Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ Comming Home ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey guys!! Is this any good? Are we losing our touch? I swear i am losing my stuff!! So any reveiws would be nice!! Thank you all for reading!! It means alot to both of us!
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-An hour before-

Hiei stood, staring at a demon foolish enough to get in his way. The baka was looking at the koorime who had the fruit in his hand with an excited gleam in his eyes. Hiei knew just what this demon wanted. It was something he was very familiar with.

The fire demon took the fruit and stashed it in a pocket in his cloak. The other went for his sword. He smirked and raised an eyebrow, initiating the start of the battle.

The dance whose rhythm was determined by bloodlust started. The other demon, a lowly C class, was using his claws for a weapon. The idiotic youkai died before he could realize what was happening, let alone getting a hit on the smaller demon. Hiei sneered at the corpse of the demon and with renewed speed, he ran towards his home.

He had to be with his mate. His soul. His everything.

As he neared their home, a child’s cries could be heard. In the window on the same floor, another child stared moodily out of his room’s open window. Hiei went to his clearly distraught son. He comforted him, and the child was happy to see him.

"Daddy you came back!!" Hikuro cried out as he threw himself into his father’s arms.

"I was only going away to clear my head," Hiei told him, returning his son’s embrace. “I would never leave you.”

"Mommy has another kid! Guess what, its human!!" Hikuro said like he was talking of trash. Hiei put his son down onto his bed.

"She is your sister,” Hiei calmly said, “You will do well to remember that."

"She is a ningen!!" Hikuro protested.

"Hikuro, you will have to accept her. I have," Hiei told him, knowing though it would be tough to do, he would have to learn to love a ningen as his own.

"But...why?" Hikuro asked with a perfect imitation of Hiei’s confused face. (You know the one with big, blinky eyes!)

"I love your mother too much not to,” Hiei said, looking into his son’s eyes. “We have been through a lot and I will not let a ningen separate us.”

"You love mommy that much?" Hikuro asked with a note of incredulousness.

"Hai,” Hiei said with a smile, “Now you go play and I will find us some food after talking with him."

The sound of crying grew louder. Hiei winced at the sharp pitch of the cry. Hikuro was rubbing his ears with a scowl. Ningens could make the most irritating noises…

Underneath the shrill wail, he could hear his fox pleading to the child. Hiei then left his son to comfort his mate.

The little girl was now pouting, and had her arms folded. "I want mommy!!" the child kept repeating that phase over and over. Hiei did not understand her words, but could sense a stubbornness radiating from her mind.

But apparently, Kurama did, and, alarmingly, he looked about ready to go Youko on her. Hiei stepped closer to the half fox, hoping to calm him somewhat.

Emerald eyes grew wide at his unexpected appearance. He bounded over and hugged Hiei, happy tears falling from his eyes. Then a gasp and a disgusted sound came from the girl.

"Yuck!! Mommy says that guys should never hug or kiss its gross and god don't like it!"

Hiei got a good look at the child his fox had fathered. Her big brown eyes and her mid-back length, black hair. Said soft, innocent eyes were staring at him. Her skin was a darker shade than Kurama's and her body was a bit chubby. She’s a…little cute, I suppose…

He felt no love for this child, but he found her interesting. Something about her aura intrigued him…Perhaps she had inherited something from her demonic ancestry…

He also knew he could grow to care, and maybe even love his fox’s child. After all, she was a part of his precious redhead.

As for said redhead, Hiei wanted nothing more than to drag him into their room to talk. But with the girl’s gaze locked with his own, all Hiei could really do was return her stare. He had to hand it to her- she had yet to flinch. Interesting indeed…

"Are you a midget?" China asked Hiei, who blinked in question to her strange words.

Kurama tried to not laugh, and hid behind his hand, but his giggles were soon released. Hiei gave him a death glare that just made him laugh harder.

"No China...Hiei is my mate. My husband you could say," he explained to her, or at least tried to.

"Oh…" she said, chewing on her lower lip. Then she stared at her father with wide brown eyes. She seemed to have an unusual fondness for staring…

Kurama smiled at her, and then excused himself from the room. He headed to where his son was. Now with human and demon alone, both returned to the stare-down, each sizing the other and trying to determine how to talk to the other. Then China turned around and went to the window, staring out it sadly.

"I miss Mommy," she said.

Hiei still did not understand her words but could tell she was sad. He went and stood next to her not touching. He then rubbed her small back. She then gave him a sad smile and returned to her staring. He then knew that her thoughts where with her other parent. Her mother.

Hiei left after the girl went to watch TV. He found his fox holding their son. A wanting over came the Koorime. He wanted so badly for his fox to be carrying his kit. Another kit made from their love. It was too soon to raise that up again. They would have to talk first. But…soon his fox would be with his child. He promised himself this.

The words they were using to talk were from Makai- eastern Makai to be exact. Kurama had wanted his son to know that his roots would not be forgotten. He also wanted to re-establish a sense of security for him. He himself usually spoke in eastern Makai to please his fox, but preferred the old tongue while speaking to others. He was fluent in all of the demonic languages, a talent born of necessity.

Hikuro looked happy and that made Hiei's heart feel lighter.

He left the sweet sight to go into his and his Kurama's room. He then took off everything but his pants and sat on the bed. He then remembered the fruits in his cloak pocket, and got up to hide them in the closet. Once done, he returned to the bed. He wanted to think over everything he had to tell his fox.

All he knew for sure as he sat there thinking, was that he would do anything for his fox.


After talking and calming down both children, Kurama started to teach them the other’s language. He needed to break down the walls that separated them. Hikuro learned six new phrases in four hours. China got two down.

Kurama was worried with his son's demon blood making him grow up too fast. But…after he was three it would slow down. He would always be a faster learner though, as was demon nature.

Not to mention the fact that he needed to teach Hiei English…He wondered how long that would take. Then he paused- knowing Hiei, it would take him less than a few hours.

He also explained everything about demons to China, who was starting to see them in a better light, and then made her understand not to tell anyone about it. It would be harmful if anyone knew. Night came and he tucked China in on the couch, and Hikuro in his bed.

Then Kurama went to his room to see his lover half-naked on the bed, apparently deep in thought. His cock started to stir causing him to shut his eyes. Damn horny kitsune nature! Then he went and sat next to Hiei, who brought his ruby gaze up to stare into his eyes. Kurama put his hands in his lap, knotting his fingers together.

They needed to talk but...how should he start?