Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Lost and Found: Love ❯ Battle to the Death; Dead or Alive? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Past Love

Chapter 6: Battle to the Death; Dead or Alive?

by AngelK

Author's Note: This is my first Yu Yu Hakusho story I've written. I like comments and suggestions/criticism. But, if you don't like this story as you read it, it's kind of pointless just to tell me how much you hated it and how terrible I am. So, I want a reason for why you dislike it so much if you do. If you see a problem with it, state it. Otherwise, enjoy yourself. If you wouldn't mind, a review would be nice.

Disclaimer: This is a story based upon characters of Yu Yu Hakusho. It is for entertainment purposes only.

Akita woke up. She was surprised to find a cloth draped across her back. Fingering it with a soft smile, Akita wrapped it tightly around herself. Realizing with deep regret and sadness that it was time for her to leave, she stood. She changed into loose fitting black clothing. Tucking her sword securely on her belt, Akita frowned. She looked around her room. There was nothing for her to take besides her sword. Leaving the room, the demon ascended to the attic steps. Climbing cautiously and silently, she paused. Within her field of vision, her Koorime lover sat in the corner.

Hiei was asleep. His bangs shadowed his eyes slightly. His legs were stretched out in front of him and he looked so peaceful. Akita removed the cloak from her shoulders to leave beside him when her hand brushed his arm.

"...just keep it."

Akita's eyes widened. Was Hiei awake this whole time?

"I mean it...I have others. I'm giving you that to keep...You'll need it without me beside you. How else would you stay warm..." Hiei muttered.

"...you little punk...reading my mind again..." Akita smiled faintly though. Hiei was able to read her mind even while he was asleep. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek, causing a light pink blush to form over the Koorime's cheeks. She then stood and left the room. When she had exited the house, she stood for a moment, looking up at the attic window. "Good-bye, Hiei. I'll never forget you nor will I ever stop loving you..."


Akita walked down the streets of Ningenkai.

Humans that passed by stared, giving her strange looks.

Akita ignored them and continued on. She walked towards the park and the playground where she would usually spend time alone.

Young children were playing on the swings while an older group were playing a game of tag.

Akita settled down onto a bench to watch.

How fortunate those children are. To be so carefree...

Akita tensed. She knew that voice.

Too bad they're all about to die...

Akita's fingers rested on the hilt of her weapon. Why get others involved? Especially innocent children. Wouldn't you rather kill me instead?

Of course. But, those children will be a warning to the human fools... Well, why don't we get started?

Akita's eyes widened. She knew his first targets would be the children on the swings.

Don't you see that you can't possibly win?!

Akita, using her demonic speed, raced to the swings, bringing her blade up in time to meet Kaemon. She had fortunately been able to save the child. "Get out of here! Run!"

The young boy looked up at Akita in awe.

"I said, run! Damn it, kid! You've got to get out of here. Get all of these children to go home to the people that love them!" Akita exclaimed as she kept blocking Kaemon's sword.

"They'll never make it. After I kill you, every single one of them will have to die!"

Akita glowered for a moment. "I will never let that happen to them!" Kurama...please come and protect these children... Akita continued to run, leading Kaemon away from the children.


"Shuichi, I'll be going out to the store. Do you need me to get you anything?"

"No, it's not necessary, Mother, I-" Kurama stopped as he felt Akita's presence in the city's vicinity. After he heard Akita's desperate plea for help, he knew he had to go. "Mother, I just remembered something. I'll be back." Not waiting for a response, Kurama left his house at a run.


Akita jumped back, trying to avoid Kaemon's sword slashes.

"You can't keep up at this pace. Eventually, something will give and you'll die." Kaemon commented as he continued slicing through the air, hitting only afterimages of the Koorime-kitsune.

Akita continued moving swiftly, dodging without counterattacking. Kaemon hadn't changed. He was still ugly. He had light blue skin, spotted with green. The demon was currently wearing a trench coat and hat to match. The main difference since the last time she'd seen him in person was his mechanical arm.

"Why do you care so much about protecting those children? What could they possibly ever do for you?!" Kaemon questioned.

Akita continued to miss all of the hits, annoying the demon even more.

"You're not even trying to fight back. You're just like your father. A cowardly scum who should die!" Kaemon exclaimed.

Akita hesitated at the mention of her father and was rewarded with a blow to her stomach. She tumbled backwards and crashed into a tree.

Kaemon spat on the ground. "Foolish girl child. That is all that you are. No great skilled demon. Just a half breed with little talent. No more swordplay. I know you've only been pretending to be fighting at your hardest. Time for me to show you what I've learned over the years." He began to glow dark blue. "Prism of Pain!"

