Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Last Song ❯ Track 1: Album 2: Connected ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: Thank you for the review! I hope you continue to like the story. Now that the start is over its time for romance are you ready? Can you take it!? Okay then let's go. Enjoy the chapter. Fantasy.


Mom, quick!" Calls Yukina from the couch in the living room. She pulled herself from her wheel chair so that she can sit on something that is more comfortable than the seat the chair gives her. Her legs may be sour but she still has control over everything else and her butt can get a little strained for comfort most days. "Its Hiei's band! They've made it to NewNextNow! They're gonna sing!"

There is a distinct plunk sound before the pitter patter of feet leaving the kitchen into the living room. Kanna sat herself on the couch next to her daughter. Volume turning up as the applause dies down Yusuke starts the count with the clapping of his drum sticks then he plays the first string followed by Koenma then Kuronue on base this time.

"Look," points Yukina. "Hiei looks so professional."

"He sure does."

"Standing," sings the vocalist. "In isolation... roadless, wilderness." His voice carried into the very bones of the audiance as nearly every girl and boy in the crowd felt a shudder with each echoed word.

Hiei skimmed the crowd of gazing eyes and for the second time since they'd performed in Ginza four months ago, he sees a pair of rich green eyes watching him so intently. Not meaning to stare, he couldn't seem to take his eyes from the male? It was really hard to tell because he's never seen someone look so feminine as this red haired person does and he was almost positive that he's seen this person purchase one of their cd's when they gave another live at Tokyo Dome Park, this time it went off without a single mistake and on the side was Botan at a small table with a box that contained 25 of the 50 cd's Sawada had made for them. The other twenty five were placed in Panosonic record store to be sold.

"Faded and disgaurded.... the last leaves are... gone. And let me tell you!" He picked up the pitch in his voice a bit more as he sings the chorus. "Nothing ever changes... Nothing ever changes."

Back at the Yeoh home in Kochi. Yukina is in awe at her brother and his bands talent. "They play so well live. And look at Haruto, he's amazing on base- I thought he played electric."

A sweet but sad smile on her face, Kanna corrects her daughter. "That's Kuronue honey."

Embarrassed, she blushed. "Oh right."

"Break down... let it break down, the hidden torture to an eeeeeend."

Music pulling the sound to an end as Hiei hummed quietly into the microphone the crowd began to applaud. Smiling faintly and taking a bow, the band heads over to the couch where they are to be interviewed. Hiei sits in the center joined by Kuronue at his right and Koenma at his left, Yusuke at Kuronue's other side.

"That was so good!" Says a very animated host leaning against his desk as if to show he really meant it. He's your typical looking male, black hair combed down at one side of his aged face but only a mere 36- or 38 years old. Gray suit nicely pressed against his body as though ironed just a few minutes ago rather than when he woke up this morning. No facial hair and squinted eyes complete his look. "Its hard to believe you're a starter band."

"Thank you." They mutter but not synced with each other.

"I'd like to start the interview with asking you all to state your names for those whom don't know you yet. Then onto some personal questions if you don't mind." Seeing them shake their heads he smiles, dingy teeth show that he smokes heavily.

Assuming he's first, the vocalist says. "Hiei Jaganshi." His mind travels to when Mr. Sawada made it up for him since the crowd might not have taken well to his Chinese last name 'Yeoh'.

Pointing a proud finger at himself he says. "Kuronue Uguisu."

"Koenma Daioh."

"Yusuke Urameshi."

Nodding as though he were giving all their names approval, he goes on with the interview. "Hiei, it says here that you have a twin sister?"

Nodding, he replies. "Yes, Yukina. But we're not identical." He clears up.

"Waah?! That's too bad, any men in the audiance that admire you might like to see that."

Hiei made a faint glare to that comment as the thought of a bunch of letchers hitting on his sister because of him didn't sit well.

"Are you very close?" The host then asks.

"Yes, very close. She's my female best friend."

The girls in the crowd giggled and awe'd.

