Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's Love ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama's Love One: Unforgettable Past Chapter Two

You will regret what you have done. YOU WILL REGRET IT! I will make sure of it. You made my life suffer… It's time you felt my same pain, Youko Kurama…

I awoke about three hours later. I opened my eyes. I did not remember my dream. Oh well, it might have been a good thing. Usually when I forget dreams, there was a reason. I remember some girl… For some reason, the word or name Yakusu came to my mind. What does Yakusu have to do with anything? It sounded familiar… I would try to forget about it. I sat up. I realized I had fallen asleep in my cloths. I realized this, because my shirt was pinching me really hard. Sometimes cloths did that when you sleep in them. I hate the way it feels, so I stood up out of bed. My legs didn't feel right… My shirt didn't feel any looser. I looked down. I think the demons in Makai heard me I screamed so loud. I got really dizzy, and I fell back on the bed, and fell unconscious. I was awoken by a bunch of ringing, which happened to be the doorbell. I couldn't get it; they would have to come back later, whoever they were. I had to go in the bathroom, or look at a mirror. I walked to the bathroom. I knew what I would see; I could feel everything was in the wrong order on my body. My chest felt really heavy, and with every step it seemed to pull at my heart. And the bottom just didn't feel normal. I looked into the mirror. I started to get dizzy again, but I was able to overcome the dizziness. My chest was sticking out farther than it normally should. I took my shirt off. I blushed at what I saw. I quickly put the shirt back on. I was a female. I was no longer of the male race. I sank to my knees and burst into tears. I could never show myself to anyone again… I might have to live in the United States for a new life! The fact I spoke English might come in handy, if I needed to go there. I heard the phone ring. That was the last thing I wanted: To talk on the phone with someone that I probably knew. I waited till it stopped ringing. It only began ringing again and again. I walked over to the phone to see who was calling. Yusuke's number appeared on the caller ID. I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I croaked. I was surprised that I even got that out.

"Hi! Is older Shuichi there?" I heard him say.

"This is he." I managed to say, even more tears flowing down now.

"Oh. Sorry Kurama, you sounded… Different." His voice said. Oh great, I even have a more feminine voice. Didn't I already have a girly enough voice? I heard people say that I sounded like a girl quite often.

"Listen, Yusuke… I can't talk right now." I said, sniffling.

"What happened? I was out looking for Hiei, and I was walking past your house, and I heard someone scream, and it was coming from your house. I wrung the doorbell, but no one answered. Then I called like a billion times, and you didn't answer till now! What happened?" Yusuke said into the phone.

"Nothing happened. I just got scared!" I said quietly.

"Yeah right, Kurama." Yusuke said in the tone that you would expect him to say with that statement.

"Please! I can't talk right now!" I shouted into the phone. I burst into noisy tears, right there, with the phone still on.

"KURAMA! LET ME IN THE HOUSE, BEFORE I HAVE TO BREAK THE DOOR DOWN!" Yusuke screamed into the phone. He would do that to, I knew.

"Fine, come to the front door in five minutes." I said as calmly as I could.

"Okay Kurama, but you had better be there." Yusuke said. I heard him hang up the phone. I hung up my own phone, and I ran into my room. I threw off my shirt and pants, and pulled the loosest robe that I had, so I wouldn't look any different. At least, as much the same as I could. I then went downstairs, waiting for Yusuke to ring the doorbell. When he did, I opened the door.

"So, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I told you, nothing!" I said. Hiei then appeared from behind Yusuke. I stared blankly at Hiei. Yusuke grinned.

"I brought him! I figured that you might say something if Hiei was here. You seem so close to him with all your secret telling and stuff." Yusuke said.

"Kurama, you are different." Hiei said, coming closer to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean… You look different." Hiei said flatly. He began to turn away from me. I couldn't bare it…

"How do I look different?" I asked trying to sound astonished that he would say something like that. Hiei just looked at me. He then glanced at Yusuke, and then looked back at me. I got it. Yusuke was there; he wasn't going to say anything. "I see." I said.

"See what?" Yusuke said.

"Nothing. Well, good-bye Yusuke. Good-bye… Hiei…" I said. I then closed the door on my two friends.. What could I do? I could not do anything, really. I locked the door behind me as I ran upstairs again. I opened my bedroom window a crack, so I could here if Yusuke and Hiei said anything. I heard pounding on the door, and Yusuke screaming 'Open the door!' and Hiei saying that it was no use, that I wouldn't come.

"Don't make me use my Rei-Gan!" Yusuke shouted. Another set of tears came to my eyes.

"No! Please don't! Please don't, my parents will be so mad at me!" I cried. Maybe having them be mad at me was better than them coming home to a young girl instead of a young boy, I thought. But, if he broke the door down, I would be in even more trouble!

"THEN WHAT'S WRONG?!" Yusuke shouted up at the window I was looking out of.

"Well… Fine, you two can come in." I went downstairs, and opened the front door. "Come on..." Yusuke stepped inside, hands in his pockets. Hiei came in after him. I closed the door. "I will tell you what is wrong, but you cannot tell anyone. And, you cannot do or say anything… Stupid… With me." Hiei nodded, and Yusuke looked like he was about to explode because he was so confused. I stepped back, and loosened up my robe. I let the top slip off. I felt my cheeks grow hot. And Hiei blushed! I was shocked, and I blushed even redder. Hiei turned around. Yusuke's mouth dropped open.

"KURAMA!" Yusuke shouted, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE A MAN!"

"I am!" I shouted back.

"That's no man…" He said, getting closer to my chest. I backed up against the wall that Yusuke was backing me into, and I quickly pulled the robe back up. Hiei turned back around.

"I don't know what happened…" I began. "I was feeling a bit down, and I decided to take a nap. When I awoke, my body was like this."

"Was anyone around you today?" Yusuke asked.

"No one other than Hiei…" I said, looking at the fire demon. Hiei shook his head.

"I did nothing." He said, strongly. "And I don't know how to do that, even if I wanted…" I heard him say quietly.

"Then if he didn't, who did?" Yusuke asked.

"That is important, but not as important as my mother finding out. Yusuke, what am I going to do?" I said. Yusuke just looked at me. Tears welled up in my eyes, and stained my already swollen cheeks.

"Well… You could always stay at either Kuwabara's house or mine… And leave this house…" Yusuke told me.

"But, what about my mother?" I cried. "She is the most important thing in the universe to me now!" That was a half lie. She was the most important thing, but so was Hiei.

"Well, you could always just, uh… Do something!" Yusuke said. He was trying to make himself sound convincing, but he wasn't doing a good job. What ended up happing was this: I agreed to stay at his house, if it was all right with his mother. It was (we called her), but I was supposed to clean their house. I decided to leave a note for my mother saying that an emergency came up, and that I was not going to be back for a while. I hoped that she would not worry too much, because I knew that she would worry. I left the house with Yusuke and Hiei. "Yusuke… I am not going to be a problem, am I?" I asked.

"Nah! And you are going to be cleaning the house! It's fine; don't worry. My mom will be asking about having a pretty girl in the house that is not Keiko, but that's ok, cause there is nothing going on between you and me and never will be." Yusuke replied. He gave me a 'Yusuke grin'.

Originally this was going to be one chapter long story, but I decided against it. I was also not going to put it on till I finished. I changed my mind. Thanks for reading. Thou shalt not fall, thou shalt not run, thou shalt not fear, thou shalt not kill… Let these words haunt you for the rest of you're life… I'm scary…