Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama the Babysitter ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.



Chapter 4

After chasing each other around, Hikori fell fast asleep. Botan closed the door to his room and sat down next to Kurama, a grin on her face.

"I just can't imagine Hiei doing something like that," she whispered.

Kurama smiled, "He really doesn't seem the type does he, but remember what happened when Hikori was born, he changed a lot."

Botan nodded, and then shuddered, "I don't think I'll ever forget that day."

Kurama nodded and checked his watch. "I'm not quite sure when Shiroi and Hiei will be coming home."

Botan smiled, "Probably not for another few hours."

Kurama blinked, "How do you know?"

Botan giggled, "Apparently both Shiroi and Hiei forgot what day it, and surprisingly, Koenma did."

Kurama thought for a moment, and then smiled, "Ah, their anniversary."

Botan smiled, "Koenma knew they would forget, since taking care of Hikori is their biggest priority, neither of them think of much else."

Kurama nodded, "It's hard to, when the little one is a demon, or at least is half one."

"Your mother lived," Botan out.

Kurama nodded, "True, but I am also half human. Hikori is half apparition, which makes him all the more unpredictable."

Botan sighed, "Yes, you're right." She blinked, "Why am I getting the feeling that Hikori is up to something instead of sleeping?" She glanced at Kurama, whom nodded, and they got up and quickly went to where Hikori was sleeping.

Botan's feeling was correct. Instead of sleeping, Hikori was pulling things out of drawers, mostly clothing, and tossing them around the room.

"Why am I not surprised?" Kurama asked with a sigh. Now he had to do what he hated. He came up behind Hikori and picked him up. He took whatever Hikori had in his hand, dropped it, and then firmly, but carefully, slapped Hikori's hand. "Bad. Bad Hikori." He pointed at the floor, "Look at the mess you made. Would your mommy be happy about that?"

Hikori looked around the room, and then looked back at Kurama, hurt. The slap hadn't hurt, but Kurama had never done that to him before. His mother had done it a few times like that, but never hard. His father had done it only twice, to his backside. They had only done it when Hikori had done something bad, so Hikori knew pretty much why Kurama had done it.

Hikori buried his face in Kurama's shoulder, "I sorry."

Kurama couldn't stay mad at him, making a mess was what little kids did. As he rubbed Hikori's back he looked over the room. It was quite a mess, and would take some time to clean up.

"Looks like I have some work to do," Botan said as she got down on her knees and started folding up the clothes.

Hikori looked down at Botan, and struggled to get down. "I help."

Botan looked up at him and smiled, "That would be nice Hikori. You bring me the clothes and I will fold them."

"Okay," Hikori said as Kurama put him down. He tottered around the room picking up clothing. He brought as much as he could carry each time, which wasn't much.

Kurama sat down and helped Botan fold the clothes. After a little while, since it took some time for Hikori to bring all of the clothes to them, they were done folding, but they didn't know what went where.

"Think Shiroi will get mad at us if we just leave it stacked neatly?" Botan asked.

Kurama shrugged, "I don't know, but I also don't want to put something where it doesn't belong."

"Then lets just leave it stacked neatly," Botan said. "As long as it's not a mess, and we explain what happened, Shiroi shouldn't be mad."

Kurama reluctantly agreed and turned to see what Hikori was doing. The little boy was sitting in the center of the room, watching them. "Okay, we're all done."

Hikori grinned and got to his feet. He toddled over to Kurama and clung to his leg. "Play?"

"Don't you ever stay tired for more than half an hour at a time?" Botan asked.

Hikori blinked at Botan, oblivious to what she meant. He turned back to Kurama and tugged on the half-demon's pant leg. "Play now?"

Kurama sighed, and bent down and picked the boy up. "All right, but I don't know what to play."

Hikori blinked, and then wanted down. Kurama put the boy down, and was surprised when the little boy took his hand and led him and Botan out of the room.

"Where are we going Hikori?" Kurama asked.

"Room," Hikori answered.

"Room?" Kurama asked.

Hikori stopped in front of a door, his bedroom. "Room," Hikori said.

"Oh I get it," Botan said. "All of your toys are in there, so this is where you want to play, right?"

Hikori nodded and pulled the door open. He walked in and Kurama and Botan followed.


Botan smothered giggles with her hand as she watched Hikori. They had been playing 'Fight the Demon', and of course Kurama was the demon. Right now Kurama was under a large pile of blankets, presumably dead. Hikori was approaching the blankets, and Botan had a good idea of what was about to happen.