"You said she recently underwernt an opperation for an illness, what was that if you don't mind?"

"It was to treat a disease called Spinocerebeller and it means that there's a deterioration within her brain cells." With a raising of his hand to stop both the crowd and host, Ijue, from freaking out he says to end. "But she's fine now, and healthy so that's the end of it."

Bowing to apologize if he intruded too far he goes on to say. "All the rest of you are only children?" They nod. Checking his small cards that has questions typed out for him he looks to Kuronue and asks. "It says that you own a pet ferret?"

Grinning, he says. "Yes, and he's my best animal friend." He laughs and the crowd laughs as well. "And Hiei is my best people friend." He locks arm with the male tilting his head atop of his.

The girls in the crowd began to scream with delight causing Kuronue and Yusuke to laugh. Koenma and Hiei didn't think it was so funny. What mindless zombies crowds can be.

"What's his name?"

With a smile on his face and fist in the air, he shouts with pride. "Pikachu!"

The three of them looked at their friend then actually did laugh.

Yukina placed a hand over her mouth with giggles. "He's always so silly. I thought his ferrets name is Bayuu."

The rest of the interview went on smoothly, with a couple laughs here and there from the group clowns, Yusuke and Kuronue, one joking about this and that the other lying about just anything he was asked.

"But the real question is, where did you guys get the nerve to do an encore that night in Ginza when you opened for Keitarou Kishi?"

"The crowd kept screaming so I assumed they wanted more." Says Hiei.

A group of girls screamed, one of them shouted as soon as it was quiet enough. "I love you Hiei!"

Deciding to pour it on, he says. "I love you too."

That pretty much made the young girl faint.

"You called your cd, Jyuu-nana. Can you please tell us the meaning behind it?"

"We plan to do seventeen songs each album." Snickers the guitarist.

"Don't listen to him," Koenma warns with a glare shot his friends way. "The meaning behind it is that we made our first cd and decided that we would all name each one that came out. Hiei is currently seventeen and the name just suited it."

For the second time host Ijue Yamanami was shocked by something. "Waahhh!! You're only seventeen?"

Hiei nods.

Mouth agape he looks to his crowd then says. "When I was seventeen I was still being bossed to brush my teeth and do my homework and you're making records." When the music begins to play he says. "Let's give another great round of applause to the band Noizu! And you can pick their new cd up at Panosonic records." He holds up the cd to show the crowd the cover so there would be no mistaking it.

Hiei glanced at the cover remembering that Sawada said he made out two. Hiei noticed that he chose the other one to be a group shot of all of them looking like they're lost in the desert like some boyband rather than the one they had to sell with the four of them having small pictures within the holes of a large microphone that looked to be dropped on a stage. Clapping his hands along with the rest of the band and crowd they then stand up and shake the hosts hand. They were told that being asked onto NewNextNow will get them instant recognition because a lot of new bands never make it as far as performing in clubs and undergrounds but to be interviewed and have their names in the public eye will really do some good.

And as time went by and interviews and performances came and went their name grew and grew but not to their knowledge as they were too busy going here and there. It wasn't until they walked into Shin Sawada's office to a glass of champagne did they notice the huge grin on the males face.

"You boys are gonna wish you didn't take sips right now when I tell you that your album within the eight months of being sold has just gone platnum." Seeing their widened eyes and mouths full he quickly adds. "And if you spit take on my carpet." His brown eyes darting back and forth to Yusuke and Kuronue. "Your cut will be spent on getting it cleaned."

With one hard gulp they swallowed back their drinks.

"Are you sure?" Asks Koenma. This was.... this is- HUGE! Most bands don't see platnum money until they have four albums out and the people can't get enough of one single that won't stop playing.

"As sure as toilet paper is used to wipe your asses." Says the man taking another drink. "I think I owe it all to good marketing. Don't you?" He asks mostly looking at Hiei.

With a shrug, he takes another drink noticing the faint taste of grape within his drink. Surely even now when his career has soared in such a short amount of time he's denied alcohol? No wonder people get pissy drunk when they turn 21 with friends and managers such as these.