A large energy blast shot towards Akita. The Koorime-kitsune leapt up into another tree in order to dodge. Instead of the blast continuing in the same direction, it changed course and smashed into her, knocking her from the tree. Her agonized screams filled the air.

"Your body is completely enveloped in pain, isn't it? The energy will enter your system and internally injure you if I will it to." Kaemon said.

Akita struggled to stand. "Damn you..." She cursed. The mixed breed tried to stand.

"Why don't you just stay down? I'll behead you and that as they say will be that." Kaemon declared.

"You'll have to cut my limbs off and remove my heart to keep me from moving," Akita replied.

"I suggest you don't give me any ideas. The faster you die, the faster I'll find and kill that beloved Koorime of yours. So, stay alive a bit more in order for me to torture you. You want to spare him for at least a bit, don't you?" Kaemon asked snidely.

Akita grunted as she felt blasts pummeling her insides. Her fingers closed over the hilt of her sword. Using it as a crutch, she slowly got to her feet. If I get hit by that again...I'll be done for...

"You're very correct. Your body wouldn't be able to handle another hit. It would hit my other energy and cause you to go 'KABOOM!' said the demon, laughing manically.

"Well, I'm not in the mood to die just yet. Maybe the child you used to know was ready to die but I've found priorities in life that are more important to me than my own life." Her mind drifted to all of the people who had been able to re-piece the broken parts of herself when she was nothing more than a rogue thief, taking orders from a scum of a boss. Memories of Hiei filled her mind, making her choke back tears. "Today is your judgment day!" She shot forward, her sword ready to pierce Kaemon's chest.


Kurama had ushered all of the children from the park, sending the small ones home with the older ones. He could smell the pungent scent of Akita's blood. "No...it can't be." Fearful that Akita was on the verge of death, Kurama began back towards the park.


"Energy of the Abandoned!" Akita's energy exploded as she attacked Kaemon, the energy channeled through her sword.

The demon went to dodge but the attack separated from the sword. So even though the attack missed him, Akita's sword didn't.

"Death Sword!"

The blade severed his non-mechanical arm completely. "You little bitch! Prism of Pain!"

The energy attack went for Akita. She closed her eyes. Nothing came to her mind but Hiei. He was slipping away from her so fast...

Kaemon waited for the attack to hit its target but the screaming never came. He looked to see that the attack had been reflected off a barrier of unknown energy back at him. Only his own screams filled the air.

Akita awaited the deathly blow but it never came. She looked around herself. She was surrounded by a strange mist, a combination of three energies. "What's going on?"

"Little Sword, did you really think we'd let him kill you?" A male voice questioned.

Akita's eyes widened. No one ever called her that besides her father.

"Sweetling, we would never let him harm you. You have your soul mate waiting for you. We couldn't possibly have Hiei lose you now." The voice that spoke now was female.

"Mother....Father...is it really you?" Akita asked, tears burning in her eyes.

"The Twin Dragon attack you use is our spirits. Ice is mine, Little Sword."

"And the fire is my own, darling."

"How am I still alive? I know you are protecting me with this spirit barrier but there is a third energy protecting me..."

"You'll have to thank your friends and your mate for that one, Akita. The cloak you're wearing is emitting Hiei's spirit energy. Strange as that may sound. Use your Death Sword to finish of Kaemon. You will be the victor but you shall not escape unscathed, I'm afraid." Her father explained.

"Do not be so confused. You didn't seem to have read the part about soul mates in the Book of Legends. When you find your soul mate, you can only die if you are with them. Just like how your father and I passed on."

The air surrounding Akita took shape to form two figures, resembling her mother and father in their demon forms.

"You've made lifelong friends. Do not ever forget it. Hiei loves you more than anything. We love you more than anything. He'll be waiting for you and always taking care of you. We'll wait for you forever, my daughter." Her father clasped his mate's hands.

"I missed you so much when you both passed away..." Akita murmured.

"Yes, love, we know. That's why we continue to aid in your protection through the Twin Dragon attack. It was so hard to leave you alone. We never wanted to. Believe us." Her mother smiled tenderly at their daughter.

"The barrier will soon disappear and we will return to our form of your attacks. Never forget we are always watching..." Her father's voice faded and the mist dissipated.

Kaemon staggered to his feet. "What was that just now? Cowardly parents protecting you?"

