Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's Redemption ❯ It begins... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I know!! I know!! Finish your other godsdamned (yes I spelled that correctly) stories!! I wanted to write this so I wrote it. Have fun and enjoy. Maybe updated a lot as I am to lazy to split it into chapters. All jackers of this story will be shot, survivors will be shot again. And if you survive that, more power to ya, ass wipe. And so you know future Lemons possible. I haven't decided yet. Written in Kurama's POV. Oh, just read the godsdamned thing and rate!!!
We ran as fast as we could through the dense forest. Hiei was far ahead, Yusuke on my heels and Kuwabara falling slightly behind.
It seemed this was the routine now a day. We go on our missions, recover the items, and run away before we can be killed. I thought I had left all this behind me, the running. Still, what else can we do? How can our world... the human world, I mean, be safe with no one watching? That's a question for another time.
“Hiei!” I called out, “Slow down! We need to stay to...” but my instructions are cut short by a loud explosion. Soon, all was silent. No shouts, gun blasts, footsteps. Should I call out again? Should I run after him? I took a step but a voice held me back, “Kurama.” With all our haste we'd forgotten Kuwabara. He was no where in sight. We waited in silence, Yusuke and myself, glancing from where we'd just come form to where Hiei had gone. Kuwabara, Hiei. How could I have let them out of my sight in all this danger? The silence was deafening. Where they dead? Did they get away? Soon, we heard footsteps from both directions. Assuming the worst, Yusuke and I climbed into the nearest tree and hid in its heavily leaved branches. Below us, two squadrons seemingly comprised of only 20 humans each came to a halt. Two bodies where tossed onto a cart, bound tightly at the wrists and ankles. The squadrons formed into a single group and set off back the way we came, dragging the cart along with them. They boasted with each other about how they caught these two `thieves'. One of the men said their boss paid more for bringing people back alive, in this Yusuke and I could at least hope our friends still where. We followed them in silence, ducking behind trees and shrubbery. The men stopped short of the gate, turned and two rummaged through the pockets of our friends. “It's not here.” one stated to his commander. “There are still two more out there. One of them is bound to have it.” “Have what?” asked Yusuke turning to me, “What are they looking for?”
Every once in a while we, the team and I, would come across a mission that proved more difficult than we could handle. Some times we'd barely escape with our lives.
“I don't know.” I lied. We snuck in behind our friend's captors. They went into a large room, seemingly a council chamber and we followed. At the far end of the hall sat a lightly built demon whom, to my best guess, was the lord of this palace. “Did you find it?” he asked in a low tone. He must have anticipated the answer, he rose and took a few steps towards our, now conscious, friends, “Where is it?” “Where's what!?” shouted Kuwabara. Almost instantly, he was struck on the back with some thing resembling a bat. “Show some respect, ningen!” one of the guards screamed, his words echoing through the still halls. The noise rang like an extremely high pitched whistle in our ears. “Damn it!” Yusuke shouted involuntarily. It took a great deal of control for me not to do the same. The guards looked up, “Who was that? Who's there?” Yusuke and I ran through the shadows. I found a decent place to hide, Yusuke, however, was less fortunate. They took him to their lord and knocked him down, “Damn it! That hurt!” The lord glared, seeming to sear the gaze into my friends, “If you don't return the item, it will be much worse.” Yusuke erupted with anger, “We didn't take your stupid... what ever the hell you're talking about!”
No, we didn't. I'm sorry Yusuke, it seemed so important. Koenma's message said it was extremely valuable and dangerous. It was right there, in easy reach. How could I have been so selfish? I guess old habits really do die hard.
I watched them beat my friends, asking for answers none of them could give. I sat there, dumbstruck and some what afraid. What was I supposed to do? Kuwabara, Yusuke, Hiei, they where taking the fall for my mistake. I had to stop it. I couldn't let these `men' kill my friends, no matter what the cost. I ran from my hiding place, heading straight for my friends, “Rose whip!” My friend's captors stared in shock, dropping their weapons, all but one. “Kurama!” I heard Yusuke shout. The leader had pulled Yusuke in front of him, a knife to his throat, “Drop it.” I lowered the whip, but did not let go. He glared at me, his crimson eyes burning into my own, “Do you care about the lives of these men?” My breathing became slightly heavier, “Yes.” He grinned, sensing my fear and reading my intentions, “You wish to save them?” It was more of a statement than a question. He pressed the knife closer to Yusuke's skin and slid it ever so slightly across his bare neck, drawing a few drops of blood. My grip tightened around the hilt of the whip, turning my knuckles white, “Let them go.” The lord's eyes danced with laughter, his mind playing out all sorts of scenarios. What I would do if he killed Yusuke, Kuwabara, or Hiei. How my friends would react if, some how, he killed me. I let go of my whip and retrieved a small bag from my pocket. One of the guards took it, peered inside and nodded. The lord pushed Yusuke away and sheathed the knife. “Can we go now?” asked Kuwabara. Yusuke looked at me, as did Hiei, but I turned away. I didn't have the heart to face them, “I will stay and take what ever punishment you see fit, but please, let my friends leave this place without any further trouble.” “What!?!” exclaimed Yusuke, “Kurama, come on! You don't have to…” The lord cut him off, “Agreed.”
