Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama no Kanojo ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: In the time it took me to find the break point between chapters 1 and 2, nothing in the form of a sheet of paper saying I own this has fluttered down. As in absolutely nothing!!! So, NO SUING! And for the rest of you happy authors, if you want to use Sakura or Nadeshiko, let me know.

Author's Note: Here's the next chapter! Enjoy and please, don't forget to R&R! Oh yes, and I do realize Hiei's a little OOC in this fic. I tried, but it's quite difficult. So, go easy on me, Hiei fans.

Several hours later . . .

Kurama wakes up and looks around to see Hiei standing off in a corner of his room. "Hiei? What happened?" Kurama asks as he sat up on the floor.

"You used up too much youki, and collapsed."

"Did Sakura drink the antidote?"

"I'll go get her. She's been worried about you for the past several hours, despite what Genkai said."

"Really?" Kurama replied, surprised.

"Yeah. Is she really that important to you?" Hiei bluntly asks, disgusted. Kurama looks at Hiei with a surprised look on his face; Hiei would never ask such a question.

"She was a partner of mine, and we were very close friends. Why? Is it that obvious?"

"I'll go get her." With that, Hiei walks out of the room. A few moments later, Sakura came in.

"Kurama! I've been so worried about you, I'm glad you're feeling better," Sakura said as she gave him a big, teary, hug.

"I take it you drank the antidote?"

"Yeah, I feel much better. Thank you!"

"It's no big deal. You really ought to be more careful."

"I know. I raised a defensive mist around the temple earlier with no problems."

"Good. Now, tell me something about the new enemy. Are they capable of cloning the youkai's powers as well?"

"Yes. The guy I fought called himself Gama. He was using a brush of some sort, but was unable to defeat me."

"I see . . . I fought Gama during the Ankoku Bujutsukai. He was good, but I still ended up finishing him in the end. But the bit with the brush seemed to be accurate. It's a good thing you were careful, he could have trapped your powers within you." He paused for a second, thinking that he heard a noise. "In any case, do you have anywhere to stay?"

"Not really."

"You could either stay here or at my place. My mom's off on vacation, so I don't think it'd hurt if you stayed with me for a while, but once she returns, you'll have to stay here or with one of the others."

"I'll stay with you for now, I hope it's not an inconvenience."

"No, not at all. In that case, let's leave now. Do you have any luggage?"


"It's alright, I guess you could borrow some of-" Just then, the door collapsed to reveal a six-person pile up. Yuusuke and Kuwabara were on the bottom with Keiko, Botan, Shizuru, and Yukina on top of them. Hiei was standing off a ways, but still within hearing distance. Kurama and Sakura both blushed and sweatdropped. "What are you guys doing?"

"Um . . . we're trying to see if we can make a pyramid, you know one of the ones with people!" Botan said, sweatdropping.

"Right outside my room?" Kurama asks in a voice that was heavily laced with suspicion.

"Um . . . yeah! It's easier to balance ourselves that way!" Yuusuke added, hoping to convince Kurama.

"Right . . . am I supposed to believe that?" Kurama and Sakura replied in unison.

"Forget it, just admit it. You were eavesdropping!" Hiei blatantly stated.

"Alright . . . we're sorry. But it's not like you weren't either, Hiei!" the six of them shouted. Hiei simply looked away as though he was embarrassed. Kurama and Sakura simply sweatdropped . . . again.

"In any case, she'll be staying with me for the time being. Now, if you'll excuse me, both of us have some homework that needs to be done." Kurama said as he got up and walked around the pile up with Sakura following close behind.

That night . . .

"Sakura, you could either sleep on the couch or in my room, it really doesn't make any difference to me," Kurama said as he got out of the shower. Sakura was reading some shoujo manga on the couch. She put it down when Kurama came out.

"Kurama . . . why are you being so distant? Are you even glad to see me?"

"Am I?" he paused for a second, half expecting her to respond. Sakura looked away dejectedly and remained silent. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be; I've missed you all these years. It may be a short while in the lifetime of a youkai, but it's seemed like eternity." He sits down on the couch next to her and puts his arm around her shoulder, holding her close. "Of course I'm glad to see you. But I'm also very worried, for both of our sakes. I'm worried about this new enemy."

"Well, don't be . . . for now." They both fell silent. She looked deeply into his eyes and him in hers. Just as the two were about to kiss, Kurama gets up and walks over to the window and pulls up the blinds to find Hiei's and Botan's faces basically plastered to it. He opens the window with an annoyed look on his face and asks, "What are the two of you doing here? Hiei, don't you have anything else better to do? And Botan, shouldn't you be helping Koenma?"

"I'm here to deliver a message to you from Koenma. He said that the enemy's base has been pinpointed to Mt. Hiei. He really can't tell where it is on the mountain."

"Sakura, did you get that?" She nods in reply "Good. Hiei, you have yet to answer my question. Why was your face plastered onto my window?"

"I, uh, was just accompanying Botan to make sure she was safe. After all, we don't know where and when our enemy will attack."

