Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Me Sweet Nanashi ❯ One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter One.
"Mommy? Daddy?" A little girl wandered through the halls of her house.
"Who the hell asked YOU?!" she could hear shouting from the living room and her black eyes widened at the anger and hatred behind those words.
"Please, be quiet. You are going to wake her." A soft feminine voice spoke up trying to soothe the male's anger.
"Shut up! I don't have to fucking be quiet if I don't want to!"
"Mommy?" The little girl's voice rang out disturbing the brutal scene in front of her.
Her mother lay on the ground, body tattered. Blood was running down her face landing in a small pool beside her head. Her chest was slightly caved in where three ribs were broken and her arm was twisted at an odd angle.
"Daddy…?" Her father's foot went to her mother's throat.
"Shh baby. Mommies sleeping." He stepped down killing the woman instantly.
"Daddy what are you doing?" The little girl sat up slowly blinking sleepily at the man towering above her bed.
"Nothing baby doll. Just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I'm fine daddy. Why wouldn't I be okay?" She flashed him a brilliant smile and settled back amongst her pillows.
"I don't know. I brought a doctor here to help check you out." He gestured to the man beside him.
"Okay." She chirped willing to let her father do anything. After all if he was worried something had to be wrong.
"Good girl. Now can you take off your clothing?" The 'doctor' said, voice calm and cool.
"Daddy…" A twinge of panic twisted inside her stomach.
"Do as the doctor says baby and everything will be alright."
"Yes daddy…" She got out of bed and began to undress trying to hurry.
"No sweetie. Take it slowly." Her daddy cooed out softly.
"Yes daddy." She began to undress slowly, peeling off her nightgown. She was left in her underwear, standing by her bed.
"Okay. Now take that off as well." The 'doctor' snapped.
"Yes sir…" She whispered and removed her underwear.
"Alright now go lay down sweetie."
She listened to what her daddy said and crawled into bed stretching out.
The doctor came over and began to spread her legs.
"Daddy?!" Her voice filled with panic.
"Shut the fuck up" He snarled.
All the neighbors were worried when they heard a little voice screaming.
A doctor was ramming into a five year old.
Sirens rang.
She sat up and smashed her head into something. "What the fuck?!"
"Hey! Koenma!! Guess what I found!"
"What is it Kuwabaka…erm…Kuwabara?!"
"That chick we were looking for."
"You found her?!"
"Yeah. Hey look she's sweating!"
"Um…Who the heck are you?" Nanashi jumped up black and purple hair spinning with her.
"Um…Kuwabara. Now come with me pretty lady!!"
"Yeah umm no." She blinked and disappeared.