Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's Sister, Kiru ❯ Kiru's Promise ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Katslovetoplay: Hello everyone and welcome to Kurama's Sister, Kiru!
This is my second fanfic and I am proud of how this fanfic is beginning.
Kano: Oh shut up already. Two seconds and I already have a headache.
Kltp: * tears form in her eyes* Don't be mean Kano
K: Whatever. Kltp doesn't own anything So don't sue
Kltp: Thanks Kano. You're the best
K: Tell me something I don't know
Kltp: Do you know I love Hiei?
K: That's not what I meant.
Kltp: Whatever. Please read. I hope you like it!
`“Kurama. You just had to get shot by that damn hunter. But I swear we will find each other again. That damn hunter died a painful by my hands. I made sure he suffered for shooting you when you protected me. I will tear up all three worlds until I find you again. I will search for you until my dying day. We will be together again. Brother, I will find you.”' Kiru hopped from tree to tree thinking about the promise she had made to herself and her brother.
She owed him her life for protecting her from the hunter. Determination shone clearly in her golden eyes as her silver fox ears sank flat against her head. She had been running through southern Makai for three days with her partner Riku flying high above her. They were searching for the Ningenkai portal ever since they heard a rumor that Youko Kurama was hiding in a human body in Ningenkai.
“ Kiru, I see the portal.” Riku's voice brought Kiru out of her thoughts. A few seconds later they stood before a portal made of blue and white swirls.
Riku stepped through the portal first. ` Hold on Youko. I'm coming.' With that she stepped through the portal
Kltp: So, Do you like it? Please R&R!
K: Hurry so she can finish this and I can go home
Kltp: Come on Kano. You know you want to be here. * tries to hug Kano*
K: *pulls out Bill the overgrown hammer* Touch me and die
Kltp: * backs away slowly* Okay, Read and Review. * runs away screaming*
K: Yeah or Bill will smash you. * laughs maniacally and starts chasing Kltp*