"Uh-huh. I don't believe either of you, except for Koenma's message. You two were spying on me again, aren't you?" Hiei and Botan shake their heads to answer no, but then changed it into a nod under Kurama's glare. "Now, I don't want to see either of you here again tonight unless I get attacked. Until then, good night!" He slams the window shut and pulls down the blinds, closing them at the same time. "I'm sorry, they're usually not like this at all."

"It's alright . . . I take it that you are your usual self when you were around them?" Sakura asked as Kurama walked back over towards the couch.

"Yeah, and?"

"Well, they're not used to seeing this side of you, that's all."

"You're probably right. You still haven't answered my question yet, either. Where do you prefer to sleep tonight? I don't mind if you sleep in my bed, I can sleep on the couch, no problem."

"I . . . I was wondering if we could stay in your room. To be honest, I haven't been feeling all that safe ever since I've arrived. I feel safer that I've found you, but . . ." Sakura replied, face bright red. (AN: This is not to be taken the wrong way! She simply wishes for him to be there as a sense of security, not for you-know-what! Besides, they're not even married!)

"I understand, but don't worry about it. Let me do all the worrying. Come on, let's sleep for now. We'll still have to go to school tomorrow."

"Alright. There's something I want to tell you, something I haven't told you for a while. I love you, Kurama, and I always will."

"I know that and I love you too, forever and ever. I promise." With that, he gives her a kiss on the lips.

The next morning; at Kurama's school . . .

"Is Minamino-kun here yet?" Fukuyama asked as Kurama entered the classroom with Sakura by his side.

"Yes, Fukuyama-sensei, what is it that you'd like for me to do for you?"

"Oh, never mind. I was going to ask you to make sure that Umino-san has settled in, but I guess I shouldn't have worried."

"It's no problem, Umino-san is an old friend of mine. I almost didn't recognize her when I saw her yesterday."

"Oh, well that's nice. Umino-san, I hope you enjoy living here. (The bell rings.) Everyone, take your seats! It's time to begin the first lesson for today!"

After school that same day . . .

"Umino-san, let's go. I'll show you the way to a temple not far from here," Kurama said as the school dismissal bell rang.

"Yes, I'm coming, Minamino-kun," Sakura replies as she picks up her books.

Later, not far from Genkai's temple . . .

Kurama stops short in front of Genkai's temple and puts his hand on Sakura's shoulder. "Sakura, do you sense someone powerful ahead of us?"

"Yes, I do. Should we make a run for it and hope the others are there already?"

"Yes, but raise a mist to act as a barrier."

"Alright." A cold mist barrier appears a few moments.

"Good, now, let's make a run for the trees. It'll be harder for whoever we're following to see us if we're in the forest. It's going to be all uphill from here, but if we stick near the steps we may be able to see who it is."

"Alright. I'll be extra alert." The two of them ran for the trees and ran along the steep slope of the stairs. As they arrived at the doors of the temple, they found it blasted open and Yuusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei trying to fight Yakumo.

"What the? Isn't that Yakumo?" Kurama shouted as Hiei appeared next to him while dodging another attack. Yakumo follows Hiei and reappears in front of Kurama to attack Hiei.

"Yes, it is I, Yakumo, King of the Netherworld. I live again thanks to the technology of the Makai!" Yakumo shouted as he went to attack Kurama instead.

"Get ready, Sakura! Rose Whip!" Kurama whipped it at Yakumo, who promptly disappeared before the whip hit him.

"You won't escape so easily! Double Ice Tobikunai!" Sakura threw a double handful of tobikunai at Yakumo, who also dodged them as well. "Damn it! Ice Spear!" A spear made of ice appeared in her hands. She charged at him, using various spear martial arts attacks at him at a high speed. Yakumo either dodged them or blocked them. Yuusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei simply stood and stared as Sakura dueled with Yakumo. She was far more powerful than they thought. (AN: Think Misao's attack from Rurouni Kenshin if you're wondering about the tobikunai bit.)

"Guys, don't just stand there! Help her out!" Kurama yelled as he jumped in with his whip. Even under their joint attack, Yakumo did not sustain any damage. Hiei jumps in with his sword a few moments later to help.

"Hey, Hiei wait! I'm coming!" Kuwabara shouted as he followed. However, Yuusuke stops him.

"Wait, Kuwabara, stay here. I'll need you around to serve as a defense. If those three can keep Yakumo distracted long enough, maybe I can hit him with a Reigun at maximum power," Yuusuke said as he started to gather power.

"Oh no you don't! You will not be defeating me with that again!" Yakumo shouted as he suddenly disappeared and reappeared about two feet away from Kuwabara.

"Kuwabara-kun, Yuusuke! Watch out!" Kurama shouted when he realized where Yakumo was going. "Sakura-"

"Already on it!" A huge pillar of water suddenly enveloped Yakumo and froze him in place before he could attack Yuusuke or Kuwabara.

