Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's Dark Angel ❯ Kurama's Dark Angel ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kurama's Dark Angel
By JR Pringle
Endings are Only Beginnings in Disguise
Shuichi Minamino sat quietly in the park waiting for his granddaughter to finish school. Abruptly, a breeze blew through the surrounding trees just as a dark shadow flitted across the ground. He looked around and scanned the trees surrounding him. When he did not find who he was looking for a tearful sheen filled his eyes. He sighed despondently and lowered his head down.
Why should he come back? Shuichi asked himself. Why would he ever come back? Especially after the last time they had argued about him staying in the human world. Yet, then again, they had always argued about him staying. That was the only argument they ever had, and the argument was still between them.
Maybe Hiei would come back just to settle it, Shuichi thought wistfully. He so hated to lose at anything.
That thought made Shuichi smile just slightly but only for a fleeting second.
Yet that on-going argument that had started so long ago had also decided Shuichi's fate. It had started even before Hiei had over heard Shuichi's mother talking to him about marriage. Later, Shuichi had tried to explain her reasons to Hiei and Hiei had been understandably angry. Hiei, in fact, had been angry enough to say that Shuichi could do whatever he wanted to be the perfect human son. It was the first and only time Hiei had ever called him by his adopted human name. Their living together ended soon after that when Hiei had left him, and left him with the complete understanding their relationship was over.
Shuichi had tried so hard not to be depressed. He had after all chosen his mother and the human world over Hiei, so Hiei had ever right to feel betrayed. That had been the third time he had betrayed Hiei over a human and the human world. Eventually Shuichi had given in to his mother's wishes but only after he knew without a doubt and was beyond any hope that Hiei would ever return to him. Shuichi had married a human woman, one who understood just how broken hearted he was and one who already had a child of her own.
Shuichi stared at the ground and sighed. The human form he had merged with was nearly dead. In fact, his demon part was being forced to keep his human form alive for just a few more days by his human part. He would die when his grand daughter's graduation from high school was over. He looked up and sighed forlornly. He wished Hiei would come back before then.
He smiled thinking how nice it would be that when he opened his eyes again as Yoko Kurama he could see Hiei's sardonic face there waiting for him.
His eyes closed tightly in sudden pain.
Yet why would Hiei return? It had been so long since Hiei had gone to live permanently in the Makai and gone to be Mukuro's heir. Besides how could Hiei ever forgive his betrayals? Moreover, why would Hiei even bother with him now?
Yoko Kurama was the one that sighed this time taking over the dominant thinking position. He was simply waiting now, waiting for this human form to die so he could leave the human body he had inhabited for so very long and become once again the carefree kitsune he had been. Yet he pondered if he could ever truly leave the human part of himself that completely, especially after it had become such an entrigal part of his demon self. He wondered if Hiei could ever forgive him for becoming so human.
Then Yoko Kurama saw something on the ground his eyesight being better then his failing human body. His head tilted just slightly seeing the seed on the ground before bending over to pick it up. He rolled it through his fingers carefully. It was a flower seed from the Makai, and the flower was as beautiful as it was deadly. He looked up again, and focused the weakening human ki outward. He scanned the trees again and feverently wished he would find some trace, even the slightest hint that his one time friend and lover had been there.
“Grandpa, grandpa”, a cheery girl's voice called waving her hand in the air.
Kurama gave up his dominance as Shuichi's aged hand closed around the seed and stood up slowly to go greet his granddaughter.
He was so old now, Kurama and Shuichi were thinking in unison. Then they felt a brief touch of familiar ki. He swirled around with a grace and speed that belied his advanced human age but found no one there.
“Grandpa?” Yuki, his grand daughter, questioned earnestly.
He slowly shook his head scanning the trees with his ki and his hand tightened on the seed.
“What did you find, grandpa?” she asked slowly, searching the trees as well. “Did you get a gift from your dark angel?”
Shuichi smiled at her. Besides him, only Yuki had ever seen Hiei as he had appeared and disappeared over the years. It was Yuki, who had given Hiei the name of dark angel. Dark, since Hiei always wore black, his cloak flowed behind him like black wings, and angel due to his angelic face, white starburst across his otherwise black hair and the white scarf wrapped around his neck. Shuichi had found the title fitting, even if ironic since Hiei was a demon. Yet, Hiei was like an angel to him, elusive, undeniable, and just as unfathomable. His demon part Kurama, however, found the title quite amusing since he had generally preferred lovers with wings.
Yuki was looking expectantly at him, so he slowly opened his hand to show her the seed. She ohh-ed and carefully touched it.
“What is it grandpa? Will it become a beautiful flower from your dark angel? Make it grow, please?” she insisted.
Shuichi smiled. Yuki, his adopted daughter's only child, was the only one who knew he was not quite as human as he appeared to be. He had been shocked one day when she was six when she had brought home a Makai flower she claimed she had gotten from a dark angel she claimed to have found watching over her grandfather. Shuichi had been the only one to believe her and had gone to search for Hiei that night. However, all he had found was another flower that Hiei had left behind for him to find.
For Shuichi, Hiei appearing and disappearing over the years was a cruelty worthy of Shuichi's betrayals. Each time Hiei appeared Shuichi's heart would practically cease to function from the pain of unrequited love, even as Shuichi once again betrayed Hiei for the human world. Each betrayal cut more deeply through them both, never letting the wound heal. Afterwards Shuichi always ended up crying in agony and Hiei always ended up seething in anger.
Yet for Kurama, the brief appearances only fueled his sly and cunning kitsune nature, for Hiei had become much more then an obsession to him. Hiei's had become Kurama's allurement, enticement, and passion, and now Kurama would stop at nothing to possess Hiei completely. Hiei would be Kurama's, and his sole possession, once again. That was just as soon as this body died. In the wake of Kurama's possessive cruel nature, Shuichi could almost felt sorry for Hiei when that time came, yet the ever-present pain he lived with made Kurama's eventual revenge sweet.
Shuichi quickly glanced around the park to make sure no one was watching as Yuki looked on expectantly. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He heard Yuki gasp and opened his eyes. Indeed, it was a flower, a crimson red Makai rose, satiny soft and silky smooth with deep green leaves and razor sharp thorns.
“It's beautiful,” she whispered in awe.
“It is my favorite flower”, he informed her smiling lovingly,
“Then I am sure it came from your dark angel”, she said firmly before giving him a powerful and comforting hug.
He smiled lovingly at the rose. Then he smiled indulgently at Yuki, and she gave him a look that dared him to deny it was from his dark angel.
My dark angel, he thought possessively.
If only that were so, Shuichi thought wistfully.
It will be true, Kurama's thoughts echoed with determination.
“I am sure he will come again, grandpa,” Yuki said seriously. “He will come to my graduation,” she continued trying to cheer her grandfather up.
Neither of them had seen Hiei since her parents had died five years ago. Nor had Kurama felt any of Hiei's tiny minion demons who watched the events of his life.
Shuichi sighed and nodded in agreement since she expected Hiei to come. He did not have such faith, however. He doubted Hiei could forgive him this time.
When Shuichi's mother had died, Hiei had come only to hear that Shuichi had to stay for his family. Hiei had come again when his stepfather died, and then again when his wife died. Years later when Yuki's young parents had died in an accident, Hiei had come again. That time had been the worse, and Shuichi had not seen or felt Hiei since that time. Now that Yuki was eighteen, well provided for, and had become a responsible adult, Shuichi knew he could leave anytime. Unfortunately, he had nowhere to go now that Hiei had left him.
On the way home, Yuki bounced and pranced around him like a kit telling him about her graduation day, and the testing for her college entrance exams trying to cheer him up. It was hard to believe she would be graduating from high school in just a few days. He was so proud. As he watched her graceful antics, he smiled happily. She was beautiful, as beautiful as he had been, as her dark hair flashed in the daylight while he listened to her telling him about yet another boy she liked.
It was a good thing her parents were no longer alive to know anything about this, Shuichi found himself thinking thankfully.
Kurama, however, smiled at her kitsune-like nature. He would miss her when he left, and he thought she knew that since she spent all the time she could with Shuichi
After dinner, Yuki came to Shuichi's bedroom, which was now on the first floor of the mansion he had bought. Money had never been a concern when Shuichi was growing up, and after he had reached adulthood, he had made sure it would not be a concern for either his mother or his family. He had always been brilliant in school, so it was really no surprise that he was just as brilliant in his profession and his investing.
Yuki walked over to the beautiful rose he had put in a vase and gently caressed the red petals.
“Grandpa, why do you stay here?” she asked solemnly.
He did not answer only turned to look out into the flower gardens and natural landscape that was outside.
“I can take care of myself, you know, and you have taken care of making sure I will never have to want for anything in life,” she said quietly.
He sighed.
She came and sat beside him before taking his hand in hers.
“Let's go for a walk before it gets dark,” she suggested. “Maybe it will cheer you up.”
He nodded and stood up. Maybe a walk would cheer him up.
Together they walked through the expansive wooded area far behind the mansion. They walked silently through the forest trails. He was not even aware that he used his power to create the path they followed and Yuki said nothing about it. Eventually they came to a huge tree that was nearly twenty feet in diameter. Shuichi walked around it slowly running his hand over the bark.
“Did you grow this for your dark angel, grandpa?” Yuki asked.
Shuichi nodded then looked up into the limbs far above his head.
“Yes. I kept hoping he would come back,” he said just before his voice caught as he choked on unexpected tears.
“I am sure he will come back,” Yuki said hugging him in the only comfort she could give.
He pushed her away slightly and leaned against the tree.
“It is the kind of tree he always favored in the human world, and I started growing it when I bought this land. But after the argument we had after your parents died ….” Shuichi choked slightly on his tears before he continued. “I had always hoped he would wait for me just a little longer and maybe stay nearby. You still needed a guardian, and they died so young,” Shuichi confessed.
“Can't you go find him?” Yuki asked confused.
“This body is too old to travel, and even if I could get there I don't think he would want to see me”, he sighed out miserably.
“But you still love him, don't you? So go find him and tell him that,” she stated simply.
Shuichi turned to look at her with the expressionless face of the demon Kurama. He had never mentioned his feelings toward Hiei, not once, not to anyone, not even to Hiei.
She simply looked back meeting his eyes with a quizzical gaze.
“It's not like I couldn't figure it out, grandpa,” she remarked. “Grandma always said you loved someone else, but that you loved her as much as you could and always made her happy. Besides, you are always telling me to pursue my heart. So follow your own advice, go find your dark angel and tell him how much you love him. I am sure he loves you too, grandpa.”
With that said Yuki turned away from the fathomless depths of her grandfather's eyes and looked up at the first few stars of the night. She prayed silently to whatever gods were listening to give back in heaven the happiness her grandfather had forsaken on earth.
The walk home was so silent even the insects were quiet out of respect.
When Angels Return Do the Gods Rejoice?
Yuki kissed her grandfather goodnight and sent him to bed. She was glad she was graduating, and could be home full time for the next few months before college started. Grandfather since spring had been growing more distant and more fragile. She was sure he would die soon but was remaining because of her. He had started waiting for her after school each day and she assumed, correctly, it was because he did not want to be alone. He had always been so social and loved doing things. Now most of his friends had died, and the few remaining had become so old they hardly remembered him. Everyone always commented how spry her grandfather was, but she knew better. He was just pretending. She truly wished, as she had for months now, that the dark angel her grandfather loved so much would come and take him away.
