Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Plants ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Love and Plants

By: Authores K. C.


I spent the night at Igina's, and got to talk to Teena/Kit and Duo. And I got to play, and I have new characters, so, I'm gonna play around with our night/morning long chat. Enjoy Minna!


Kurama pulled Kit into his vines/apartment after him. Kit just smirked.

"See you in a few hours!"


Kurama became his youko form once he'd entered his apartment. It was over grown with various folliage. Kit purred as they wandered deeper into the jungle Kurama had created. Kurama finaly spun around and pinned Kit against a stand of vines climbing the walls. They mashed their mouths together tightly, warring playfully for dominance until they had to breathe. Kurama smirked, amber eyes gleaming as he reached into his long silvered hair. He pulled out a seed and let it blossom in his hand. The thick vines dripped with some thick, sticky liquid.

"Whats that?"

"A plant I keep plenty of. I can't plant it in here, Shin won't have it, but I can sprout it when I need it."

Kit wound his arms around Kurama's neck and licked at the other youko's bottom lip playfully.

"And what does it do?"

Kurama raked some liquid off the plant which just oozed more to replace it. He placed the plant carefully into a bowl plant, whose leaves were shaped like huge bowls. He smeared a bit of the liquid over Kit's lips.

"It's edible."

Kit licked his lips and then kissed Kurama deeply, both of them hurrying to remove clothes and barriers. Soon smooth skin slid against smooth skin. Kurama smeared the liquid down Kit's body, reaching to cover every available peice of skin. He lowered his lips to the sweet liquid and licked at him, making Kit purr. Then the other youko squeeked in surprise as a finger pressed into him, slicked with the thick liquid from that plant.

"Its also used in Makai as lubrication..."

Kurama's amber eyes glittered playfully as he pressed that finger deeper, then crooked it, sending lights shimmering into Kit's vision.


Kurama laughed softly, leaning in to kiss the other youko. The advantages of being an older youko than Kit were that he knew things Kit didn't about certain plants. He added another long, slender finger, crooking both of them repeatedly, making Kit gasp involuntarilly.

"D'you like my plant??"

"Mmmm.... Hai..."

Kurama withdrew his fingers and then smirked as the vines wrapped themselves tightly around Kit's body, arms and legs, holding his head back as well. Kit tried to command them, but they were infused with Kurama's power, they wouldn't answer too him. Kurama smiled at him and then turned, turning kitsune and scampering off into the jungle, erm, apartment. Soon he scampered back, then sat down, scratched behind an ear, then became his youko form again, sitting there comfortably, his lithe, long body propped up at an appetizing angle.

"Ne, Kit, d'you want to know something?"


Kit growled, pulling ineffectually at his bonds. Kurama reached into his hair and pulled a seed that Kit couldn't see out of it. Kurama lazilly tossed the seed at the bottom of the vines. Then something sprouted. It was a differant set of vines. Kit tried to control them, but it seemed these were Kurama's own.

"Mmmm... Plants can be used in various ways in Makai. Battle.... Capture.... Release.... Hatred.... Or mayhaps, pleasure. They can be used to excape, or confine...."

The vines stroked at Kit's legs as they wound up his body, tendrils off shooting some vines. They crept up him, and they were soft, not hard like those holding him. They smelled wonderful as well. Kurama lazily sprawled out of reach, which was not where Kit needed him too be. Kurama seemed to be contently controling the vines.

The vines worked their lazy way up and around him until they draped every part of him at least twice. Then Kurama moved and sat comfortably, legs streached to the side and out, exposing his generous length to the other youko. Youko's were all very well endowed, but Kit had to grudgingly admit, Kurama was bigger by far.

Of course he was older.

Kurama grinned at him and slid his hands over his thighs, then back up to his groin. He ran a finger over his cock lightly, and licked his lips. Kit was about to ask something when the soft vines started touching him, caressing his skin. Then he meeped. These vines weren't done. A thick, single vine shot up from the main body of the plant at the base of the stand, and stroked his body. The thick vine rubbed his ass lightly, and the vine narrowed towards its end, tapering, unlike the other vines.

The vine gave his cock a soft rub, then a loop of it coiled around it and began to stroke him. Kit groaned. This was not something he was expecting. He was being sexually pleasured by folliage. There had to be a technical word for it.... Kit couldn't think of it.

(Really, I know there is, I just don't remember it. If anyone knows, tell me. Arigato!)

Kit moaned as the vine unwrapped itself and rose up, stroking his cheek lightly, sweetly almost. Kit forced his eyes open, never remembering haveing closed them, to see Kurama stroking himself, watching Kit in his pleasure with the vine.

"There has to be a word to describe this...."

Kurama smirked.

"Who cares.... You're getting off by a plant."

"Its sad."

"I'd hurt you."


Kurama just laughed throatilly. Kit squirmed. There was a rustle in the folliage and he Kit saw something land in it. A new plant sprouted. It was some sort of flowering plant. The stalk rose and it sprouted a deep purple bloom and long tendrils of something came from its center. It was shaped almost like the leaves of the bowl plant, but it wasn't a bowl plant. The tendrils were thick around, and they waved gently before one of then came near him, and seemed to inspect his face. The tendril smelled sweet.

"Say ah."

The very first plant, the one confining him, forced Kit's mouth open and the thick tendril slid in. It was as nice tasting as it smelled, though, the shape was.... Kit almost bit down on it. Holy shit! The damn thing was like a fucking cock!

Kurama laughed and Kit realized the thought must have shown on his face.