Akita turned to glare at him, her body pulsing with energy. "Why don't you wait and see?" She began to circle the demon, using her demonic speed.

Kaemon did his best to keep up with her movements.

"You just might need a few more eyes if you want to follow me."

Kaemon's eyes darted upward. The sun momentarily blinded him until he saw something plummeting through the air.

Hair blowing swiftly behind her, Akita shot down at Kaemon. "Die! For all of those who suffered because of you and your deeds, die!"

"I'll see you in hell, you bitch! My exploding attack will kill you. Your slate isn't any cleaner than mine so it's only justice..." Kaemon shouted.

"Angel of Death!" Black wings pushed forth from Akita's shoulder blades. Hand on her hilt, the sword transformed. The blade extended as the handle thinned, becoming a spear. "Twin Dragons!" Flames circled her right arm, ice circled her left.

Kaemon held his mechanical arm out in front of him. "Double Edge!" His arm turned into a double edged sword. "I'll cut right through you!"

Hurtling down towards the demon with speed, she prepared to attack with her spear. "So be it..." The dragons lunged ahead of Akita, racing to meet their prey.

The dragons met their target at the exact time Kaemon's arm met Akita's stomach.

Akita gagged as blood and bile filled her throat after she was run straight through. "Die..." Her spear went right through Kaemon's chest.

The male demon collapsed, bringing Akita down with him. He was still.

The mixed breed's spear reverted to its' normal form. Akita pulled his arm from her stomach. Blood fell sluggishly from the wound. "Hn...didn't think it could hurt so much... Hiei...I'm sorry. Guess I didn't live up to the legend... Or, could it be that you weren't my soul mate..." Her mind slipped into a daze.

Footsteps upon grass brought Akita back to the present. They were approaching fast.

"Please...don't be human... Don't let it be a human."

A freezing hand wrapped around Akita's wrist.

Ex...plosion... of Pain...

A nearly tangible pain filled Akita's body, ripping through her cells. Unable to even scream, she writhed in agony. Wait, I thought he said the explosion would kill me... Guess being near death won't let him kill me. So much pain... Akita thought nothing more as she slipped into unconsciousness.


Kurama entered into the clearing. He looked around to make sure there was no one near. He then briskly walked over to the apparent battlefield where a corpse lay. The smell of blood was all over the place and a trail of red droplets led from the clearing.

The wind blew something through the air.

The kitsune reached out his hand and plucked it from the breeze's grasp. It was a black feather, soft as silk. He ran his fingers over it and sniffed it. "Akita..." The scent obviously belonged to the Koorime-kitsune but her presence had vanished completely.

Kurama turned his head and began to depart from the clearing. Twirling the feather in his fingers, he hesitated momentarily before continuing from the direction he had come.


A female demon staggered up the steps. Using her sword to drag herself forward, her progress was slow and blood dripped onto the ground as she went up the steps one at a time. "Yukina...please be here."

As the final step was reached, Akita was standing outside of a shrine of some sort. "....Yu...kina...." She collapsed face forward onto the ground. Paralyzed by agony, tears mingled with droplets of blood.


Yukina was making tea for herself and Genkai. Suddenly, she heard someone call her name. Abandoning the teapot, she went into the sitting room. "Genkai? Did you call for me?"

The elderly human looked up. "No, Yukina, I didn't call you. Is the tea almost ready?"

"Yes, it will be in a few moments. Kazuma said he would come and visit us after school today. Should I prepare some extra tea for him as well?" Yukina asked pleasantly.

"Might as well. I always do enjoy that boy's company." Genkai commented.

Both Yukina and Genkai heard a shout just outside. It came again except clearer.

"Genkai! Yukina! Come quickly!"

"That's a girl's voice," Yukina observed.

"Let us go and see who it is..." Genkai suggested.

As Genkai and Yukina reached the front gate of the temple's courtyard, a strange sight beheld them.

Kuwabara had a girl's arm slung across his shoulder and he was trying to lift her.

Keiko was staring on in horror. She spotted Yukina and Genkai first. "Thank goodness you're here. Yukina, do you think you can heal Akita?"

"Of course but how bad are her injuries?" Yukina asked.

"Pretty bad it seems. I'm almost surprised she still has a pulse." Kuwabara commented.

"Well, let's take good care of her. This girl was obviously trying her best to come here. Take her inside. She is in desperate need of medical treatment just from the look of those wounds." Genkai said.


"Oh, hello, Kurama. It's so nice to see you. Won't you come in?" Yukina asked politely.

"Thank you. Is Akita able to see visitors? Or is she still in a coma?" Kurama asked worriedly.