She sighed as she walked into her bedroom before stopping abruptly. The window was open and she felt a presence there. A light by her bed switched on and she winced at the sudden brightness. She made an awed sound at the man with a young face and incredibly old eyes whose black hair stood on end with a white star burst across the front. He was dressed in a long black cloak with a white scarf around his neck and had a white cloth tied around his forehead. It did not seem he had even aged since she had last seen him five years ago. This was grandpa's dark angel, she knew, and he looked exactly like the little angel her grandfather hide from everyone down to his glowing red eyes.
“You came back,” she stammered out. “Oh I am so glad you came back, dark angel. Grandpa has missed you so very much. He loves you, you know”, she just had to say.
“Hn”, was the only comment the dark angel made.
She took two steps forward then stopped again sensing more then seeing how much he had tensed.
“Did you come to take grandpa with you?” she questioned earnestly. “He misses you a lot, you know, and wants to go with you.”
The dark angel just made a sound somewhere between a huff and a growl.
“This used to be his room”, the dark angel practically accused.
Yuki was shocked for a second then nodded.
“I had to move him downstairs last year. He has gotten too old to walk up the stairs anymore,” she explained rather defensively.
The dark angel said nothing only looked at her, and for the first time she noticed just how brightly his red eyes were shining. It was as if a fire burnt behind his eyes.
“He didn't want to leave this room but I made him”, she fumbled out in the silence, sounding apologetic.
He made the slightest shrug at that.
“When I saw him today I couldn't believe how old and weak he has become,” he remarked.
“Then you were at the park, today. I knew it.” she enthused. “I thought I felt you there, and I think did grandpa too. You even left him that seed to grow into a rose.”
“Where is he?” the dark angel snapped.
Yuki blinked for a few seconds at his brisk manner then gestured the dark angel to follow her.
Yuki knocked on her grandfather's door and when he did not answer, she opened the door quietly. She went inside to find him sleeping. The dark angel came in after her and walked over to the bed to look down at her sleeping grandfather. Only then did she notice the katana strapped around the dark angel's waist behind his back
“Hiei”, her grandfather called out in his sleep.
She looked at them both then quietly shut the door. Even if her grandfather was not alive in the morning, she had no regrets. Grandfather's dark angel had finally come for him and her grandfather could finally be happy again.
Kurama was dreaming about Hiei again. The human part of him ached for Hiei, the demon part of him yearned for him, and both parts of him were obsessed by the fire demon. Hiei, in fact, had been tormenting Kurama's dreams since spring with visions of the past, when he and Hiei had been lovers. He wanted to be gone to the Makai so he could find Hiei and make him his again. He wanted Hiei back and he would stop at nothing to have him. Shuichi now weakened by age had little resistance to Kurama's more brutal demon nature but a lifetime of restraint and responsibility still kept the Yoko nature under control.
“Hiei” he called out.
“Kurama”, a voice in his dreams answered.
“Oh Hiei, I thought you would never come back.” Shuichi's dream clouded mind whispered aloud. “I am so sorry I made you wait so long. Please forgive me. I love you so much.”
“You are coming with me this time, regardless of what you say”, Hiei informed him with a snarl.
“Yes, Hiei, yes. Take me with you,” Shuichi moaned.
In his dreams, he felt the strong hot arms of Hiei circle around his frail body.
“I am so sorry. Please forgive me, Hiei. Please tell me you forgive me,” he pleaded, with tears leaking from his closed eyes.
“Baka, of course, I forgive you. But I will make you pay for making me wait so long”, Hiei informed him bluntly.
“Yes, Hiei, yes,” Shuichi whispered happily.
Hiei simply humphed as the always fragile, and now quite frail human form of Shuichi snuggled more deeply into his arms and went into deep sleep.
It would not be long now, Hiei knew, a day or two at the most. He could feel death in the human body. The approaching death also explained to him why for the last several months he had been unable to think of anything other then Kurama, awake or asleep. Kurama, that baka kitsune, had wanted him here, and had been calling to him.
Even though Hiei was still annoyed with Kurama, he had come. Yet it pained Hiei in a way he did not understand to see the human Kurama as old, as weak and as frail as this. Therefore, he could not help but wonder how Kurama would fare once the body he had inhabited died. Hiei refused to admit the possibility existed that the demon fox Yoko Kurama could die when the human body did. Hiei simply could not. He had waited too long for Kurama to want him again.
Shuichi woke as he always did just as the sun was rising. He sighed heavily and stared at the ceiling. Then he realized he was hotter then usual, and that there was a weight across his chest. He felt something curled up next to him in bed holding him. He looked over to find Hiei there. Without even thinking, he hugged and kissed Hiei happily. Hiei made a disgruntled sound then opened his eyes.
“You are coming with me this time, Kurama”, Hiei, informed him coldly and bluntly.
“Yes, Hiei, yes,” Shuichi gushed. Then he squeezed Hiei as hard as he could, “I will go anywhere with you.”
Hiei simply hugged him back very gently, and they lay there until Hiei's stomach announced with a loud growl how hunger he was.
Yuki woke in the morning to a strange type of din. As she listened, she realized it was the sound laughter and cooking. She got up and hurried down stairs to find her grandfather laughing and cooking for the solemn dark figure who had somehow become drenched in white powdered sugar. She smiled at the disgruntled dark angel, who had white powdered sugar from the top of his spiked black hair to the tips of his black boots. Then she looked at brightness in grandfather's face and a strength that belied his age. He was making pancakes for his dark angel before literally drenching them with powdered sugar. The dark angel, in fact, was eating the pancakes faster then her grandfather could make them.
The dark angel looked at her then nodded a greeting at her. Her grandfather turned around and smiled rather guiltily. However, he did give her the next set of pancakes despite the hunger look on his dark angel's face.
“Yuki, this is Hiei”, he introduced them quietly.
Hiei looked at her pancakes as Kurama handed them to her then looked at her grandfather accusingly.
“I didn't know angels had names,” she commented in awe as she took the pancakes.
“Angel, Kurama?” Hiei inquired.
Yet before her grandfather could answer, she made an inquiry of her own.
“Kurama, grandfather?”
For a few seconds her grandfather looked perplexed over what to say then he simply shook his head with an indulgent smile not bothering to answer either one of them. He turned back to the pancakes and put the next set on Hiei's plate.
“I am glad you came back, Hiei,” Shuichi whispered softly to Hiei as he put the pancakes on the plate.
“Baka, I know you will always feed me,” Hiei replied coldly even as he stuffed the pancakes in his mouth not even bothering with the fork.
Grandfather simply smiled proudly then much to her amazement rejoined with a teasingly seductive comment.
“Are you sure that is the only reason, Hiei? Food is not the only thing I have never refused you.”
For one second Hiei stopped, completely and utterly, and a faint tinge of a blush colored his cheeks before he continued eating. Grandfather noticed and smiled ever so slowly with a nearly golden gleam in his otherwise his deep green eyes.
She left them alone and went off to school just smiling.
However, just as soon as Yuki left the house the old argument began once again between Hiei and Kurama.
Hiei stood in the middle of the massive living room watching Yuki going through the gate through huge picture windows, and the old human Shuichi stood watching Hiei.
“Kurama,” Hiei stated in an annoyed tone, watching the girl leave. “What do you mean you can't leave now? That female looks old enough to take care of herself by human standards. So what is it this time?”
“I want to see her graduate. We can leave the next day, I promise,” Shuichi replied in a pleading voice.
Hiei growled. Kurama never promised, or Shuichi for that matter, so he believed him.
“How long?” he snarled.
“Just a few days,” Shuichi said in rush. “I have already made sure she inherits everything and have already closed out my affairs. She is my heir, after all.” He finished slyly.
Hiei just crossed his arms over his chest and growled. He understood the heir part, at least.
“I came to drag you back to the Makai whether you wanted to come or not, understand that, kitsune,” Hiei huffed.
“I understand, Hiei, and I wouldn't have it any other way,” Kurama said softly.
A sudden warning went off in Hiei's mind due to the tone and abrupt deepness of Shuichi's voice. It was the only warning he had and started to turn sharply to where the old human male had been. However, before he could move the old human form pounced, taking him to the ground. They rolled across the floor until Hiei had pinned Kurama down beneath him. Hiei had always been far stronger then Kurama's human form.
Hiei looked down at the wizen face of Shuichi, whose mischievous green eyes were twinkling with a golden glow and noticed that Shuichi's now silver human hair was much like the Yoko's was.
A tell tale shiver of excitement went through Shuichi's body. It had been too many years since they had been like this, but Shuichi's body remembered all that Hiei could do to him, and Hiei remembered all Shuichi had done to him.
Shuichi smiled the slow, seductive and predacious smile of the Yoko, which made Hiei actually tremble in anticipation. Hiei pushed away from him, hard, not wanting to be caught so easily.
Shuichi let him go and slowly sat up as Hiei stood up. Shuichi sitting was much shorter then Hiei standing. Shuichi noted he had to look up more then he remembered.
Hiei must have grown a few inches, he thought in amusement.
“What are you doing, Kurama?” Hiei snapped.
Shuichi pouted before moving forward to his hands and knees. Hiei did not step back just scowled at him as he crawled closer. Then Shuichi knelt before him and scooted forward on his knees just looking at Hiei's face. When he had managed to ease his knees almost between Hiei's feet, he noted that his head was slightly lower then Hiei's head.
You have definitely grown, Shuichi thought. I used to be able to look you directly in the eyes when I knelt.
Looking up at Hiei's face, he put his best smile on, and rubbed Hiei's chest with his hand.
“I think you have grown Hiei”, Shuichi teased.
Hiei just gave him a withering look accompanied by a snarl.
“Please let me convince you to stay for just a few days, Hiei,” Kurama's voice whispered seductively. “Just until graduation, then I will go with you, I promise.”
Hiei abruptly sat across his knees.
“This had better be good, Kurama, or I am taking you back right now,” Hiei announced gruffly.
Shuichi laughed and circled his arms around Hiei. Hiei went stiff in his arms. Shuichi smiled and began to rub his nose along the side of Hiei's face. Unconsciously Kurama started to make a low trilling sound in his throat even as Yoko Kurama's pheromones left scent along Hiei's neck and face.
Hiei shifted in Kurama's arms as Kurama removed his scarf and his agile fingers undid his cloak. Hiei had never quite forgotten, despite how much he had tried, just how Kurama could make him feel, and more importantly that Kurama could make him feel at all. Not even Mukuro had been able to do that.
He found his hands in Shuichi's soft silver hair, quite unconsciously, and inhaled deeply the scent that was the fox's scent alone.
Smelling the scent, Hiei remembered something, something he should not have forgotten about the Yoko fox demon Kurama, his overwhelming sexual pheromones, and from the intensity of the scent, Kurama was definitely weaving his seductive spell. Hiei tried to push away only to find Kurama's scent increasing. Hiei started to feel dizzy and intoxicated by Kurama.
“Kurama,” he moaned out.
“Hmmm,” Kurama acknowledged.
“Stop”, Hiei tried to command. His voice, however, was very unconvincing in both command and the desire for Kurama to stop.
Shuichi hummed again, as Hiei quite literally went limp in his arms, completely intoxicated by Kurama's sexual pheromones. Shuichi laid Hiei back against the floor and crawled over him. Shuichi continued rubbing his face along Hiei's neck and chest, kissing and nipping at it, as he removed Hiei's long cloak. When the cloak was completely open he pulled it off, followed by Hiei's sleeveless shirt. He looked at Hiei's pale muscular chest and drooled. Then he inhaled Hiei's spicy scent that was now intermixing with his own sweet scent.
