Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Making My Life Worth It ❯ Riyu Wakamaru ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Making Life Worth It

Disclaimer: Don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or the characters.

(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^`^)(^` ^)

It was morning and the smell of delicious food penetrated the home in which Chuu, Rinku, Touya, Jin, Shishi lived. This didn't really seem different from any other day since every morning breakfast was pretty good but today even the smell was invigorating. Everyone in the house had semi-awoken to these smells except for Shishi who hadn't been home since last night.

"Chuu wake up!"

He opened his eyes to see a very exited boy jumping up a down in front of him.

"What is it Rinku?"

"It involves Shishi and breakfast."


"And in between those words goes - is making."

Chuu suddenly stood up startling Rinku.

"Your kidding right. Wakamaru never makes breakfast. Well actually your the only who makes breakfast."

"Yeah I know that, but I woke up a bit late today and well when I was going into the kitchen I saw Wakamaru making breakfast. And well remember he left somewhere last night and never came back?"


"Well he isn't exactly wearing the most guy like clothes. And his hair is different too."

"Did you ask him why he was making breakfast?"

"No I saw him and ran back here to our room to show you. I bet he's making breakfast so we don't make fun of his new look."

"Really! Well then why don't we all go down and greet him and his new self?"

Rinku smiled a little too widely for anyone's liking and left the room followed by Chuu as they went towards Touya and Jin's. As they entered they noticed that Jin's side of the room was indeed very messy while Touya's was clean and tidy. They walked towards each of the guy's beds and shook them.

"Jin. Touya. Wake up."

Jin slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head from his pillow unlike Touya who refused to move any part of his body since everyone knew that he didn't like to be woken up.

"What's wrong?"

"Guess what Jin? Remember how Shishi left last night and never came back."

Touya still refused to move but was listening very intently.

"Yeah so?"

"Well he's making breakfast and he looks different too."

Touya finally moved but mostly out of shock that Shishi would ever do any work.

"Is he sick or something?"

"No. The little fellow reckons he's making breakfast so we don't make fun of his new look."

Evil smirks appeared on Jin and Touya's faces as they got out of bed and walked out of them room slowly and headed downstairs followed by Chuu and Rinku.

Just as Rinku had said Shishi was indeed making breakfast and it smelled great. But what surprised them most was the way he looked. He was wearing something similar to what he usually wears but the top was tighter on his body and was a light pink; the pants where white with a peachy colored outline. Even weirder was his hair, which was no longer being held back, and the two pieces of hair that were usually standing up were gone. They stared for a bit and then began to snicker. Shishi was bit oblivious to what was happening since his back was facing them and the cooking food made a lot of noise.

"What are you guys staring at?"

Almost instantly all four of them turned around to find Shishi standing there looking the way he usually did.

"AH! There's two of them!"

The real Shishi walked over to them.

"Two of who?"

"You- there's- what's going on?"

The girlier Shishi was now looking at them as they looked back and forth between them. Clearly they had missed a big difference between the two of them. They all now turned to the person in the kitchen.

"Um hey you mind telling us who you are?"

Even though they now had proof that Shishi was the person behind them this girl looked like his near double.

"I'll tell you who she is! She's-"

"I'm Riyu Wakamaru."

They all jumped back at what she said and they stared back at Shishi. Rinku on the other hand walked over to the girl.

"Why would you marry a lazy conceited guy like Shishi?"

They all looked back between the two as they both had major sweat drops.

"You got it all way wrong Rinku. That girl is so far from being my wife that hell will freeze over the day she is."

"Ah come on Shishi you egotistical jerk stop being so damn cynical."

She bends down to face Rinku.

"Shishi Wakamaru is my brother. Twin brother to be exact."

"Hey did you just call me an egotistical jerk?"

"Yeah I did. So how are you dear brother?"

"Fine until you got here. What are you doing here anyway?"

The rest of the guys had somehow crept behind the two fighting siblings and where already eating the food Riyu had made.

"I came to see if I could stay here for a while since my place is kind of well burned down. I made breakfast since everyone was asleep when I got here."

"Well you can't stay here."

"But see Shishi that's just your opinion. Guys did you like the food?"

All of them nodded vigorously and continued eating.

"See they liked the food. And here's my proposition, if you let me stay then I will cook and clean for you, with the exception of your rooms since I will respect your privacy. So what do you say?"

"I still say no you little tramp!"

"I'm the tramp! I can't go anywhere without hearing millions of girls saying oh Shishi is so hot! I wanna be Mrs. Wakamaru. Shishi is so good looking he makes all the guys really jealous. I wish Shishi would ask me to marry him, and it goes on and on!"

"Me! What about you? I can't go anywhere without hearing your damn name and is so damn sexy. Do you have any idea how bad you've tainted our family name?"

"Me! Hell no Shishi your the one who tainted our family name with your playboy reputation."

"And you with your playbunny reputation."

(Back at the table)

"They've got so much in common it's freaking me out."

"Yeah especially their bad tempers."

(To Shishi and Riyu)

"I am not a playbunny!"

"And I'm not a playboy!"

(in unison)"Yes you are!"

"Okay then Shishi. We'll let the guys decide whether I can stay or not."

They turn to the guys.

"Okay so how many of you want me to stay here to cook and clean?"

They all raise their hands quickly and continue eating. She smiles at them and turns back to her not so happy brother.

"It's decided then. Well brother were am I staying?"

"I really don't care. But your not staying in my room."

He grabbed a piece of toast and went back upstairs.

(He was upstairs the whole time but they never bothered to look!)



Thanks very much if you read my story! Hope you liked it!

Well anyway I hope you weren't thrown of completely but it will be a sort of romance self-discovery thing later so if you liked it keep reading!

Please Review!