Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama no Kanojo ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama no Miko2003: Well, I've changed my mind and decided to post the ending as one chapter. Have fun reading it! And *inhales* THANK YOU ALL FOR OVER 200 HITS!!!!! I really appreciate it! I feel so loved!

Kurama: Ow . . . that hurt my ears.

Sakura: That did hurt . . . care to keep it down next time?

Kurama no Miko2003: Sorry guys, but I'm just so pleased! Oh, yes, and I'll be posting the sequel and prequel to this fic that's already on fanfiction.net! I hope everyone who read this fic will read them too! Enjoy, minna-san, and without further adieu, here's the conclusion to `Kurama no Kanojo'!

Kurama suddenly sits up in bed and remembers the dream. He looks over to his alarm clock to see that it was five in the morning. "If I leave now, I can get there by noon on foot," he whispers. After thinking for a moment, he takes out his backpack and walks to the kitchen to grab some food. He then walks back to his desk to get his cell phone and hastily scribbles a note to his mother and leaves it on his desk with a rose so she knew that he wrote it.

Several hours later . . .

"Shuuichi! It's time to get up!" Shiori says as she walks out of her room. She stops as she sees that Kurama wasn't in his room. "Ara? Where did he go?" She looks over to his desk and sees the rose and the note. It read:


I'm leaving for Mt. Hiei. I should be back tonight by
dinnertime, if all goes well. I'll be coming home with a friend, so
please be sure to make dinner for three instead of two tonight. If
there's anything that you need, call me on my cell phone. I have it
with me.


"I see . . . I guess I better go get some groceries."

Meanwhile, in Koenma's office . . .

"I see that it was a success and that Kurama got your message," Botan replies as she walks in to see that Sakura was much happier.

"I owe you a lot for this. Please, do tell me if there's any way for me to repay you," Sakura says, her voice full of gratitude.

"Well, there is one," Koenma says. "You can help Yuusuke in return."

"Sure, no problem! I'd be glad to help," she replies.

Meanwhile, back to Kurama . . .

"I hope mom got my message," Kurama says as he gets off the bus and starts to walk up Mt. Hiei. After walking a couple hundred meters, he looks around. "There doesn't appear to be anyone here, so I guess I'll just take a quick short cut," he says as one of the trees lowers its branches. He climbs up onto it and the tree starts to climb up the mountain at a very high speed. "At the rate I'm going, I should be there in no time."

Three in the afternoon, that same day . . .

"Let's see how Kurama is doing," Yuusuke says as he dials Kurama's apartment. The phone rings for fifteen seconds with no answer.

"Hi, you have reached the Minamino residence. Sorry we are not available to take your call. If you have a message for Minamino Shiori, please press 1. If you have a message for Minamino Shuuichi, please press 2," the message recording said.

"Okay," Yuusuke says as he presses 2. "Kurama, it's me, Yuusuke! I'm just calling to make sure you're okay. Give me a call tonight. Bye!" He hangs up. "Hm . . . maybe I should try his cell phone." He picks up the phone and dials in Kurama's cell phone number.

"Hello?" Kurama cheerfully greeted.

"Hey, Kurama? It's Yuusuke!"

"Oh, hi, Yuusuke."

"You sound a lot happier, not all gloomy and depressed like yesterday. Where are you? I called your apartment, but no one answered."

"Oh, my mom must have gone grocery shopping. Sorry about that."

"So, uh, where are you?"

"Oh, I'm about two hours away from the peak of Mt. Hiei."

"What?! What are you going there for?"

"Nothing, just trusting my dreams, that's all." Kurama suddenly swears. "Great. Snow. Just what I need."

"You weren't walking?" Yuusuke asks skeptically.

"Of course not! I was riding on a tree."

"Trees do not walk!" Yuusuke exclaims, surprised.

"They do if I tell them to," Kurama calmly replies.

"So, you still haven't answered my question. What are you doing on Mt. Hiei?"

"Uh, let's just say Koenma decided to do me a favor."

"And what would this favor happen to be?"

"The same one that he did for you about two years ago."

"I see . . . no wonder you're so cheerful."

"Well, I'm stuck on foot, so I'll see you tomorrow. Bye," Kurama says as he hangs up. Yuusuke does the same on his end of the line.

"Well, that explains a lot. I guess I may as well tell everyone else."

Several hours later, on Mt. Hiei . . .

"Nice to see the doors aren't locked," Kurama says as he opens one of the double doors and walks in. The place was overgrown with several Makai Willow Trees. "Oops, guess I better take care of that." He touches one of the branches, which shrinks back into the hallway and disappears. Kurama follows the hallway into what used to be the control room. There, lying in a pool of dried blood, was Sakura. Kurama walks over to her body and lifts her up into his lap. He looks at her face, now pale and lifeless, and kisses her on the lips. He pulls back to see that nothing happened. Then, to his surprise, the cut on her neck was healed as the color of life returned to her face and warmth began to warm Kurama's arms.