Hikori approached the blankets. His sword, which was a fuzzy stuffed snake, was held ready to slay the demon beneath. He reached the edge of the blankets and reached with the tip of his 'sword' to move the blanket aside.

Suddenly the demon sprang out from under the blankets, knocking Hikori down into another pile of blankets and sending his sword flying. The demon pinned him to the floor growling in his ear. "I've got you now, and there's no escape," he said.

Hikori squirmed and tried to get away, but it was no use.

Kurama was very glad he was able to suppress his laughter. He raised his 'claws' to finish Hikori off, when suddenly something fuzzy touched his nose. "Huh?" He caught a glimpse of the bearer of the fallen 'sword'. He hid a smile, and waited for the bearer to make his next move.

Hiei swung the stuffed snake upwards, making Kurama move up and off Hikori. Kurama was now on his feet, in a fighting stance used by low-level demons. Hiei swung the toy again, mimicking a slash that sent Kurama back one step. He the thrust the 'sword' forward, stabbing Kurama.

Kurama caught on to what Hiei was trying to do. He caught the snake between his arm and the side of his body, faking a lethal stab wound. And the faked a glorious and well thought out death, collapsing on the floor while trying to reach Hiei for his piety revenge.

Hiei smirked at the fox demon's act, and then turned to his son. "Well Hikori, aren't you going to check and see if he's dead?"

Hikori nodded and got to his feet. He approached Kurama and started to do what his parents had taught him, but then remembered something. He then bent down next to Kurama's head, and then blew into Kurama's ear.

"Ew!" Kurama yelped. Hikori's blow had sent a large amount of spit into his ear. He rolled over and sat up, rubbing his ear to get the spit out.

"It looks like you've lost your touch Hiei," Shiroi said from where she stood by the door, video camera in hand. "He's still alive."

Hiei glanced at his wife, and then down to Hikori, who was giggling madly. He sighed, "Oh well, looks like I have work to do. He picked up the dropped 'sword' again and pursued Kurama.

Kurama wasn't done either. He pounced on the oncoming Hiei. The two adults hit the floor, Kurama wrestling with Hiei as the smaller demon smacked him with the stuffed snake.

In the end, Kurama ended up dead, holding the 'sword' that 'stuck' in his chest while Hiei sat on his stomach with his arms crossed over his chest. Hikori ran up and jumped into his father's lap, knocking the wind out of Kurama and ruining the death again.

"Okay," Shiroi said as she turned the camera off. Botan was rolling on the floor with laughter as Kurama shoved Hiei off and gasped for air. Hikori was laughing cutely as Hiei made it seem as though nothing had happened by having a straight face. "I think that's enough for one night."

"My aching sides," Botan gasped, "I can't take it anymore." She continued to laugh as she dragged herself to her feet.

"Was he behaved?" Hiei asked as he got to his feet, his son in his arms.

"For the most part," Kurama answered. "We had a little incident with your clothing an hour or so ago, but that's all folded up and waiting to be put back in their places."

"Okay," Shiroi sighed. "Thank you both for your help. I hope he wasn't too much trouble."

Botan shook her head, "Not at all. It was fun."

"Yeah," Kurama added, "Piece of cake." He would not mention the run in with the monkey demon, ever. "We should be going now."

"Thank you again," Shiroi said as Kurama and Botan walked out of the room.

Botan summoned her oar and hopped on, and then she waved goodbye and flew off into the darkening sky. Kurama headed for the stairs, but stopped when he heard Hikori calling him.

"Kuma! Kuma!"

Kurama turned around. "Yes Hikori?" Hikori reached him and stopped in front of him. For a second he seemed to forget why he had come after the half-demon. Kurama knelt down in front of him, "Yes?"

Hikori remembered then, and jumped up and threw his arms around Kurama's neck. "Ba-ba."

Kurama smiled and hugged the little boy. "Bye-bye Hikori, see you later."

The little boy let him go, just as Shiroi came up from behind him. She picked him up. "See you around Kurama."

Kurama nodded and headed out of the temple. He went down the stairs and finally reached his car. He got inside it and sat there for a minute, and then burst out laughing. Shiroi had gotten the whole thing on videotape, and Hiei would never be allowed to forget about it.

"I can never say any of this to Kuwabara," Kurama said as he wiped his eyes. "Hiei will never forgive me." He started the car and drove home.


Author's Note: (Giggling insanely) Okay, it was either very stupid or very funny. But hey, I finally updated it, and finished it. Took me long enough. I'll try and get a chapter up for the New Generation, but I'm kinda stuck on it, so don't get to hopeful. I hope you enjoyed this story. Review me and tell me what you think.