Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mazoku: Battle For The Throne ❯ Supposed to be just a drill ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yay!! My first chapter! It may or may not be boring, but you tell me. Anyway on with
the story.
Chapter 1: Supposed to be just another drill
Keiko jumped from her bed as soon as the siren went off. She glanced at the alarm 
clock, which read six a.m. Keiko sighed. Ever since a youkai had injured a child on 
the outskirts of the town, the elders were sure an attack was bound to happen. There
was no time to put on anything decent so Keiko slipped a jacket over her nightgown, 
and put on her sneakers.
"Keiko, are you still in there?" called Botan. "The elders will be furious if you 
don't hurry."
"I'm coming. I'm coming," said Keiko.
Keiko ran out, covering her ears from the droning of the siren. Botan pulled her 
arm. They ran to the outskirts of their village to the cave where everyone was 
supposed to gather at. Keiko searched around for the familiar faces of her parents 
until she saw them talking to Kuwabara.
"Where have you been? Sleeping no doubt. The youkai attacks are becoming more and 
more frequent in the neighboring villages. We need to stay alert for the sake of our
lives." Mr. Yukimura warned.
Keiko looked away, unable to look her father in the eye. Kuwabara shuffled his feet 
at the awkward moment he'd put himself in. They had waited for what felt like hours,
looking to see when the threat would end. Finally the village elders arrived.
"Attention. Line up in rank," commanded Kenjiro, one of the elders.
The entire village was "ranked" on how strong the village would be if you should die
in an attack. Fighters of the village were ranked highest. Teens were next for their
strength, and for repopulating the village, then builders and wives. Last were the 
orphans who had wandered into the village. No one knew of their past so according to
the elders they were not to be trusted. The elders went down the lines to make sure 
each person was accounted for.
"Where is Sanosuke? The orphan boy?" Kenjiro asked.
Keiko looked around from her spot. Even to the other orphans, Sanosuke was an 
outcast. He cried a lot and didn't like to talk to many people. It was no surprise 
that no one noticed his absence. Keiko was so into her own thought she didn't notice
anything usual until…
It was a demon she was sure of, but it looked more like a phoenix. Everyone watched 
it pass by and head straight toward their village.
"PUUUU!" The beast shrieked out before unleashing an energy blast from its mouth. 
(Think of it as Yusuke's spirit gun, Pu style.)
Keiko's eyes widened. Botan shook Keiko and pointed. They couldn't see well, but it 
appeared to be a man, a short man. He jumped from the phoenix- like beast, and the 
beast turned into… some small floating thing?
"Did you see that, Kuwabara?" asked Botan trembling.
"Yeah, and some guy jumped off that thing. Had they attacked just an hour 
earlier…we'd all be just ashes."
They looked down somberly. One baby began to fuss and cry. 'Poor child… child? 
"Sanosuke! He was still in the village!" blurted out Keiko.
"Yeah, but how could he have survived that blast?" asked Botan.
"He could have by some miracle. We have to go check." Keiko demanded. "Kuwabara, 
you're the strongest fighter in the entire village, please come with us."
Kuwabara nodded. 'I may be the strongest in the village, but I couldn't compete 
against that blast, and that came from that youkai's pet!'
Nevertheless, they all began to walk. The rest of the village followed, but kept 
their distance. At least if this monster killed Kuwabara, they could run instead of 
being sitting ducks in a cave. Keiko's parents pushed to the front in case something
happened to their daughter.
The group made it back and saw the youkai. There were fires all around at the center
of town, and in the center of the biggest was a man. He was five feet at the most, 
and had spiky, black hair with ruby eyes. He turned to the horde of humans and 
"I see you've come out your hiding place."
"Yeah, to kick your butt." Kuwabara yelled.
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He didn't like the weird vibe this guy gave off. 'He probably kills babies and 
kittens with a smile.' Kuwabara thought.
Kuwabara formed his famous spirit sword, preparing to fight. He ran at the intruder,
but the demon simply stepped out the way.
"What?" Kuwabara skidded to a stop. "How did you move so fast? I've never fought a 
demon with such speed."
