Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ kuwabara's blackmail tapes ❯ kurama special ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
me: alright!! thnx 4 the reviewz ppl, except u hater, ur mean.
kuwabara: what do u mean the tapes were... hore-i-ble!!!
me: thats horrible kuwabara.
kuwabara: ya that. oh and atinka we posted some more hiei stuff 4 ya if u havent read it yet.
me: u know no 1 ever reviews in my other stories.
kuwabara: ya, its depressing.
me: hey!! since when do u care??
kuwabara: uh... i dont!!
me: ur strange. well ne way, disclamer: baka hater. rain on my day y dont ya. y do u hate me so?? oh! and we're making this 1 a kurama special, not that i hate him but i just like driving him crazy.

kurama: *walks down sidewalk* *sees a quarter on the ground* O.O *trys 2 pick it up, cant* hu? *looks around, turns yoko* *scratches at the sidewalk for quarter, fails* damn! *summons maneating plant*
man-eating plant: damn kitsune how many times have i told u i eat ppl not concreat!!
yoko: oh. sorry. *scratches at the ground* damn quarter!!
kuwabara: *in a bush with video-camera* *holds up wakyglue*

[wow! all i can say is... hahahahaha!!!]

kurama: now were's my computer??
hiei: damn ningen contraption! *slashes comp with katana*
bakura: here let me handle it. *banishes comp 2 shabow relm*
hiei: O.O that worked. *runs in2 kitchen for his sugery-goodness*

[hu? that 1 was... uh... intresting.]

kurama: *running around the house* hiei! put that down! kuronue! no! plz that's...*crash!!* ... my mother's.
kuroune: i want more beer!
hiei: i want more sweat snow!
kurama: *gets pissed, turns yoko*
hiei&kuroune: meep!! *run away*
kurama: great, now i've got to clean up this mess.
shori: kurama, i'm home. what happened in here??
kurama: damn.

[ok kuwabara. u need some new matterial.]

kurama: *drunk, singing britny spears' "oops i did it again" way off key*
yusuke: ha! now that's commedy!! *rolls on floor laughing in hysterics*

[ok. as much as i hate making kurama sing... hahahahaha!!!]

kurama: *trying to tell a joke* why did two chickens cross the road?
yusuke: *rolls eyes* why.
kurama: because they were siamese twins.
yusuke: wow. good one. *sarcasum*

[bad joke, no, very bad joke.]

me: ok. as much fun as that was i think that's enough.
kuwabara: ok. well, R&R ppl.
me: kuwabara, that's my line!
kuwabara: so...
me: *shakes head* baka.
kuwabara: *grabs camera* well i'm off. bye ppl.
me: *smashes head in2 wall* i'm surrounded by bakas. oh! bye bye ppl! oh and by the way the next chapter is dedicated 2 hiei so plz gimme some good matterial here. thanx in advance!!