Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama no Kanojo ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Ah . . . how nice to see you again, Youko Kurama. You've killed my original self and my clone. But how are you going to deal with all ten of us attacking you at once?" Karasu said Kurama entered the room.

"Don't you ever die? So, what do you have up your sleeve this time that I haven't already seen?"

"You should be more worried about yourself!" all ten Karasus shouted as they all sent Trace-Eyes towards Kurama.

"Hmph! That attack again?" Kurama calmly said as he took out a blade of grass from his hand. He turned it into a sword and swiftly cut all of the Trace-Eyes in half, surrounding himself in the smoke of the explosion. Suddenly, hand grenades came hurtling through the smoke, causing more explosions. Youko Kurama dodged most of them, but some managed exploded close enough to him to give him a few minor burns. "S***!"

"Oh, nice to see those hand grenades are giving you trouble," the Karasus said as they waited for the smoke to clear.

"Don't be so sure," Kurama replied. "Now, let see how well you can handle this!" The ground shook as something burst though the floor; more smoke and dust clouded the air, disguising both Kurama and the thing that burst through the floor in a cloud of dust. The dust and smoke slowly settled to reveal a gigantic plant that looked a little like a willow tree, except the branches were all thorny and ended in toothy mouths, towering above Kurama.


"Nice to see you like my little pet. This is the Makai Willow Tree. It's quite temperamental and oh, I guess it doesn't really like you," Kurama commented as the plant's branches started to whip around. All but one Karasu managed to get out of range. The Karasu that got caught was pinned to the ground by several branches and writhed as the plant sucked out all of his blood and youki.

"So that's what it does," one of the Karasus said. "That's not much. We can get rid of this and kill you!"

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," Youko Kurama said as the plant suddenly grew a small stalk at the top of its trunk. A bud formed and it bloomed into a breathtakingly beautiful flower. Just as sudden as the flower appeared, it wilted and turned into a green fruit. What happened next surprised all nine Karasus. The fruit swelled and burst, disseminating round black seeds everywhere like a nail bomb. Each Karasu got hit by at least one seed and the seeds burrowed into him as they impacted his skin.

"What was that supposed to do?" they all asked. "No matter, we'll still kill you!"

"I guess you really haven't seen this tree in action. You see, this tree is also known as the Tree of Death. Any youkai or person who approaches this plant gets his blood and youki/reiki sucked out of him. Then the tree disperses its seeds, which require a host in order to sprout. It really doesn't matter if the host is human or youkai. It usually takes a day for it to sprout, but since I'm the one in control of the plant, I can also control the rate at which it sprouts. And for your information, the seeds have sprouted. And there's nothing you can do about it," Youko Kurama explained as the Karasus charged. However, they were unable to get past the plant's branches and were still trying to fight back when they all found themselves unable to make bombs. "Ah, the first symptoms of the plant sprouting. It usually happens about twelve hours after it enters its host, but for the sake of winning this battle, I increased its rate a hundred fold. You will soon be immobilized by the plant's roots and, five minutes after that, you will die of asphyxiation, since the roots will have paralyzed your diaphragm by then."

"You . . . we will not give up so easily!" all nine Karasus shouted as they all leapt up to attack Youko Kurama.

"Do you intend to beat me up without your youki? That's fine, but you're incredibly slow!" he shouted as the tree's branches swiped them away with ease. "I guess I'll speed up the plant's growth another hundred fold!" Seconds after he said that, all nine collapsed onto the ground, all gagging and gasping for air like a fish out of the water. Less than a minute after that, small shoots started coming out of the now-dead Karasus' bodies.

Back to Hiei . . .

Is this the end of the hallway? Hiei looks ahead to see the archway of the third room. It better be, I'll have to show that b****** what happens when you mess with my younger half-sister! Besides, it's not like that baka can beat up Kurama's older brother; he's just not strong enough. Hmm . . . it looks like I'm already here. There's more than one person in here. I better get ready for anything. Hiei takes out his sword and enters his room with his jagan wide open and powered up.

"Welcome, Hiei. You wouldn't kill me before, so this time, I'm going to kill you!" Bui said as he saw Hiei enter. He'd taken off his armor and was hovering above the floor.

"Ah, Bui. I didn't kill you because I hate being told what to do. If I beat you again this time, and you survive, that's good for you. I personally don't care what happens to you, but no matter what you're not going to order me around. But, enough of this mindless chatter, let's get down to business."

"You're right. Let's get down to business!" Bui shouted as he flew down to attack Hiei. Hiei easily dodged the attack.

"Is that all you've got? Then this match is already over! Jaoh Ensatsu Ken Rengokushyo!" Hiei punched Bui in the guts multiple times. Bui attempted to move away, but was not fast enough. "Is that as fast as you can go? You've gotten weaker since the last time we fought!"

