Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's Day of Teaching ❯ Chapter 1 - It Begins... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kurama surveyed the class in front of him. He was a student teacher of botany and biology. He was to help teach the class as part of his studies.

"Is everyone here?" he asked the class. A young aid, about twenty, came up.

"No, sir. We're missing the delinquent boy, Sukase Akazen." She replied. "Shall I go look for him?"

Kurama shook his head, his long red locks framing his face perfectly.

"No…we'll let someone else deal with him…Perhaps his martial arts teacher, Mr. Urameshi? Or perhaps he'd prefer to deal with a counselor-in-training like Miss Yukimura?" With a mischievous glint in his emerald eyes, Kurama picked up a pen and jotted down a quick note. He handed it to the young aid. "Please make sure the office gets this."

The young lady nodded, and scurried off to the office with the note, returning a few minutes later.

"It's a shame that Mr. Takenaka retired." Commented the aid. "He was so good with the delinquents. I've heard that he used to deal with the Yusuke Urameshi!"

Kurama nodded knowingly.

"Yusuke has made quite a name for himself, hasn't he?" He mused. "Of course, he still doesn't have any brilliant strategies."

The aid laughed lightly.

"Yeah…I used to play some chess, but could never think up a winning strategy. To put it lightly, I was horrible. Even my mother thought I was completely hopeless."

"Oh really?" Kurama quirked an eyebrow amusedly, and the aid nodded.

"Um, Mr. Minamino, may I use the restroom?" asked a girl student. The aid glanced at the girl, and looked back at Kurama.

"She always says that, and I've heard that she wants to be a rebel, so she hides in the girl's bathroom and smokes." She said in a low voice. Kurama nodded, and looked at the class roster.

"Miss…Shinko, isn't it? I'm afraid I cannot let you go. I've heard about what you do in there." Kurama replied. Shinko turned a bright shade of red, and slid low in her seat.


What do you think so far? =D