Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Lost And Gone ❯ The First Date ( Chapter 7 )
Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.
WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER!!!: Adult Shonen Ai. Heterosexual. Nursing babies. Young Shonen Ai
A/N: First and foremost Thank you, zsfantasy, for doing this for me, for being my beta, and for typing this too. I offer you all of my gratitude. Thanks to you I’m able to get my chapters out a lot faster.
I also want to send many wonderful thank yous out to all me reviewers and readers too. You guys are great!! I probably wouldn’t be writing without you all. Please keep it up, I enjoy reading all of the reviews I get. Thanks once again everyone.
As for this chapter, I know many you guys were wanting a torture scene. I’m sorry to say there isn’t one. At the time I wrote this, I wasn’t feeling the torture vibe so I was unable to write one. If I do get the inspiration eventually, I may go back and write one. Then I’ll upload it as a extra special chapter at the end of this story. Once again so sorry, for not having a torture scene.
Anyway, on with the next chapter of this story!!
Lost And Gone
Chapter 7 of 15
The First Date
Hiei and Kurama emerged from the dark dungeon room, both covered in blood two hours later. Kurama had dealt out a great deal of torture to the demon who had dared touch his mother. Including, but not limited to, slowly removing all finger nails, toenails, and teeth, skinning of the entire body, continuous raping from plants or katana; hilt and/or blade, burning of the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. The demon’s mouth and eyes were left untouched; and if he passed out, Kurama gave him something that woke him right back up. By the time they were done with him, said demon was begging for his life to be taken. Hiei did deliver the killing blow on Shiori’s behalf. Kurama had kept his promise to his mother. He had not killed her attacker.
“Get rid of the body.” Hiei ordered the guards standing outside the door.
“Throw it out for the scavengers.” Kurama turned icy gold eyes on the guards. “Remember what this demon looks like and how he died, how much pain he was in. I’m sure you two heard his screams as did others. Pass word to everyone in this fortress, if anyone touches my mother without mine, Hiei’s, or her permission they will end up the same way if not worse. That also goes for my whole damn family. Understood?”
“Yes, sir!” The guards threw a salute to the demons before turning and going into the room.
The fox and fire demon were both satisfied when they heard the gasps of the guards at what they saw. Hiei took hold of Kurama’s bloody hand with his. They walked towards the bathing pools, they needed to get at least some of the dead demon’s blood off of them before they returned to their room.
They entered the room and found it empty. There was a big communal bathing pool and smaller ones off to the side. Near the smaller pools, privacy screens were available. Hiei and Kurama pulled several screens around the small bath pool at the back of the room. They walked into this little space before the fire demon pulled the last screen into place, completely closing them off from prying eyes.
Kurama pulled off his bloody shirt and dropped it near the edge of the pool. He knelt down and put his hand into the water. It was cold as he suspected.
“I wish the water was heated.” Kurama commented, already knowing the answer he’s receive.
“Hn, it will be.” Hiei smirked, walking up beside the fox. He was already completely undressed.
He slipped into the cool pool and raised his body temperature. The water was steaming in no time. The fox finished getting undressed and slid into the pool with his lover. They hurriedly washed each other, getting the blood off their bodies and out of their hair. It was very evident that they both wanted sex badly, but they didn’t engage in it. They needed to get back to their room and check on their family.
They did, however, take a few minutes to suckle each other, finding some comfort in that. They also washed their clothes. The demons got out of the very bloody water and dressed in their wet, but now clean clothes. Hiei pulled Kurama into his arms and raised his energy around them. In a matter of a couple of minutes, they were both completely dry. The fire demon yanked his mate down into a heated kiss that told of promises for later that night. When they parted, Kurama switched forms, the red hair and innocent green eyes were back in place.
The fox joined his hand with his husband’s and they walked in silence back to their room. As they passed servants and found the floors clean, they sent them on their way to the servants dinning hall. The servants gratefully bowed to their lords before hurrying off. Hiei and Kurama stopped by the nursery and found it ready for the cribs and other baby supplies. Hiei gave them one more order to move a bed into the room, against the wall and then they would be done and could go eat dinner. The servants bowed and hurried out of the room to finish their last task. They were hungry.
The fire demon and fox walked down the hall to their room and went in. They found all was quite, but they knew their babies would be waking soon to nurse. Kaihei was learning a child’s Makai game from the new nanny. The sparkling red pendent laying against his little shirt covered chest, on display for all to see. Toushi was at his side, watching carefully with narrowed eyes.
“Mother, why don’t you go get ready.” Kurama said upon entering the room. “I want to see you before you set out on your evening.”
“Um…okay,” Shiori blushed and practically ran out of the room to get ready for her date.
Hiei looked to the servant, “We got this for tonight, Kola. You go get your things ready for moving. You are the babies’ nanny now and will be sleeping in their room. I have already ordered a bed to be moved in there for you.”