The guards where ordered to `escort' my friends out of the castle. Yusuke and Kuwabara were both screaming as the door closed behind them, telling me to run, to get out of here. No, this is my responsibility. I'm sorry, everyone. The guards returned and hustled me out into a darkened hall, down a few flights of stairs and was, unceremoniously, thrown into my cell. It was small, about four foot by seven, with a cot along the back right corner. Shackles hanging adorning the wall and a few dry blood spots here and there suggested others had called this cell home at some point. I wasn't the only prisoner here. Screams and moans were issuing from other cells down the dark corridor. There's nothing left for me to do but accept my fate and await my punishment. At least I can rest.
Morning, dark and cold. Sleep eluded me for a majority of the night. What surprises would my captor have in store for me? I could only imagine what he will do. Only in my worst nightmare could I have been so afraid, but, my friends are safe. Now, that's all that mattered. Evidently, today is not mine to endure whatever horrors await. The guards came down and grabbed a demon from the cell directly across form my own. He was thin, emaciated almost, and ghost white. They drug his limp form down the corridor. He seemed almost lifeless, except his eyes. Behind their clouded hazel color was a fighter, screaming to be set free. I watched him, not wanting to look away, until the heavy, metal door at the end of the hall closed, blocking my view. For the next several hours, the only sign he was still alive where the screams the door could no longer hold at bay. It was terrifying. Is that what will happen to me? What manner of torcher could cause a man to withdraw so deeply into himself?
Eventually, the screams died away. For the next few hours, everything was quiet, or maybe I was just getting used to the noise. I could only hope they had ended the poor man's suffering. But the question still remained, what horrors could they possibly have awaiting me? I could try to breakout, to runaway. So far, they've shown little ability to capture me, if I truly wanted to be free. But, what consequences would go into effect, should I succeed? Would they follow and attempt to recapture me? Would they, instead, attack my team mates, or my family? Would they, rather, take out their anger and frustrations on all of the human world? In any case, it could be disastrous. A creature like me is not meant for a caged life. Though, I am in human form, I cannot shake the past and that part of me will always wish for freedom. If he had his way, Yoko would undoubtedly have ripped them all apart at first glance. Of course, he wouldn't have allowed himself to be caught in the first place. Fear is the main emotion in my mind now, along with the bitter taste of anger and the pain that comes along with sorrow.
They're bringing him back. He looks worse than dead, I hardly recognize him. His eyes, they're still screaming, begging for the end. I waited till the guards had left before tossing a small stone toward his cage. He merely turned his head in my direction before muttering a `hm.' I sat near the door to my own cell, leaning against its rusty bars, “Who are you?” He coughed, “What does it matter?” I looked at the wall before answering, “I watched them take you away. I was wondering why you did not fight them.” He stared at me, “Eventually you give up. That's what they want. To cause enough pain to the point where you'd do anything for a quicker death, at the same time, knowing you won't get it.” I sat there amazed. He was so calm, unemotional. But his eyes told it differently, they had begun to water. “I'm Koji.” He said, in answer of my first question. I nodded before telling him my own, “Kurama.” We both jumped slightly as the door near our end opened. In walked two demons escorting a human girl. They stopped at every cell along their way, the demons handing out scraps of bread and meat. Coming upon our cells, they opened Koji's, allowing the woman to enter. He didn't attempt to move as she came closer to him, carrying a small black bag. Opening it, she began to carefully bandage his wounds. He grabbed her arm as she began to close the bag, “The pain?” She lowered her head hiding her eyes, “I can't.” “Please” he pleaded. She rose, walking toward the door, “I'm sorry, I'm not allowed.” The demons closed the door before continuing to my own. They opened it and again allowed her to enter. I'd seen her before, back home. We were classmates, her scores falling just short of Kaito's and my own. She said nothing, but I knew she recognized me. She opened her bag and began to examine me as well. Checking my pulse, breathing, and various other things and writing in her notebook before speaking to any of us, “What's your name?” I was surprised she had asked, I answered none the less, “Kurama.” Her eyes widened a bit, “Kurama. And how old are you?” I sighed, “300 or so. I'm sorry I don't remember the exact date.” She scribbled a bit before placing her hand under my chin, “Do you have any medical conditions I should be aware of? Any medications, or injuries?” I looked directly into her eyes, her gaze never meeting mine, “Aside from a few scars, none that I can think of.” “Good.” She said, scribbling a bit more. By now, the guards had left, leaving the door wide open. Now would be my chance, grab the girl and run. They surly would not attack one of their own. Her eyes met mine for a fraction of a second, reading my thoughts like the pages of a book. “That's not a good idea.” She said, again scribbling and tapping the baton strapped to her right