Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Love Assissians ❯ Storm of Thoughts ( Chapter 2 )
Love Assassins
Written by: Lovely Dark Angel
Chapter 002 - Storm of Thoughts
Nozomi had found some scattered pieces of wood and finally had gotten a small fire to light under the cover of a tree, so the rain that was pouring would not extinguish it.
She took a spare piece of wood and poked at the cracking fire lightly as she thought then she turned and looked over at Kurama who seemed to be sleeping peacefully as the rain caused calm, soothing sounds in the forest.
Nozomi looked around and then reached and rubbed the forehead of the winged horse that she had made friends with earlier that day. The horse made what sounded like a soft purring sound as it lay behind her, its wings folded perfectly.
Kurama made a noise when a drop of rain hit his cheek and then dripped down off his face and he turned his face a little, his bangs darkening his already shadowed eyes.
She turned curiously when she heard the soft noise and smiled at Kurama sleeping. Nozomi scooted a little closer to Kurama as she reached up and brushed her fingertips against his forehead as she moved his bangs a little.
"Huh?" Kurama asked sleepily as he blinked his eyes still blurry from sleep and he smiled once he saw who was next to him. "I'm sorry…I must have dozed off." He said and yawned lightly.
"It's quiet all right…It has done nothing but rain anyway." She said, turned, and moved back, so she was nearing the fire more.
"Oh…" Kurama said and rubbed his eyes lightly and looked up at the sky and sighed. "Maybe it will clear up soon." He said and sighed solitary and looked down at his feet as he crossed his arms.
"Why did you take the risk of taking me from the castle?" Nozomi asked bluntly as she stared into the fire then she slowly turned and looked up into Kurama's eyes.
He looked down at her confused then he smiled softly. "I hated to watch you try your hardest to get out and to no avail." He said and smiled as he looked into her soft, caring eyes.
"Oh…" Nozomi said and blushed softly as she diverted her gaze to the ground near her feet. "I have always loved nature and animals…" She said and looked over at the winged horse still lying behind her and smiled. "I guess most would call me foolish at heart…But I can't help it. I find peace of mind in the forest and its inhabitants." She said and leaned over and hugged the horse lightly around the neck and smiled happily.
Kurama just looked at her and smiled to himself. She has changed so much. She was cold and pale, now her face has a certain bright light to it…And she is happy. Happier than before…And I am glad that I was the one who made it happen. I am glad I was the one who could help bring this much happiness into her life. He thought and smiled softly and then sighed lowly and turned his gaze back up to the now clearing sky.
"How far could she have gone, Yusuke?" Botan asked as she brushed some of her bangs back out of her now rain stained face.
Yusuke looked around then up at the sky and sighed once he noticed the rain clouds clearing out. "I don't know…In her condition I don't see how she could have made it a far distance in a short period of time…Someone must have helped her. It's the only answer…" He said, turned, and looked at Botan with a hint of confusion on his face.
"Well we should set camp and wait until morning to continue on our search…" Botan said and sighed heavy as she laid her weapon down beside her, which was a large sword. "Maybe she didn't have help, perhaps she is getting stronger because of the rest and herbs she has received for the last few years." She said and sat down Indian stile next to her sword and stared up at Yusuke.
"But I still find it odd that she just disappeared without even a trace…" He said and sat down himself and looked around slightly then over at Botan. "No I think we can walk a little more until dark sets in." He said then sighed and stood with a slight groan of annoyance.
Kurama walked slowly so Nozomi could keep up close to him and he stared at the ground as he thought deeply. I cannot keep coming and taking her from the castle each day or so…I will finally be caught and there is no telling what my punishment would be for doing such a thing. Lord Toshi would surely have me put to death if he could have it done by my father and mother…
Kurama turned slightly and looked back at Nozomi who seemed healthier just from the time she had spent in the forest and he smiled softly. If only Lord Toshi could see how happy this makes her…And I believe, it is better for her health than he first believed…He thought and then smiled at Nozomi when she looked at him. "Are you ready to go back?" He asked with a hint of sadness in his caring voice.
