Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meaning of love ❯ Meaning of love ( One-Shot )

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Meaning of love

What is love

A word hard to know its meaning

Time to think

Do I need love

I been hiding all the while

from the love of someone

why should a forbidden child like me know what is love

I hate to admit

But I am starting to know what is love

After that night of confession from a particular person

A person I trusted as a friend , a partner

But I need time to think

That's why I had been hiding from him

But tonight it's different

As I will be leaving for the house of his

To tell him how I feel

The confession from Kurama

Is something I never expect

But saying it is easy

Doing it is hard

Standing in front of him

I told him those words

" Gomen .. kurama I can't love u"

He cried like the rain that day

Giggling …

I whisper to him

" Ai shiteru , Kurama"

He looked up and hold me up

No talking is needed

A kiss is what all talking could be spare

We shared a rainy night together

Under the moon that is still shining

Love could really make wonders…