"Thanks, Sakura! REIGUN!" Yuusuke shouted as he took aim and fired at Yakumo before he could break free from the ice. The Reigun blast hit the icy column, exploding and sending up a huge cloud of dust, smoke, and steam.

"Yuusuke? Are you alright?" Kurama asked once the shock wave passed.

"Yeah, but Yakumo isn't. He's gone," replied Yuusuke.

"Good . . . I guess he isn't all that powerful without that Power Sphere, is he?" asked Kurama.

"I guess. Thanks, Sakura. If it hadn't been for you, I'd be toast right now."

"No worries, Yuusuke. Any friend of Kurama is a friend of mine."

"Anyway, Yuusuke, how are we going to search Mt. Hiei?" asked Kurama as he walks towards Yuusuke.

"Actually, I managed to find out where it is," Sakura said. Everyone turned to look at her, including Kurama.

"Sakura, why didn't you tell us sooner?" asked Kurama. He was shocked that Sakura hadn't told them already. He remembered that Sakura would tell him everything she knew about the security of a mansion before he went and stole whatever it was he was after. This was not like her at all, and he was starting to get suspicious. "You should know that we would need that piece of information!"

"I knew you'd be mad at me, but I . . . I couldn't bear the thought of losing you . . . again!" she said as she started to cry. Kurama realized that he was probably a little too rough on her. Besides, he understands how she feels.

"I'm sorry, Sakura. I understand how you feel; I shouldn't have been so rough on you," Kurama said as he hugged her and let her cry on his shoulder. Everyone else just stood and stared. It was not like Kurama to show his emotions that plainly. "What?"

"Kurama . . . when did she become your girlfriend?" asked Yuusuke, shocked. Yuusuke had thought that the two of them were just really good friends, as had Kuwabara and Hiei.

"Uh . . . I don't know . . . Sakura?"

"Hm . . . let me see . . . I'd say about a hundred and twenty years ago . . . give or take a year or two," she replied. She'd just stopped crying and looked up into Kurama's emerald green eyes. She looked around to see everyone else with his jaw dropped. "What's wrong with that? It's not really that long in terms of a youko's lifetime."

"Here, if you don't believe me, I'll revert." A mist rose around Sakura as she reverted back into her youko form. The mist cleared to reveal that Youko Sakura was around Youko Kurama's height. She had a long light metallic blue tail, long light metallic blue hair that went all the way down her back, and watery blue eyes. She had a short, tight, watery blue v- neck sleeveless dress on with a split that went all the way up her legs and a matching blue choker with black slippers. She also appeared to be very elegant and graceful, like a fox. "See? Kurama, quit gawking at me!" she shouted as she smacked him in the back of his head and transforms back into her 'human' form. Kurama was staring at her, since it had been a long time since he'd seen her as a youko, and blushed when she yelled at her. "In any case, this guy's base is on the peak of Mt. Hiei. We should probably leave now and get there by tonight. Then we can just camp there tonight and start climbing it at dawn tomorrow morning."

"That's fine by me, my mom's still on vacation. She shouldn't be back for another two weeks, so if I'm not home tonight, it shouldn't be a big deal," Kurama replied, still blushing. He blinks for a moment and realizes that someone was missing. "Where's Genkai?"

"Oh . . . she's in the temple. She came running out when she felt Yakumo's presence and got thrown back," replied Yuusuke.

"Yuusuke, why didn't you tell me earlier? Show me where she is so I could see if she needs any medical treatment," Kurama replied, annoyed at Yuusuke.

Inside the temple . . .

"Genkai, are you okay?" asked Kurama. They'd found her just as she was coming to.

"I think so . . . ah!" she said as she winces and grabs her shoulder.

"Here, let me have a look at that shoulder. Hm . . . I think it's just bruised when you hit the floor, but let me make you an ointment that'll help it heal faster," Kurama said, making a diagnosis.

"It's fine, I can take care of it myself."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Yuusuke, you did take care of him, right?"

"Yes, Baasan. I took care of him."

"In that case, you guys can go and investigate on your own. I'll stay here."

"We'll be leaving right now for Mt. Hiei. My apologies about the damage done to your temple and its grounds," Sakura apologizes, bowing at the same time. "It's my fault that you got injured. I'm really sorry."

"It's alright, Sakura," Genkai gently replied. "There's no harm done. All the damage is reparable."

"Why don't we go to our homes first, to get blankets, tents . . . that kind of stuff and meet at the foot of Mt. Hiei at nine tonight?" suggested Kurama.

"Alright! See you then!" Yuusuke shouted as he started to run down the steps.

~ To Be Continued~

Kurama no Miko2003: Okay, peoples! Here's the next chapter! Actually, this fic is already completed; I originally wrote it as one massive fic! But it seems people don't really want to read obscenely long one-chapter fics, so I broke it up! I'll probably release the rest of this in a week or so, but for those of you who've read, thanks! I really appreciate it! I'd be even happier if you'd review! Please? This is probably the best out of all the fics I've ever written, so feedback would be very much appreciated!