Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ A Fire Demon And A Plan ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hiei woke up in his cave, much calmer than he had been yesterday. His mind went over everything.

His Kurama had a human child. Hikuro had a half-sister. Then instead of thinking about himself, his mind went to what his fox was feeling.

In one day, he learned he was a father. In one day, he found out his child was human. Then his mate left him to deal with it all, all by himself.

It was in that moment that Hiei knew what to do. First, he had a fruit to collect. He would accept his fox’s child. But in turn, Hiei wanted another child. They had talked about it some at the forest. Kurama said he would love to- now he just needed the fruit.

Hiei took off for the area where they grew. He found several demons, and had to kill a dozen. But he soon had the pale pink fruit in his hands. He grabbed another one just for good measure. After all, what if he broke it?

He then raced to be with his family. His fox needed him now more than ever. His legs raced as he hurtled towards the portal.

“Kurama…I'm coming!!'


"China, please calm down. Hikuro, go to your room or else!" Kurama said, very tired. He explained what demons were, and what kind he was, and what kind of demon Hikuro was. He also told her that he had a husband with fire powers, yet he was also part ice demoness. That had not helped, only causing China to wail louder. And to top that off, Hikuro was glaring death glares at her. Sometimes Kurama wished that he wasn’t such a carbon copy of Hiei.

Kurama had always wanted a big family for him and Hiei...this was just not how he had planned it. The fox spirit wanted to clean or even fight right now. Maybe after he calmed China down him and his son could practice.

Kurama was getting a headache from all the crying China was doing. It seemed that was all his daughter could do. Did none of his genes make it to her?
“Inari, help me please!!” the fox cried out, almost at the end of his sanity.

A very upset demon-child went to his room. No sooner had he shut the door, China stopped crying. Wait…wow…quiet!!

Then the small black-haired, brown-eyed child looked up at Kurama. Her eyes were tearful and her bottom lip quivered. Her arms wrapped around herself, like she needed a hug and could only find herself to give it.

"Daddy, why are you a demon? Can you stop it?" she asked him.

Stop being a demon? How could one stop being oneself? But Kurama did not think that over that for long. He didn’t have to.

"China, I was born just like you, only in a different place as a Fox spirit. I cannot change that. Nor would I wish to. You will have to accept your family and me for who and what we are, just like we must you. After all, you are my daughter and I love you very much," he said to her in a calming voice.

"I don't want my daddy to be a demon!! I want him to be good!!” she said and moved away from Kurama, now pouting.

"I am good china. But I am also a demon." He was soo tired of going over this. Yet he wanted to cast away her fears. Though a part of him wanted to grab her, toss her in a bed, and tell her to shut up.

He was just about ready to do that when a dark familiar voice filled the room.
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Here is this new chapter!! I hope you all enjoyed it. Our next chapter will be out shortly. Thanks to all our veiwers!!