Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mated ❯ Agreements ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


KM03: I'm soooooooooooooooooooo sorry!! My electricity went out and I haven't been able to upload, update, or type on my comp.!! I'm at my mom's house and on her labtop right now. So sorry for making you wait.

Kikyo102-Thank you for reviewing and complimenting my story. Here's the update.








##Change of Scene##

^^Change of POV^^



"Oh dear, lets get them to spirit world," She opened a portal and allowed Kuwabara, Yusuke, Kurama with Kazeni, and Hiei with Karei through first. She gave Hiei a strange look before turning away from his icy glare. Following through, the portal closed behind her, leaving no evidence that a group of spirit powered teens had just defeated 10 demons from another world. No one would know the truth, except for 2 men who had watched the whole scenario, hidden in the bushes. One's name was Kurai no Kage. Shadow of the Dark. An old suitor of Kazeni's. The other was a man named Chi no Tsumi. Sin of the Blood. An old suitor of Karei's.


"She has found her old mate," Kurai growled.

"She has found a true soulmate," Chi snarled.

The 2 men had lusted after Kurai and Kazeni when they first saw them during one of Kazeni and Kurai's search for Youko. They had become acquainted with them, but when they asked them to be their mates, the girls turned them down. Kazeni; because she said she already had a mate, and Karei; because she was still a free spirit and would wait for her true mate to come. After that rejection, the men swore that if they couldn't have them, no one could.

"We must keep an eye on them," Chi stated. As Kurai nodded, they both disappeared into the shadows, leaving no trace of them ever being there.

##Spirit World: Koenma's Office##

A portal appeared in the center of Koenma's office, startling the child-ruler from his lunch. Out of it came Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama with Kazeni, Hiei with Karei, and Botan was last.

"What's going on?" he asked, "What happened to them?"

"Those demons you sent us to fight were pretty easy except for the last two," Yusuke said as Kurama and Hiei placed Karei and Kazeni on the couches, "These two used an attack similar to Hiei's Dragon of the Darkness Flame, and destroyed the two demons. They passed out though after saying a few words to us, like Hiei did at the Dark Tournament."

"Oh no," Koenma cried. The conscious people in the room looked at him, confused. "They know that they shouldn't use their ultimate attacks! The power of the Pheonix of The Solar Flame and the Fox of The Silver Ice might attract some unwanted attention! They should have listened to me when I told them."

"Well," A voice said from behind them, "You should know that we never usually listen to you, toddler."

They all turned to see Karei sitting up on the couch, smirking at Koenma.

Koenma's eye twitched. Boy, was he tired of that nickname. If it wasn't Yusuke, it was Karei. Was this some kind of punishment to him for doing who knows what. He would never know.

"Don't call me toddler, Karei!" he yelled.

"You know her?" Kurama asked.

"Yeah, we were kinda apprehended while searching for Kurama because we were in the wrong place at the wrong time. What I don't get is if you know Koenma, than he probably knew that Kurama was Youko but didn't tell us! Why is that, toddler?"

"Uh…um," Koenma stuttered while looking for an escape route. Before he could say anything, Kuwabaka opened his big trap.

"Babe," He grabbed Karei's hands and looked deep into her eyes, "Will you please marry me?"

"What*twitch*. Did. You*twitch*. Call. Me*twitch twitch*," she growled between clenched teeth. The others watched in amusement, anticipating what was going to happen. Koenma was busy silently cheering over the distraction.

"Babe?" Kuwabara asked.


Kuwabara's lower body was seen partly sticking out of the wall. Yusuke was rolling on the floor laughing as, the others tried to hold back their own laughter. Hiei himself was looking at Kuwabara with amusement in his eyes and a smirk on his face.


"Karei, do you have to be so loud?" Kazeni groaned as she rolled over, "Some people are trying to sleep."

"What's wrong, did I interrupt a dream with a certain fox of yours?" Karei smirked as both Kurama and Kazeni blushed a deep red.

*Well, what about you? Were you dreaming of a certain apparition* Kazeni.

Karei blushed darkly and glared at the girl. "Kazeni!" she yelled. "At least I don't talk in my sleep!"

This caused Kazeni's cheeks to become even darker, if possible. With that, Kazeni held out her hand ready to blow her ice crystals out onto the female demon. Unfortunately for Kazeni, fortunately for Karei, Koenma interrupted the fight.

"Wait, I need you both alive for what I'm about to ask you!" he cried.

"What is it, baby?" Kazeni growled. The child-ruler in question gulped. Kazeni wasn't one to get so easily angered, and it frightened him a little.

"I want you to become spirit detectives,"

"WHAT!" four voices chorused around the room.

"They can't be spirit detectives, they're only girls!"

"The stupid onnas won't be able to fight a hard battle without complaining about every little thing."

"Hey, just because we're girls, doesn't mean we can't do anything!"

"Yeah! What about that fight with those S-level demons?! We held out in those!"

(A.N. if u haven't figured it out, its Yusuke, Hiei, Karei, then Kazeni yelling)

"Yeah right, I can see a battle now, Pheonix of the-oh oh I broke a nail!"

"Baka onna, that was a fluke!"





"That's it! Sun Sparks!"

"Hell yeah! Icy Winds!"

After that, everything quieted down. Yusuke's hair was sizzling slightly and Hiei looked a bit blue, everything stopped.

"Now, If you take a look around you, you will realize that the stereotypical version of a female is not true. We are strong female demons, who can kick your ass any day," Karei growled.

"If you have a problem with us being on this team, go piss someone else off and get the stick out your arses!" Kazeni yelled.

Both girls turned to Koenma, Kurama, and Botan.

"Do you have a place where we can train. These boys need some work if they can't defend themselves against out weakest attacks." Karei questioned.

"They usually go to Genkai's to train with her," Botan supplied, "I can open a portal for you there."

"Thanks, Botan." Kazeni smiled.

After the portal opened, Kurama, followed by Kazeni, Karei, Hiei, Yusuke, and a floating Kuwabara(telekinesis), walked(or floated) through the portal to Genkai's in search of training.


KM03: Sooooo watd u think? Please Review. Ill try to update soon.