Nozomi sighed and looked down toward the ground, which was wet from the pervious rainstorm. "If you no longer want my company…Yes I am…" She said sadly and her eyes seemed to turn glossy with on coming tears.
Kurama was taken back by her words then he walked over to her slowly and placed his hands on her shoulders softly. "Hime, I tire not of our time together…But I am sure by now the kingdom has known of your disappearance. And soon they will have guards looking for you…" He said sadly, looked down, and smiled softly.
She let out a defeat sigh and looked up at Kurama; a small smile graced her lips. "I suppose you are right…" She said as she stared into the pool of green that stared down at her.
"If you would like I could return tomorrow to see you again and try my best to talk to your Otosan." Kurama said as he smiled down at her then turned and started to walk back toward the direction of the castle, Nozomi at his side.
"I do not believe my Otosan would listen to reason…" She said sadly, as she laced her fingers together and stared down at her clasped hands, sadness obvious on her now lonely looking eyes. She sighed and as a slight wind blew through the pathway her hair flew back behind her and a few locks came from behind her ear to fall down to frame her face lightly.
"I will do what I can Hime." Kurama said as he glanced over at her sadly, as he walked slowly. He then turned his gaze down to the trail they were walking and sighed as he drifted off into thought.
Yusuke walked slowly, his feet were starting to ache from not having much rest. He glanced back over his shoulder at a slightly exhausted Botan. We just returned from the pervious war between the East and West and neither of us have had much sleep…I know she must be just as wore and tired as I am. He thought with a lowly sigh. "We can stop here until morning." He said and sat down under a tree, close to the base.
Botan sighed heavy as she laid her weapon down near the tree as well and rubbed her sore shoulder. "How long do you think it is going to take for us to find a trace of Hime Nozomi?" She asked and placed her hand against the trunk of the tree and then leaned against it lightly so she could slowly slide down to a sitting position.
"I don't know…But at this rate it is going to take her some time…" Yusuke said and sighed as he relaxed and leaned back against the trunk as he closed his eyes.
Botan did the same then her eyes flew open at the sudden change of aura in the small clearing they had stopped at. Her soft pink eyes scanned the distant area of bushes for any traces of movement or disturbance but she found nothing. "Yusuke…Do you feel the odd aura?" She asked cautiously as she laid her hand on her sword, ready to grab it and use at the slightly instant.
Yusuke opened his eyes and looked at Botan then he turned and looked around the clearing as well. "Yea, but what could…It's there!" He yelled then in what seemed like a vibration of a blur he was lunging toward a motion blur of black.
"Got you!" He said and smirked as he slammed the unknown figure to the ground with his fist and then he reached and kept his hand on his sword as he slowly approached the dirt-covered figure. "Who are you? And why were you spying on us?" He asked demandingly.
The demon looked up at Yusuke, his sapphire red eyes shown angry as his spiky, yet messy black hair blew softly with the breeze. "I don't have to answer you…" He said as he stood and dusted his clothes a little and glared at Yusuke then over at Botan. "Why are you, royal guards out in the forest at this time of night anyway?" He asked slightly annoyed.
"You didn't answer my question, so why should I think of answering yours?" Yusuke asked with a cocky tone and crossed his arms. "I am Yusuke Urameshi, first rank royal guard to Lord Toshi and this is my friend and colleague Botan, first rank fighter and body guard to Lord Toshi. Now your name?" He asked and stared at what seemed like unusually short demon.
"Feh! My name is Hiei…" The demon said and crossed his arms arrogantly and glared over at the near by forest edge then he looked back at Yusuke. "Why are you traveling the forest if you are such importance to the Lord of the Western Lands?" He asked a hint of confusion on his somewhat straight face.
Author's Note: Well, Ha-ha. The second chapter is done. I hope this story is good. I did my best at coming up with the plot. Moreover, I am not a great writer I know but I just love creating stories and this is the first one I have had the nerve to type and post. Well enjoy! Buh-bye for now!