Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ Getting Over pain ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Pain shot through Hiei’s heart. It hurt to breathe, and a terrible pain was squeezing his heart. His legs carried him faster than they ever had before. He was trying to outrun the new addition to his fox’s life.

He clutched his chest and stopped in a cherry tree. His heart was racing and, oh Kami, how it hurt. His legs held him up to the tree trunk.

In his mind, all he could think of was that his fox had another child. A human child!! His fox had a child by someone other than himself!! Is this pain how Kurama felt a year ago- this burning, aching feeling inside? This feeling of utter betrayal?

Yet Hiei knew about the affair. Knew about it. Kurama told him all about it three years ago.


Familiar green eyes slowly slid open. A sad, hesitant smile graced those soft-as-petal lips. “Hiei, are you awake?" he questioned softly, seeming to be afraid to trust his own eyes.

"No, I just decided to sleep with my eyes open,” Hiei said sarcastically, forcing himself out of Kurama's arms and sitting up. "What am I doing here fox? Why am I not dead?" Hiei said getting up and away from the fox-human, to a familiar perch near the window. "And more importantly, why aren't YOU killing me?"

"I saved you. Then I brought you to Yukina so you could be healed. I-I had…" he managed to stutter before he started to cry.

Hiei wanted so badly to go comfort his fox. But should he? Would not said fox push him away? He then re-enforced his walls. He stuck an ‘I don't care' look on his face.

"Please, Forgive me. I...I...I didn't...Oh Hiei," Kurama said, flinging his head back.

Shock went through Hiei. Was the fox… asking for…forgiveness? But- why?

"Hiei, Please!!" Kurama sobbed, "Turn around so I can see you. *hic* Please, Hiei…I need you!" he begged, fearing that Hiei would turn his back on him forever, hating him due to his actions and what he was about to confess.

Not being able to take anymore, Hiei went over and wrapped his arms around the hysterical fox. He calmed him down with gentle shushing sounds and little nonsense words. Hope slowly making it was into his heart, but he knew that the fox was probably just experiencing these feelings from habit, and would soon kick him out once more.

"Hiei, I am truly, truly sorry for everything I said. I...I take it all back!! Please, please, please just forgive me," he whispered, hoping that Hiei would intrude on his thoughts so he wouldn't have to say the horrid truth.

"No," Hiei said calmly.

Kurama stopped crying then. He straightened his shoulders. He then looked right into Hiei's
hard, ruby eyes. " Why not?" He asked sounding incredibly meek. He shoved down the urge to throw himself into Hiei's arms and cry until he could cry no more.

"You have not wronged me. I see no reason for me to forgive you. It is I who has done wrong. Baka kitsune, I think you've finally lost it," Hiei easily replies, his eyes belying his desire to die for his act against his beloved.

"No, I have Hiei, I just never told you…" he said. Then, at Hiei's raised eyebrow and curious look, told him about Kumi. Then, when he finished, begged him for forgiveness, not even allowing time for Hiei to digest all that was just thrown at him.

Hiei, having processed all the information, gave a cold, disbelieving glare at the fox. He had thought that he was incredibly evil for *one* night of casual sex. But Kurama…

It was like he didn't know who, or what, his lover really was anymore...

Hiei then turned his back to Kurama, sorrow and disbelief causing a single tear to fall from his eyes. He said nothing. No yelling- just that tear and a silent message of betrayal.

Kurama saw this and left, feeling that one remaining piece of his heart shatter into a million pieces.

~End of flashback~

With renewed anger, he ran towards the temple where his sister stayed. Though Yukina had no idea that he was her kin, he knew that he would be welcomed there.

But when he came into view he saw his sister in the arms of the oaf. They were kissing under the stars. Anger rose in him. Knowing he could not talk to his sister he left for his own world.

After arriving in the Makai, he went to a place where he felt safe. Inside one of his scattered territories, he went inside one of his strong, cozy forts and made himself as comfortable as he could get in his present state of mind. He snuggled into his blankets; craving the comfort no one could give him.

As he closed his eyes, sad, lonely, emerald gems greeted him.


Kurama sat there after Hiei left. He felt his face grow hot as the tears flowed down his checks.

Have I lost him forever? Will he ever come back? Kurama, tormented by his thoughts, curled into a ball on their bed, knowing both his children where safe and asleep.

He hugged Hiei's pillow to his body. He took in the scent and tears flowed faster. He stayed like that for the rest of the night, unable to do anything but cry and wish for the little youkai to return.

"Hiei… come back. Koi, I need you. I love you forever, my dark demon lover. Hiei...please don't leave me like this. ...Don't leave me stranded," the words became choked and his body rocked with sobs till no more could come.

The kitsune was asleep.


My eyes opened up and I took in my surroundings critically.

Even if you fall asleep safe, it doesn’t mean you will wake up the same. Caution is always needed. I remembered Daddy’s warning, and always checked for safety every morning.

I get up and get dressed. Hmmm… both Mommy and Daddy are still sleeping…

I know! After I dress myself, I'll go make us all breakfast!! They will be so pleased.

I grabbed my outfit like Daddy's. Soon I was wearing it with pride. It was my favorite outfit ‘cause it made me look like a little copy of Daddy.

I walked out of my room and into the hallway. Good, there’s still no sound from my parents.

I walk into the living room and on our couch is a girl!! A human girl!!

What is that Baka Ningen doing here? Daddy was right! I didn’t wake up safe!!!

I know, I’ll get rid of this ningen for Daddy! He’ll be so proud of me…

Yeah…I'll show her…

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THank you all for reading again!! WE love Reveiwers!! I just wonder what Hikuro is gonna do? hmm..hehehe