Her eyelids and ears twitched as she came to in his arms. She opens her eyes and then blinks a couple times as she reverts back to her human form. "Kurama!" she shouts as she hugs him. She pulls herself away from him and then kisses him. Just as she was about to suggest that they leave, Kurama drops down to one knee in front of her. Her eyes widen with surprise.

"Sakura . . . will . . . will you marry me?" he asks as he reaches into his hair for something.

"Yes. I would be happy to," she says as she drags Kurama to his feet and kisses him yet again. She breaks the kiss as she feels something slide onto her left ring finger. It was a ring made of a braided vine with a small red flower on it. "It's beautiful . . . Kurama, did you make this?"

"Yes, I did, on my way here. I knew you'd like it. You always liked the bouquets of flowers I give you more than anything else, so I figure you'd like this ring better than any one I buy," he replies, holding her close. "Let's go home, shall we? My mom's waiting with dinner." Sakura gives him a surprised look in response. "Don't worry, my mom won't mind. She already knows about my past and you."

"And she was totally cool with it?"

"Oh yeah. Come on, let's go." The two of them walk out of the room and down the corridor. They look back one last time before starting to walk down the mountain.

"Kurama, wait a minute. I have a faster way to get to your apartment," Sakura says as she starts to create a cloud. "We can ride it there."

"Are you sure we won't be seen?"

"Good point." Suddenly, a bunch of clouds cover Tokyo and start to rain gently. "Now we won't."

"Why didn't you tell me you could do that?" Kurama asks, surprised.

"Actually, I just figured it out a couple of years ago, when I was running short of money for the train," Sakura replies, a little embarrassed. Kurama gets on the cloud and helps Sakura get on. The cloud then starts to fly towards Tokyo.

"I'm glad you're back. I-"

"You don't have to say anything. I know how hard it was for you without me yesterday. I was watching you from Koenma's office," Sakura interrupted as she snuggled closer to Kurama.

"Are you cold?" he asks as he puts his arm around her shoulder.

"Not really, I just want to be close to you for a while. I hope nothing like this happens again. I just want to live out the rest of my life with you," she says as she tightly holds on to him.

"Sakura . . ." Kurama starts as his face begins to turn blue.

"What is it?" she says looking up. She realizes that she was hanging onto him too tight and he was suffocating. "Oops! Sorry! Kurama, are you okay?" she exclaims as he keels over on his back.

"I . . . will be . . . once I catch my breath," he replies in between gasps. Just then, his cell phone rang. Kurama sits up, takes out his phone from his coat pocket, and hits the 'talk' button. "Hello?"

"Shuuichi! Where are you?! You are already two hours late for dinner!" Shiori shouted over the phone. Kurama pulls the phone a good three inches away from his ear in response as Sakura sweatdrops. "It's raining out and you didn't even bother taking an umbrella! Do not come running to me for an appointment with the herbalist when you catch pneumonia! And why didn't you call me? I thought something bad happened to you!"

"Mom, I'm sorry, but it took me longer than I thought to get to the peak of Mt. Hiei. I'm sorry I didn't call, I know I should. Don't worry, mom, there's no way I can't get myself out of a bad situation," he replies as he cautiously puts the phone back to his ear.

"Shuuichi, answer my first question. Where are you, really?" Shiori asks in a skeptical voice.

"Ano . . . how about 1.60934 kilometers above the suburbs of Tokyo on a cloud?" he honestly replies. Sakura sweatdrops again and mutters something about Kurama spending too much time studying. (AN: 1.60934 kilometers is the same as a mile.)

"Okay, who's the mystery other person with you?" Shiori asks in a bored tone.

"Oh, about that. She's-" Kurama managed to say before Shiori interrupted him.

"She?! Shuuichi! Are you really that heartless? How could you just forget about your girlfriend already?!" Shiori shouts through the phone. Kurama was now holding his cell phone an arm's length away and was still hearing Shiori just fine.

"Well, about that. The 'she' I was referring to was Sakura. That's why I left this morning. I had to go and revive her," Kurama calmly replies as though reviving a dead person was perfectly normal.

"I see . . . well, get home soon. Your dinner is waiting in the oven and I wouldn't be surprised if it's completely dry by now," Shiori calmly said through the phone.

"Okay, mom. Um, actually, we're about two blocks away from the balcony in my room, so could you please just open the door for us?" Kurama asks, hoping his mother would not yell anymore.

"Oh, alright. See you in a bit. Bye," Shiori says as she hangs up.

"Bye, mom," Kurama replies as he hangs up. He puts his cell phone back in his coat pocket.

