Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's and Hiei's backround ❯ Kuaramas sister ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kurama's Sister

The beginning of the year has started. Yuske a punk kid of 14has had a rep of being the tough kid at school. His friends Kuzuma Kuabara, Kurama and Hiei yet he denies it. The guys have been doing a lot before coming back to school.Yuske and the gang finally found out Kurama has a younger brother. Kuramas little brothers name is Samo. He looks like Kurama but he has short hair and his eyes are blue.

"Man your brothers in school here" yelled Yuske

"Yes it seems he is" Kurama replied

"Kurama not caring what happens but u might want to save your brother the girls are all over him." Hiei said rashly

Kurama ran over to his half squashed brother and pulled him out. As they were running Samo tolled Kurama their sister was coming. Kurama asked when she was to arrive. Samo said today after school.

"What am I going to do Yuske gang the gang just got used to u now my sister!"Kurama said calmly

Kurama and Samo went home without the others. Samo told the Kurama where to meat her. Kurama set out and got there with 5 min to spare, his sister never showed up. Kurama thought Samo got the place wrong. He showed up at Hiei's house with the others. They decided to go to the arcade, and everyone knew Hiei was a master at DDR. Then when the were walking they heard a girls voice say in a childish way "I'm not here to play I'm here to fight you Kurama."

They all turned around as she ran up to Kurama. All Kurama did was open his arms. She jumped on him almost knocking him down. Kurama started laughing and Yuske and Kuabara got freaked out.

"You have grown up since I last saw you." implied Kurama

"So have you big brother" she said in return

"Big brother!!!" Yuske and Kuabara yelled

"Oh how rude of me my name is Haduchan. You must be Kuabara" she said with her hand extended

Kuabara blushing as he looked at her face. Yuske blushed also, turned to Kurama and said "So u have the long hair and she has the short." She laughed and smiled at him. She guessed all of them and when she got to Hiei……

"Oh hi Hiei long time no see" she said hugging him. At that moment Yuske started laughing, he thought Hiei would kill her because she hugged him. In all actuality he hugged back then remembered the guys were watching him. Then he moved back from her grip.she was surprised at this and then realized she did something wrong bowed and told him she was sorry. His reply was short and simple don't do it again.