"You dare to call me weak?! I'll show you!" Bui suddenly pulled up and went headfirst in an attempt to crash into Hiei. Hiei moved out of the way, but Bui followed and punches Hiei in the head. Hiei goes sent flying back into the wall, making a dent in it. Hiei picks himself out of the hole and wipes away the blood that was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"So, you were holding back. But then again, so was I," Hiei said as he picks up his sword. "Let's just finish this, shall we?" Bui charges at Hiei again in an attempt to punch his head, but this time, Hiei was ready and dodges under the attack to run his sword through Bui's stomach. It suddenly burst into flame as Bui realized what happened.

Back to Yuusuke . . .

Another room? How many of these are there? So far, I've had to fight Seiryuu and Rinku. I wonder who's in here. Yuusuke enters the room to find no one inside. He stopped short when he noticed the entire room was made of rock. This entire room is covered with rock. There's no doubt about! This must be Genbu's room! "Alright, Genbu, come out, come out wherever you are!"

"Oh, how did you know it was me?"

"It's obvious. I remember how Kurama killed you."

"You may remember that, but how will you locate me?" Genbu asked as his tail attacked Yuusuke from behind. Yuusuke sees this out of the corner of his eye before the tail hit him and successfully dodged the attack. However, Genbu's tail merged with the rock again, leaving Yuusuke unable to find him.

"Damn! Where did he go now?"

"Oh, are you having trouble finding me? How nice . . . I know. Let's play hide and go seek! I hide and you seek! Only you can't because you won't be able to find me! Hahahahahahahaha! Horizontal Boulder Explosion!"

"Don't be so sure, Genbu. You seem to have forgotten that I know your weakness!" Yuusuke said as he saw the glowing red stone. "Reigun!" The stone shattered into dust as the reigun hit it.

"Damn you!" Genbu's head said as it landed on the ground among the many other pieces of himself.

"It's pointless to finish you. You can't even put yourself back together! Hahahaha!" Yuusuke laughed as he exited the room.

Back to Kuwabara . . .

"Welcome, Kuwabara Kazuma. You were the human who caused Seiryuu to kill me! I will not forgive you for this," Byakko said as Kuwabara entered the room.

"Byakko . . . I should have known you were the one in this room. Reiken!"

"That again? Here, have some fun with my pets!" Byakko pulled out a huge handful of his fur and turned them all into monsters. Kuwabara easily sliced them all into pieces. "Damn you! Tiger Fireball Attack!"

"Not this time!" Kuwabara shouted as he ducked under the attack and ran forward to punch Byakko in the stomach. Byakko did not expect Kuwabara to do that and was sent flying out of the room and into the hallway. Kuwabara then ran up and gave Byakko a hard upward kick, breaking his neck and sending flying out of the hallway and into the door at the end of the hallway. Kuwabara walks out of the hallway to see Yukina, Youko Sakura, Keiko, and Botan in a cage in a corner. "Yukina-san!"

"Kazuma-san! Are you injured?" she replied, concerned.

"Kuwabara! Nice to see you made it," Yuusuke said as he walked out of his doorway. Yuusuke looks around and also sees the cage where all four girls were being held prisoner. "Let's take care of this b******, shall we?"

"Yuusuke, aren't you forgetting about us?" Kurama asked as both he and Hiei emerged from their respective hallways.

"Kurama, you just had to survive, didn't you?" a youko said from his seat near the girls' cage.

"Ah, Chiriko-kun, how nice to see that you still haven't changed after all these years. You just had to go and kidnap Sakura, didn't you? You could have lived a long life, but no, you just have to spite me. Now, you'll pay. Of course, you just had to have Seiryuu, Byakko, and Genbu kidnap Keiko and Botan. To say that you've just sealed your own fate is an understatement."

"Use 'kun' again and I'll kill all four of them! You should be begging me to spare your life right now!" Chiriko replied, starting to get pissed off.

"Oh, so you'd rather be called Chiriko-chan?"

"Damn you!" Chiriko said as he pulled out his sword. "Die!" Chiriko charges at Kurama with it.

"So, have you actually learned how to use that thing at all or are you just trying to scare me with it?" Youko Kurama asks as he pulls out a blade of grass and transforms it into a sword. He blocks Chiriko's sword with his own and kicks Chiriko into the wall. Chiriko looks over towards the cage and sees that Kuwabara was removing the anti-demon wards while Yuusuke and Hiei were making sure all four girls were fine.