“Kurama you had better stop now,” Hiei warned him in a nearly breathless voice.
Shuichi ignored the warning and his tongue flickered against one of Hiei's nipples. Hiei breath sucked in abruptly even as his nipple became taut.
“Why Hiei?” Shuichi laughed, looking into Hiei's face mischievously.
Hiei looked back at Kurama and a decidedly evil smile grew on his face. A second later Hiei pushed up. He flipped Kurama over to his back, gently for the sake of Kurama's fragile human body, before sitting on Kurama's chest and pinning his arms down with his knees. Kurama looked up at Hiei rather shocked then laughed at the serious look on Hiei's face.
“Because Kurama,” Hiei commented coldly, his eyes flashing bright red, and bringing his face close, “I doubt this human form of yours can take the amount of stress I would put on it.”
Shuichi laughed and moved his hands to caress up Hiei's thighs to his hips.
Hiei groaned as his self-control loosened and lowered his head to Kurama's face. Kurama's lips parted but Hiei hesitated.
Kurama noted it for Hiei had and never would intentionally hurt him, and Kurama knew Hiei did not want to now.
Shuichi brought his arms around Hiei's neck and pulled Hiei's mouth against his own in a bruising kiss. When Hiei kissed back, with brutal strength, Kurama hummed with desire and his agile fingers slid down Hiei's bare back then to the front of Hiei's pants to undo the belts around Hiei's waist. Hiei drew back when he noticed where Kurama's hands were.
“Your hands are still just as agile as ever, I see, thief,” Hiei chuckled.
Shuichi just smiled.
An instance later, Hiei was crushing Kurama's lips to his own again. Kurama hummed and his mouth opened as Hiei's tongue went inside. Their tongues dueled as Hiei's hands tore Shuichi's thin shirt apart leaving thin bloodied trails from his nails behind. Hiei pulled back and his mouth moved lower to attack, nipping, and licking, the now bare flesh of Kurama's chest. Hiei was neither gentle nor caring as he quite literally ripped the rest of Kurama's clothing from his body. Kurama winced suddenly when Hiei's hand closed over his sex just a bit too hard.
“Hiei not so hard”, Shuichi cried out.
Hiei just grinned but he was not going to stop now. He stroked Kurama's sex hard, but not as hard as before. Kurama gasped then yelped as lust suddenly overwhelmed him, yipping through his moans. Hiei simply smiled more and more listening to Kurama's increasing passion. Suddenly Kurama's sexual pheromones spiked and Hiei suddenly decided he had waited too long to feel Kurama's flesh beneath his again.
Hiei flipped the moaning Kurama over to face down. He vaguely noticed that both of their bodies were now shining and smelled sweet. Hiei raised Kurama's hips up, licked his fingers quickly, leaving them wet, before finding Kurama's pucker. He pushed his fingers inside and Shuichi made a whimpering sound. However, Hiei did not care if his fox was ready enough. He undid his pants quickly and positioned himself before shoving through Kurama's tight barrier. Kurama started making whining yips and Hiei's blood filled with lust as he pushed completely into Kurama. He paused to savor his fox's tight behind letting a soft sound of desire escape his lips. Kurama pushed back with hungry desire and Hiei grinned wickedly.
“I should make you wait like you have made me wait, Kurama,” Hiei snarled.
Kurama looked back at him with pleading golden eyes, instead of his deep emerald colored ones, and pouted his lips.
Hiei drew his hips back, and Kurama licked his lips in an innocent seeming gesture. However, Hiei knew his fox well and laughed just before pounding back into Kurama. Kurama cried out with lust and his back arched raising his hips even more. Hiei feeling his submission stopped thinking about anything other then his own lust and sating it in his long awaited lover's body. Instinct and long ago memories made his hand ease around Kurama's waist and grab Kurama's sex to bring him pleasure. After several strokes Kurama made a rasping sound Hiei had never heard before but was too close to stop and investigate. Then Kurama cried out and his hips thrust backwards even as his sex released in a violent flow of his seed. Kurama's release and tightening anal cavity caused Hiei to cry out as his blood-pounding climax came. He pounded against Kurama's hips for a long while before he slowed to a stop. He collapsed over Kurama's back. He felt a strange tremble go through Kurama. Hiei quickly pulled away as old human form of Shuichi Kurama collapsed completely to the floor. Hiei came close to look in his eyes.
“Hiei”, Shuichi's labored whisper pleaded.
Shuichi's eyes were no longer gold but totally emerald green once again, Hiei noted, so he knew Shuichi was completely back again. Shuichi smiled affectionately and weakly reached out his hand to touch Hiei's face.
“Stay just for a few days,” he whispered as his eyes closed and his voice fading. “I just want to see her graduate. Promise me that you will stay with me until then.”
Hiei caught Shuichi's hand and kissed the palm even as he watched the face of pale fragile old man.
“Promise me, Hiei”, the old human wheezed, his brow beaded with sweat from the effort to stay awake.
“I promise,” Hiei swore solemnly.
Shuichi smiled and fell into exhausted sleep.
“I will wait Kurama as I always have,” Hiei said quietly to the sleeping human.
Not too surprisingly, Hiei saw the old man smile just slightly. Hiei watched him sleep for a long time before he decided Shuichi was not going to wake ever again. So he carefully picked up the old man, and noted he was far lighter then even the boy had been. He carried him to his room and gently laid him on the bed. With a conscience born from Shuichi's human habits Hiei went to find something to clean his body with and clothes he knew Shuichi would like.
Yuki came home and found his grandfather's bedroom door unusually open. She looked in to find her grandfather laid out in the bed as if he was dead and Hiei sitting in a windowsill looking out over the garden, solemn and waiting. She feared the worst and ran to the bed. She knelt beside it taking her grandfather's hand to see if he still lived. Hiei only turned his head to watch. Her grandfather's breath was very slow and his heartbeat faint, she discovered. She turned from him to look at Hiei, and her tears began to fall knowing this was the end. Hiei only returned her gaze for a few seconds without expression then turned to look out the window again, waiting. Yuki stayed kneeling beside the bed in silence, waiting too, knowing this was her grandfather's final night.
At some point after dark, she heard Hiei stir from the window and go to the door that led to the garden. He opened the door just as a solemn faced blue haired woman slid off the oar she was riding on and stood on the ground.
“Botan,” Hiei stated.
“Hiei” the blue haired woman greeted him, but her voice was thick with sadness and she had tears in her eyes.
Death cries? Yuki could not help thinking.
Botan bowed briefly and respectfully to her before coming inside carrying her oar tightly. Following Botan was a golden haired entity that was wearing gauzy white clothes, and had the ears and tail of a fox. Hiei's eyes narrowed at the fox entity and drew his sword in a flash. The fox entity just smiled as it moved out of the doorway toward her grandfather. Hiei snarled death at the entity as he blocked its way to her grandfather threatening it with his sword.
The blue haired woman, Botan, came forward and Hiei's sword moved in her direction.
Yuki noted in amazement that Hiei did not snarl at her.
Botan sighed out patiently, “Please Hiei, I have to release his soul.”
Hiei growled at her but moved the sword so she could get by. The fox entity shifted closer. Hiei's sword instantly pointed toward it forcing it away from the outside door and across the room.
“You stay away”, Hiei threatened.
The fox entity laughed with a silvery tingling kind of laugh, which sent chills down Yuki's spine.
The blue haired woman, Botan touched Yuki's shoulder and she flinched at death's cold touch.
“Time to let go,” she said in soft yet commanding voice.
Yuki let go of grandfather's hand and moved to stand by the bedroom door, a very safe distance from all the different deaths in the room.
Meanwhile, the golden fox entity was saying in a mischievous yet chilling voice to Hiei, “If you can catch him before me, Hiei, you can have him.”
Hiei swore under his breath at it and it laughed merrily.
Botan, meanwhile, had touched her grandfather's forehead.
“Time to go, Shuichi, time to choose, Kurama,” she said.
Her grandfather breathing stopped. A silver ball rose above his body and hovered there. Just as Botan reached for the silver ball Hiei slapped her hand away, and stood between her and the ball, his sword raised defensively, snarling in a deadly way. Startled, Botan backed up a few steps, holding her stung hand looking shocked Hiei had swatted her hand. Suddenly a silver colored fox with five tails sat on the dead body of her grandfather instead of the silver ball. The golden fox entity, smirked, and abruptly moved forward toward the fox but Hiei blocked its way with hard narrow red eyes and his razor sharp sword. Both of their eyes' suddenly were very deadly and their faces expressionless.
Not taking his eyes from the golden entity, Hiei hissed to the silver fox, “Run, you baka fox, run. Death is here to claim you.”
The silver fox looked up at him then his eyes widened at the golden fox entity. The silver fox yelped with fright and in a flash of silver darted out the open garden door into the night. The golden fox entity frowned before looking at Hiei with dark meaning.
“So the chase begins once again,” the golden fox entity remarked, almost amused.
Hiei simply smirked back then disappeared in a displacement of dark air after the silver fox.
“Well, that was quite the incentive”, Botan, the blue haired girl commented in amusement.
The golden fox entity laughed, “Those two will chase each other until the end of time”.
Botan nodded in agreement before commenting sagely, “It will be hard to catch either of them”.
The golden fox entity simply laughed again and disappeared in what seemed to be an inverse shower of golden light. Meanwhile, Botan bowed respectfully once again to her before sitting on her oar and hovering in the air.
“I would leave that door unlocked. They will be back …. Eventually,” Botan commented with a giggle and a knowing wink before she flew away.
Yuki sighed out in relief. Grandpa's soul was free now, and his dark angel was going to find him and take him to heaven. Therefore, with a sad smile, but a happy heart, she went off to bed quietly.
Once a Kitsune, Always a Kitsune
The fox spirit Kurama had bolted then completely forgot why. It felt good to be running again so he ran for the pure enjoyment of it. The wind was whispering through his fur and the world was his. He was feeling young, carefree, and intoxicated by a world colored with scents. Hours later, he caught the scent of prey and though not hungry tracked it for the pleasure of the hunt.
There was nothing better in the world then hunting and chasing except for playing with a playmate.
He hunted and stalked with stealthily intent. He startled the sleeping bird and gracefully arched in the air to pounce on it. He missed the bird, but only because he caught another scent, a much more enticing scent, a vaguely familiar, and longed for scent, the scent of sexual heat. He doubled back curious and intrigued to look over such an enticing potential playmate. Deep in the under bush he lay, his presence hidden and silent.
However, what came was large and black, and it was hunting too. Hunting, to capture and play, not to harm and kill, Kurama's sense of smell told him. Kurama hid deeper in the shadows and tentatively sniffed at the potential playmate. It smelled like a kitsune in heat, which puzzled the fox spirit, since it was not another kitsune but a fire demon of some type. Then it stopped. It stood silent, searching, scanning, looking, frowning darkly at the surrounding world.
Kurama sniffed again. Kurama's ear twitched suddenly when he finally placed the familiar scent. His companion, a part of him remembered. Then he gave a toothy fox grin, and bound out between the legs of the black creature, startling him, and making him trip as ki induced vines entangled his ankles before he could move with his lightening speed.
“Kurama,” a very anger shout was uttered as Kurama bound away.
Yes, my companion, my playmate, remembers me. Oh, how I want to play and the fox chanted his seductive song into the world around him, come chase me, come catch me, come play with me, for his companion and playmate.