"Having parental problems?" Sakura asks with a laugh.

"Uh, well, sort of," he replies.

"Sort of?! For Reikai's sake, your mother was yelling at you! Even I could hear her!" Sakura pauses to look around. "Isn't this your subdivision?"

"Um, yeah. Make a right, then left, and then count up twenty four floors to the left and that should be my balcony," Kurama calmly recites as the cloud complies.

"I see, and how many times have you sneaked out of your room at night?" Sakura asks, snickering.

"Um . . . well . . . let's see . . . I'm not sure," Kurama honestly replies. Sakura simply rolls her eyes in response as she gets off. Kurama follows and the cloud disappears. The rain suddenly stopped and the sky cleared to reveal a beautiful sunset. The two of them stand there and admire the sunset.

"Shuuichi! Are you home yet?" Shiori shouts from the kitchen. Kurama turns around to reply.

"Yes, and Sakura's with me!"

"Good, then come in and eat!"

"Okay, mom! We're coming!" Kurama turns around to escort Sakura. "Well, let's go. We really shouldn't keep my mother waiting any longer."

"You're right. Besides, I'm hungry," she replies. The two of them enter Kurama's room and walk hand in hand to the kitchen, where Shiori was just finished plating some sashimi. "Here, let me help you, Minamino-san," Sakura offers as Shiori starts to take the sashimi to the table.

"Why, thank you. Shuuichi, don't just stand there! Help me carry the rest of dinner from the oven!" Shiori says as she hands the sashimi to Sakura. Kurama does as he was told. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"I'll go get it, mom!" Kurama replies as he walks towards the door after putting the tempura on the table. He opens the door to see that it was Nadeshiko. "Hi, Nadeshiko-chan. What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Kurama-san. Nadeshiko-chan was just wondering if- Mommy!" Nadeshiko suddenly exclaims as Sakura walked over to the door to see whom it was.

"M-Mommy?!" Sakura exclaims as she sees Nadeshiko. "Please, Nadeshiko- chan, don't call me Mommy! I'm not old enough to be your mother!"

"Great, first, Kurama-san tells Nadeshiko-chan not to call him daddy, now Sakura-san too?" she asks, sounding a little confused.

"Grandma!" Nadeshiko shouts as Shiori walked over to the door. She runs towards Shiori and hugs her as Shiori picks her up.

"Nadeshiko-chan!" Shiori exclaims. She had run into Nadeshiko while she was grocery shopping a little earlier in the day.

"Um, what did I miss?" both Kurama and Sakura ask at the same time.

"Oh, I ran into her earlier today when I was out grocery shopping. She's just the sweetest little girl!" Shiori exclaims. "I invited her to come over for dinner tonight, if Hiei would let her come."

"Uh-huh, and knowing Hiei, I'm pretty sure he'd let her. But, then again, maybe we shouldn't be too worried. It's not like she can't defend herself," Kurama replies, remembering how good she was with the Rose Whip.

"Nadeshiko-chan's hungry, can we eat now, Grandma?" Nadeshiko innocently asks, smiling sweetly the entire time.

"Sure, of course!" Shiori replies as she leads the way to the dining table. They all sit down and start eating. It was then that Shiori noticed Sakura's ring. "Shuuichi, is there something you and Sakura want to tell me?" she asks.

"Um, like what?" Kurama and Sakura simultaneously reply, totally clueless.

"Nadeshiko-chan thinks that Grandma's talking about mom's ring," Nadeshiko innocently replies, knowing all too well what a ring on the left ring finger means. She really is not as young as she looks, after all.

"Oh, that," Kurama replies, blushing. He glances in Sakura's direction and sees that she, too, was blushing.

"Yes, that. What else did you think I was referring to, Shuuichi?" Shiori asks. "Well, come on, out with it!"

"Um, well-"

"Oh, just shut up, Kurama! How hard can it possibly be?! Minamino-san, Kurama proposed to me about four or five hours ago," Sakura interrupted, smiling and blushing the entire time.

"Oh, really? And why didn't you tell me on the phone?" Shiori asks. By now, Kurama's face was as red as his hair.

"Uh, well, between your questions and my explanations, you could say I sort of forgot," Kurama replies, laughing an embarrassed laugh and sweatdropping as everyone else face falls.

"Y-You forgot?! Baka!" Sakura shouts in response as she gets back up and punches Kurama's head. "How could you just forget?!"

"Ow . . . you really didn't have to hit me so hard, did you, Sakura?" Kurama replies as he rubs the huge bump on his head.

"Oops! I guess I underestimated my own strength. I'm sorry," Sakura apologized as she playfully took a piece of Kurama's tempura and eats it.

"Sakura!" Kurama shouts as she eats the tempura.

"Aww . . . isn't that just cute?" Nadeshiko says as Kurama turns bright red again.