"Aaand I just got word that you've been asked to do some commercial promos. If you're interested that is."

"Hells yeah we're 'interested'." Chirps Kuronue whose been living up to his last name as a nightengale when it comes to movement since he heard the news and got even the slightest liquor into his system. As if the latest interview wasn't enough to hype the male up.

There were a lot of changes over the months, Hiei's noticed. Like since their spot on NewNextNow!! there have been about twenty or so people spotted walking ferrets and if he wasn't mistaken all of them were being called 'Pikachu'. Guess Kuro had the foresight to lie so there wouldn't be a million Bayuu's being hefted around. Do these people even want these animals or are they just doing it to feel closer to the guitarist. He can't even count how many drum sticks Yusuke's signed or how many girls have wanted to kiss Koenma on the cheek while getting their pictures taken with him. Dozens of people approach him saying how close they are with their twin and that it rocks to have twins doing things for a change.

Having his thoughts disrupted by a brief jumping session with Yusuke who grabbed his shoulders when he was let go he set his glass down and sat on the couch to just smile at the chaos in the room. It was nice that Sourpuss Sawada as they've started calling the slave driver has lightened up over time. Maybe next album he won't crack the whip on them so hard for mistakes while recording.

"All you boys need to do now is win one award and you're gonna be stars. Real stars." Says the man boasting.

"You mean with bodyguards and chicks picking up our dropped street food?" Asks Yusuke, eyes shining.

"Even better, they'll pick it up and eat it."

Hn. Snickers Hiei, arms crossed and eyes closed in thought. Bodygaurds. With my height I doubt I'd need any. He opened his eyes with a thought. He had to tell his mom and sister about the news. Pulling out his cell he steps out into the hallway.

Waiting out the rings, he hears his mothers voice then without a moments hesitation he blurts out. "Mom we went platnum!" So he's excited. Hiei keeps the glee inside.

~ + ~ + ~ + ~

"Kono yukan ni, kizuita kara...."

The crowd howled and screamed hands too busy flailing to clap as Hiei smiled at them before glancing back at Kuronue to start them off on the next song. The lights lower to a dull green and blue, playing slowly across the large stage. This was their second stop of the Noizu tour and this crowd was definitely more hyped up than the last pressing them for song after song and they were happy to comply since this is all for the fans.

"This next song is from our newest ablum that will come out in November next year."

The crowd went nuts with screams.

"This is the last song of the tour; its called: Connected."

Again they scream as the foreign music is played, its almost deafening how silent the crowd has become just so they wouldn't miss a word.

Waiting for his Cue, Hiei notices that red haired person in the crowd again when the largest of the lights swept that way. How is it that he's constantly seeing this person. Is he making a game out of it. I Spy? Because he's never once approached for an autograph like other fans have, he's never once made any attempt for a picture or joined the fan club that Botan helps out with but they have a professional running it. She and Koenma are very close now, dating in fact. But what's that got to do with his stalker he doesn't know. Shaking his thoughts back to what he's doing he begins to sing.

"Mikakete, mitsukete... Misadamete'iru." Tapping his foot as he clutches the microphone doing his best to avoid paying so much attention to one side of the crowd, he shakes his head again to gain his thoughts. "Mitsumete, midarete- mitasarete iru."

"Demo, migaretem mitoreru, Mihanaserete'iru"

"Sou bokura wa, Arayuru subete no"

"Basho de tsungatte, iru kara."

The more the song picked up the crowd removed themselves from their zombie like states and began to scream, especially when Hiei gestured for someone to come to him with a flirtatious movement from his index finger. And when the song ended the lights flashed brightly illuminating the entire room but to Hiei's surprise the green eyed red head was gone....

The band stepped out of the backstage door after the show, not even having room for the solid steel to slam after their departure due to the crowd swarming them. Signing a few dozen autographs for people that waited patiently for them; thankfully their body guards ushered the crowd away before their, though thankful for them, fans made their hands fall off. Heading for the limo now, Yusuke leapt onto the guitarist back throwing his fist into the air with a loud howl.

