Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ One Angry Youkai!! ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

China woke up and stretched her arms, expecting to hear her mother chattering on the phone. Silence greeted her, and confused, she looked around and saw she was in a living room. Her memories of everything then kicked in and crashed around her. She felt like crying again.

Not hearing anything, she got up to look around with no crazy fire demons looking at her for a change. Her Daddy's son was a real meanie, and her Daddy's husband seemed to be one too, but at least her Daddy was very kind and gentle. He was everything that she had hoped her Daddy would be.

She found the hallway and ventured her way into it, bumping into one of the many, many plants her father had. Her small legs carried her into a bedroom. The door was wide open and she quietly made her way inside.

The room was filled with toys and even a computer!! It must be Hikuro's room. Just as she thought of him, her eyes landed on the once-sleeping form. His ruby eyes were open and glaring at her.

China let out a squeak and took off running, screaming at the top of her lungs.

She just knew he was going to kill her.

--Hikuro's POV--

My half-sister is such a brat!! She comes into MY room and screams after waking me up!! How dare that runt! He got up and was on top of her in a flash, his little fists hitting her. Her screams were getting louder with each punch, and hurting his ears even more.

He remembered his father's rule about no violence in the family as he pounded his sister into the ground.

He hoped Daddy would not wake up.

--Parent's Bedroom--

Kurama woke up to the sound of screams. China!!

He leapt out of bed with the intent of running to the rescue, but soon found himself throwing up on the bedroom floor. His head was spinning.

Strong arms guided him back to bed. Intense crimson eyes stared at him, `You stay, and I'll go see why she screams.'

Hiei headed for his son's bedroom, and saw his son beating up on the poor half-ningen child. He had to put a stop to it. He needed to show his son that the ground rules -such as the one he knew he was breaking right now- would be enforced. In fact, the one he was breaking- no violence in the family- was the one Hiei considered to be the most important one.

Kurama lay miserably in bed. His stomach was calm now, after losing everything it had held with in its walls, that is.

As he drifted off to sleep again, he wondered why he was already so sick. With Hikuro it had taken him two days.

Was it because he had eaten two fruits instead of one?

--Four Hours Later--

Seeing as Kurama was already on his way through pregnancy, Hiei had gotten stuck taking care of both children. Although he was happy he would have another child, he was angry at the same time.

Hiei sighed as he reviewed his to-do list. He had to punish Hikuro for his deeds, and clean China up.

The poor girl had suffered six bruises and a swollen lip from Hikuro's assault. It pained Hiei deeply that his son would harm his older sister. After all, Hiei believed that family was the most important thing.

Now, Hiei was making lunch. He hoped his fox would be able to eat; he needed his strength to carry the child. Hikuro was in his room, probably brooding at the window, and China was coloring- another ningen pastime to kill brain cells. He sighed and headed towards his koi's room.

Hiei was passing by China when he felt a soft brush of Youki.

Always on the lookout- he could never be too careful- he opened his Jagan, but saw no unknown demons near his home. He took another, closer scan and saw something that confirmed some of his suspicions.

China was half-demon, but her demonic nature was hidden, just as he thought.

With a smirk, he went to see how his mate was. The scene he saw when he opened the door made him smile.

Kurama was lying in their bed holding Hikuro in his arms. Fortunately, his entrance hadn't disturbed them, for they looked so sweet like that.

The only thing that disturbed him was that Hikuro was supposed to be in his room as he was told- not disturbing his fox's rest.

Hiei sighed.

Should I make him leave, or let him stay?