"Oh no you don't! Nadeshiko! Get them!" A female youko drops from the ceiling in an attempt to attack Hiei and Yuusuke. She had big emerald green eyes and shiny silver hair that was pulled up into a ponytail with the hair in front of her ears braided and then pulled up into a loop. She had a tail with the same colored fur and was wearing a short yellow and green kimono with a pink sash around her waist with pink slippers and a matching green choker around her neck. Hiei pulls out his sword to attack, but Nadeshiko pulls out a blade of grass and transforms it into a grass- sword.

"Nani?! What did you do to Sakura?" Youko Kurama demanded as he noticed that Nadeshiko looked a lot like Sakura.

"Not much, other than combine your DNA with Sakura's and then gave her your powers. She knows all of your techniques, attacks, everything. You could say that she's your daughter."

"Damn you! You'll pay for that!" Kurama said as he attacked Chiriko.

"My, my, my, aren't we just getting a little angry? Whatever happened to the calm and cold little brother that I knew?" Chiriko blocked Kurama's attack and hits his right hand, causing Kurama to drop his sword. The grass- sword transformed back into an ordinary piece of grass. Chiriko attacks again before Kurama could do anything else. Kurama jumps back to dodge the attack, but not far enough to completely evade the attack and ends up with a deep cut to the same spot where Roto had cut him earlier. Blood sprayed from the wound as Kurama managed to land on his feet but ended up dropping to his knees as he tried to control the bleeding. He winced in pain as he pressed down on the wound to stop the blood from flowing out.

"Kurama! Damn you, Chiriko! Double Ice Tobikunai!" Sakura shouted as Kuwabara finished removing the last anti-demon ward. Chiriko dodged some and blocked the ones he couldn't dodge.

"Nadeshiko, what are you doing? You should've been making sure that those four don't get freed! You're a failure! You were supposed to have taken care of Hiei already! If you can't even kill Hiei, how are you supposed to kill Yuusuke? I guess I'll just have to press the button on you," Chiriko said as he sheathed his sword and took out a small remote control.

"No, please, master! Not that! Please, don't press the button!"

"It's no use trying to beg, Nadeshiko!" Chiriko said as he pressed the button before anyone could do anything else. Suddenly, Nadeshiko started to age backwards, one year at a time. "Let me explain. When I made Nadeshiko, I implanted a small vial of liquid Past Life Seeds in her. I told her that if she ever failed me, all I had to do was to press the button and the vial would break, spreading the potion all over her body. She did well to succeed, but now that she's failed, I no longer have any use for her."

"How dare you do that to one of your own?" Hiei shouted as he got really pissed off. "Take this! Jaoh Ensatsu Ken Rengokushyo!" Chiriko ducked under Hiei's attack and punched Hiei's gut upwards, sending Hiei up towards the ceiling. Chiriko then jumped up above Hiei and hit the small of Hiei's back with both fists together, sending Hiei crashing into the ground.

"Hiei! You b******! Reiken!" Kuwabara shouted as he attempted to attack Chiriko just as he landed. Kuwabara overestimated the speed at which Chiriko was falling and ended up missing him. Chiriko kicked Kuwabara in the head just as he was about to land.

"Kuwabara-kun! Chiriko, this is between you and me! Why did you have to involve my friends?"

"Kurama, your mind's dulling. The answer is simple. Because they're your friends, there's no better reason for me to attack them!"

"You b******! You shouldn't have attack Kuwabara and Hiei like that! Reigun!" Yuusuke shouted after he checked to make sure Kuwabara's neck was not broken. Chiriko sidestepped the attack.

"You know, you really shouldn't get mad. It's really bad for your health," Chiriko calmly replied.

"Shut up! I could care less for your concern!" Yuusuke shouted as he jumped up to attack Chiriko. Chiriko dodges Yuusuke's first attack and punches him, sending him into the wall, where he made a huge dent. Yuusuke groaned once and then fell silent as he lost consciousness.

"Yuusuke! Chiriko . . . " Kurama shouted, seething in anger. "Chiriko, I don't care that you're my brother. This time, you're going to die! Rose Whip!"

"Kurama, I'm helping. There's no way I'm going to let you take on this b****** of a brother without me! Ice Spear!" Youko Sakura said as she walked over to him.

"Please let me help. I know I was just fighting against your friends, but to have him turn on me like that was just wrong. I guess it was a good thing he was stupid enough to give me your powers. There's another plant out there that is used to create an aging potion. I stumbled across it one day and decided to make the potion just in case you ever pressed the button on me. Now, you'll pay! Rose Whip!" Nadeshiko says as she readjusts her kimono by retying the sash around her waist. By then, she had un-aged by a lot and was now shorter than Hiei. She looked very much like a little youko.

"Nadeshiko! How dare you attack me! Once I take care of these two, I'll make sure to torture you to death for betraying me!"