“A bed?” Kola was in total shock. “A real bed?”
“Of course,” Kurama said quickly. “Don’t you already have a bed?”
“No my lords. All I have is straw and an old blanket.” Kola answered, sounding a little sad.
“Well then, you have a bed now.” Kurama smiled softly at the female demon.
“Thank you.” Kola whispered, tears in her eyes.
“Hn, its no problem,” Hiei replied before giving her another order. “You will start sleeping in their room tonight. If a baby wakes and is hungry, bring the child to Kurama and I. Just knock loudly on our door to wake us. If the child appears to be sick you bring the child to us also. Anything else is your problem through the night. Is that understood?”
“Yes, my lord,” Kola bowed slightly.
“Good! Now go get your things ready, have dinner, and rest up.”
“Thank you my lords.” Kola smiled brightly, and then started out of the room.
“Oh, one more thing, Kola,” Kurama called out, when the demoness turned towards him he continued. “Have the cook bring our food up here to us. We will eat in our room tonight.”
Kola only nodded before running from the room with the bright smile still in place. It seemed just after the door closed, Meiyo started crying. The demons looked at each other and shook their heads. It was the beginning of feeding time. About an hour later there was a light knock on their shut door.
“Yes?” Kurama called from the bed. He was ready to grab the pink blanket and cover himself and the baby girl he was nursing up. Hiei was beside him ready to do the same with a blue blanket. He was nursing Ida.
“It’s me, Shuuichi!” Shiori called through the thick door.
“Oh! Come in, mother.” Kurama called right back, blanket forgotten.
Shiori opened the door and walked in. She was actually going to leave the door open, but she saw that her grandbabies were being fed so she quickly closed it behind her.
“Well, what do you two think?” Shiori asked, doing a little spin for show.
“You’re so beautiful, mother.” Kurama praised.
“Hn, you are.” Hiei agreed, smirk in place.
Shiori stood before them in a solid red form fitting sexy ningen dress. She had bought it on a whim after she had been transformed into a demoness and had the body to fill it out properly. She filled it out perfectly too. The dress had a slit up the front of her right leg to the thigh and strips of red cloth that tied at the back of her neck that kept the bodice in place, but her entire back was bare. On her feet were red sandals and she had on no make-up. Kurama had told her not to wear any; the demons were not used to stuff that colored a person’s face. Her black hair also was hanging down around her shoulders.
“Thank you, boys.” Shiori blushed. “I just hope I know what I’m doing. I don’t want to act wrong around him.”
“Let your instincts take over, they will always guide you through.” Hiei commented quickly. The little boy he was nursing had fallen asleep.
“Hiei is right, mother.” Kurama agreed. “You’re a demon now, just follow your instincts.”
“I’ll try.” Shiori smiled as a knock was heard on the door. She went to open it, expecting Junaco, but found a orange skin guard with blue hair.
“Yes?” She asked, keeping the door from opening fully.
“General Junaco has sent me to escort you to him in the garden, Lady Shiori.” The guard bowed.
The woman glanced to her son and Hiei for approval of the a request and when they both nodded, she looked back to the guard.
“Alright,” Shiori agreed as well. She stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her.
“Hiei-Koi, will you…” Kurama began, looking at the closed door.
“Already on it, fox.” Hiei said quickly.
Kurama looked to his lover and found the fire demon’s jagon open and glowing purple.
“Thank you.” Kurama smiled. “I owe you.”
“Hn, It will all get paid tonight.” Hiei replied wickedly. The fox carefully moved over and snuggled into his husband’s side.
“I can hardly wait either.” Kurama whispered huskily. “It’s been too long for us.”
“That it has,” Hiei agreed as he opened his mind to his mate’s. Kurama was happy about his. He saw everything the fire demon saw.
Shiori walked silently behind the guard, following him through the many halls of the fortress. They finally emerged from a door into the garden. The guard bowed lowly, before returning through said door and closing it behind him.
Shiori saw a light source and began walking the pathways of the garden towards it. She gasped at what she found it. Lanterns were all around the tree and a table set in the middle of it.
“I take it, I did good.” Junaco commented, coming up behind the woman. “I took points from your son and Hiei. “They said this ningen thing is called romance.”
“It is and you did great.” Shiori smiled, finally turning to look at the demon beside her. She gasped again at what she saw. Junaco was also dressed in all red, even his boots and cape. His long black hair was pulled back and tied with a red leather strip at the base of his head.
“You’re so beautiful tonight, Shiori, but to me you’re beautiful all the time.” Junaco said softly. The vixen nearly blushed the same color as her dress.
“Thank you, Junaco. I haven’t been told that I was beautiful in a long time.” Shiori smiled. “Though my son tells me that all the time, its just not….”
“It’s just not the same. It means more when it comes from a male not related to you.” Junaco concluded.