Later that night . . .

"Nadeshiko-chan, don't you have to go home?" Shiori asks, checking the time. "It's already nine-thirty."

"No, not really. Hiei-san said he didn't really care when Nadeshiko-chan went home or even if Nadeshiko-chan did at all," Nadeshiko casually replies. "Actually, Nadeshiko-chan was wondering if she could stay here, with Sakura-san, Kurama-san and Grandma!"

"I have no objections at all," Shiori replies. "And while we're at it, we may as well register you for school!"

"Really? You mean just like Sakura-san and Kurama-san?" Nadeshiko replies, genuinely happy.

"Yep. It'll be a lot of work, but I think it'll help," Shiori replies. "Now, Shuuichi, you and Sakura are going to have to look after her and makes sure she gets adjusted to her new life." She paused and adds, as an afterthought, "You two are her parents after all." Sakura and Kurama look at each other in silent consent.

"That's nice, mom, but where will Nadeshiko-chan and Sakura stay?" Kurama asks, concerned.

"Right here. I'm pretty sure you won't mind sharing your room with Sakura. Nadeshiko-chan can have the spare bedroom," Shiori confidently replies. "However, I don't want any inappropriate night activity in your room, Shuuichi. Do you understand me?"

Kurama and Sakura's faces suddenly turn the same shade of crimson as they both reply, "Yes. We understand."

"Good, now that it's settled, let's go to sleep. We will discuss this topic further tomorrow after I come home from work," Shiori declares as she gets up to show Nadeshiko the way to her room. "Good night." Kurama and Sakura look at each other for a moment in silence before going to bed.


Kurama no Miko2003: Wow! Another one finished! It took me long enough!

Kurama (slightly pissed off): Great, so first you force me to cross dress, now you're saying that I have a daughter that I know nothing about and a girlfriend?!

Kurama no Miko2003: Yeah, and?

Kurama: It's not fair! I should have a say in whether or not I want a kid!

Kurama no Miko2003: So? You should be glad that I decided to come up with Sakura; or else I'd end up pairing you with Botan.

Botan: What's wrong with me?

Kurama no Miko2003: Nothing, it's just that I find that it'd be kind of hard to have a relationship with someone who you rarely talk to, that's all.

Botan (nodding in agreement): She's got a point.

Kurama (protesting): But was it absolutely necessary to kill off Sakura? It's mean, even by my standards.

Kurama no Miko2003: Okay, I'll admit, even I had problems with killing off Sakura. I did become attached to her.

Sakura (surprised): Really? I just thought I was one of those characters that you made up and then killed off.

Kurama no Miko2003 (shocked): Do you think I'd really be that mean to my favorite character in all of animé? Please, give me a break! Of course I wouldn't just kill off their most important person in the world! It's more like me to send them off together, just for the simple fact that they should stay together forever.

All of the girls and Kuwabara (tears streaming down their faces): Wow that's so beautiful and romantic!

Hiei (doing the animé eye twitch): Stop it, baka, or I'll turn you into a charred mass on the ground, slightly smoking.

Kuwabara (defiant): Make me! Kurama no Miko2003, tell Hiei to stop this right now!

Kurama no Miko2003 (amused and feeling mean): No. Go on, Hiei.

Kurama (sweatdropping): I think it'd be a good idea if we put on our sunglasses at this point. We may as well enjoy the show.

Hiei (grinning evilly): Ensatsu Kokuryuha!

Kuwabara (charred mass on the ground, slightly smoking): You still hate me, don't you? But that's okay, since I've got armies of rabid fangirls!

Everyone, including Kurama no Miko2003 (sweatdropping): . . .

Kuwabara (as wind whistles by): You mean . . .

Kurama no Miko2003: Perhaps you should check your statistics. Last time I checked, you're the one with a couple of fangirls. Kurama and Hiei are the ones with the armies of rabid fangirls!

Yuusuke (annoyed at being ignored): What about me? I should have armies of rabid fangirls too! I'm the main character of the show!

Kurama no Miko2003 (with an I-don't-want-to-disappoint-you look on her face): Actually, you don't. You probably have enough for a guerilla group.

Yuusuke (shocked): That's not fair! Kurama, Hiei, quick, tell me how I can get more rabid fangirls!

Keiko (popping veins and punching Yuusuke's head): That's enough! Yuusuke, you should be glad that I never even gave up on you in the first place!

Yuusuke (weakly): Mercy . . .

Kurama no Miko2003 (sweatdropping): You were asking for it.

Everyone else (sweatdropping and nodding in agreement): . . .

Kurama no Miko2003: Well, I guess that's sums it up for this fic! I hope you all enjoyed it and I'll be back next time with a fic that deals with Hiei's relation to Yukina! See you next time! Ja ne! ^_~