Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's and Hiei's backround ❯ Harus hard life back home ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Forget about the lemon people ok ill just go on. Don't worry about the reviews I don't care anymore just read my fic ok.

"Haru…. Why are u wearing that thing?" asked Hiei still kissing Haru.

"I want u to get horny and its not working." Haru said disappointed.

"How do you know that I'm not." He told her smiling.

"Well because I can't feel you're fire rising." She said with love and sadness.

"Don't worry about that Haru I just don't want you to loose your virginity to me so soon." He said kissing her once more.

"To soon, to soon what does that mean Hiei huh what does that mean." Haru asked him while poking him in her funny way.

"Yes to soon it means I love you enough to know when to wait." Hiei said sincerely

"Hiei you want to know the real reason why I came down here?" Haru asked with tears in her eyes.

"What was the real reason Haru? I knew you were keeping something from us." Hiei implied.

"Ok my mom was betting n me and Samo soon Samo disappeared. Mom was drinking too much and never got sober. She made me do everything for her no matter what I did nothing would satisfy her. She beat on me and I couldn't hit her back, I can heal myself so every night I went to bed I would have to heal myself, so I could sleep. Samo left me with her, he didn't tell me where he was going and I couldn't fallow, someone needed to take care of her. Mom was sick in the mind everyone knew it, finally I found out were Samo was. I came, mom probably knows now to so that's why I wanted you right now so when I have to go with her at leased I know that I had sex with the one I loved and she couldn't stop me. Now you see why I came?" Hrau said crying with all these tears in her eyes.

Kurama walked in he heard everything she said. "Moms not going to hurt you any more Haru-Chan I wont let her." he said crying with all the tears he possessed within. I'll find mom before she finds you, Samo, and me I will I promise.

With that he walked out of the room and shut the door. Haru lay there on Hiei's body motionless yet still crying. Hiei lay there on the bed with his only girl friend laying on him for comfort and he couldn't do anything to stop her crying. He wished he could, he wished oh how he wished.

"Hiei don't worry about it, I'm here now right?" Haru said trying to laugh

"That is not the point of the matter, she hurt you and you know that I can just go there right now and slit her throat, she will never lay another hand on you ever and I mean ever again."

She kissed Hiei with the most passionate kiss she had ever given him. Hiei had made his make on her neck and loved this girl with all of his heart. He loved her and she loved him.


Haru woke up and Hiei was underneath her lying there and looking so cute. Haru was finally up before he was. She took his hand and put it around her. She put her arm around her then she felt it the pain on the side of her neck. she felt the marks and she remembered I'm Hiei's mate forever.

Ok so its boring I'm giving up on lemons completely so what its an interesting story and this explains Haru and how she came here I'm not demanding for reviews you will review it when your ready and thanks for reading. Bye kuramasfan1 e-mail me if you want to at animefreak1@yyhmail.com

Or tarissamiller@hotmail.com but use the animefreak because that one is for reviews and anime stuff. Thanks all the people who reads it.