Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life ❯ Memories Part Two of Two ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kr: HI! I'm back! DH! I'm fine so stop the funeral preparations! And the same goes for you too, Jin, Yusuke!

Dh: *nervous laugh* What funeral preparations?

Yusuke: Yea Kr, what in the world are you talking about?

Jin: *nervous look* ^_^;;;

Random guy: *walks over to Dh* Miss, what type of roses did you order for the funeral?

Jin: *whispers to Dh* We're done for.

Another random guy: *wheels a coffin in* Where should I place this, miss?

A woman carrying a tombstone: It should say "Here lies Kr, the lazy writer" Correct?

Jin: Correction, now we're done for…

Kr: *looks at trio with raised eyebrow* Care to explain?

Yusuke, DH: Um…er…uh…um…

Kr: *pissed off look* What funeral, hmm…???? YOU BETTER RUN!

Dh, Jin, Yusuke: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *Run for their lives*

Kr: COME BACK HERE! GIMME! *grabs Hiei's Katana*

Hiei: HEY! That's mine!!!!! *chases Kr who is cashing Dh, Yusuke and Jin*

Kurama: *sweatdrops* Oh Inari, why must I be surrounded by such small immature children? *sighs* Please read this chapter while I try to prevent blood shed…

(For those of you who don't know, Inari is a Shinto god and foxes are his messengers)


Life-chapter 3- Memories part 2 (two)

By: The New Girl (TNG, Kr)


Lets continue where we left off:

"That gives us a little bit of time," Kurama mused. They made it to the top of the stairs; Kurama blocked the door with ivy, and then leaned against the wall, his eyes closed, breathing hard.

"I thought I was going to die down there…sort of… " Botan said after a moment.

"Well-" Kurama was interrupted by a banging sound on the other side of the wall. He drew a deep breath. "Botan listen to me carefully. Summon your oar and get out of here."

"But I can't leave you alone…" she said, feeling panic well within her.

"Botan, go." Kurama repeated. By the tone of his voice it was clear he was trying to stay calm. "NOW!" he yelled, causing her to jump. Botan gulped and summoned her oar. Trembling, she mounted it. She rose into the air and gave Kurama one last glance.

"Be careful!" Botan yelled over her shoulder before she dashed down the palace corridors.

Kurama braced himself for an attack; he formed his lethal Rose Whip. There was more thumping against the wall, then with a loud crack the serpents broke through. They lunged at him but the kitsune avoided them in his usual graceful manner. The young woman came forth, the flute in her hand. Her blue eyes held a cold look.

"You know, I'm going to kill you…" She said slowly to the kitsune.

"You think so, Piper?" Kurama asked, a challenging look in his eyes. He shot vines at her, aiming for her neck. Piper shrieked and jumped out of the way.

"HA! Your aim is so terrible!" she yelled as she spun around. Piper was greeted by a silence…a haunting silence. To her horror, her precious serpents appeared to be dead… "Kurama?" she called…No answer…Now she was in trouble. She took a step back.

"But how…?" Piper wondered out loud. As she took another step back and Piper collided with something. It couldn't be a wall… She felts vines forming around her neck, she gasped. Kurama… She tried to move but found herself to be frozen from her neck down. Suddenly Kurama was in front of her. He gave her a mocking smile.

"The results of a Spell of Paralysis never cease to amaze me…"he said softly.

"The-the Spell of Paralysis, is that what you used on me?" Piper asked, now getting even more afraid.

"No…" Kurama said slowly "I used the spell on your serpents. I believe it's the magic of my Death Plant which has paralyzed your body…"

A wave of cold fear washed over Piper, this was it…her end. For once Kurama summoned his lethal Death Plants nothing escaped his wrath. Piper gulped. Kurama gave her another cold smile. Then to her shock he started twirling her flute with his fingers.

'When-how did he get that?' Piper thought panicking. There had been one chance of escape, but now it was lost.

"Babe, give me some credit. I'm legendary for a reason. I've stolen priceless artifacts and you think I couldn't get away with this little flute? Hmm…?" Kurama asked, reading the look on Piper's face.

"Aw, you're scared." he said with a little pout.

"Don't you hate it when things are out of your control?" the kitsune asked teasingly. Piper stood frozen. He waited for an answer. "Well? ANSWER MY QUESTION!" he yelled after a moment of silence.

"Y-yes" Piper stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What was that?"

"Yes, I hate it when things are out of my control" she said even louder, trembling.

"As do I," Kurama said softly " and that's why I see to it that time plays by my rules." he continued, tapping the flute against his chest. "You had control, control over the feeble minded low class. Piper, you used your beauty against them, you hypnotized them. But the fact of the matter is that you don't know how to control a being by means of your looks. For I may have taught you everything you know, but I haven't taught you everything I know" Kurama said stroking Piper's cheek.

Kurama leaned forwards and kissed her. Although the kiss lasted for mere seconds, it was pure bliss for Piper. There was a deadly force behind that kiss. But within that deadly force, there was a clear message. It was a message that told Piper to surrender, to surrender to every one of Kurama's commands. He would forgive her, that's what Piper's mind screamed. She was ready, all she had to do was surrender and he wouldn't harm her.

"That's how you control someone," Kurama whispered in her ear, sending chills up her spine. Piper's mind raced, her heart pulsed. The man she was supposed to kill had just kissed her.

Tell him…surrender to him…give in…

A desperate voice in Piper's head screamed. She swallowed and gave a slight nod.

"Kurama, I…I sur-" the young woman began.


Another voice in Piper's head yelled. She gasped, no not now.