His playmate chased him, and cursed him while dodging entangling vines and suddenly sprouting shrubs, all the while the fox spirit chanted his song and laughed in merriment. It had been too long since Kurama had run carefree and wild, and chased by such an alluring lover.
The chase was exhilarating, as he dodged, zigzagged, doubled back, eluded, and misdirected his playmate. He even ran between his playmate's legs, making sure his tail stood straight up and brushed over his groin. He did that as much to escape capture as to annoy and tease. Yet much too soon he was tired and found the tree he remembered as his special den in the growing daylight. He quickly scraped away the hidden entrance and crawled far inside away a mere seconds before the questing hand that followed. Unable to reach him, an annoyed face appeared.
“You are lucky, Kurama, I only want to catch you, not kill you, or my sword would be skewing your hide,” his playmate's voice snarled.
Kurama laughed then rolled to his back kicking his feet up in the air in merriment.
“Baka, kitsune”, the voice grumbled then disappeared.
Kurama not to be fooled sent out his ki to follow and found his playmate high above him in the branches of the tree. Kurama circled a few times in the now grassy cozy interior then settled down to sleep with his head under his tails. Meanwhile, vines and small plants grew to shield and protect his lair's entrance, and far more deadly plants grew to protect his tree and his precious playmate high above him.
The moon had risen again before Kurama awoke. The sleep had been healthy and his mind remembered. His playmate, Hiei, had also slept, but high above him in the tree branches just as hidden, and far safer then probably even he realized. The kitsune fox started to climb out his primary tunnel when he felt Hiei's trap. Therefore, he chose another exit. He jumped and wiggled upward inside the hollow tree trunk and squirmed out a hidey-hole in a knotted broken limb before dropping to the ground. Two feet landed silently on the ground, not four, and the face that looked up was human, not fox, despite the silver fur covered ears, and long swishing silver tail.
“Hiei”, he called upwards quietly, knowing Hiei would hear.
A few seconds later Hiei was standing above him looking down with deep fiery red eyes.
“Kurama”, Hiei intoned darkly.
Kurama smiled.
“It is good to see you again too, Hiei,” Kurama remarked mischievously.
Hiei remained silent.
“Did you come to play?” Kurama's seductive voice teasingly questioned.
“Hmf” Hiei commented. “At least that part of you hasn't changed.”
“Hiei” Kurama questioned.
Then for a mere millisecond Hiei quirked a corner of his mouth into a smile, “If you want to play Kurama, then come catch me.”
In a rush of displaced air, Hiei was gone, and Kurama laughed merrily. He remembered this game, chasing and being chased, and remembered how enjoyable the eventually captures had always been for them both. Hiei had been such a tease after Kurama had managed to get past his barriers of doubt and mistrust. Kurama chased after Hiei then felt Hiei slow as he came to a human mansion.
Confused by the fact Hiei sought a human dwelling, a place he generally would have despised Kurama slowed then walked through the gardens worthy of any kitsune toward the mansion. He moved so silently in fact the insects continued their singing not even realizing he was there. A small light was on inside a room just beyond a glass door.
Everything was familiar, to Kurama, yet so strange to him.
However, centuries as a thief made him cautious as he entered the room.
This had been his room, he suddenly remembered. Then he found himself looking at the dead body of a human male, a very old human male, in funeral regalia.
That was him, Kurama thought in shock. That was what he had been.
“I made a promise to Shuichi, Kurama, and that is the only reason I am staying or allowing you to stay,” Hiei stated.
Kurama's eyes shifted to him as Hiei shut the outside door before walking out of the shadows beside it. Kurama felt the flare of wards come to life around the entire mansion then looked back at the human form that had aged then died.
He could remember now how the death had felt, and despite his centuries of life, it chilled him like no other type of death he had experienced. However, it had also given him an appreciation for life he had never had before, and it became the final lesson the human aspect Shuichi could teach him.
“Yes, I remember,” agreed Kurama. “Shuichi wanted to see his granddaughter graduate.”
Hiei came to stand beside him as they looked down at the body that had been Shuichi Minamino.
“And you, Kurama, said that we would leave the following day”, Hiei commented.
Kurama shook his head no.
“After the funeral, Hiei, we will leave after that,” Kurama stated in a low deep voice.
Kurama wanted to make sure that Shuichi Minamino's human body received the proper funeral rituals according to his human customs. It was the least Kurama could do after all they had been through together.
For once Hiei did not argue, maybe he sensed Kurama's conviction, or maybe he too wanted to see the human form Shuichi had his proper funeral ritual, as well.
Hiei moved further into the mansion and Kurama followed him a few seconds later. In the dark accented only by pale moonlight coming through some windows, Kurama explored the mansion. It was as familiar as his tail, yet looking at it through a different perspective was very strange to him. Looking at the trinkets, the artwork, the furnishings, and the décor, he realized how alike Shuichi and he were, and wondered if any of his troves and stashes in the Makai had remained undetected.
The Shuichi human body and he had been inseparable, but now that they were apart, Kurama felt the loss. A keen of pain started yowling through Kurama's soul. To escape the pain he transformed quite suddenly into a fox and went to find Hiei. He found Hiei resting in a dark quiet bedroom with his back against the headboard. He lightly jumped up beside Hiei who moved him to his lap. Kurama curled up and Hiei gently stroked his fur. Hiei's stroking hand stopped the shaking that he did not realize he was doing. Kurama snuggled deeply into Hiei's warmth, seeking comfort, and eventually went to sleep to the soft rhythm of Hiei's stroking hand and quiet heartbeat.
Kurama woke to a girl's soft voice saying, “Thank you for staying until grandpa's funeral is over, dark angel”.
Kurama found himself held tightly and protectively against Hiei's chest and that Hiei had coiled up against the backboard. Hiei's chest hummed softly even as Kurama poked his head out of his tails in Hiei's arms to look at the girl.
“Oh, what a pretty fox,” Yuki gushed stepping into the room for a closer look.
Kurama looked at Hiei who said absolutely nothing, then back at the girl.
“Is he your pet?” Yuki asked innocently.
Hiei smiled wickedly.
“Yes,” he said tightening his grip on Kurama before he could jump away.
Kurama turned his head to glare at Hiei, whose bright red eyes laughed at him.
Then Hiei caressed under his chin, just the way Kurama liked it making Kurama's tails wag in delight.
“Yes, he is mine, all mine,” Hiei grinned evilly. “My little pet fox, now and forever.”
Kurama nipped at Hiei's finger in an affronted manner making Hiei laugh evilly. Kurama would have continued to play coy had Yuki not crept closer, and he felt Hiei tense for battle. It was then Kurama knew just how serious Hiei had been, about him being his, and Hiei would kill anyone he thought was trying to take away his fox.
Abruptly, Kurama licked at the corner of Hiei's mouth and Hiei startled enough that Kurama wiggled away. Hiei growled at him when he sat at the end of the bed, licking his paw in a decidedly sensual manner, watching him with mischievous golden eyes. Yuki, on the other hand, laughed merrily.
“So spirited, he reminds me of grandpa for some reason,” she said wistfully.
Then to hide gathering tears, “I have to get ready for graduation this afternoon. This evening is grandpa's wake and tomorrow the funeral. You are welcome stay, dark angel.”
Hiei simply nodded at her retreating back.
“Are you going to change now, Kurama?” Hiei stated in an annoyed voice.
Kurama shook his head no then lightly jumped down and sauntered out the door provocatively swinging his hips and flicking his tail teasingly. A very rare type of growl, one of frustrated lust, escaped from Hiei as he uncoiled from against the backboard to follow.
In the kitchen, Yuki gave the fox some cold turkey meat and some milk while she made Hiei pancakes.
Hiei simply watched and half listened to babbling girl as he ate using utensils this time. After she left, Hiei went and perched on a couch in front of the television since Kurama was still maintaining his fox form. Kurama watched Hiei punch the remote and some show came on. Hiei had been quite addicted to television when he had stayed with Kurama. Kurama came and sat quietly beside him, finding Hiei far more interesting then the television. Yet somehow, three shows later Kurama found himself in a familiar position. His head lay on Hiei's lap as he lay curled up on the couch dozing with Hiei stroking his fingers through his silver fox fur unconsciously. It was so familiar and so relaxing he sighed contentedly as he remembered the long lazy sex filled days that had become the years he had spent with Hiei after he had moved out of his mother's house.
A pause in his fur, a sudden tenseness in Hiei, and an abrupt change of breathe, made Kurama sit up alert and wary of danger. Hiei, he found, was quite literally staring at him in utter shock.
Kurama blinked at him then instantly became concerned.
“What's wrong Hiei?” he asked verbally worried.
Kurama heard how much his voice had changed. Then he looked at his hands and saw how petite and pretty they were. He just stared back at Hiei in equal shock. A second later, he was running to the bathroom to look in a mirror. There in the mirror was the image of a Shuichi Minamino as he had been at eighteen. The image smiled back mischievously.
Kurama laughed and stated to the image, “I guess you are not gone, after all, are you, Shuichi. You are now a part of me as I was a part of you.”
The red haired boy smiled more then his eyes shifted to look over Kurama's shoulder. The loving look he gave Hiei actually hurt from the intensity.
Kurama half turned to look at Hiei and Hiei looked up at him.
They said nothing for a few seconds.
Then Kurama's human form whispered, “I love you, Hiei, and I will gladly be yours”.
Hiei reached up and drew back the human Kurama's collar to show the bite mark there. Hiei caressed over his mark of ownership.
“Kurama, you have always been mine, and you will always remain mine”, Hiei reminded him.
The Shuichi form of Kurama simply smiled indulgently. Then he heard a clock chiming the hour and gasped.
“Oh no, I am going to be late for the graduation,” he practically panicked.
He rushed past Hiei to get ready, and Hiei just humphed in amusement. His fox had not changed that much, he was still vain, still punctual and still very lively when excited.
Kitsune Magic
Two hours later, Hiei found himself surrounded by a mass of people standing next to the boy Shuichi form of Kurama watching some ceremony called graduation. Kurama, using his kitsune Yoko powers, had managed to part the people around them as easily as he did plants and trees so they were very close to the ceremony. They went unnoticed since illusion and misdirection was any kitsune's ultimate power. However, Hiei was rather disappointed at this graduation ritual. There was no record of personal kills given for the students, or combat achievements by the school, and no weapons presented to the best students. There were only a lot of speeches and talking about the future. Hiei grew so bored he would have fled to the rafters to sleep had Kurama not been holding his hand.
At first when Kurama had tried to take his hand, Hiei had startled and snatched his hand away glaring at Kurama. Kurama smiled apologetically then went back to listening to the speech trying not to look sad. Hiei humphed in irritation realizing what Kurama had wanted but he waited for over a minute before he tentatively slid his fist inside of Kurama's hand. Kurama glanced down at his loose fist then smiled affectionately while his fingers threaded in between Hiei's fingers. Less then a minute later Kurama's thumb started to caress along the back of Hiei's hand. It felt nice, and Hiei looked down to watch Kurama's thumb absently stroking his skin.
Kurama being kitsune enjoyed contact. The Shuichi form had always been very circumvent about physical touching, yet had taken very opportunity to do it, and then would continue doing it for as long as he could. It had been a slow process for Hiei to allow Kurama near him, and eventually for Hiei to want to remain near Kurama. Kurama's ki had always reached out to him, and Hiei had eventually allowed the ki touch as he grew to trust Kurama.