“Yes.” Shiori barely nodded in agreement.
“Well, I’ll see to it that you hear it everyday.” Junaco promised, “Because you should.”
Shiori only blushed again as the words of the handsome demon.
He just smiled and held a hand out to her. “Shall we eat? The food will start getting cold soon.”
“Okay,” Shiori smiled, putting her small hand into his larger one.
He slowly led her over to the table and pulled a chair out for her. As she sat down, Junaco pushed the chair back in. Shiori felt giddy as a school girl and just as nervous. She had never been treated in such a way, not even by Shuuichi’s father. She made a decision right there. Tonight she was going to let herself go, let all of the ningen rules that had been installed in her since birth go. Shiori was going to truly enjoy herself with this handsome male. Where ever that may lead.
“Are you ready to eat?” Junaco asked, knocking the woman from her thoughts.
“Yes, I am.” Shiori smiled sweetly.
Junaco clapped his hands a couple of times. Several servants rushed into the clearing. One set plates of food in front of them, another set down crystal wine glasses, another servant filled those glasses with a red wine, and the last put eating utensils next to the plates and napkins across Shiori’s and Junaco’s lap. With a wave of a hand from the Phoenix demon the servants left just as quickly as they appeared.
Dinner was spent with Junaco showering the woman with teasing and quite seductive comments. For Shiori, she blushed practically the whole time. What they had ate, she didn’t know nor did she really want to. She only knew it was good and if she asked what it was, she might ruin the whole night.
Shiori finished the last of her wine and looked up at the Makai’s night sky. She still couldn’t believe how bright the stars were in this world. It was nothing like she had ever seen in Ningenkai.
“They are marvelous aren’t they?” Junaco said softly, looking up as well.
“Yes, the stars are not like this in Ningenkai. They make me feel as if I have wings and flying towards them.” Shiori replied quietly as well.
She heard rustles and looked over to Junaco. He had stood up and was taking off his cape.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to take you flying, if you’ll let me.” Junaco answered flexing his wings, revealing them to have dark red and yellow feathers hidden within the black ones.
“Umm, I don’t know.” Shiori whispered, moving around the table.
Junaco held still as she reached out and gently ran her fingers over a few feathers. He actually had to bit back a moan from the delicate touch. Shiori saw the look on the demons face and quickly jerked her had away, misunderstanding.
“I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?”
“No, not at all,” Junaco answered quickly, trying to reassure her and control his own body. “My wings they’re just very sensitive. You didn’t cause me any pain, but I did get…”
“Oh.” Shiori whispered, not needing the demon to finish that sentence, she had been married twice after all.
Kurama had explained once before that when he was in his Youko form, not to touch his tail. His tail was only for Hiei to touch as it was his erogenous zone. Shiori looked at Junaco’s wings and decided since he had said they were very sensitive, they had to be his erogenous zone.
“So, will you let me take you flying?” Junaco asked again, with a smile on his lips. “You can trust me, I won’t drop you.” He held a hand out to her.
“I trust you.” Shiori whispered, putting her hand into his. Before she knew it, she was swept up into his strong arms.
“Just relax, okay?” Junaco smiled down at her.
“Alright,” Shiori blushed as she was pressed closer to the demon’s chest. She nearly gasped, feeling the well defined chest and arms under the thin clothes as her body molded to his.
“Here we go!” Junaco announced as he flapped his wings and took to the air.
Shiori squealed and wrapped her arm around his thick neck. Junaco just laughed and soared higher. They flew through the night sky for over an hour. Just talking about nothing and laughing, Shiori having the time of her life.
Finally they landed back in the garden, and Junaco began to lead Shiori through the halls to her room. They walked silently just enjoying each other’s company. When they reached her room, Junaco turned the vixen towards him.
“May I kiss the Lady Shiori, goodnight?”
“Ummm,” Shiori blushed brightly, yet again. “I’ve never been kissed by a demon.”
“Then,” Junaco whispered, cupping the woman’s chin, “You’ve never been kissed.”
He leaned down and captured Shiori’s lips in a passionate kiss. Her head was left spinning from the kiss. She had never been kissed like this before, getting over the shock, she kissed back. If the strong arms weren’t wrapped around her she would have hit the floor when her knees buckled. They finally parted, both breathless.
“Goodnight Lady Shiori.” Junaco smiled, his face becoming even more handsome. “And thank you for having dinner with me.”
He caught her hand and kissed it before turning and walking down the hall. Shiori smiled at the retreating demon’s back and then quietly entered her room.
Well, once again, that’s it for this chapter. Thanks so much for reading and please leave a review and let me know what you think about the story so far. The next chapter won’t be out until October 4th, 2008. The reason for this is because I’m going to Yaoi Con in San Francisco, California. I’m flying out on Thursday September 25th and I won’t be back until Thursday October 2nd. So anyway, expect another chapter then.