Hmm." Hiei looked at him for a moment. "It's best to make him a little food. If he wants more, we can always make some for him."

"Hai." Yukina said. "Ne, Hiei. Can I ask you something?"

"" She looked at the ground and remained silent.

"What is troubling you, Yukina?" Hiei asked. He looked at her closely.

"Mmm." Kurama opened his eyes slowly and blinked several times. Hie eyes focused on Hiei's face. He smiled. "Hiei!" His voice was still very soft, but not as hoarse.

"Fox!" Hiei said gleefully. He moved so that he was facing Kurama. "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good." Kurama smiled. It was a soft smile, but sincere nonetheless. His eyes were half closed, but fully restored to their usual green. "Better than before, to say the least."

Yukina stood up and left the room. Hiei and Kurama seemed to not notice as they kept talking. She leaned against the wall and glared. Rage and jealously took over her normally kind heart.

Hiei doesn't care about meas long as Kurama is still alive. If only he were dead! She gasped in shock at her own thoughts. How could I think such things?! How horrible! Yukina shook her head and quickly left for the guestroom.

Botan watched her as she dashed up the stairs. What's wrong with her? She thought as she went back into the kitchen.


"How long was I out?" Kurama asked.

"Nearly 13 hours. I fell asleep, so I didn't wake you when I said I was going to." Hiei answered. He reached his hand up and ran it through Kurama's bangs. The red silky locks flowed easily through his fingers. He liked the feel of his hair in his hands, so he repeated the motion.

"H-Hiei?" Kurama asked questioningly.
"Does it bother you?" Hiei asked. His hand paused. "I'll stop if you want me to."
"No, it's justyou've never done this before."
Hiei took his hand away from Kurama's hair and looked him in the eyes. "Kurama"
"What's wrong, Hiei?" Kurama's eyes widened in concerned surprise.
Such beautiful eyes "Would youfeel right if I" Kissed you. He hung his head and went silent.
"Never mind." He said quickly. "Are you hungry?" he asked as he raised his head with a stoic look on his face.
"Hiei, what's wrong?" Kurama asked.
"Nothing. Are you hungry?" he asked again, his voice firm as he glared.

The look Kurama gave him was full of concern, remorse, and frustration -accentuate the frustration. He looks so cute when he is angry. Hiei thought.

Hiei sighed. "Fox, you don't have to worry. Nothing's wrong."

"If something was on your mindyou'd tell me right?" Kurama asked. The hurt was evident in his voice, but more so in his eyes. It was heartbreaking.

"." Hiei thought about his answer. "When the time came, yes. Now are you hungry? "

Kurama frowned at him. "How long have you had this secret?"

"Fox, do I have to shove the food into your mouth?" Hiei grumbled. He locked eyes with Kurama. Kurama was glaring at him irefully. "I'll talk to you about it later, ok? I promise. I'm just not ready yet."

Kurama's glare turned into a small frown. "Fine," he sighed. "I'm not hungry, really."

"Well, it really doesn't matter because you're going to eat." Hiei said vigorously. "Can you sit up?"

Kurama moved upwards a little only to fall back down and gasp in pain. He started panting and closed his eyes tightly.

"No, then?" Hiei joked. He smirked as Kurama glared at him with one eye during his short gasps. "You still need to eat. I won't let you do anything else until you do."

"Fine." Kurama sighed, defeated.

Hiei smiled as he picked a plate from the table near them. Kurama stared as he picked up some krai udon with his chopsticks and raised it to Kurama's mouth.

"What in the world of Makai are you doing?!" Kurama said as he moved his head away.

"Feeding you. Open up." Hiei said, well, ordered.

"No!" Kurama argued incredulously.

Hiei smirked. "I wouldn't want you to feed me like this either, but I'm going to sit here until you've eaten something. But you can't by yourself, so I'm going to help you."

Kurama glared at him but reluctantly nodded. Why the hell do I have to put up with this? He's enjoying this, I can tell!

I'm enjoying this way too much. Hiei thought. Maybe I should give him a break, but only after he gets better.
Hiei put the noodles in Kurama's mouth and picked up a napkin. When Kurama swallowed he food he raised the napkin to his koi's face. He was about to wipe his mouth when Kurama spoke.

"Here is where I must draw the line!" Kurama said and tried to move away.

"Too bad." Hiei grinned. He wiped his mouth (which got him deep bite marks on his hand) and continued force-feeding Kurama.

"Hiei, I can't eat anymore." Kurama whispered. He seemed tired again, and closed his eyes partly.

"Kurama, you had barely eaten three bites. You've had nothing else in the last five days." Hiei pointed out. He laid his hand against Kurama's cheeks and then his forehead. He sighed. "You're getting another fever."

"Hmm" Kurama closed his eyes and reopened them. He blinked several times as he tried to get things in focus.

"I need you to rest." Hiei said in a gentle tone. "Try and get better. I don't want to see you like this." He looked down. "I can't stand it." He whispered softly.

"Wha-?" Kurama looked at Hiei's general form a black square with spikes at the top. He had given up trying to focus on him. It hurt to keep his eyes open and the room was starting to act silly -going in circles and waving around as if it were disturbed water. "Say some'in'?


