Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's First Love ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Have I EVER owned Yu Yu Hakusho or any of its wonderfully unpredictable characters? No, I don't think so. And I still don't! Never will; so get used to it. I don't own it.

Chapter 10:

There was a swoosh of scarlet as the kind hearted redhead fell to the broken tile floor. With a loud cracking noise he landed, panting heavily as one hand clutched his rising and falling chest. The hoary haired girl looked down at him, an expression of utmost hatred evident in her amethyst eyes.

"How dare you touch me?" she questioned, wiping her mouth with the backside of her hand. "What makes you think I WANT a pathetic creature like you to touch me? One who's afraid to fight a woman, or to let his friend finish her off; you're just a coward."

Shuiichi used his elbows to hoist himself into a slightly reclined sitting position. "This - this isn't you, Shiro; not the real you."

Her eyes narrowed further. "How do you know who or what I really am? You know nothing about me!"

"It - it's true, I don't know much about you, but I know that inside of you, somewhere, there is a young girl, yearning to be free. She has a heart, and she has mine as well," the teenager explained, a faint blush sweeping across his cheeks, though, it was hardly recognizable against the smears of blood.

A hearty laugh resounded through the room, soon after, followed by a wince from its creator. "You're more of a love-sick fool than I had thought!" she mocked, moving a piece of silver hair from her eyes. "Oh, 'and she has my heart', huh? What is it with you, Shuiichi? Don't you get it?! That so- called girl and I are two separate entities, sharing one body. Meaning, that just because SHE has your heart, and perhaps you possess hers, does not in any way mean that you hold mine."

"I know," the boy replied calmly, as though hearing this hadn't impacted him in any way, shape or form. "But I also know that one or possibly both of you have feelings and emotions. You aren't just some shell used in order to fight!"

Shiro placed a hand at her hip, the other going to her temple. "You know something, you're a Grade A moron. But fine, have it your way. Let's just say that the human side has feelings, and some for you as well, what's your point? I don't."

"I never said you did," Shuiichi remarked, gingerly getting to his feet. "I was simply stating that she does, and I won't let them go to waste, just because you have nothing in your heart and are an unfeeling, soul-less creature. And if I have to destroy you in order to free your better side from tyranny, then it shall be done."

The vibrant redhead reached into his hair, grasping a rose and holding it in front of him. "Rose whip!"

His energy began manipulating itself within the rose, changing its shape into that of a long, thorn-encircled whip of a deep emerald colour. The caring smile had faded from Shuiichi's face, a stern, hardened look appearing in his bottle green eyes. With only a mere glance at his weapon, and no hesitation apparent in his manner, he took a step, advancing on his stubborn adversary.

"We can end this peacefully," he said, his voice having a deadened ring to it. "Avoid all of this."

"Why would I surrender after all of this? There's no way I'm giving up without a fight; I'd rather die first."

The lively demoness raised her claws; poised to defend herself from the attacks she knew were inevitable. However, within her subconscious, another battle was being waged; one between this side, and the human side, but she shrugged it off, feeling Shuiichi to be much more of a threat than that foe.

The battle began.


Shiro's body lay in a heap on the ground, blood spilling from many wounds, both new and old. Her eyes, now unfocused, strained themselves to follow Shuiichi's moves. Her body ached in so many ways; it was impossible to tell whether or not she was dying.

She cried out in pain as the whip lashed at her bare flesh, cutting into it in the way a warm knife cut through butter. White-hot daggers; she could almost feel white-hot daggers slashing her skin! The pain was immense, much more than she had ever been forced to endure prior.

Finally, her body could no longer endure the brutal thrashing and she let out an ear-splitting shriek.

"STOP IT! PLEASE!" she screamed, using her hands in a feeble attempt to shield herself from the barrage of thorns. "PLEASE SHUIICHI!!"

The boy paused; the whip still high in the air above his head. His eyes, glazed slightly, focused on the crying girl's face. "You want mercy now? After all of your boasting and your patronizing, you beg for me to take mercy on your pathetic being?"

Shiro let out a muffled sob as an answer to his question. She cradled her right arm, biting her lower lip in pain. From her pale skin protruded a splintered bit of bone, blood gushing from the open fracture. "P-please. I - I'll d-do anything y-you w-want, but p-please, j-just let m-me l-l-live."

For several, long moments Shuiichi watched her. He watched her cry and writhe in pain, embracing her injured arm tightly to her chest. And it was then, when his eyes met hers, for the first time he saw feeling; not the numbness and blankness he was so accustomed to. In that moment, he saw the human side of the girl, and watched as slowly, little by little, that same side took control.

The hair lost its shimmering luster and became a more natural russet colour. Her eyes changed to match his, and her ears and tail vanished from sight. There, in the demon's place, was the girl.

Tears welling up in his eyes, Shuiichi dropped his whip and quickly was at her side, holding her near to him. Slowly the tears rolled down his cheeks, falling onto her wan face, a few landing on her closed eyelids.

The massive doors opened against as Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Botan entered the room.

"Oh dear," Botan said instantly, dashing over to the two.


Hiei rolled his eyes, then closing them and crossing his arms in front of his chest. 'So what now Shuiichi?' he thought, as he leaned up against a chamber wall.


Yes, it's a slight cliffhanger here. There's still another chapter to come (I think only one), which will be the conclusion to this particular fanfic. Is this what you expected?

Be sure to review and I hope you enjoyed this (LATE) chapter of 'Kurama's First Love'.

Kawaii Youko ^_~