Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kuuwabaka Hakusho ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kuuwabaka spirit detective

by:Phoenix 3:16

what if Kuuwabara was the spirit detective? would be different? what would happen to all their adventure?

Alrighty, well this is my first posting at fanfiction.net. Some of you may know my little brother who posts under: Soma Krusu. He has intimacy issues. So anyway on with the fic.

Disclaimer: Do I really have to do this(bishounen of Yu Yu Hakusho: yes) Aww man :( The show doesnot belong to me. If it did then Yuuske and Youko Kurama would be at it like bunnies.


Do not worry Kurama your time will come soon. Be my muse and Yuuske is yours.

Kurama: Deal

On with the fic seriously
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Kuuwabara walked through the sakura park wondering about the craziness that his life had become. Only a few months ago he had been a normal boy leader of the toughest gang in school.
Feared by all his peers (He wishes). Everything had been going great until that car accident.
After that day he had become the spirit detective, savior of humanity and bane of the demon race. (Actually its bane of humanity and joke of the demon race) He rolled his eyes to the heavens.
"Why me, he mumbled to himself, what did I do to deserve this." It wasn't like he could tell anyone about it. He couldn't even use it in his battle to win the respect and admiration of his love. That beautiful darkhaired angel. His musings were cut tragically short by the bell.


And on that cheery note he was off to school. Only to encounter a cute little redeyed demon, and the totally gorgeus red-headed fox.

"Hey Kurama, Hiei, he said, what's up"
"Are you always this idoitic ningen or is today special."(can we guess who that is boys and girls)
"Ah, stow it Hiei, just because you have to go to school doesn't mean you can be a little jerk, short stuff."

"I'm surprised that you have the ability to speak fool, since most of your head is full of air",replied Hiei.

Sadly befor this could escalate into a battle that would destroy our favorite baka(can you feel my love for Kuuwabara) that hot little fox, stopped them.

"As much as I find this amusing, I believe that its time to go to school,he said, so please let us go."

So off they went to the adolescent torture facility that some call school. Arriving just in time for the begining of class. Kuuwabara sat down, with Kurama in front of him and Hiei just a seat behind. He sat idly oberserving the class when the most startling vision of beauty appeared before. Dark hair falling slightly into chocolate eyes, the small delicate and lithe figure was enough to make Kuuwabara go into a state of shock. The vision of perfection took the seat next to him.

"Good mo..morning", he stuttered out.
"Good morning", replied the angel in a soft voice.

Unfortunately before Kuuwabara could continue to wow with his incredible vocal aptitude. The bell rang a symbol to alll that class was starting.
________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

After a grueling session of torture, I mean learning, it time for lunch. Kuuwabara joined Hiei and Kurama outside under a weeping willow tree, enjoying the shade it provided.

"So guys how did class go,he asked, it wasn't that bad for you....

He stopped unable to continue, for just in front of him was his angel, in all it's glory. Sitting under a sakura tree, with the blossoms falling gently around, it seemed to Kuuwabara as if the tree was in its own way paying homage to the incredible beauty in front of him. Hiei and Kurama let their gazes wander over to the delicate figure that had captured Kuuwabara's gaze.

"Kuuwabara, Kurama asked, who is that."
"Yes ningen, Hiei demanded, who is that."
"That guys if the most beautiful vision in the school."

Hiei and Kurama rolled their eyes.

"Yes, we can see that, but who is it, Kurama asked again.
"Ohh that is....

Well I feel as though I accomphilshed something, today.

Hiei: Baka Onna dragging me into this.
Hey Hiei you signed the contract remember, you let me write the story and agree to be in it, and I give you a hot sweaty scence with a certain baka.


Anyways can anyone guess the name of Kuuwabara angel, if you can't then I seriousely pity you.
So I will try to update this by very soon, maybe in a couple of days?

Vejita: Or you could be doing your summer homework.

Vejita what are you doing here?

Vejita: You dragged me here Onna.

Oh right, how about a deal, so comments that could be considered mean and I give you a special gift.

Vejita: what could you give me onna?

How about a certain third class in ribbons?

Vejita: Deal

See the things I go through for you people? Oh by the way Yami, Bakura, and Marik have once again escaped their cages, I will give whoever can make a suggestion of what to bribe them with a prize of whatever pairing you chose(As long as I know the anime)