"I wanna get pissy drunk!" Shouts Kuro supporting the male until they got up to their ride. Dropping his head so he could climb in the male grabs the first bottle of beer he sees. "Did you see how many people were out there? Good thing I'm not the type to-.." He takes a long drink before finishing; his new tattoo that runs up both the males arms shines in the street lights as they pass by them since he has yet to put on his coat. "Get stage fright."

Hiei couldn't figure out why the male would sit in the tattoo parlor for two days- divided up, of course, just to get some Dragons drawn on his arms the head of the thing ending on his shoulder. Yusuke changed the look of his hair saying that gelling it back looked better than just leaving it sitting on his head any which way. Koenma remained the same but Hiei did shop for clothing a little less country. He hasn't decided what he wants to do with his money yet, but he's been searching the internet for penthouses in Tokyo that he could live in. Koenma said he planned to share an apartment with Yusuke so the male wouldn't get stupid on his own so Hiei figured he'd live with Kuro unless the male didn't want to.

The car pulled to a stop outside of their overnight hotel and the four of them unloaded the limo. Bodyguards directly at their sides to block anyone from touching them should fans know which hotel they are staying in. But there were mostly reporters here- thank god. Hiei passed on speaking with them while the others stopped to say anything that came to mind. He just wanted to sleep since they have to get up so early tomorrow and its already really late. Glancing at his watch he sees that its 2 in the morning.

Looks like I'm skipping my bath tonight. He stifles a yawn as the guard opens the door for him then climbs on the elevator. The three of them silently go up to the sixth floor where the band is staying. Walking down the hall, hands stuffed into his pockets he says. "I'm good from here."

"You sure?" Asks the largest of the two. An American if Hiei's not mistaken.

"Yeah." He replies before sliding the key to the room through the electronic lock letting his self in. Door closed and locked, he sighs watching the flashing green light beep when turning red. Turning around he just notices that the light has already been turned on. But the thing that caught the red gaze making sharp eyes widen is seeing the red haired fan standing in his room beside a serving cart.

With a faint almost non-existant laugh, he smiles and says. "Dinner?"

Eyeing him as he walks further into the room removing his heavy coat, he cocks his head then asks. "How did you get in here?"

"I told the front desk that I'm Mr. Sawada's cousin," he follows Hiei's every move with his own gaze. "And that I was asked to come meet with the band about my position." Lifting the silver tray cover from the plate his eyes offered the male his own dinner to him.

Taking a piece of fish from the plate he brings it up to his mouth but asks before eating. "And they believed you?"

The male glanced at a violin case sitting on the arm chair in the corner of the room.

Glancing that way, he smirks. "I'll make sure they learn better next time."

"You're kicking me out?" The male asks before picking up a bite of bread.

"I never said that." He takes a piece of bread as well. "I was just curious about you; always being in the crowd and all. It makes you wonder."

Again he faintly laughs. "What's to wonder, I wanted to meet you."

Hiei shrugs. Taking the handle of the cart in one hand he pulls it over to the bed then sits down. "If you wanted to meet me than why didn't you ever come over to me when I was giving autographs? Why didn't you talk to me when we did a Q and A on Hey!Hey!Hey!?"

"Private reasons." He takes a questionable glance beside the male then at him. Seeing as he didn't seem to object he takes the seat.

"You sound kind of like a stalker." Says the male offering a slice of beet to the male by shoving it his way with the fork offered as well for picking it up.

"I'm no stalker, I swear." He puts up a hand.

Scoffing the male butters a slice of bread then asks. "So then what do you wanna talk about? Personal things?" He cocks a dark brow at him. "Check any magazine for the answers to those. If you can't get one, my favorite color is red. Brithday, April 10th my hobbies are-... What's so funny?"

The male has a hand before his mouth as he tried to keep his laughter down. "You've come so far from that timid boy who tanked so hard at Tokyo Dome."