However, physical contact had taken far longer. The first time it had occurred was during a particularly furious and bitterly cold typhoon. Hiei had sought shelter in Kurama's room. It had been the first time Kurama had physically touched him and the first time Hiei had willingly allowed any creature physical contact. It was also the first time he had willingly slept so near another, and he had slept very close to Kurama that night, in his arms in fact. After that Kurama was generally always was near him whenever they were together, and near enough to touch him if he wanted, though Kurama rarely did when anyone was watching.
Kurama's thumb stopped moving and his hand squeezed gently. Hiei looked up and saw Kurama looking proud and expectant. The girl Yuki came across stage and Kurama beamed. Hiei made a small hmf sound as a beam of sunlight highlighted them suddenly, the world hushed abruptly, and the old human version of Kurama reappeared.
Kitsune “magic”, Hiei mused seeing the girl first look at him with a sad smile then her eyes suddenly widened looking beside him to Kurama. Her eyes filled with tears seeing the illusion of her grandfather standing there smiling proudly. She mouthed `thank you, dark angel' to Hiei and finished her part of the ceremony. Hiei decided he would definitely have to ask what an angel was and why the girl had thanked him. After his granddaughter was finished, Kurama left and Hiei followed not getting the chance to ask.
Later that night, Yoko Kurama watched the moon travel across the night, sitting with one leg out and one leg dangling down from a large mid branch with his back to the trunk of the great tree he had grown for years. Hiei stood just past his foot with his hands in his pockets staring out at the moon also. The only sound was the swish of Kurama's tail and the occasional flick of his ears.
Kurama had been reliving Shuichi Minamino's life without really wanting to since he had been drawn to spy on the wake in his honor. It had had an unsettling effect on the Yoko, but an equally settling effect on the human piece of his mind.
Shuichi would never quite be gone, Kurama knew after that. Then he looked at Hiei. But then again he did not want the Shuichi identity to be totally gone either.
Kurama smiled. Hiei's red eyes immediately shifted to look at him out of the corner of his eyes. Then Hiei disappeared in a displacement of air.
Kurama was rather shocked wondering what had spooked Hiei. He felt nothing of demons or humans, only the stirring natural life around them.
He looked back at the moon and pondered. When understanding came to him he tossed his head back in a merry laugh. His own half-formed lustful thoughts had spooked Hiei. Besides, it was his turn to chase, and Hiei was not going to make that chase easy or short.
A sly smile came to Kurama's face, and he drew his outstretched knee to his chest before his arms circled it and put his head on it. Catching the `I'm mad at having to have been made to wait' annoyed Hiei, the `It has been so long and you are Yoko' reluctant Hiei, at the same time `Oh just fuck me, already' lustful Hiei, would take some careful planning on Kurama's part and the night was growing short.
Hours later, Hiei knew the Yoko was chasing him as he flirted through the partial dimension between the three worlds. It was a place where geography distorted and if one knew how, one could cover vast distances in seconds. A trick Yoko Kurama had taught him long ago. He came back into the human realm in a remote forest region near an ancient volcano. He flitted from tree to tree racing the wind trying to outwit the cunning Yoko fox chasing him. Though he wanted the eventual outcome of the capture, he was rather uncertain of it.
Abruptly the thin tree branch he landed on moved, an aerial somersault and several high-speed desperate maneuvers later, he landed rather awkwardly on another much lower and thicker branch. He did wonder about the higher branch, which had given under his weight since he could stand on the very top of any tree if he wanted. Then the branch he was on began to bend downwards as if he was too heavy.
Kurama, Hiei cursed mentally and bound off again, readjusting his landings mid-flight.
This was slowing him down, and giving the cunning fox a chance to catch up, Hiei thought. However, he was not going to go down to the forest floor that would only give the fox an even greater ability to catch him. Besides, he was nearly where he wanted to be anyway.
He dodged a clump of dangling grasping vines that nearly torn his cloak off, and jumped higher into a nearby tree. He scrambled for a higher vantage as he jumped from tree to tree even as branches, vines and sometimes even the trees themselves moved trying to prevent him from gaining altitude. He finally managed the treetops again and ran along them with the speed of the wind.
He was determined to reach the place he was going. Long ago Kurama had shown him this place, an ancient shrine, totally forgotten by all as far as Hiei knew, except for one inhabitant of the human world named Kurama.
The treetop he was about to land on shifted suddenly. His footing faltered and he fell. He scrambled for purchase but everything refused his grasp and footing. Yet even as he was falling, he realized he was falling slowly and landing gently, almost sliding along through the tree branches toward the ground and his goal.
Kurama, he intoned nastily even though his tone carried an admiring under the harshness since Kurama was truly a master of the natural world around him.
The last branch practically handed him to the ground as a mother would a child. Hiei regained his feet and paused long enough to watch the branches do something suspiciously like blow him a kiss. Then with a definite wave at him, the branches returned to just being a tree.
Hiei scowled slightly at the tree then followed the faintly glowing path that had appeared along the ground.
Kitsune magic was normally strong, but around the shrine, the magic was even stronger. It was the main reason Kurama had always come there. Kurama claimed the entire forest could be manipulated from the shrine.
He wondered how the fox had gotten so far ahead of him but then again Hiei had not been hiding his destination either.
Mist rose and swirled around him as the path glowed brighter for him. To his sides small lights became to bob behind him as if he was leading a procession.
He knew then he was caught in the fox's magic, but regardless of that, it was still fascinating and amazing to watch.
He went under the phantom shrine archway that in reality was not there and went up the now perfectly paved steps toward where a temple had once stood. He stopped when he reached the top in amazement. A large grassy square lay before a magnificent stone and wooden temple surrounded by a sheltered railed walkway. The unmarred sand walkway that led to the temple was lined with kitsune statues all bearing tall lanterns on long bamboo sticks lighting his way. As he walked up to the temple between the kitsune statues they bowed to him. He was a little taken back at this homage but shrugged.
He proceeded between them wary, but pleased, and out of unconscious habit left no footprints in the sandy path.
Kurama was certainly putting on a show, Hiei thought.
He climbed the temple stairs and the great double wooden doors opened before him by unseen hands. Torches and lanterns brightened the great room, and in the center of a gigantic rug was a long low table covered with food. Kurama entered the room from the opposite side looking a little dazed, but his eyes blazed with internal fire when he focused on Hiei.
Kurama smiled then gestured Hiei toward the table to sit.
Hiei made no sound as he moved to sit at the table cross-legged at the same time Kurama did.
Kurama sat on his knees across from him, his tail swishing back and forth happily, as he looked over the feast. Then he reached over picked up a bird and started to devour it. Hiei just watched him, noting his definite lack of human table manners, before looking over the feast himself.
Kurama would not be eating if the food was poisoned, Hiei determined.
Hiei found the delicacy, iwari, made from stuffed chicken intestines, and carefully picked it up. Meanwhile, Kurama had started on a rabbit and was humming with delight as he devoured it. Hiei carefully looked over the iwari and sniffed it.
It smelled real enough and looked real enough, Hiei thought. He had heard stories about kitsune magic though, and how feasts had turned into rotting leaves and slime.
Kurama finished his rabbit and his tongue slowly licked his lips. Hiei just watched his tongue sliding over his provocative lips completely forgetting the delicacy in his hand. Kurama's hand slowly rose to his mouth, and brushed his knuckles along the very corner of his mouth making his mouth open in a breathless fashion. His long index finger traced ever so slowly around his lips as it shaped into an O. Then his tongue swirled around the tip of his finger before sucking on it.
Hiei's mouth opened slightly enthralled by the show.
Kurama's eyes half closed turned his head slightly, as he slowly sucked his finger into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the length of his finger as it went deeper. Hiei watched breathlessly as Kurama's cheek smoothed out, and the muscles of his mouth formed a tight sucking friction. Kurama's throat moved in long rippling movements as the finger descended completely into Kurama's mouth.
Hiei swallowed hard, then swallowed hard again, as Kurama slowly and sensually pumped it in and out of his mouth, humming passionately. Then Kurama completely withdrew his finger with a small popping sound out of his kiss-pursed lips looking directly into Hiei's eyes.
Hiei blinked then blinked again at Kurama's teasing golden eyes, his slyly coy look, and his powerfully sensual presence.
“Hn.” Hiei uttered completely at a loss for words.
Kurama leaned across the table and gently took Hiei's arm just below his elbow in both of his hands. As Kurama stared into Hiei's eyes, he raised Hiei's arm up by slowly sliding his long fingers down toward his hand that still held the iwari. Kurama slowly put part of it in his mouth then leaned forward while removing Hiei's hand from it. Kurama leaned completely across the table offering the iwari held in his mouth to Hiei. Hiei bit off the offering then found Kurama's lips against his own and the iwari in his mouth.
At that moment, Hiei could not decide which tasted better Kurama or the iwari.
However, the iwari became the winner when Kurama withdrew his lips. Hiei savored the iwari before swallowing even as his eyes remained captured by Kurama's gaze. Yet Hiei did not get a second piece finding Kurama's lips against his own again, and he completely forgot about food by the time Kurama released his lips.
Hiei suddenly drew back sensing the surroundings had changed. He found he now sat on a wide silken bed shrouded by veiled misty curtains. Kurama's retreating head lowered as Kurama stretched out naked across it on his stomach. Kurama smiled as his head rested on folded hands beneath his chin. Hiei looked back along his sleek naked back to find Kurama's calves up in the air with his ankles twined together, and his long tail silver swishing hypnotically back and forth over his naked thighs. Hiei looked around the room in amazement at the rich tapestries of natural scenes that seemed so real it was like looking through a window, and at the abundant live trees, shrubs, and plant life growing inconspicuously around the moonlit room.
Hiei made an amazed sound despite himself.
Kurama smiled even more, reached out his hands to take Hiei's into his arms as he sat up.
Hiei instantly stiffened even as habitual dark sinister suspicions grew in his mind.
Was this even the real Kurama, or just some illusion? Hiei's suspicious mind questioned.
One of Kurama's long fingers touched Hiei's lips before he could speak followed by a silent Shhhh. Kurama hushed him with such an affectionate smile Hiei actually smiled back. As Hiei looked deeply into Kurama's golden eyes, he went so far as to touch his thoughts to alleviate his suspicions. Once Kurama's identity had been established to his satisfaction, Hiei let Kurama gently pull him down to the bed.
Supplication and Worship
The next thing Hiei remembered feeling was the feather light touch of Kurama's lips against the headband over his Jagan eye trying to keep it closed. Sensing Hiei's heightened awareness Kurama moved to look into Hiei's eyes and Hiei forced the half open Jagan eye closed again.
Kurama just smiled thankfully because illusion for those, like Hiei, who lived in harsh reality could never be fooled unless they allowed it, especially one with a Jagan.
Hiei tentatively smiled back at Kurama, just a slight upturning of the corner of his mouth, before reaching his hand up to the side of Kurama's bare neck curiously. He caressed his hand over the smooth skin noting the bite mark scar he given the Shuichi form was now gone. He watched his fingers move over the smooth skin then looked in the Yoko's golden eyes. He found them looking back with an expectant expression. Then Kurama tilted his head slightly exposing his neck more with his eyes half closing making a wanting sound. Hiei firmly grasped his shoulders and sat up.
This was his fox, Hiei thought savagely, and he wanted every creature in the third worlds to know that.
Only then did he realize that he was just as naked as Kurama when the silken sheet that covered them both slid down to his waist. He did not even want to know what Kurama had done to him while he was unaware. Kurama was lust personified so Hiei being unconscious or unaware would not have stopped him. Kurama simply preferred Hiei to be aware of what he was doing.
