Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Maybe I'm Amazed by You ❯ Almost Revealed ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Maybe I'm Amazed by You
a fanfic by: Tori Singer
STILL don't own a goddamn thing! So BACK OFF!! *pant pant *phew. That took lots of energy....bleh. Anyway, you still can't sue me because I did nothing wrong! So there! Mleh! *sweatdrop.

"Hiei, look at the beautiful flowers!" Hiei looked to where the overjoyed fox was pointing at the edge of the path. "hn, stupid fox. there just flowers.....besides! The ones you make are better." Kurama was shocked at this. "Hiei! You really like mine better?!""........baka no kitsune.." Hiei muttered to himself, ashamed he let his facade slip alittle. "What did you say Hiei, I didn't hear you." Kurama questioned, knowing full well what he said. 'Sigh, why can't he just open up a little more?' The redhead wondered. The two continued to walk on down the path, giving eachother looks when they thought the other wasn't looking. Kurama continued to stare causing him to look straight into ruby eyes. 'Oh shit he seen me! What do I do?' Kurama frantically searched for something to say. All of a sudden, he gives Hiei a bright smile.
'He's.......smiling at me....the forbidden child, nobody is supposed to love me or care for me, but this.....beautiful creature is gracing me with a SMILE?!' Before Hiei knew what he was doing, he found the corners of his mouth curving a little.This caused Kurama's smile to widen and Hiei saw a sparkle in those green eyes. Kurama shifted the heavy picnic basket to his other arm, his right arm, and slipped his other hand into Hiei's.This made Hiei start alittle, he jerked his hand away as if burned. He seen the hurt look on the fox's face."Hn, what did you do that for greeneyes?" Hiei used the nickname Kurama liked to hear.was just going to hold your hand Hiei." Kurama answered with a sullen look on his features. He was shocked at Hiei's next words."Why?" "Um, well Hiei, you hold someone's hand when you care for that person......" He trailed off. Hiei thought about that a moment. 'There's no way, Kurama doesn't....care for me does he?' No, that wasn't possible. How could this beautiful redhead love the forbidden child, an outcast to his own species. The one who wasn't even allowed to live, the one who was thrown off the floating island right after he was born, by his own mother. 'Maybe I'm just wishing this to happen..'couldn't figure out why Hiei just went silent all of a sudden. He seemed to be in deep thought.well, we're at the park anyway....' Kurama led Hiei over underneath the shade of a large Maple tree. He spread out the blanket as Hiei leaned against the tree with his arms crossed over his chest; a scowl on his child like face."Hiei, come and eat some of this food." Hiei was startled out of his thoughts by the fox's voice. "hn."
do you like it?" Kurama asked earnestly as he watched Hiei take a bite out of a sandwich the redhead had made."hn....it's edible at least." He said, covering up the fact that he thought it was really good. He looked up to find his fox......starting to cry?!' Why was Kurama crying?"Oi, greeneyes, why the tears?" Hiei asked while scooting closer to Kurama. "...." He didn't get an answer. Hiei reached up to wipe a tear away when Kurama jerked back. "H-hiei, why are you always so mean to me when I try to be nice?!" Hiei was taken aback by the angry look on the kitsune's face. "Kurama, I didn't mean to upset you...." He trailed off as more tears formed in the redhead's eyes. He once again reached over and this time Kurama let him brush a tear from his cheek."Hiei, don't you EVER wonder why I like being with you?" Hiei's eyes widened as Kurama continued. "I've tried everything to get you to notice me, I've tried being nice, and what do I get?" "I get rudmmph!!" Whatever he was gonna say was cut off by Hiei's lips pressed to his own. 'Oh my god, why am I kissing him? He's gonna kill me!' Hiei didn't care at the moment as he deepened the kiss. 'Hiei is...kissing me.....am I dead or something?' Finally remembering he had arms and lips, Kurama responded to Hiei by touching his tongue to Hiei's bottom lip. He wrapped his long arms around Hiei's waist and brought him closer. Hiei, getting a little nervous, started trailing his hands down the kitsune's spine, recieving a shudder for the movement. Needing air, the two parted their mouths, leaving a streak of saliva connecting their lips. Neither spoke, too caught up in looking in eachother's eyes. Hiei expected to see disgust, but seen love and desire. Kurama thought he'd see regret in Hiei's red orbs, but instead saw trust and love. Kurama gently reached out a hand and stroked Hiei's cheek. Hiei closed his eyes with a sigh as he leaned into the touch. Finally Kurama spoke. "Hiei, do you want to come home with me? No one will be home but us......" He expected Hiei to change his mind and kill him but Hiei just slowly opened his ruby eyes and looked at Kurama."Hn, I thought you'd never ask." He said with a slight smile. Kurama just smiled back.....tears of happiness threatening to spill over. "Hiei....." He whispered before pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
notes: Sorry if you thought I was doing the lemon here. It'll be in the next chapter. I've never done a lemon before so don't laugh! Tell me if it sucks though......