Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's and Hiei's backround ❯ Hiei and Haru ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ok hi this is kuramasfan1 well since I cant find anyone to write a lemon scene for chapter 5 I will have to keep looking for someone I mean I tried writing one myself but It didn't come out right so on to chapter 6.

In the middle of the night Kurama herd a knock at the door getting dressed in his boxer shorts still with Korume still sleeping he got up. Hiei's face appeared at the door when Kurama opened the door.

"Couldn't you have come quicker fox? " Hiei said to Kurama

"Hiei what are you doing here this late in the hour?" came Kurama's reply with a yawn right after.

"Well I was wondering if I could stay over tonight and tomorrow?" Hiei asked, considering he had to be nice for him to be able to get what he wanted.

"Yea sure I mean the only place for you to sleep is in Haru's room or on the couch but I take it you want to sleep with Haru." Implied Kurama with his sarcasm

Hiei walked into Haru's bedroom and crawled into bed next to her. She rolled over and slightly opened her eyes.

"Hiei is that you?"

"Yea it's me I'm sleeping over," he said with that smirk of his

Haru put her arms around Hiei's neck and snuggled with him.

"Haru ….."

Hiei you're staying with me, get used to it." She said laughing.

Moving even closer to his warm body and showing her love with her own body heat. Her head was now on the fire demon's chest while her legs where on top of his own. Haru soon fell asleep on his chest. Hiei just lay they're looking at the ceiling with his arms comforting her as she sleeps quietly comfortingly apon his chest. He continued string at the ceiling kissed her on her head and fell asleep stroking her hair.

In the morning Haru woke up still laying on Hiei's chest not moving an inch. she clenched his shirt softly,

"Did I wake you?" he asked in his lovely voice

"No you didn't wake me up but I like the fact that you're petting my hair." She said while taking his hand and kissing it.

She leaned in to kiss him and they started kissing when Kurama walked in.

"Are you two up yet" he said politely

" We are up Kurama," they both said together

"Ok because breakfast is ready" Kurama said as he left the room

Haru and Hiei started laughing when the door closed.

After that they both got up and went outside to the front room and found that Karume had slept over.

"What bed did she slip in fox?" asked Hiei with a smirk

"Speaking of beds what did you two do last night huh Hiei?" asked Samo smiling while lifting his eyebrows

"Bite your tough or I will cut it off for you." Hiei said sternly

after breakfast Haru was taking a shower and Hiei was waiting to take one.

Samo came up to him and told him he could take a shower in Kurama's bathroom.

Hiei was in the shower and saw the shampoo and conditioner Kurama used.

"Suave isn't that girl shampoo, no wonder his hair looks so soft." Hiei said while applying his own shampoo

Hiei got out of the shower and Haru was standing in her bedroom when Hiei opened the door. Haru was half dressed and then Hiei shut the door silently. Acting like he never opened the door. Haru came out of the room to see Hiei all red with blush.

"Hiei you're the one who opened the door." Haru said smiling. The day went on and Hiei couldn't get that picture of Haru standing there half dressed.

"What's wrong Hiei?" she asked puzzled

as he turned around to tell her nothing the picture of her came in his mind. All he did was shake his head and put his face in his hands.


Hiei went to bed early and Haru noticed what was wrong. As she get dressed in the bathroom she wanted to try something with him.

"Hiei I'm coming to bed and I know your not sleeping." She said in her sarcastic voice


"Well what do u think?"She stepped out in a silk white little thing that showed way to much cleavage to be bed material, showed how her legs were shaped perfectly. All Hiei did was sit their eyes wide open and staring at her.

He wanted to get up and trough her on the bed and have sex right t5hen and there but he sustained himself.

"What are you wearing." He asked

`Do you like it I thought you might." Haru said very pleased with herself

she lay down by the fire demon and put both of her legs over him and kissed him and he just kissed her right back.

Ok so that was chapter 6. I can't get anyone to write me a lemon for chapter 5 so until I do this is it. Because after this its another lemon I don't know what to do. SO I NEED HELP WRITEING A LEMON………………………..REVIE W PLEASE……….