However now that Hiei was aware there was something Hiei needed to do. So he firmly pushed Kurama down to bed beside him, and Kurama lay nearly on his back. Then Hiei slowly slid his body over Kurama's, and they both moaned as their skin connected. Yet Hiei was too intent on his mission to enjoy fully their connected bare bodies or Kurama's large hands caressing up his back. Hiei nuzzled into the side of Kurama's neck licking and kissing it until Kurama tilted his head back.
This was his fox, was all Hiei could think, just as Shuichi had been his human, and his mate, Kurama was his fox and mate as well. Now he would have his fox and his mate once again after chasing him for so long.
Kurama made soft pleading sounds as Hiei sucked against the tender notch between his neck and collarbone. Then Hiei bit. Kurama gasped as Hiei's sharp teeth sank in deep, drawing blood. Moonlight suddenly flooded across the bed as Kurama's whole body went stiff as his hands clawed down Hiei's back before completely going limp. Kurama starting making a sound Hiei had never heard him make before, a soft trilling sound. Hiei shifted to look down into Kurama's moonlight face. He was duly impressed, and slightly scared, for he had never seen such rapture on Kurama's face before.
Kurama's eyes snapped opened. Hiei's instincts flared before he actually recognized the hunger predacious look of unadulterated lust in Kurama's eyes. Kurama caught his shoulders in a determined grip before he could flee. Suddenly Kurama's teeth were sinking into the notch of Hiei's neck in the extra same place the human form Shuichi had left innumerably bruising marks never being able to leave a permanent bite mark even with the Yoko's power. Hiei cried out at the pain and the possession only to hear the purring sound he made begin.
As Kurama moved him to his back, Hiei remembered the first time he had made that sound. It had scared him to hear it coming from himself. Kurama, in his human form, had tried so hard to stifle his snickers when Hiei had angrily asked about it, and why he could not stop making that sound. They had been in similar position holding each other and making love as the human Kurama called it.
Now Kurama was licking at the wound he had inflicted and enticing Hiei to purr even loudly by nibbling up his neck. Rather disgruntled Hiei tried to stifle his purring and felt Kurama smile at the challenge. Kurama found the tender soft spot just behind his ear and the volume of Hiei's purr suddenly increased. In response, the trilling Kurama was making increased in volume and the moonlight brightened even more.
For the first time Hiei noticed the open canopy of the bed and stared up at the bright full moon and a myriad of glowing stars in the night sky above him.
He smiled slightly thinking; Leave it to a kitsune, and a master manipulator of nature to create such impossible yet beautifully aesthetic scenery.
Hiei then became lost to Kurama's silent seduction as Kurama began to caress, lick, and kiss down his chest. Hiei even knew the outcome of such a seduction but no longer cared. This was his Kurama, his Yoko, his fox, and they were eternal.
Kurama, looking down at Hiei, watched his usually penetrating and observant ruby colored eyes glaze even more as he stared above him while a slight smile forming on his face.
Whatever Hiei was seeing was at least pleasant, Kurama thought. Then his thoughts turned to his prey. It had been much too long since he had felt his hot-blooded lover beneath him as a hunger predacious look grew on his face.
He gently caressed down Hiei's chest followed by passionate kisses. Hiei's purring grew deeper as his mind accepted then began to crave the seduction. Kurama's tongue swirled over Hiei's nipple. Hiei hissed slightly as the nipple hardened but the purr in his chest rumbled with loud contentment. Kurama smiled and his worship truly began.
In Kurama's chase for Hiei, and in creating in the illusions for him, Kurama had encountered his god Inari just outside this shrine. Kurama despite all the illustrious stories about him could be frightened and lose his legendary composure, especially in the face of his God. Therefore, when out of the swirling mist Kurama had created, Inari had stepped out in front of him Kurama had caught his breath in fear and poised to run. However, at a glance Inari paralyzed him. His god looked around at the illusion of his temple that Kurama had created from a past millennium. He had simply smiled at the homage and with a wave of his hand lent power, reality, and protection to Kurama's all ready powerful illusion. Then he had winked mischievously at Kurama and pointed toward the temple. Kurama followed his finger and saw through the mist Hiei approaching the temple, actually looking impressed. Without conscious thought, Kurama started toward the temple and his lover. Yet as he past his god he heard him speak, `Worship and pray, Kurama, all you want, forever if you wish, however, you cannot speak until the dawn, or you are mine.'
Kurama just nodded he understood, but he did not need to speak to make Hiei his once again, or to escape death yet again. For all that was truly on Kurama's mind was the worship of his lover's body as it was meant to worshiped, and if it pleased his God, who no doubt would be watching and listening, so be it.
With a mischievous smile, Kurama decided he would definitely have to pull out all of his trick and techniques. It was not everyday your god came to watch.
As his hands slid down Hiei's sides in a long gentle caress, he shifted his foot over Hiei's knees and moved Hiei's legs apart. While he kissed back and forth across Hiei's chest teasing, nipping, and sucking at the now extremely sensitive nipples Kurama slid to his knees between Hiei's thighs. Hiei groaned slightly feeling Kurama's intent but did not resist as his legs were spread apart.
Kurama spread his fingers out as his hands gently ran over Hiei's hipbones, slowly and lightly. Hiei's skin trembled beneath his hands becoming highly sensitive and Kurama's kissing shifted downward to kiss along his lower rib cage. Hiei's hands flexed into the sheets and his breathing abruptly intensified. Kurama's hands made long sweeping light caresses down his hips along the outside of his thighs to his knees then slowly back up his inner thighs. Hiei spread his thighs even more then groaned in disappointment as Kurama's teasing hands brushed lightly along the wisps of amazing soft hair surrounding his stunning sex organ.
Kurama almost lost his composure for the second time seeing it, huge, thick, and elongated, throbbing against Hiei's abdomen glistening from pre-cum. Kurama's breathe blew against it as his own breathing intensified into hot panting.
Hiei's hands abruptly slid to Kurama's biceps and squeezed. Kurama clenched his teeth in pain.
“Do it, Kurama.” Hiei ordered. “Now!”
Just for an instant Kurama thought about refusing and teasing him a bit more but his lover was an impatient one. Kurama moved back down, caressing his thumbs over Hiei's hips. Hiei's hands clenched even more painfully into his biceps drawing blood from his nails thinking Kurama was going to continue his teasing until Kurama blew against the base of his organ.
Hiei cried out in pleasure and his hips jerked upward in reaction. However, his fingers released the painful grip in Kurama's biceps.
Kurama nuzzled his nose deep into the wiry looking but extremely soft hair at the base of Hiei's organ. Hiei let out a long pleasure filled moan and his purring rumbled. Kurama smiled, closed his eyes, and inhaled deeply the scent of Hiei. Kurama's mouth drooled abruptly at Hiei's sexual scent and sighed out his own pleasure in a long excited moan. Hiei began to tremble and tense hearing that predatory lust filled sound.
Yet before Hiei could truly react, Kurama's dripping mouth sucked the base before licking up his shaft. Hiei's body tensed with pleasure, as Kurama's skillful tongue and mouth ran up and around Hiei's shaft sucking and licking at it. Hiei's hands were suddenly gripping into Kurama's hair and his hips began to rise from the bed as Kurama's tongue neared the tip.
“Ku…ra…ma!” came the elongated pleading cry of pleasure from Hiei.
Kurama's hand abruptly moved to encircle the base of Hiei's organ and squeezed just as his mouth went over the tip of Hiei's organ.
No sound of Hiei's silent scream escaped his lips but a hard tremble went through his body as Kurama's tightly ringed fingers prevented his complete orgasm. Hiei literally stopped breathing as Kurama's mouth descended down his shaft moving his tongue in a fast swirling spiral. At the base Kurama gently released the pressure of his fingers as his mouth clamped down tight and sucked. Hiei's breathing abruptly returned to anticipatory growling and shallow panting, and his shaft grew even harder. Kurama slowly sucked up Hiei's shaft swirling his tongue building Hiei's orgasm in both pressure and intensity. Hiei's hips rose even more and his entire body followed until he was forced to let go of Kurama's hair to brace his arching body against the bed with his heels and outstretched arms. Kurama's hands and arms helped the process by holding his weight at his hips.
Hiei did not even have time to scream out Kurama's name, when Kurama's tongue flicked over the tip along the slit and he exploded into Kurama's mouth. Kurama gulped the hot sticky fluid down, sucking up and down the entire length, and milking it with his tightly ringed fingers. Hiei, far beyond conscious thought, trembled as his arousal revived in less then a minute by Kurama's bobbing head and tightly ringed fingers.
The stealthy Kurama took advantage of Hiei's unawareness and pushed a slick finger inside Hiei's anus. Between Kurama's hard sucking mouth and fast stroking circled fingers on Hiei's shaft, Hiei did not notice as Kurama pushed even more fingers into the tight hole to stretch and prepare him.
Meanwhile, Hiei began to buck his hips almost violently into Kurama's mouth desperately seeking even more satisfaction. He was so close. Then an electric jolt of pleasure zipped up Hiei's spine making him gasp when Kurama's fingers hit that spot deep inside his anus. Hiei's eyes snapped open in reaction then closed again crying out as he exploded a second time into Kurama's mouth.
Kurama withdrew his salivating mouth from Hiei's spent organ and Hiei caught the feral look of hunger on his face. Yet before Hiei could react, Kurama wiggled his fingers in his anus with a mischievous yet mercilessly smile. Hiei screamed with passion even as Kurama moved over his helpless screaming prey and positioned himself to enter Hiei's tight orifice. Kurama withdrew his fingers leaving Hiei thrusting for more and pushed his substantial shaft through the tight ring of muscle just as Hiei thrust toward him. Hiei's eyes snapped open again feeling the even greater intrusion and a touch of panic reached his eyes. Kurama well aware of Hiei's general aversion to being pinned down kept his chest from touching Hiei's as Hiei panted, and watched what little emotion Hiei had flicker between lust and anxiety. For a second Kurama hesitated, not wanting to cause his lover undue stress by his size.
Hiei feeling the hesitation, without warning wrapped his muscular thighs and legs over Kurama's hips and squeezed painfully before grabbing Kurama's shoulders tightly sinking his nails in and pulling forward.
Kurama hissed with pain and Hiei chuckled evilly.
Kurama looked at Hiei's challenging face and grinned. Kurama thrust forward hard into Hiei's tight orifice, and Hiei growled with pain and pleasure even as his arms circled around Kurama's shoulders. Kurama fought for control, his own lust rising exponentially as he eased into Hiei's tightness slowly and relentlessly. Kurama could feel Hiei fighting pain and the blood lust it caused. When Kurama was completely inside he stopped to give them both a chance to recover.
Kurama on his elbows moved one hand to caress gently along Hiei's side, across his chest, and along his stomach. Hiei was trembling, panting, and growling with his eyes tightly closed. Kurama caressed Hiei's body until all of those things stopped and a slow tentative purring took their place. Hiei eventually opened his eyes. Kurama smiled affectionately looking in Hiei's tense face before gently stroking along Hiei's cheek until his eyes fluttered and the tension on his face eased. When the tension eased in Hiei's face Kurama tentatively moved his hips to assess Hiei's condition. Hiei moaned with passion, instead of pain, and Kurama hummed with delight.
Hiei could never truly submit to another, Kurama knew, but Hiei could relent and he had relented. Kurama though was going to make Hiei truly surrender for the first time in their long relationship to the passion and lust he felt.
