Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Matters of Life and Death ❯ A Meeting With Death ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Yu Hakusho or it's characters (I just use them for my own entertainment! Bwahahahahahahaha!!!)

A/N- This story takes place after the dark Tournament, but it has nothing to do with it (for those of you who don't know the anime that well.)

Chapter One:

Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei were all sitting at their favorite café. Well, everyone but Hiei's because he'd rather be sitting in some tree rather than in this booth. But Kurama had insisted that he come along.

After a few minutes of conversation, Kurama began to get the feeling that they were being watched.

Kurama leaned over slightly to talk to Hiei without being too noticeable, I believe were being watched.

Hiei didn't move at all but he searched the café with his eyes, finally landing on a lone stranger sitting in a booth.

I was impossible to tell what the person looked like because they wore a long black cloak with the hood up. The stranger's whole face was hidden except the person's eyes, which were a deep purple color and staring right at them.

Even in human form, Kurama's eyes were amazingly sharp, he noticed that instead of pupils, the stranger had slits. But, their battle aura was very low.

Well, it obviously isn't human. Do you think it's here to pick a fight? Kurama asked Hiei, whom seemed intent on staring the stranger down with one of his 'death glares'.

Yusuke finally noticed that Kurama and Hiei were no longer listening to him, Hey, what's wrong? he asked taking in Kurama's serious face.

We are being watched by that stranger in the booth across the room. Kurama stated. Hiei still glaring, and the stranger showing no sign of giving in.

Yusuke looked over at the strange person while nudging Kuwabara into doing the same.

The stranger shifted their eyes over each of the boys, as if trying to see into their souls. Yusuke finally had enough of it and walked over to the stranger's booth.

"Hey! What the hell is your problem?!" Yusuke asked as soon as they had reached the stranger's table. The person in the cloak just glared at him, stood up and shoved a tape into his chest.

"What the-" Yusuke started to say but the stranger had vanished suddenly. "Who was that freak?" asked Kuwabara as they all stared doumbfounded at the spot where the cloaked figure had stood.
"I have no idea."

Kurama turned to Yusuke, "What's that tape?" Yusuke looked down at the black tape in his hand and shrugged. he looked a bit closer and saw that Koenma's signature was on it. Yusuke let out a laugh, "Well that expains it! That weirdo must work for Koenma!" Hiei glared up at Yusuke, "Isn't it a bit odd that he didn't ask one of us to pick it up?" No one had an answer for that.


Everyone was at Kuwabara's house waiting for the video to begin. Soon Koenma's face appeared and he began to talk.

"I you are watching this, then you have already met the person you will be working with on your next mission. I'm not allowed to tell you who that person is but your next mission could possibly be your hardest one yet! I can't give you the details but this mission is literally a 'life and death' matter. You are to meet your temporary new partner on saturday at 3:00 pm in the nearest cemetary. That's all I can tell you. And don't scerw up this mission!"

The tape ended there. "A new teammate! What do we need a new teammate for? I hope he wasn't serious when he said that the weak guy from the cafe is our new partner!" Kuwabara yelled. Kurama looked at him, "Either way, I want to know more about this stranger and the only way to do that is to meet him face to face."

"So are we all going to go then?" Yusuke asked, everyone but Hiei nodded. "Are you gonna' go Hiei?"
"Hn." was the only answer he got before Hiei dissapeared through the window.


The next afternoon, the four teammates stood in the middle of the cemetery. Kuwabara shuddered, This place is figgin' creepy man! When is that freak getting here anyway?! Suddenly, a voice came from behind the group, Hn. Stupid kids. Hiei glared at the new-comer as the other three spun around. Kuwabara was startled the most, Hey, he sounds just like the shrimp! Kurama had to agree, this stranger talked just like Hiei did. It was a bit unnerving.

The figure still wore the heavy cloak, hiding it's features. Yusuke was suddenly suspicious, How do we know that you are our new partner and not some imposter? Take off that cloak and show yourself!

The figure glared at Yusuke, No. Yusuke growled in anger. Kurama cut in before it could get ugly, Yusuke, even if he took off the cloak, we don't know what our new partner looks like, so we wouldn't be able to tell anyway.

Yusuke realized that Kurama was telling the truth, 'Fine then, but we'll find out when we reach Koenma, I bet he'll know if you're the real thing!

The figure snorted in annoyance, Whatever, just hurry up so I can get this mission over with. It's bad enough that I have you stupid amatures to slow me down.

Kuwabara opened his mouth to say something, but Yusuke beat him to it, if anything, you'll slow us down, you stupid freak! With that he stalked through the portal Koenma had opened for them, Hiei vanished after him, Kuwabara ran through too, and Kurama looked over the new-comer warily before stepping into the portal, the figure coming through last.

In Koenma's office, Yusuke glared daggers at the cloaked figure as he walked up to Koenma, Who the hell is he!? Yusuke demanded.
I am Death. The cloaked figure answered for the Demi-god. Everyone (with the exception of Koenma) turned to him in surprise, Kuwabara laughed loudly, Haha! He thinks he's death himself!

The cloaked figure glared at Kuwabara, That's because I am. And with that, the figure yanked the cloak off, revealing a beautiful, well build woman. Her skin was a copper color, her hair was long, shiny and black. She dressed like an an ancient Egyptian would, with the wrap-around her waist, hanging almost to her knees, and a wide, thick piece of cloth covered her chest.(You know, like the pictures you see of ancient Egyptians!)

As everyone stared in shock, she turned to Koenma, I'm out of the human relm now, I'm changing into my true form. Koenma just nodded. The woman stood straight, concentrating. Suddenly, everyone could feel her ki begin to grow until it was even higher than that of an upper-class S youkai.

Large wings, glistening with shiny black scales appeared on her back, along with a long, whip-like tail. Her nail turned to sharp claws and she had fangs.

Kurama stared in horror as he recognized the person he had escaped from 16 years ago. She turned head to stare at him, Don't fret yourself Fox, I'm not here for you. I have a different mission in mind, you aren't due to die in quite a while, Youko Kurama.

Hiei glared at the woman then turned his eyes to Kurama.

Koenma looked at the four people, meet your new teammate, Death. She is one of the most powerful beings in this or any universe, only one power is as great as hers. That is Life, her brother, he has been taken by Hades, god of the Underworld. Your mission is to assist her in whatever way possible to retrieve Life. Yusuke finally came out of his shock, You mean we have to be her lackeys?! You act like she's some god or something! She's only a little stronger than an S class demon! Plus everyone knows that Boton is the one that collects the dead, this has to be some kind of joke! Death glared a Yususke, That stupid ditz couldn't candle my job if the universe depended on it. She only does special cases. I am not a god. I am what gods FEAR. I am Death, most mortals call me the Grim Reaper. And DO NOT ever doubt my strength because this is only ten percent of it. If I was at full strength your human bodies would be incinerated in an instant.

Kurama put his hand on Yusuke's shoulder, It's true, she is the one I saw as I was about to die in my other form . Yusuke looked at Kurama, he was paler than usual, he was telling the truth. Yusuke's eyes widened in realization as the words sunk in, You mean she's really Death? he asked quietly, dreading the answer as Kurama just nodded his head.

Kuwabara, just snapping out of his shock (cause by the fact that the most feared being in the universe was a GIRL) narrowed hi s eyes, wary, If you're so strong than why do you need our help? Hiei also looked at Death, wanting to know the answer.


A/N- do ya like it so far? Please review, no flames! I am working on three stories at once, so forgive me if my updates are a bit slow!