'Ace please, please don't!' Piper pleaded. She couldn't lose control, and now was the worst time. She would be left vulnerable. Vulnerable to any attack.


Everything started spinning, the room was growing darker. Piper felt as if she were on fire, her whole body burned. Yet she couldn't scream. She was going to fall and she just hoped Kurama would catch her…

The kitsune watched the young girl with a sick and twisted smile. Piper was losing control.

'Perfect' He thought to himself. 'Just perfect.' He continued to watch her, his head cocked slightly to the side.

"You'll die kitsune!" Piper yelled her eyes were intense with hatred. "You'll pay for all of your crimes! You'll die at my hand!"

"Oh I'm sorry you feel that way…" Kurama responded with a smirk.

Piper regained control; her eyes had taken up a confused frightened look.

"Kurama, I-I didn't mean it!" she stuttered. "I-I" If she told him, maybe he would spare her. Just maybe. "Kurama I-lo-"

"You what?" he asked kissing her. " You love me? Is that it?" Piper nodded and Kurama kissed her again.

"But you see Piper, I don't love you."

She stared at him.

'No, wait…he didn't-he couldn't…'

"But-but you said that you- you loved me…" her voice trailed off when she noticed his innocent expression.

"I've said 'I Love you' to so many others, its not my fault that they actually believed me" Kurama said with an innocent pout. Yet he was anything but innocent. "Desperate fools really, it's quite sad…Your emotions are so easy to toy with. Not to mention enjoyable." he continued, he then stroked Piper's cheek. His touch once again sent shivers up her spine.

"You just had them wrapped around your little finger, didn't you?" Piper asked with disgust.

"Of course, of course." Kurama said twirling a strand of her fair with his finger.

"You led them on, you used them and then you killed them!" the girl continued, her bitter words were laced with hatred.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Kurama continued with a sly smile.

"Then- then kill me…what are you waiting for? Kill me!" Piper screamed, there was no point to her life anyway.

"Hmm… I'd rather not do that…"

"WHY?" Piper demanded.

"Because I'm rather fond of you, I think I actually like you." The fox spirit answered firmly. "Oh I don't plan on killing you…just yet…"

Though his face bore a neutral expression, his eyes taunted her. Those emerald green orbs, they could embed fear deep within your body. Now his eyes contained hues of amber and gold; they were becoming the eyes of a killer. Those molten gold eyes, though at times seductive, they were always cold. They clearly stated that anyone who dared to oppose him would suffer a most painful death. His crimson locks gave way to silvery white stands. Now his demonic side was out in the full, or as it should be. His tail swished behind him playfully. He truly was Youko Kurama. Piper breathlessly looked him up and down.

'Oh dear God…'

"Slow deaths are more my style…" Youko Kurama remarked pulling a rose out of his hair.

"You're a cruel heartless creature, you know that?" Piper asked with her eyes narrowed.

"You know you want me…" the fox spirit responded coolly, stroking the velvet petals of the blood red rose.

Piper averted her gaze to the marble floor. It was true, she did want him. Who didn't? Humans and demons alike were desperate for his attention and he knew it. Youko moved close to her once again. He was so close that his lips were almost touching hers.

"You know Piper," he said slowly. "I've heard that if the flute is destroyed, your serpents will attack the person with the strongest youki. Is it true?"

"Y-yes…" Piper said, he ran his finger from her jaw to her right shoulder. Piper could finally move. She didn't run however, it was as if she was under Youko's trance. Youko twirled the flute between his fingers once again. Then to Piper's shock, he snapped it in half!

"W-why did you do that?" She asked confused. "You know that the serpents will attack you!"

"Will they?" Youko asked, a sickening smile appeared on his lips.

Piper's eyes grew wide, there was something horribly wrong with this picture. But what? Then it hit her. There wasn't any youki being emitted from Youko's body. That's why he was smirking. He had masked his youki so well that is was impossible to detect it.

"Farewell Piper…" Youko said as he once again took up the form of the red headed teen. He placed his slender hands in his pockets and started walking away. The serpents roused from their slumber. Piper stood frozen with fear, she didn't know how to mask her youki. Kurama's footsteps echoed off of the palace walls. The serpents lunged towards her.

"Kurama! Help me! Please!" She yelled. Silence was Kurama's response. Piper screamed and tried to move, but Chaos had wrapped himself around her body.

"Sweet irony, the murderer becomes the victim…" Kurama called over his shoulder.

"Please Kurama! HELP ME!"

She had asked him to kill her earlier, but the truth was she was afraid of death. She had hoped Kurama would kill her with poison, and not use his more…creative…techniques. Kurama smirked as Piper's screams rang through out the deserted corridors…


Kr: *sigh* I wanted to make this even longer, but I guess I'm going to have to split the next chapter into two as well…at least this was an update…

Kurama: Where are Jin, Dh and Yusuke?

Kr: Um…*looks at coffin that is shaking*

Hiei: *lets Jin, Dh and Yusuke out of the coffin* HA! That's revenge for taking my katana!

Kr: See Dh? You're funeral preparations didn't go to waste! But I suggest you change my name to Hiei's CAUSE SOME ONE IS GONNA DIE! *grabs katana and runs off w/ it* HIEI TRY TO HURT ME AND I'LL USE YOUR KATANA AGAINST YOU!!!!!!!!

Kurama: *sigh* this is embarrassing…*head drops* She does know she's running into a w-

Kr: *smacks into wall*…Ow…*Hiei comes over and takes Katana*

Kurama:…O_O…never mind…Oh and thanks Soph for looking this over! ^_^ (Dh: isn't he CUUUTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?) If you have any questions for Kr or her crew please e mail Kr at: immortal_rosez@hotmail.com