Yukina looked down at the floor. "Unfortunately she hasn't woken up since Kuwabara and Keiko found her outside. I'm so worried about her. Even after I healed what I could and bandaged the rest, she hasn't woken up. Her spirit energy hasn't returned either. There's no presence around her at all, Kurama. It's as if-"

"As if she died and only her heart continues to pulse. It's been 6 months since she was found outside and she's been in that coma ever since. There's nothing we can do for her. She responds to nothing." Genkai shook her head. "I'm sorry to say, but, she'd be better off dead."

"Well, it can't hurt to go and sit with her. Her room's down that way and on the left, correct?" Kurama didn't wait for a response as he walked down the hall.

"Such a shame. He only found out last month that she was here and he comes daily and stays for hours at a time." Genkai continued shaking her head as she left the room.

Yukina sighed as she looked at the red-haired male walk down the hall. She hesitated but followed after him.


Kurama opened the door to find Akita still comatose. A familiar brunette had her head resting on the white sheets. "Keiko..."

The girl sat up automatically. She looked around the room in a sort of daze.

"Good afternoon, Keiko." Kurama closed the door behind himself quietly.

A smile slowly spread across her face. "Hello, Kurama. How are you today?"

"Fine, thank you. How is my little sister?" The redhead strode towards the bed, lifting Akita's slim hand off of the bed.

"The same way she's been for the past six months. Would you like to be alone with her?" Keiko asked.

"That's kind of you, but, no, you may stay. I'm just going to talk to her for a bit." Kurama explained as he brushed stray strands of hair from the girl's face. He smiled. "You know, Akita, it rained today. Beautiful rain. Soft and mist-like. Plenty of fog as well. You would've loved it." Kurama stroked Akita's forehead.

"That's what you talk about? The weather? That's not much of a conversation topic..." Keiko commented.

"It is to her. Just a simple weather fact gives her a link to our world and wherever she is now. Keiko, why don't you go back to school? There's still time if you'd make the afternoon session. It's late morning only. Kuwabara told me you've missed at least a week of school. Your grades will suffer." Kurama began methodically checking the bandages on Akita's arm. He probed a bit of skin and then began unraveling the bandages.

"It's okay. Akita's my best friend. Missing school and lower grades is worth it. If only she would get better. Wouldn't it be better to take her to a hospital where a professional could take a look at her?" Keiko asked as she looked at Akita's ashen skin.

"If doctors were to get a hold of someone like Akita, they'd have a field day. Experimentation on someone like Akita is what some scientists dream of. Do you want Akita to be a lab experiment with nothing but a serial number? She's a demon and has a genetic make-up very unlike humans. It is better for her to be comatose than to be experimented on." Kurama examined Akita's wounds. "They look as if she had received them only yesterday."

"I know this isn't my place but doesn't Hiei care about Akita at all? He loves her and yet he hasn't even come to visit her and-"

Kurama gave her a fierce look, catching her off guard.

"Sorry. It isn't my place..." Keiko quieted down. "I think I will return to the school." She stood and went towards the door.

"Hiei won't come. He doesn't even know. As far as I was aware with use of my knowledge, Akita had died. Her presence vanished over six months ago. I only found out from Kuwabara that she was here in a coma. Please don't judge Hiei because of his absence. He would be here if he only knew."

Keiko bowed her head. "Good-bye, Kurama. I'll see you after school lets out for the day. Kuwabara should be with me." She opened the door only to find Yukina at the door. "I'm going to school. I will be back later. Thank you for letting me stay."

"You were no trouble at all, Keiko. Please tell Kazuma hello for me." Yukina requested shyly.

Keiko nodded with a slight smile. She walked down the hall and after a farewell to Genkai, left.

"Would you be so kind as to fetch some fresh gauze and bandages?" Kurama asked politely.

"Oh, of course. I'll be only a few minutes." Yukina turned and disappeared out of sight.

"So...you must miss Hiei. Maybe Keiko's right. Maybe it would be best if I brought him the next time I came." Kurama commented softly.

"Here are the bandages and gauze. I'll help you change them." Yukina offered.

"Thank you." Kurama replied as he began to rewrap Akita's arm. He reached her fingers when he felt something strange. "Yukina...do you feel that?"

The ice apparition shivered. "I felt something. I'm not sure what it was though."

"It was Akita. I think she's on her way back to us..." Kurama commented. With a slight smile, he moved onto bandage another wound.

Author's Note: Please review or give me input somehow.... you know the drill. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.