Kurama's hips moved with longer and longer strokes within Hiei pacing the passion within himself and Hiei's moans grew louder and longer. Hiei's semi-erect sex twitched and grew hard again. As Kurama continued, stroking his anus with his hard sex and gently caressing his face with his knuckles, Hiei breathing grew heavy and hard until his hips tentatively moved to meet the stroking Kurama was giving him. This wanting surrender was what Kurama had been waiting for.
Kurama drew out then shoved back in hard. Hiei's face twitched then eased as Kurama kissed along his jaw line. Kurama drew out and shoved back in again. This time Hiei softly cried out as he surrendered more then he realized to his lover.
A deep guttural sound came from Kurama as he moved his arms beneath Hiei's shoulders holding him tight and nuzzling his head near Hiei's ear. Kurama's chest came against Hiei's and Hiei did not even flinch. His only reaction was to tighten the grip his thighs had on Kurama's sides and his hands slowly moved along Kurama's spine in a remarkably light touch. Kurama lost control at that simple touch.
Kurama's body started pounding against Hiei's anus. Hiei for the first time went into a lust-filled frenzy. His body demanded more and more from Kurama as Hiei arched, bucked and his nails began to claw at Kurama's back. Hiei's hard sex being roughly rubbed between their bodies exploded once again coating their stomachs with sticky hot fluid but the tightening of Hiei's anal cavity drove Kurama over the edge. Hiei's scream of his lust released was lost as Kurama's body slammed into Hiei's without mercy or thought as his world faded into the point of ultimate release. When Kurama released into the hot depths of Hiei, his head snapped back, silently calling out Hiei's name. Yet Kurama's body caught in passions' throes did not stop moving for nearly a minute.
By the time Kurama could think again on any conscious level, he realized Hiei's body lie still beneath him. He drew back worried. He could kill Hiei like this. A long forgotten and shrouded fact concerning kitsunes was they could quite literally steal the life force of any creature through sex, and humans had been easy prey for them for centuries.
However, he found Hiei looking back at him with an amused expression and an actual smile on his face. Kurama was taken back by the smile.
“You are so fun to watch when you lose it, Kurama,” Hiei remarked.
Kurama just laughed, and covered Hiei's face with kisses until Hiei pushed him away roughly in annoyance.
“Enough, you sex crazed kitsune, enough”, Hiei stated angrily.
Kurama pouted in a hurt fashion but could not quite get the smile off his lips or the mischief out of his eyes.
Hiei pushed even harder against him then winced. Kurama slid out of him completely before quite literally curling Hiei into his arms and pulling Hiei's back to his chest. Hiei struggled and swore half heartedly against this snuggling then gave up when Kurama kissed the back of his neck. Kurama slid his one arm under Hiei's head to hold him tight across the chest and the other arm clamped around his waist just tight enough to keep him still. Kurama's nose nuzzled into Hiei's hair and snuggled against him tightly.
Dance of the Kitsune
Hiei just sighed with annoyance feeling Kurama drifting into sleep behind him. He tried to move only to find Kurama's arms tighten around him.
Well, he was not going anywhere, anytime soon, Hiei thought. Well, he could but he would seriously damage Kurama trying to do so. He decided it was just easier to wait until Kurama relaxed enough for him to change positions.
Kurama's body curled up on his side molding Hiei in front of him. Kurama's tail swished over Hiei's arm gently. Hiei shivered at the soft fur. Kurama, in his sleep, kissed the nape Hiei's neck and the hand on his shoulder caressed down it gently in an effort to comfort him.
Hiei lay in Kurama's arms, listening to the peaceful insect life. He eventually became less tense as Kurama nuzzled the nape of neck and his long silky soft tail caressed his naked body.
In a half doze, Hiei noticed the wall that he was facing had been replaced by thin semi-transparent misty curtain, and outside on the square grassy lawn a dance seemed to be going on. Hiei watched without much interest the gauze-draped androgynous kitsunes dancing with and gyrating around half clothed human males. The gyrating part of the dance seemed to include divesting the human males of their clothing with caressing tails, stealthy hands, and alluring smiles. Yet something in the way the kitsunes moved made Hiei suspicious. These kitsunes moved like Kurama did when he was in battle, but there was no battle. Instinctive caution shifted Hiei upright, alert for danger.
Kurama moved beneath and under Hiei and Hiei straddled over his thighs. Gently Kurama's hands coaxed with tiny pushes and caressing strokes Hiei's anus onto his hardened shaft. Hiei being more interested in what the female looking, but definitely male kitsunes were doing was only vaguely aware of Kurama as his hips moved and rotated deep within him.
The male kitsunes' alluring dance of weaving in and out, coming close then moving away again, amongst the human males was strange to watch. It was as if they were stalking prey. The stupidly smiling human males drunkenly followed in small dizzying circles the kitsune's movement trying to catch them in a vacant way. Then suddenly a kitsune literally pounced on a human male, his hands going around his neck and his body literally arching in the air to drive the male to the ground flat on his back.
At the pounce, Hiei tensed and rose up on his knees. Something was just not quite right about this, but he just could not figure out what. Then he felt Kurama's hands soothing his thighs and he settled back down. He hummed ever so slightly as he felt Kurama's throbbing organ filling him again. Kurama moaned as his hips came to rest against his, and Hiei glanced at him. Kurama's eyes were closed lost in pleasure as his hips moved ever so slowly up and down within Hiei. Hiei ignored the lustful Kurama and turned back to the dance. More kitsunes had driven their chosen male to the ground, in that peculiar leaping arched way, and most were straddling their male's hips kissing their mouths in deep open hunger kisses and moving their hips up and down. The longer the kitsunes kissed the human males, the less the human males moved and the less life force they possessed.
This was like nothing Hiei had never seen before, or experienced before, but he knew something was happening to the human males. Most of the human males were no longer moving and their eyes were staring upwards blankly. Yet before he could truly comprehend what he was actually seeing, Kurama shifted upward hard directly against that spot that made he cease to think.
The sensation he felt was unlike anything he had ever felt before, and his eyes rounded in shock. His moan that followed was deep, long, and passionate. The irritating purr he made in pleasure even came back loud and vibrating. He heard Kurama chuckle as Kurama shifted again, downward this time, right over the same spot again, and Hiei's whole body uncontrollably reacted before going limp. It was then Hiei knew he had truly lost to Kurama.
The next thing he realized his Jagan eye had opened, and all three of his eyes were staring into Kurama's bright golden eyes since Kurama had sat up. Hiei could see merciless death in Kurama's golden eyes now.
Those humans were dead, Hiei realized, and those kitsunes had killed them during sex. Just like Kurama was going to kill him.
Hiei simply had to say, “Well, I never thought I would die like this, Kurama.”
Kurama's expression altered completely. His eyes shifted to the scene of satiated kitsunes, now in fox form, licking their lips and dead human males littered across the ground, then back again. Kurama shook his head no very slowly and gave Hiei such an affectionate smile that Hiei actually hurt to see it..
“It's alright Kurama,” Hiei confessed. “I have no reason to live I have achieved everything I have ever wanted. I found Yukina. I found the lost tear gem my mother cried for me when I was born, and I rule part of Makai now.” Then Hiei smiled one of the rare true smiles that he smiled, “I even have you again, Kurama”.
Kurama sighed so deeply with love Hiei felt it in his soul. His confession, however, did not stop Kurama from lifting and shifting his limp body backwards to the bed, or the hard lustful penetration that followed. Hiei simply let it happen unresisting and not caring, he only wanted to feel the bliss filled sensation Kurama called love in this illusion where time did not exist for as long as he could. His eyes closed, even his Jagan, and he savored every moment of the ecstasy he felt. He could, probably would, die like this. This thing Kurama had called love, had changed him, and had changed him forever, yet at the same thing it had made him stronger, despite the fact he had always said it was a weakness.
In the blissful haze of Kurama, every moment of rejection, pain, betrayal, torment and torture was given a moment of pleasure to counteract it. Everything Hiei had been, was, and ever could be became Kurama's as he surrendered all he was willingly and lovingly, and through Hiei's surrender Kurama surrendered himself to Hiei, forever.
Inari, God of the Kitsune
Hiei's Jagan eye opened first as he woke rather surprised he was still alive. Tall grass slowly waving in the breeze meet his view, Kurama's slow steady breathing meet his hearing and nothing beyond animal, plant and insect life meet his others senses as they stretched outward as far as they could go. He sat up slowly his Jagan closing and his natural eyes opening. He looked toward what had been the grassy square and found only a wall of tall grass obscuring his view. He looked around for his clothing and found them neatly folded next to his sword.
He shook his head thinking only Kurama would have folded his clothing.
Then he looked at Kurama sleeping peacefully beside him. The Yoko lay half curled beside him. His long full silver tail curved over his naked body covering them, his head resting on his arms, his fox ears forward and flat against his long silver flowing hair, and his face smiling mysteriously.
Hiei let Kurama sleep as he moved very slowly to gather his clothing. His body still hummed with passion and the aches from that passion. After dressing, he picked up his sword and looked at the obscured and overgrown block of stone Kurama had laid him beside the night before. Hiei hopped up to the top of the stone and surveyed the area around him. Tall grass blew over the flat area and the crumbled remains of the temple's stone foundation were barely visible.
They had slept within the temple, Hiei noted, and he truly wondered how much of what he presumed was the night before, though it seemed to have been much longer, had been real. He probably would never know, and actually, he did not care. Kitsune magic was real enough to those caught in it.
Hiei went through his training routines to ease the stiffness and soreness from his body and to focus his mind. When he finished he looked down at his Yoko sleeping practically on his stomach with his long tail flowing over his naked behind and curved along one of his long muscular legs.
An evil grin curled on Hiei's lips. The Yoko may have been in control last night but Hiei would show him who was really in control. Hiei could not rule over part of the Makai without being able to prove who was in control.
He removed his clothes again in a flash and straddled over the sleeping Yoko's waist. Hiei began kissing across Kurama's shoulder blades making Kurama hum sleepily. His hands caressed down Kurama's back and sides, and pushed the drowsy Yoko completely to his stomach. He kissed directly down the center of Kurama's spine making Kurama's moan and his back arch in response. Kurama gasped then moaned when Hiei's kisses reached the top of his tail. As he continued to kiss the top of Kurama's tail, Kurama's hips rose. Hiei's hands caressed over his bottom coaxing Kurama's knees beneath him and Kurama's head stayed resting on his arms with his eyes still closed, feigning sleep.
Hiei's hand slid beneath Kurama's tail as Kurama's silken soft tail quite intentionally wrapped around his body. Hiei hummed as the tail tickled and caressed over the more sensitive parts of his body. Then he felt beneath Kurama's tail a moist patch. When his fingers brushed over it, Kurama moaned and wetness spread on Hiei's fingers.
Hiei hummed thoughtfully. He had seldom been with this form of Kurama, so he still had much to learn about it, but presently he was thankfully for the wetness. This would make it easier for them both.
He spread the moisture down and rubbed against Kurama's anus. Kurama whined and moaned his hips thrusting back.
At that moment, Hiei had an evil thought. He wanted Kurama to beg him for it. He drew back a little, and Kurama's eyes opened more to meet his gaze.
“Beg, Kurama,” Hiei ordered.
Hiei traced his slick fingers around his pucker, teasing at it and stimulating it to open slightly.
Hiei saw Kurama's eyes open just slightly with surprise before Kurama hummed deeply with lust and a slight smile ghosted his lips.
Then Kurama begged for it, pleading to be taken and used hard. Hiei was actually so shocked Kurama was begging he almost forgot he had asked him to. Yet, the undercurrent of Kurama's pleas gave Hiei a huge power rush.