"Forget it! I'd rather commit suicide!" she shouted in reply.

"Chiriko, it's time we ended this!" Kurama shouted as he ran forward to attack. Youko Sakura and Nadeshiko followed shortly after him. Chiriko dodges most of the attacks sent at him. Meanwhile . . .

"Yukina, is there anything you can do about Yuusuke, Hiei, or Kuwabara?" Botan nervously asked.

"I'll go check to make sure Kazuma-san is alright."

"I'll go check on Yuusuke; he took a pretty harsh blow when Chiriko punched him," said Keiko as she ran off to treat Yuusuke. This goes by unnoticed by Chiriko, who was busily trying to dodge or block the attacks that were being sent his way by Kurama, Sakura, and Nadeshiko.

Meanwhile, back to the fight . . .

"So, all you three have managed to do is attack. But can you handle this?" Chiriko asked as he threw a fireball at Kurama.

"Is that the best you can do?" Sakura asked as she summoned a small sphere of water and threw it at the fireball. The attacks crashed into each other, spreading steam everywhere. The steam dissipated to reveal that Chiriko had disappeared.

"Where is he?" Kurama furiously asked.

"I don't know. I don't see him anywhere," replied Nadeshiko.

"Kurama, watch out! He's above you!" Keiko shouted as Kurama looked up. Chiriko was holding his sword high above his head with both hands and was aiming straight for Kurama. Sakura and Nadeshiko jumped off to either side as Kurama leapt back and summoned a huge mass of thorny vines out of the ground. Chiriko managed to free up his right hand to throw a massive fireball at the thorns only to realize that the vines had been coated with ice. The vines then wrapped themselves around his arms, legs, and waist.

"So, Chiriko, do you have any last wishes? You know that I'm not going to spare you this time."

"P-please, Kurama, don't kill me! I don't want to die!"

"I was too lenient on you last time. I'm beginning to think it's time your life ended. Guys, what do you say?" Kurama asks as he looks around to see that everyone was conscious.

"I say we kill him," Hiei replied without giving a reason.

"I say we give him a good beating!" Kuwabara replied.

"I agree with Kuwabara!" agreed Yuusuke.

"I agree with Hiei," both Sakura and Nadeshiko simultaneously said.

"Well, it's four to two, four in favor of your death. I guess I'll just get rid of you now. So, what shall I use? The shimaneki seed? Or the Makai Willow Tree? Or better yet, the Makai Mimosa? Or should I just make it quick and painless with the Rose Whip? Nah, forget the Rose Whip. It'd kill you way too quickly. Let's go the painful path this time," Youko Kurama said as he pulled out a seed. He drops it on the ground and allows it to grow until a bud formed right in front of Chiriko's nose. Before the flower could bloom, a column of flame destroys both the plant and the vines that were holding him prisoner. "Nani?!"

Chiriko lands behind Sakura and draws his sword, placing the blade at her throat. Sakura made a move to hit him with her spear, but he kicks her in the small of her back, causing her to lunge forward and run her throat on the sword. Blood sprays from the cut as Sakura faints and falls to the ground. "Sakura!" Kurama shouts as he lunges forward to catch her. He inspects the cut. "Damn it! Both of the blood vessels in her neck were cut!"

"Hahahaha! So, in the end, you still lose!" Chiriko evilly laughed as he watched the scene.

"You b******! I will never forgive you for what you've done!" Kurama angrily shouted as he got up and lunged forward with his whip. He swings it at Chiriko, who leaps back. Kurama summons a massive wall of thorny vines right behind Chiriko, who ends up running into the vines. Blood sprays from Chiriko's back as the thorns pierce his clothes and back. He attempts to free himself only to find that the vines had held back both his arms and legs.

"Didn't you remember what happened a little while earlier?" he asks as he prepares to burn the vines.

"Forget it!" Kurama shouts as he flings his whip around Chiriko's waist. The whip wraps itself around Chiriko's waist, spraying more blood as its thorns pierced his skin. Kurama quickly pulls on the whip, splicing Chiriko in half at the waist. Blood and organs gush out as the vines let go and return to the ground. As Chiriko falls, Kurama holds out his hand and as cherry blossom petals appear in it, he says, "This is for what you did earlier to Sakura! Fuka Enmujin no Sakura!" (AN: Don't forget that Sakura means cherry blossoms!) The cherry blossom petals swarmed around Chiriko's halved body and shredded it into a bloody pulp. Kurama turns his back to the bloody dismemberment to tend to Sakura, who was now unconscious in a pool of her own blood . . .

~ To be Continued~

Kurama no Miko2003: Read and review, peoples! You've been reading, but not reviewing! Care to give me a little help with that?