"Lying again." Kurama said and closed his eyes.

Hiei stroked Kurama's hair again. My dear itoshiiwhy are you still in pain? Is it the ominous force that Yukina and Botan sensed? Is it the same presence that I feel surrounding you now? I hope that this will end for you soon.

"Sleep now. I won't awake you again unless I am in dire need of speaking with you." Hiei said softly.

"Hai." Kurama instantly fell asleep.


Hiei stood from his spot on the couch and left for the kitchen.

"Good morning, Hiei!" Botan said. She smiled at him and offered him a plate of food on the counter. "How is our favorite kitsune fairing?" Hiei sat down on a stool and sighed.

"He's doing better." Hiei said as he pulled the spicy noodles towards him. "At least, he says he feels better. He didn't eat much and it didn't take long for him to get tired again." He used the chopsticks Botan held out for him and ate some of the noodles. "His fever came back, so I told him to sleep."

"At least he's progressing." Botan nodded. She leaned against the counter and sighed. "Shiori picked up "Shuiichi's" school work for him today. She commented how many people have been worried and his class will be paying a visit to him today at noon. That gives us half an hour to get ready."

Hiei grumbled. "Just what we need. Thirty, screaming Ningen women swooning over his beauty and fussing over him."

Botan giggled. "I believe that that is exactly what you were doing to him earlier, Hiei."

Hiei glared at her while turning a tint of pink. Botan giggled and gave him a brief hug.

"I'm going to clean up a little before the kids get here." She said and dashed off.

Hiei glared after her irefully thought she couldn't.


The doorbell rang twenty minutes later.

Botan opened the door and greeted the teacher. "Hello. Do come in. Shuiichi is sleeping in the living room at the moment but we'll wake him up."

"Oh you shouldn't have to do that-"

"SHUIICHI!!" a heard of girls screamed as they ran into the house. "Where is he?" the all asked Botan.

Botan and the teacher sweat dropped. "Shuiichi is in the living room."

"Five at a time girls! Five at a time!" the teacher yelled to the group. "FIVE AT A TIME!!"


Hiei sat next to Kurama as the first nine girls quietly came in. Most of them gasped when they saw his bandaged chest and arms, the Band-Aid on his face and heard his shallow, wheezing breaths.

"Hey, is he alright?" one girl asked Hiei softly.

Hiei resisted the urge to throttle the group and answered calmly. "He's doing better than before." He leaned over Kurama and gently shook him awake.

Kurama muttered something incomprehensible and slowly opened his eyes half way. "What was that about "dire need"?" he muttered.

Hiei laughed. "Yeah, I said something like that, but your fan club is here." He nodded his head at the group of well wishers.

"What the-?" Kurama looked at the girls and his eyes widened. "Hi." He said hoarsely.

"Hello Shuiichi!!" the girls cooed loudly.

"Keep it brief," Hiei hissed -resisting the urge to throttle them once again. "He's very tired."

The girls looked at Shuiichi with puppy dog eyes and whimpered softly.

"How are you feeling?" one girl asked.

"Fine." He rasped.

"Do you know who did this to you?" One of them asked and gripped his hand.

"NO TOUCHING!!" Hiei shouted. He ripped the girl's hand off of Kurama's. "Don't you DARE touch him!" he snarled.

The girl glared at him with a look that could kill. Hiei returned the glare full force.

"Demons don't affect me." She snapped.

"They don't eh?" Hiei smirked. So the girl had spirit awarenessbig deal. That only made it more fun.

"No." she glared daggers at him.



Lightning seemed to flash between the two of them, and the rest of the people in the room sweat-dropped.

"As much as I hate to interrupt this poignant moment, I would like to ask the two of you to cease your bonding time." Kurama muttered from the couch, causing a few girls to giggle. "I'm sorry," he said to the rest of them, "But I'm very tired so would you please let the next group in so I may sleep soon?"

"Alright Shuiichi-kun." They sighed in unison. One of the girls gave him a kiss on the cheek before dashing out the door giggling, but the rest merely waved or squeezed his hand. "Bye!" they said before Hiei slammed the door.

"You really should work on your people skills," Kurama said to Hiei. "I wouldn't be surprised if you made yourself a few more enemies."

"She's just a ningen. What can she do?"


Sorry people, but that's all I have so far. V_V0 *Youko Spilit Personality Takes over.*
YSP: That's all you wrote? Baka ningen onna.
Me:: Grr
YSP: Hehehe
Me: What do you know?!?! YOU'RE JUST SPLIT PEA SOUP!!
YSP: Wha---?
Me: I dunno. That's the best I could come up with.
YSP: Yellow monkey.
Me: Iguana reject.
YSP: Conventional freezer.