"I'm not just any low life demon that could be killed by the likes of you. And as 
for my speed, I could crawl faster than that. I knew I'd have decrease my power, but
I didn't think this much. You truly are a pathetic race. This is the best you could 
give me?"
The smaller demon flapped his ears up and away from the other demon.
"Going to find your master, are you Pu?"
Keiko was confused. "You mean you aren't his master? Who are you?"
"I am Hiei, and no I'm not that thing's master. You wouldn't want to meet him. His 
real master is even faster and stronger than I, and not nearly as patient with 
foolish humans."
"Someone talking about me?"
Keiko gasped. There was a boy that sounded her age. She was seventeen, and that too 
young for anyone to be as strong as Hiei had said. He was still too far to see, but 
she saw he was carrying a child in his hands.
"That monster has a child with him!" someone shouted.
Kenjiro stared harder at the boy approaching. "The only child unaccounted for was 
Sanosuke. If it is indeed him, any event that befalls him is his own fault."
Botan and Keiko stared in shock. The elder just told them to discard a child! The 
demon holding the boy was fuming. The demon picked up a rock and threw it at the 
elder's side. The crowd heard the crack as one of his ribs broke. Kenjiro coughed up
some blood before the pain made him lose consciousness.
"A little touchy today, Yusuke?" Hiei smirked.
"You humans are all the same. You act all self-righteous and innocent when demons 
attack, but when you have the chance to save someone, a child, then no one wants to 
Sanosuke had been buried deep into the crook of Yusuke's neck, but he peeped out to 
see what Yusuke had done to Kenjiro. He smiled and clung on to Yusuke tighter. 
Yusuke glanced at Sanosuke before setting him down.
"You're leaving me? Already?"
Yusuke looked back at the child. "Kid, I'm a demon who doesn't have time for 
Sanosuke gripped his leg, sniffling. "Please. Let me stay with you. I don't eat or 
talk a lot. I can run really fast, and I could get really strong if you trained me."
Kuwabara watched dumbfounded as Sanosuke continued to name off things he could do. 
Hiei scoffed. After all he'd said about Yusuke, he turns soft instead of killing the
kid. He knew Yusuke would let him join them. After all Sanosuke did remind Yusuke of
himself in more ways than one.
"Sanosuke, you don't have to go with them. You're safe here," reminded Botan, trying
to encourage him to stay.
Sanosuke gave her a deadly glare before pleading with Yusuke. Yusuke gave a small 
smile before ruffling his hair.
"Fine, but when we fight, stay out our way. Stay here one more night to get whatever
you'll need. I will come back for you tomorrow evening."
Sanosuke sniffled again. "You're not coming back."
Yusuke sighed. "Here, take Pu. He's my spirit beast. He, in a weird way, is me. When
I come back for him, I'll come for you too."
Yusuke turned to walk away, Hiei scowling behind him.
"PUU!!" Pu cried out as he floated on Sanosuke's head. Keiko couldn't help but smile
at the scene.
Kaemon, another elder, cleared his throat. "Prepare yourselves for an attack when 
they come back. Take any valuable that isn't too badly burned. Assemble yourselves 
with your raid groups, take shelter in the homes at the outskirts of the village."
Two men picked up Kenjiro while the rest of the village rounded up all the supplies 
they needed. Keiko turned to ask Sanosuke why he wanted to travel with a bunch of 
demons, but he was already gone. She instead caught up to Yuki and Ami in her raid 
group. Botan was also in her raid group, but Keiko couldn't find her. She knew from 
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the excited looks on their faces, she wouldn't get a lot of sleep that night. 
'What an interesting day. Very interesting.'
Yeah, that was kinda short,and rushed. I just needed to introduce the characters. I 
hope I didn't put them to shame. Things will get better. Anyway the next chapter 
Yusuke and Keiko, as well as Botan and our favorite fox Kurama meet. Hint Hint. 
Couples. I don't know how Kuwabara can meet Yukina, but I'll try before this thing 
is over. Raizen will also be in here. Actually a big part. Well I'm making this up 
as I go so I can't say more than that. Please review. It'll make me finish this even
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