Wincing at the salt thrown into his old wound, he blushed from agitation and embarrassment. "You were there?"

Nodding the male whose name he has yet to learn, replies. "I listened to your song, it was sweet but, if I'm not imposing, it kind of lost something with the loud music behind it. A song as sweet as that should be played more classicaly... but that's just my opinion."

The two of them withdrew their hands when their fingers collided, both reaching for the stem of the glass that holds a light red liquid within it. Blushing, the red haired male looks down at his lap muttering an apology. Snickering, Hiei takes a drink wincing for the second time that night tasting cranberry juice. Someone is gonna pay for this. Handing it to the male, he says.

"You can have it."

Taking the offered glass, he takes a sip surprised to taste a fruit drink. Its endearing, really.

"So this question?" Asks the singer, beet between his fingers. This dinner is actually really good. He'll have to order it again next time they're here.

"Its actually really personal.... And now that I sit here, I'm starting to think I shouldn't ask."

"You came all this way, don't back out now." Really curious, he smiles faintly when the pair of green eyes locked with his own.

"Hiei... Will you go out with me?"

Fork dropping to the floor taking the stunned males attenion from this strange fan, he blushes when the red head leans over his lap picking it up, delicate fingers setting it down on the tray. Did he really just ask him out?

A date? I've never been on one before. I'm not even sure of how to accept one, much less what to do once there. Wait! What the hell am I thinking, this guy is... a GUY! But.... He asked me. Face contorting in thought, he stares into space without knowing it.

The male watches him carefully as if looking for what the answer may be leaning towards. Tapping the singers shoulder, he says. "I know it will be tough with your career and all but I thought it was worth at least asking about." Standing, he walks around the table. "I'll take my leave."


Stopping he looks over his shoulder before turning. "Yes."

"Weren't you even curious about my answer."

"You took so long I just assumed...." He shrugs it off.

"You're a guy."


That confirms that. As if the voice didn't. "And I'm a guy."

"I know." Again he shrugs. "Should that matter?"

Should that matter!? Wonders the male. On one hand you love who you love, but on another at least for me, this could ruin my career because it doesn't seem like the kind of thing you can just do without the world finding out about it.

"Hiei?" He's silenced by a finger held up to indicate that he wanted one last minute to think.

After a few moments more, the shorter male looks up at his suiter then asks. "What would we do on this date?"

"We could stay in and get a movie to watch.... We could order in.... There are lots of things two people can do to avoid going into the public eye."

He considered my career? Hiei had to smile at that. He liked when a person wasn't clueless about things and this... whomever he is seems sharp. "Would there be kissing?" He had to ask. His heart picked up a beat when the male stepped closer.

"There could be."

Why is the air so dangerous right now? Like at any moment someone were gonna shove the door open and scream 'Got'cha' or something equally stupid. The fact that its electronic the only thing assuring Hiei that he has privacy- but for what he doesn't know.

"You know that," he licks his mouth uncomfortably. "I've never kissed a male before- or a woman for that matter." He starts muttering to his self not noticing that the other male is now standing right before him, getting down on one knee looking into his eyes with a smile in his own.

"Its no different from kissing a woman." And as if they've done it so many times before he leaned forward and pressed his lips to his almost too fast as he pulled away.

Leaning in for another go, he had to pull back and ask. "Huh?"

"I said my name is Shuichi.... Minamino." Standing, he laughs a bit as he holds out his hand. "But my friends call me Kurama."

"Kurama." Repeats the male as if testing the name to his own voice. Taking the offered hand, he gives it a shake.

"Nice to meet you finally. I hope you'll answer my question the next time we see each other." Taking his hand back, he starts for the door.

"Yes." Says Hiei surprising his self.


"Uh..." Staggering over his words not sure what he's saying he says. "If you don't mind going to another city, we're leaving in the morning for Chiba."

"Chiba it is then." He nods. Picking up his violin, he waves his departure with a raised hand.