Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama the Babysitter ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.


Note: For those of you that didn't completely read the summary, if you haven't read "Nearly Lost", go read that first! It will make this story more understandable.

Chapter 1

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hiei asked. "I mean, Koenma didn't even tell you what we would be doing."

"I trust Koenma," Shiroi said, "Even if you don't."

"That's not what I mean," Hiei grumbled. "I mean this could be a complete waste of our time." He said that as he quickly stooped down and snatched up Hikori before the one and a half year old could wander off.

"If it turns out to be that," Shiroi said, "Then we'll come home." She took Hikori from him. "I don't want to burden Kurama anymore than I have to." She smiled at her son, who giggled and squirmed to get down.

Hiei watched his son, still not believing, even after almost two years, that the little boy had survived his violent entrance into the world. "I doubt Kurama will mind," he said, replying to Shiroi. "He seemed quite pleased about babysitting Hikori."

"But this will be Kurama's first time minding him," Shiroi pointed out.

"Kurama can go through an entire battle without flinching," Hiei said. "Babysitting a year and a half old apparition will be easy for him."

"Don't forget," Shiroi said, "This two year old apparition has your blood in him, will still don't know what he's fully capable of, even though we already know his abilities are fire and ice, and regular spirit energy when he gets older."

"He can't wield anything yet," Hiei, said, "That's why I'm not worried."

"Worried about what?" Shiroi asked.

Hiei shook his head, just as Kurama came up the steps of the temple.

"I'm not late am I?" Kurama asked.

"Right on time," Shiroi answered. She looked down at Hikori, whom was squirming to get down and see Kurama. She put him down, and the toddler ran as fast as his baby legs could carry him to Kurama, and then attached himself to the fox demon's leg.

"Hello to you too Hikori," Kurama said. The little boy look up at him and giggled. "So, what should I expect?"

"Just keep an eye on him," Shiroi said. "He's starting to teeth, so be careful, I'm not sure if he'll get Hiei's fangs or not." She smiled at Hiei, who looked slightly offended.

"Ma-ma," Hikori babbled. He was just beginning to speak, and could say a few words and partial names already. The little boy looked up at Kurama, "Kuma."

Hiei snorted at his son's attempt at Kurama's name, but Shiroi glared at him. "I don't see you laughing at what Hikori calls you," she whispered to him. She turned to Hikori. "Hikori, what's his name?" She pointed to Hiei.

"Da-da," Hikori giggled, and toddled over and attached himself to his father's leg. It was too cute, watching a miniature form of Hiei in hand-me-down overalls from Yuseke hanging on Hiei; Kurama hid a laugh behind one hand.

"And what does he call Yukina?" Kurama asked. Not long after Hikori's birth had Hiei finally confessed his relation to Yukina, whom was more than delighted to find out, not to mention thrilled to know she had a sister-in-law and a nephew too.

"Aunty Yuki," Shiroi answered. Kurama had not been around the same time Yukina had been, so he didn't know. The fox demon had actually been out of town the past week, but had known about this little babysitting job for a month.

"Da-da," Hikori said as he tugged on his father's coat, wanting to be picked up.

"I have to go Hikori," Hiei said, "Why don't you go see if Kurama will pick you up?" He knew the fox demon knew his true affections for the boy, but he still tried to hide them. Hikori looked hurt, and whimpered a little. Hiei knew that routine all too well, but many times it was true, and picked the boy up.

Hikori's baby face immediately turned into a grin as his father reached down and picked him up.

Shiroi watched Hiei and Hikori. The only thing that made Hikori look different from Hiei was his eye color, which were purple. Hikori didn't have the Jagan either, but it wasn't natural so neither Shiroi nor Hiei had even worried about it. She was at least glad that the little boy had gotten something from her. "Time to go," she said.

"All right," Hiei said as he put Hikori down.

"Da-da?" Hikori asked, wondering why he had been put down so suddenly.

"You be good for Kurama, okay Hikori?" Shiroi asked her son as she stooped down to her son's level. "He's going to be watching you for a few hours."

Hikori looked at his mother, unsure. "Ma-ma?"

"Come here Hikori," Kurama said as he came over and picked up the little boy. "Say 'bye-bye'."

"Ba-ba?" Hikori asked. What was that supposed to mean?

Shiroi kissed Hikori's cheek. "Be good," she said to him as she and Hiei moved away. "We'll be back as soon as we can." A glow surrounded them as Shiroi prepared to teleport to Spirit World.

Hikori watched Kurama wave at them, and mimicked him, using the new word he had learned. "Ba-ba!" He watched his mom and dad disappear in a flash of light.

"Well Hikori," Kurama said as he looked at the little boy. "What should we do now?"

Hikori blinked, "Ba-ba?"

Kurama laughed, "I guess that's too much for you to take right now." He thought for a moment, holding the boy on his hip. "Well, let's put you down and see what you do." He mentally scolded himself for making the little boy sound like a new type of gadget or something as he put him down.

Hikori looked up at him after Kurama set him down, innocent but confused.

Kurama stared down at the little boy, and then got an idea. He stooped down to Hikori's level. "I'm going to get you." He held up his hands and made to tickle him.

Hikori knew this game, and giggled and ran off in one direction.

Kurama gave him a head start before going after him. It didn't take long for Kurama to catch up with him and catch him, and Hikori's baby giggles made him start laughing too.

They played the game again, Kurama giving the boy a head start each time before going after him.

After the fifth time, Hikori began to get bored with the game and started poking at things in the grass.

Kurama smiled and looked away for a second, and then looked back. But to his surprise, and shock, Hikori was gone!

"I'm in deep trouble," Kurama whispered. "Hikori!" He called, "Don't hide from me; come out!"

Suddenly Hikori's head popped up from the grass, "Kuma?" The little boy asked.

Kurama sighed with relief and walked over to the boy. The way Hikori was sitting, it appeared the boy had been lying down in the grass, which had been the reason why Kurama hadn't seen him. "You had me scared there for a second," Kurama said as he sat down next to the boy. "Are you tired, do want to take a nap?"

Hikori shook his head, but a large yawn contradicted him.

"I think you do," Kurama said as picked him up.

"No." Hikori whined as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

By the time Kurama came to Hikori's room and laid the boy down, he was already fast asleep.


Author's Note: Talk about short, but this is a mini story. Don't worry, if nothing was funny in this chapter, the ones to come will be.