(Continues for hours)

[1] Here we go, IMMEDIATELY starting off like a G-Wing Fic!!! =^'_'^= <-Grr-ness
Heero:: Why don't you just self detonate? It hurts like hell, but it works!!
Wu Fei:: In--------justice!!!
Duo:: I guess she was distracted by my good looks.
Quatre:: Don't worry, just continue the fic and remember that all of the hot anime guys and your real sweet heart are all cheering for you!
Me:: Thanx Qat baby!
Quatre:: (Bows) Your very welcome my dear.
Kurama:: I rather like this fic. I don't have to do much except squirm in pain and get free hugs from a very 'touchy-feely' Hiei.
Hiei:: Would you mind making a lemon or a lime scene?
Kurama:: Good idea!
Me:: o_0..Eep ummANYWAY!! My writing will get better. This is my first Yu Yu Hakusho fic after all.
Kurama and Hiei:: *look hopefull* So?? Will you write a lemon scene?
Me:: *looks at them. Coughs.* Maybe
Me: But not in this fic.
K&H: *are disappointed* Oh.Bummer.

[2] "Ah!". Wow. I'm sooo good at this 'expressing surprise' thing huh?

[3] When the wraiths disappear with Kurama, imagine it like disappearing into fog, you know? Took 'em long enough though. Oh no! They could never leave without a proper dramatic scene! Heaven forbid! (Wraiths are ghost-like thingies that people usually see before they die. In this case they're phantoms who assassinate people =^_^= <-DESHI!!.)

[4] Okay, when I say that Hiei was sitting away from the group near the window, keep in mind that that's normal. Hiei never joins in anything -especially card games.

[5] Hiei at one point refers to a time when Karasu kidnapped Kurama. That refers to another one of my fanfics that I wrote after I started this one. (Keep in mind that it took me over two months to write this. I got distracted.)

[6] About the whole 'butt to butt' thing; One day while surfing the Internet I found a picture of Kurama and Hiei fighting. They were both leaning forward, but their butts were like, glued together. Ask me for the pic and I will send it to you.

[7] I don't know if Makai has portals, but hey ::: starts signing:: It's my fanfic and I'll write what I wanna, write what I wanna, write what I wanna,. You would lie to if you could write too. :::

[8] I'm a Rurouni Kenshin fan, so I just had to throw in a little Kenshin talk that I did.
Kenshin:: *Pet's me on the head*:: I taught you well, that I did.
Me:: Purrs. =^_^=

[9] Shades are like ghosts, or spirits.

[10] I haven't seen Kurama transform yet (*sniff*) because my sh**head brother didn't record the episode when I was @ choir practice.


[12] About the part where Kurama's leg hits the ground repeatedly, it was just an afterthought that I decided to squeeze in while I was hyper. Anyone with a dog has probably seen this happen. My dog Hershey does it too. My sister and I call it his "thumper spot". It really is hilarious to watch.

In case you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, think about Bambi. Have you ever seen the movie Bambi? Remember the bunny that was on crack? Okay, so it was speed, w/e! Anyway he had ADHD and was always hitting his foot on stuff. It's like that. K? Good.

[13] I'm sorry, I just have to elaborate this part. It's just so damn funny!" Can't you j'est picture it? (*Laughs until she passes out from lack of air*)

[14] I'm so sorry(* *snickers* yeah right. *). Hehehehheheheheh.

[15] Have you ever seen " A Knight's Tale "? That's where I got the idea for "my foxy boy.". Read on for details.

" A Knight's Tale" is a movie that has now-a-day stuff in the renaissance period of time. The "knight" sees a lady and he thinks she's cute, so he follows her. She disappears for a bit so he looks for her. When he finds her he rides up to her on his horse -into a church! Anyway, he comments that she is like a fox, and then says "My foxy lady". It is an adorable movie! You need to watch it! It has medieval people doing the wave and singing " We Will Rock You". It's such a great movie! It's funny and has jousting! My favorite character is Chaucer. If you want more info on this movie contact me or be smarter and go see it!

[16] You're probably getting pretty tired of the word "silence", but I'll explain why I said it so damn much. I wanted to show you all (assuming that anyone is reading this) that Kurama is not answering and that Hiei is desperate to hear his lover's voice. What a passionate scene..
DO YOU FEEL THE PASSION? Snicker You are getting tired of that word huh? *Snicker* SILENCE !! *silence* *snickery silence* heheheheh. SorryI mean
How dare YOU admonish ME vermin?! <-Quote from Demon Diary Manga. I recommend it. Do read. It's new. I've read 1 & 2. E-mail me for details.wow. Am I really so desperate for mail that I'd be willing to advertise for comics and movies? No, I just like to talk about my interestsOk. -Shi**! Now I'm talking to myself!! I NEED HUMAN INTERACTION!!! Thank god for school.

[16-1/2] is that little number between 16 and 17. In this chapter I decided to take a stab at a love scene (not making love, just love. Don't get any ideas!! Wash your mind out with soap!!) In this one, I was trying to besappy. It worked. Once again I ask you;
DO YOU FEEL THE PASSION?! This chapter is enough to make any demon vomit. Normally, I hate this kind of stuff, but since it's Yaoi and anime, I love it! I am so weird ne? I like torturing them, making them all "lovey-dovey" and make them a couple, then I torture them again!

[17] Note: Kurama is wearing pants!!! He isn't pant-less (though I didn't say that's a good thing). There is no nudity in this ficyet...j/k! I mean it! No nudity AT ALL.