side. “You'd use that?” I asked. She set her notebook down, “If I have to.” I could tell from her voice she didn't truly want to, “They left it open, why should I not take the opportunity?” Her head shot up, instantly connecting her gaze with mine, “Because they'll kill us both.” One of the guards came back, “Are you done yet?” She got up, closing her bag and pocketing the notebook, “Almost.” He handed her a glass of clear liquid and a few pills. She took them before turning her attention back to me, “Take these.” I looked at the pills for a second, “Why?” The guard behind her drew his baton, “Just do it!” She glanced at him before handing both the pills and the glass to me. Upon exiting, the guard slammed the door shut as the girl sat in a chair across from my cell, pulling out her notebook. “Don't miss anything.” The guard advised, leaving with his comrade. I stood, leaning again against the cell's bars, “So, how long have you been here?” “Seven months or so.” She replied, still focused on her notebook. “This is an odd place for a person such as yourself.” I said, an attempt to capture her attention. She looked up, briefly, from her notebook, “Take your pills please.” “You never answered me.” I informed her. She sighed, “I never answered what?” “Why I need to take these.” I said, holding my hand out to her. She shook her head, “Because you were told to.” “And if I refuse?” I said, glaring at her. Koji jumped as she pulled a small box from her bag, “I'll use this.” I grinned, “And I'm to be afraid of that? What damage could a car alarm do?” Her eyes grew sad as she pointed the little box at me, “I don't want to do this. I'm asking you to take your pills.” “No.” I said defiantly, dropping both the pills and the glass. “I tried to warn you.” She said, pressing the single button. It was as if every nerve in my body was on fire. The pain was unimaginable. She waited until the ordeal was over, putting her things away, “Koji, watch him please.” He nodded as she left. He was sitting in the back corner of his cell, laughing, “You're one crazy son-of-a-bitch, you know that?” I stayed on the floor, not risking any further movement, “How so?” “Everyone here respects her, you numb-skull.” He stated, continuing to laugh. I was surprised, “Everyone?” “Well, all us inmates anyway.” He said. My eyes grew heavier with each passing second. Sleep seemed inevitable. I'm not alone…
“Wake up sleepy head.” Said a familiar voice. “He's not used to this. Give him a minute.” Came another voice. I heard a cell's door open, and some one walking toward me. I still could not move. A gentle hand rested on my back, “Are you ok?” I moaned. I was not alright. “I'll wait then.” The voice sighed. I heard a plate being set on the ground near me. Some one must be sitting next to me. The hand remained on my back, lightly moving up and down. The voice sighed again, “I'm sorry about yesterday. My lord said he wanted a test as soon as possible. I should have picked one of the elder men.” I opened my eyes, her voice was so familiar. I looked up, staring directly at her face. She wasn't looking back, just sitting cross legged, staring at the ceiling. I felt a drop of moisture on my hand, a tear. A tear from her beautiful eyes. I had a knot in my stomach, did I cause this? Had my actions caused her that pain? I tried to move my hand toward her, growling at the pain. She turned her gaze to me, eyes reddened by tears, “Don't hurt yourself.” She helped pull me into a sitting position leaning me against her for support, “You need to eat.” She picked up the plate next to her, placing it on her lap. Koji whimpered in his cell. I realized, the rest of the prisoners havened been fed yet, and the food currently being offered to me was drastically different from the rations we were normally given. She picked up a cube of meat from the plate, holding it in front of me, “Well, go on.” My head dropped, “It's your food. You eat it.” “Don't be so stubborn.” She sighed. “I won't eat it.” I said. She rested her head atop my own, “You won't get better if you don't.” the door near our end opened, allowing the two guards from the night before to enter, escorting their `Lord.' My `care taker' jumped up, dropping the meat and letting me fall over, eyes wide. She ran to the cell's door, slamming it shut behind her, “I'm sorry!” She fell to her knees, bowing as low as she possibly could. The Lord kicked her in the side, the blow tossing her into the bars of my cell. She lay there whimpering, “Please, I'm sorry.” He grabbed her neck, pinning her to the bars, “You know the rules, yet you seem to take great pride in breaking them.” “I'm sorry!” she sobbed. “You will be.” He said slapping her. He spun her around, slamming her front side into my cell's bars, “Say it!” Her eyes began to water. “Say it!” he yelled. She sobbed, “My name is Rieko Tejinachi. I am a servant of Lord Kurotenchi. I have broken a rule of his house and must be punished.” He let her go, allowing her to collapse to the ground, “Good, now how should you be punished?” She lay on the decrepit floor crying, “How ever my Lord sees fit.” The Lord picked her up, placing a glowing band of energy around each of her wrists, “You will be treated like one of these prisoners, whom you seem to care deeply for, for a duration no shorter than one week.” “Thank you, my Lord.” She sobbed, being thrown into the cell directly to the left of my own. One of the guards removed the food from my cell. For that day, we all went with out it, as punishment for Rieko's kindness. I found that the bands, placed on the wrists of all the prisoners, served as an energy barrier, rendering the wearer powerless.