Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Love Doesn't Always Triumph ❯ Warning ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Love Doesn't Always Triumph
Chapter 2: Warning
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho; those rights belong to its creator Yoshihiro Togashi.
For the next few weeks, Lisha went on each day with a happy face. No one would have guessed that she had just lost her parents. But what they didn't know, was that she cried herself to sleep every night.
Lisha ran across the field. “Let's just see if you can catch me!” She called behind her.
Kurama sighed and waited a few more moments before chasing after her. In an instant, he was behind her. He grabbed her around the waist. “Looks like I've caught you.” He said.
“Don't be so sure of yourself `Rama.” She dropped all of her weight to her feet.
Kurama hadn't been expecting this, so he and Lisha fell to the ground. Lisha giggled. “Think this is funny do you?” Kurama smirked. Lisha gulped, she already learned that that smile always led to trouble. He put his hands on her waist and started tickling her.
“Ah! Stop!-I can't- breathe!” she said between her giggles. She was curled into a ball trying to escape Kurama's hands.
“No, you need to be punished.”
“I did-didn't even do-anything!”
Kurama put his face down so that they were nose-to-nose. “Why, yes you did.”
“What, was it-this time?”
Kurama suddenly stopped. He stood up and glared at the stairs. “Lisha, get behind me. Now!”
Confused, Lisha stood up. “Why? What's wrong?”
“Just do what I say.”
Lisha placed a hand on each of her hips. “I don't take orders. I thought that I made that clear two weeks ago.”
Kurama turned and glared at Lisha. “Do as I say.” He said in a dead calm voice. Lisha gulped at the iciness behind his voice and eyes and cowered behind him.
A girl in the same uniform as Keiko came up the shrine steps. She looked around and smiled at Kurama. “Protecting our mate are we?” she sneered at Kurama.
“I don't know what you're talking about.” Kurama growled back. Lisha shivered behind him.
“Oh, then she's your intended mate?”
“'Rama, she's throwing off very high threat waves.” Lisha said quietly. “And yours aren't very nice either.”
Kurama pulled the seed from his hair and transformed it to his whip. Lisha's eyes grew as she watched Kurama lash out at the youkai. The youkai rolled down and across the ground. “I'm using a plant, not fire. Stop, drop and roll isn't going to help you.” Kurama bit out. He waved his hand and blades of grass shot up through the youkai's body.
“I came with a message, take care of her, you may not see her for long. Don't hurt her; her heart is fragile and easily broken. Make her feel safe and loved.” The youkai managed to get out before her body fell limp.
Kurama retracted his whip and the grass. He turned to Lisha, who sat on the grass picking at one strand. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “It's amazing, how youkai manage to make something as peaceful as a blade of grass, or as beautiful as a rose, into a deadly weapon.” She murmured.
“I know.” She answered herself. “Can't they just enjoy the beauty of life?”
She shook her head. “No, their life is kill or be killed.”
“It's horrible.”
“I know.”
Kurama looked down into her eyes and noticed that they were slightly glazed over.
“Poor things probably never had the chance to be loved.”
“No, they did, but chose not to.”
“Poor Kurama.”
“Yes, poor Kurama.”
“I'll show him that anyone can be loved. Even a youkai.”
Kurama stood up and made his way to the temple, leaving Lisha to her talking with herself and picking at the grass. He entered and found Genkai sitting down with some tea. “Genkai-sama, are you aware that Lisha talks to herself?” he asked.
Genkai nodded. “Yes, she does from time to time. It amazes me with the things she comes up with. Just last week she argued with herself about whether tomatoes are fruits or vegetables.” She smiled at the memory of the young girl yelling at herself.
“Has she ever said something that she would normally be to afraid to admit?”
“She's talked about you quite a bit.”
~+~Two weeks later~+~
“Kurama, do you know what tomorrow is?” Lisha asked randomly from the assignment that Kurama gave her. (A/N: Kurama's 24, and so he's home-schooling Lisha.)
“Finish your Algebra problem, this isn't the time to goof off.” Kurama said flatly.
“I'm serious! Do you know what tomorrow is?” She stood up to prove her point.
Kurama grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled her back down. “Tomorrow is Saturday, April 16. Now please finish these problems.”
“Yes, and it's also my sixteenth birthday.” She glared at him.
“I know that, don't make any plans for after six. I'm taking you to dinner at a fancy restaurant where you have to wear a dress.” Kurama smiled down to her.
“Really?” Her eyes lit up.
“Yes, really. Now get back to your work.”
“'Rama, I can't study now. I've got to go find a suitable dress that's appropriate for dining in. I don't own a single dress or skirt.” She stood back up and walked towards the kitchen. “I need to go shopping. Hey Yukina, are you up for a small shopping spree? We can pick up the groceries wile we're out.” She called into the kitchen.
Yukina walked out. “I'd love to go. Let me just tell Genkai-sama that I'm leaving.”
“While you do that, I'm going to grab my shopping robes and some cash.” Lisha ran to her room. When she emerged five minutes later, she had on a long trench coat-like navy blue robe, black jeans with smiley face fabric in the seams, and a shirt that said `I'm in shopping mode, stay out of my way and no one gets hurt.'
Kurama stared at her in disbelief. “When you said your shopping robes, you weren't kidding.”
“Yes, my mom made the entire outfit. Only thing she didn't make are my smiley face socks and the tennis shoes.” Lisha grabbed the edge of the robe and opened it up, revealing multiple pockets. “One for money, two for all my discount cards, one for my savings account card, and some extra for other things I can think of.” She dropped it and opened the other side. “And this side is for snacks, as I tend to forget to buy things to eat when I'm shopping. It's got many energy bars and snacks that can last in the robe for a while.”
“When you shop, you mean business.” Kurama laughed.
“Sure do.” Lisha went to Kurama sitting at the desk. “I'll finish the problem after my birthday, ok?”
He smiled. “You'll never get this finished. I'll have a different problem on Friday.”
“Ok then, I'm outie.” Lisha walked out. Not even five minuets later, she returned. “I forgot something `Rama.” She walked over to Kurama and gave him a soft kiss. “Now I can shop.”
Lisha came back three hours later with many bags and rushed to her room giggling. Yukina headed to her room to put the small purchases that Lisha convinced her to buy away. Genkai smiled at the two girls. They seemed to get along like sisters.
“Wait till `Rama get a load of this.” She heard Lisha squeal. “He'll be surprised all right…oh, he will, maybe I should wear something else. I'm only turning sixteen…. yeah, I don't want to sleep with him… No, I don't want to sleep with him, yet.”
Genkai's smile grew wider. This had to be the most hentai-ish thing about Kurama that Lisha had said out loud.
Lisha looked herself over in the large mirror that she had bought for herself a week after moving in. She had on a long black skirt with slits up both sides that went halfway up her thighs, and a sleeveless red top. In each hand, she held one shoe. One was a red clog, with a two-inch heel and a daisy design cut into where the foot goes in. The other was a black two-inch heel, one strap went over just below the toes and the other went up and around the ankle.
“This one would match my shirt.” She said, holding up the clog.
“Yes, but the daisy decoration makes no sense.” She answered.
“True, black heels it is.” She grabbed her other shoe and sat on her bed to put the shoes on. She walked down the hall and found Kurama standing with a black tux on. “Hey `Rama, you look hot.”
Kurama walked to Lisha and handed her a single red rose. “A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl.” He said.
Lisha blushed as she took the rose. “Thank you.” She reached up and fixed the rose into her hair.
He held out his arm. “Shall we go then?”
“Yes, let's.” She took his arm and they proceeded down the stairs.
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