"It is. It's a plant for pleasure. You think I'm the only one who uses these things?! Not hardly. I found it in the jungles of Makai by accident."

Kit tried to speak but the plant twitched in his mouth and Kit gave it an experimental lick. It gave a twitch. He sucked gently and it seemed to pulse. It was like a real one! Holy shit! Kurama was laughing at him, still touching himself, for Kit to see.

"Go ahead, think of it as a replacement at the moment."

Kit growled and the thing quivvered. He began to suck on it and the whole plant gave a shake. The tendril started to move in and out of his mouth. Good god! Kit couldn't believe this damn thing! He couldn't believe Kurama OWNED the damn thing! WHOA!

Kit arched a bit in the constraining vines as the single thick vine stroked his opening for a moment then thrust itself into him, as deeply as it could. Kit made a noise. Kurama was stroking hismelf harder, watching Kit. Kit suddenly realized Kurama was doing this! Kurama was using the plants to do to him what he wanted to do himself! Kurama, in essence, was fucking him, only, he was using his plants to do it! Holy Shit!

Kit moaned around the plant in his mouth and writhed in the clutches of the first one. Kurama was stroking himself in time to the plants moving around him. One of the soft vines started stroking him, and many of them helped, until there was a thick band of the soft vines rubbing him. Kit couldn't take it. The sight of Kurama stroking himself, and getting fucked by a damn plant, having one like a cock shoving itself down his throat and one stroking him tightly.

Kit came and hard. Kurama was moaning loudly. Kit saw him through hazy, half slitted eyes as the silver haired youko came more than he had. The plants released him and Kit collapsed to the soft floor. Kurama crawled over too him and kissed him silly. Kit moaned. That was weird.

"You're a sick fuck."

"You liked it. You came."

"How could I not, with the damn plants jacking me off and fucking me."

"Well, you don't need to worry about that now.... You should be sufficiently streached."


Kurama pinned him down and with one motion slid all the way into him. Kit bit down on his scream. Kurama was HUGE! Much bigger than that plant had been. Kurama panted down at him and then rotated his hips skillfully. Kit moaned. Kurama thrust gently, then practically doubled him over, rising to his feet, putting them in an odd position, thrusting into him hard and fast. Kit screamed almost immidently, coming hard.

Kurama merely grunted as he came. Kit's body couldn't hold it all and it leaked from him, running over his skin. Kurama pulled out and smirked, leaning down to lick some off Kit's stomach, tasing the younger youko.


Kit groaned and pulled out of Kurama's grasp. He started a rose whip, thornless, but Kurama knocked it from his hand. It sailed out into the hall.


A rose popped out of the vines, and Shin just snickered. Duo looked at it then at her.

"Do I want to know if that means anything?"


Kurama grabbed Kit by the waist, and crushed their mouthes together, rocking against the younger youko. Kit clung too him tightly, fingers clutching his arms, Kurama was counting on bruises tomorrow. Kurama rocked the younger youko deeper into the jungle-like apartment. Kurama released him and sent him reeling into a thick stand of soft plants, letting the plants catch him and let him sprawl there. Kurama strolled over, long silver hair spilling down his body lazily.

He stared down at Kit, smirking slowly as the other youko glared daggers at him from where he'd landed. A plant ran along the other's leg and Kit yanked himself away from it, eyes narrowing.

"Oh, no, don't you dare start raping me with your stupid plants again!"

"I can't rape the willing."

Kit glared at Kurama before the older youko lowered himself down to lay on the plants next too him, wrapping his arms around Kit, nuzzling through the thick hair to his neck. Kit purred and writhed backwards into Kurama's embrace. Kurama tightened his arms around Kit and nipped at the younger youko's throat before his hands wandered south. Kurama wrapped warm hands around Kit's cock, stroking him slowly, licking and sucking at the youko's throat, making him moan and curse at him alternatly.

"Something wrong, Kit?"

Kurama chuckled into the little youko's ear, before thrusting his hips against Kit's backside. Kit moaned again and pushed back, head falling onto Kurama's shoulder, hips moving against the older youko's talented hands. Kurama captured the parted lips for a deep, passionate kiss.

Suddenly an irritating sign popped up, with howling, mood-breaking laughter.


The picture of Keiko and Botan laughed and pointed at them continuously.

Kurama swore vehelmently and let go of Kit reluctantly. Kit swore louder than Kurama did, as they both wandered through the jungle/apartment, finding clothes and pulling them on, kissing and touching each other as they went. Kurama finally opened the door as Kit pounced on him and kissed him as they spilled into the hallway, both kicking the plants back into the apartment. Kit let go of Kurama who followed him to the door.

"Ja ne, Kurama.... Damnit, can't believe I gotta go, just when it was gettin' good."

Kurama chuckled softly and grabbed Kit's wrist, yanking him back and giving him a final steamy kiss. He let the other youko go and winked one amber eye before turning, tails swishing after him.

"See you later, Kit."

Kurama went back inside.


Kit's eyes were glues to the swaying tails as they retreated into that apartment. Kit swore again and turned with a happy grin as he trotted into his house. Shin was sniggering madly and Duo was waiting to follow him.

"Do I even wanna know??"

Shin kept laughing and Duo just hurried past him. Kit grinned wider.


Teena-kun, since this'll prolly only get to you, d'ya like it? You remember that day, don't ya? Ya should. D'ya know the word for that? I know I knew it, but I can't remember it. There IS a word for it, I just know it. Oh well. I'm rambling again. Ja Teena, Duo!

K. C. *muah!* =^.^= *Mew!*