This fox, the very scourge of Makai was actually begging him, wanting him, and wanting him to do this, so Hiei was not going to disappoint him in the least.
Hiei's fingers teased inside Kurama's pucker hitting his sweet spot until Kurama was shivering and moaning with lust and Kurama pleas became urgent and needy. Kurama begged Hiei to end his torment and his speaking grew crude. Hiei intoxicated by this power play, slammed hard into Kurama. Kurama whimpered slightly and Hiei hesitated not wanting to hurt his precious fox. Kurama feeling the hesitation pushed back hard, and Hiei lost control.
Hiei pounded into Kurama, brutally, making Kurama give passionate growls and lustful yips. Belatedly Hiei remembered to wrap his hand around Kurama's immense sex and his hand became an extension of Kurama's rapidly coming orgasm.
“Hiei,” Kurama cried out, as Kurama seed jutted out in violent arcs in orgasm.
Hiei smiled cruelly, evilly, and his eyes glowed with power and control hearing Kurama's orgasm. However, he did not stop he just slowed down. Years of being with Kurama had not only given him stamina, but an immense knowledge of technique, and Hiei truly wanted his Kurama to be a begging, writhing mass of sensual lust screaming his name to gain his next release.
When he did not stop Kurama turned his head to look at him and saw the look of determination in Hiei's face. Kurama moaned so plaintively Hiei almost lost his resolve. Then Kurama made a pleading sound and wantonly shoved his hips back against Hiei's hips. Hiei's resolve stiffened immediately, seeing Kurama's slight smirk. Now Hiei would make Kurama beg, plead, implore, and beseech while he pushed, gyrated, shoved, and thrust into Kurama. Eventually Kurama lost it and became a begging, writhing mass of sensual lust completely in Hiei's control screaming Hiei's name.
However, that ended when Kurama screamed something so out of character for the demon fox Hiei was stunned.
“Oh Inari, how I love you, Hiei,” Kurama screamed mindlessly.
Hiei went absolutely still for a second, stunned. Kurama, his golden eyes twinkling mischievously, took advantage and shoved back hard. Hiei cried out Kurama's name as his body reacted out of his control, his hands gripped in Kurama's hip bruising them as Hiei's orgasm abruptly came hard and fast. Kurama cried out his name again as they orgasmed at the same time.
Hiei dropped his head nearly to Kurama's back, breathing hard for the exertion, and looking at Kurama's innocent face with barely focused eyes. Hiei made an Hn sound realizing only at the end just how illusionary his control had been. Kurama just raised his eyebrow slightly then perfected his innocent face. Yet he did not stir until Hiei did. When Hiei moved he quite literally crawled into Kurama's arms feeling as tired as he did after he released the dragon on his arm. Kurama smiled at him and brushed the hair of his head away from his face with his long delicate fingers. Hiei tilted his head so Kurama could capture his lips in a soft kiss. Hiei drifted into sleep, nuzzling against Kurama's chest.
Hiei jerked awake, had his sword in his hand, and standing looking over the grassy field. Kurama too was sitting up looking over the field his ears swiveling and attentively listening. Kurama rose to his feet and signaled for Hiei to wait. Hiei jumped up on the stone and waited.
Hiei looked over the tree line and the field intently, absently noting how late in the day it was, before he saw it. Approaching them slowly was quite literally a shaft of golden light that slowly resolved into human fox shape. Hiei growled in warning and with death as he saw the tall human shaped fox with long golden hair, ears, and tail. It was the same fox, who had tried to take his Kurama away before. The golden fox gazed at Hiei intently and amusement came to his face.
A second later Hiei had flitted to in front of Kurama his sword held out in threatening manner.
“Mine” Hiei hissed with lethal intent.
Kurama who had started to say something, stopped abruptly, and actually looked at Hiei in shock his mouth opening slightly.
Hiei was going to protect his fox from the golden fox but found he could not move. Hiei fumed and started to smoke as his flames rose as he struggled to break whatever hold or spell the Golden fox had over him.
“Kurama,” the golden fox stated in greeting, but his eyes were intently gazing at Hiei.
“Inari” Kurama responded absently watching Hiei's murderously over protective reaction with fascination.
“I am not here to take him away, Hiei,” Inari stated with amusement. “I did say you could have him if you caught him first, now didn't I?”
Kurama actually blushed as he stammered out a surprised, “Inari”.
Hiei did not know that Kurama could actual blush but he would figure that out later. Right now, he had an opponent who wanted his fox for himself.
Hiei growled death and his flames increased enough to crackle the grass around them into fire.
“Now none of that, Hiei”, Inari stated firmly, and suddenly it was raining just hard enough to keep the grass from igniting.
Hiei growled even louder with annoyance and rumbled with impending death.
Kurama watching this pleaded with concern to Hiei, “Hiei, please, that is the Inari, a god, my god. He could have killed you already if he wanted.”
At Kurama's plea, Hiei did lower his flame level and the rain stopped as instantly as it had started.
“He is your god, Kurama, not mine,” Hiei snapped, his eyes dancing with death.
Inari laughed, “Not so, Hiei, I have claimed you as mine as well.”
Kurama for the second time for shocked speechless, and looked between the lethally growling Hiei and the lethally smiling Inari.
“The great kitsune fox god Inari wants me to bow down before him”, Hiei hissed scathingly then laughed a decidedly bone chilling evil laugh, making it perfectly clear he would not bow before any god, and barely tolerated the gods' very existence.
Inari laughed, just as chillingly.
“Inari,” Kurama entreated on behalf of Hiei.
Inari crossed his arms, and with a great mischievous smile, inspected his long nails before eyeing Kurama fixedly.
Kurama blanched slightly, making Hiei growl even loudly again and clench his sword even tighter.
Inari calmly looked up from his nails saying to Hiei, “Too late, Hiei, I have already claimed you. Besides, your mate was the one who called me here, by crying out my name in the heat of passion, just like you wanted him too.”
Kurama turned bright red and shuffled his feet slightly looking down before he looked up with a huge grin.
“I guess I did, so how did you like our prayers?” Kurama grinned with mirth.
“Kurama,” Hiei cried out in shocked embarrassment.
“The best prayers and worship I have received in centuries”, Inari winked knowingly at Hiei.
“I can see why you want him so much,” Inari commented to Kurama truly looking over Hiei with a lecherous smile.
Hiei felt the blood rush to his face in embarrassment realizing he was completely naked before a kitsune even worse then Kurama when it came to carnal lust, and that Inari liked what he saw.
Kurama grinned even bigger, and preened proudly. Inari laughed with good humor. In a reverse shower of golden light, Inari left, and Hiei took a step forward released from his paralysis. Hiei was still snarling even as Kurama moved to circle his arms around him and tried to kiss him. Hiei moved away putting his sword back in the scabbard still scanning for the lecherous fox god.
“Ch'” Hiei remarked finally then startled slightly as Kurama's hands slid down his stomach and kissed the side of his neck.
“Kurama,” Hiei warned harshly.
“I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate your protective attitude towards me,” Kurama whispered seductively in his ear, kissing it slightly.
“Kurama,” Hiei warned again but less harshly.
“Please Hiei, one more time before we go”, Kurama whispered with promise.
Hiei hummed as Kurama's hands slid over his hips and caressed over his sex. The touch over his highly sensitive organ made Hiei lose his desire to kill Inari for the time being. Kurama's continued touch distracted Hiei just enough that Kurama convinced him one more time may not be such a bad idea even if Kurama's lecherous god was watching from somewhere.
Dark Angel
The following evening at sunset Hiei stood, with his arms crossed, leaning on a tree looking at the erected stone with Shuichi Minamino's name on it. Within the plot were other stones of Shuichi's family. Hiei just watched the silver four legged fox as it looked at the stone, wandered among the others, then sat in front of his human mother's stone. The tiny plants and flowers around that stone groomed themselves perfectly as a farewell gift.
Hiei stopped leaning on the tree as he heard the footsteps on a human approaching. He was just about to jump into the tree when he heard a voice.
“Dark angel, please wait”, the girl, Yuki, called to him.
Hiei scowled slightly but waited. Yuki came up and hugged him before he could stop her. Then she pulled away feeling him stiffen and apologized profusely. She quickly pulled out a tiny case from her pocket and held it out to him.
“I just knew you would come back”, she gushed. “Grandpa had this made a long time ago, and would look at it every night. I forgot to give this to you before so please take it now. I am sure he would want you to have it.”
Hiei raised his eyebrow then reached out his hand for the box. He opened it and actually blinked his eyes in shock while Yuki smiled. Inside the box lay a tiny intricate and very beautiful replica of Hiei complete with red eyes, a white sunburst in his hair and wide spread black wings.
“That how I knew you were grandpa's dark angel,” the girl announced happily.
“That's an angel”, Hiei asked with mystified confusion, “But I am not an angel and I don't have wings”.
“Angels take humans to heaven, Hiei, and isn't that where we are going,” a soft alto voice said at his shoulder.
Yuki looked at Kurama in shock even as Hiei turned in surprise and blinked at the eighteen old year version of Kurama. Kurama smiled like the sun at him.
“Hn, the Makai is far from heaven, Kurama”, Hiei scoffed.
Kurama put his arms around Hiei and whispered softly in his ear, “But it will be heaven to me as long as you are there”.
“Kurama”, Hiei snarled shrugging off Kurama's arms.
Just about then, Yuki launched herself into Kurama's arms weeping, “Grandpa”.
Obviously the girl saw the old version of Kurama, Hiei thought, as he stepped away to give the weeping girl and Kurama some privacy as they said their final farewells. Away from the two of them, Hiei looked over the little intricately carved figure with a porcelain white face, the white sunburst in its black hair and ruby gem eyes that hung on a silver wrought chain. He slipped it over his head and ran his finger over it as it settled against his chest. A rare smile touched his lips.
Yuki let go of Kurama finally and stepped away smiling happy and sad at the same time. Then Yuki hugged Hiei again startling him.
“I know grandfather will always be happy with you in heaven.” She wept before letting him go.
She walked off waving to them calling goodbye. Hiei just waited while Kurama waved until the girl was out of sight and ignored the tears that ran down his face.
“Come, Kurama, it is time to go,” Hiei said quietly. “That is what angels do isn't it?”
Kurama just smiled through his tears and nodded. Hiei walked away and Kurama followed him.
Hiei said nothing as they walked through the Makai on the way to Hiei's castle. Kurama did not change back to being a Yoko fox until they arrived in the Makai. Nor had he said anything since his arrival in the Makai, and despite one look back at the human world before he had stepped through the portal between worlds, he did not look back again.
Not that Hiei cared. Kurama was with him and that was all that mattered. Kurama sighed, and Hiei looked up at him. Kurama looked over and smiled.
“Thank you, Hiei,” Kurama said.
It meant so many things and Hiei just nodded he understood.
A few hours later, they stopped at a high ridge overlooking a pleasant valley with a wide river running through it. On the opposite of the valley, a very human world looking castle stood surveying and protecting the valley below.
“I thought you still worked for Mukuro,” Kurama stated breathless from the view.
“This is a part of her lands, an outlying province she never really had time to take care of, so she gave it to me.” Hiei shrugged.
Kurama looked at Hiei in question, “Now that is a story I have to hear.”
Hiei smiled then nodded. “When we get home, Kurama, when we get home.”
Kurama smiled and whispered, “Home. Yes, home, Hiei. Let's go home.”
Home with Hiei was heaven to him.