Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Looking Back ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:-Burps loudly-

Tatsuki awoke to the loud noise of yelling. He rose from the bed rubbing his eyes as he walked out of the make shift room his older brother had given him.
“What the heck is wrong with you Kurama?” Yuusuke yelled Tatsuki became scared as the screaming continued; Kurama yelling right back.
“I don't know why don't you tell me Yuusuke!” The kitsune had yelled back. Tatsuki gathering his courage walked out of his room and immediately ducked as a vase went soaring over his head. He turned wide eyes to Kurama who had been the one to throw the vase. Then to Yuusuke who was currently holding his head the shattered vase at his feet.
“What the? That hurt you dumb fox!” Yuusuke cursed rubbing his head. He looked right past Tatsuki like he wasn't there. His anger aimed towards the fox. Tatsuki was terrified as he looked between the two. Why would they be fighting? They were getting a long just fine yesterday.
Tatsuki whimpered as Kurama slammed one door leaving the house and Yuusuke slammed another his eyes watering up at the stomach twisting silence. He walked to the back to see if his brother was still there and when he wasn't he creep around to the front as he heard someone snickering.
He looked around the corner to see Kurama clutching onto Yuusuke as he tried not to laugh to hard. His eyes watering again.
“Brother!” He shouted angrily at Kurama. The fox's head snapped up to look at his pouting little brother. Kurama lost control and the laughter reined free from both he and Yuusuke. Tatsuki stood there until the two boys had ceased laughing.
“I'm sorry,” Kurama, gasped, “ Tatsuki we couldn't contain ourselves. Today is what's known as April foo's day. It's a day were people prank or play jokes on other people.” Kurama said before chuckling softly again as Yuusuke held him.
Tatsuki looked at him for a moment in confusion before the idea registered.
“I wanna try,” he said innocently. Gails of laughter continued on as Kurama and Yuusuke started laughing again.
“What?” Tatsuki asked, “I wanna try.”
“Alright then little dude I got the perfect prank.” Yuusuke said whispering his idea into Kurama's hair before the fox began to laugh even harder. Yuusuke walked over to Tatsuki and told him the same thing he had told Kurama.
“That's him?” Tatsuki asked pointing to Hiei Yuusuke nodded. "Ok now do you remember what you have to say?" Yuusuke asked and Tatsuki nodded. Yuusuke grinned before pushing Tatsuki out of the bushes watching as the little boy walked over to the tree Hiei was sleeping in before climbing up it.
"Daddy?" Tatsuki said nudging Hiei. Yuusuke had to put a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.
"Daddy?" Tatsuki said again effectively waking a pissed off Hiei.
"Who are you?" Hiei hissed at the little boy whose eye became teary as his body began to shake small sobs forming from his throat. Hiei's eyes widened.
"Oh damn" Hiei cursed. "Daddy!" Tatsuki wailed as he really began to cry tears rolling down his face as his hands clutched onto Hiei's shirt. Yuusuke couldn't contain it any more. His laughter rang through the clearing Hiei glaring at him as he fell out of the bushes.
“Detective.” Hiei forced through clenched teeth. That only made Yuusuke laugh harder. Hiei picked Tatsuki up by his collar holding him like someone would a cat and dropped the little boy in front of Yuusuke.
“You need a life Yuusuke.” Hiei said before disappearing. Yuusuke grinned even harder before standing up and grabbing Tatsuki's hand.
“Was that ok?” The boy asked.
“Yep that was great.” Yuusuke replied causing the little kit to smile happily his eyes lighting up with pride. Yuusuke took them back to Kurama's house where the fox was sitting on the couch reading a book.
“How did it go?” He asked idly. Yuusuke plopped down on the couch resting his head in the fox's lap.
“You should have seen his face.” Yuusuke said nuzzling his face into Kurama's lap. Kurama's hand running through the boy's hair as the two lay there.
“Aww You two are so cute.” Tatsuki said before there was a flash. Yuusuke looked up stunned to see Tatsuki holding a camera. He was about to go after him when Kurama grabbed his chin, forcing his head back Kurama kissed him full on the lips.
“Let him have his fun.” Kurama purred. “So later we can have ours.”
Yuusuke blushed a little turning so he faced Kurama's stomach. Closing his eyes he tried to sleep ignoring the taunts Tatsuki was throwing at him. Kurama finished his book laying it down before curling right up against Yuusuke as he shifted from where he sat to sleep with the raven-haired boy. Tatsuki already passed out on the floor clutching a pillow. Kurama had to smile. This was his family and nothing could change that.

Damn I could not make this chapter any longer. I could find no PLOT wth. TT.TT I need help dangit. Anyway review that'll get my mojo flowing because then I'll actually have a reason to write. HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY!1