Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Melt My Heart ❯ Mission Impossible ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Melt My Heart

::Summary:: Set after the T.V. series. Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara have all settled down with their loved ones, but Hiei has decided to stay working for Koenma. Hiei is given a new mission, he must escort a Demon World princess to another kingdom to meet her arranged husband. After reluctantly agreeing, Hiei finds that he and the princess have alot in common, including a certian black dragon. Can Hiei keep to his mission,or will he betray his World and follow his heart?

Amee: Hi-ho all! -big grin- Thank You for coming, I hope you enjoy!
Hiei: -glare- Do you ever shut up? -pokes her with his sword-
Amee: -bops him with a hammer- your so moody..-rubs new poke mark-
Hiei: -sweatdrop- on with the fic....
Amee: I apologise for Hiei's OOCness...this is how i see him!
*I no own Yu Yu Hakusho...i will one day...i only own my chars.*

Key: ".." speaking '..' mind link thingie/char. thinking ** setting change (or what ever) (A/n) duh..author note

Chapter 1 : Mission Impossible

It had been 3 years since the Spirit Detective gang had called it quits and settled down with lovers and Keiko (A/n: sorry for the random Keiko bashing..i don't like her) and the Human World was peaceful once again. Spirit World on the other hand was a buzz with confusion and panic. Orges ran around crying about how King Emma was going to spank them all to Hell and back, while ferry girls flew about delivering importaint documents to Koenma. George the orge ran into Koenma's office and shut the doors quickly, "What is it you blue baboon?" Koenma asked irritated, George quickly saluted and looked up at the demi-king. Koenma was perched on top of a stack of papers with his stamp moving frantically, "Lord Koenma, it's mass chaos out there!" Koenma chucked his stamper at George hitting him in the head, "You think I haven't noticed?! I've got so many documants in here I could re-paper Pu's birdcage!!" The prince shook his fist in the air as the stack collapsed sending him to the floor, "But Lord Koenma you know it's always like this when your father returns.." Koenma rose to his tiny feet and glared at the orge, "I know that you fool, do you have something to tell me or are you just here to make my life miserable?" George nodded, "Hiei's here my Lord," Koenma nodded and took afew sucks on his binky, "You are trying to kill me off orge," He climbed up on to his desk again, "Send him in." George nodded and ran back out the doors.
Hiei slowly strolled through the chaos in the halls, his amber eyes showed only one emotion, boredom. Why he had decided to stay working for the demi-king he had no clue, it was certianly a mistake. He stopped infront of the prince's office doors, all he knew was that he was to go into Demon World. He 'hn'ed softly as an orge ran past him in a fit of tears, 'Might as well go see what the fool wants..' Hiei pushed open one of the doors and entered. Botan was babbling about latest coffee room gossip and Koenma was frantically stamping. Botan stopped suddenly upon seeing Hiei, "Hiei!" Her chipper voice made him wince, "Im glad to see you again! We have a new mission for you!" Hiei 'hn'ed again, "I know that, why else would I be here?" Koenma had stopped stamping, "Well you haven't changed in a month or two.." Botan looked offened as she scurryed through a back door. Koenma had hopped up on another stack of papers and was flipping through the channels on his big t.v. (a/n: i wonder if he get's anime network....) Hiei walked over to the edge of his desk, "Did you invite me to watch t.v.? Hn. I would have brought the idiot," Koenma gave him an annoyed look, "Shut up. Im searching for your mission," Hiei raised an eyebrow, 'Unorganized little...' His thoughts were cut short by Koenma's happy cheer, "Here we go!" Koenma pushed a button on his remote and the screen buzzed. Hiei blinked as a photograph of a demon appeared, he was about 30 years old, and a fire demon, "Hiei this is the king of Demon World," Hiei nodded, "Your mission is to meet him in the mountians near the West and pick up," He clicked another button and the picture of a young woman came to the screen, "Her name is Princess Angel, she's to be wed in another kingdom to a Chimera prince (A/n: you know what Kuronue is..) Your mission is to escort her there safely." Hiei nodded at the demi-king, but his eyes never left the screen. The princess was very pretty for a demon, she had soft tan skin with piercing blue eyes that brought out her innocent looking face, her long black hair was tied up in a curled bun, common for royals and diplomats, with a crown infront. Koenma blinked at Hiei, "You awake over there?" Hiei snapped his eyes up to Koenma, "Ah good," The prince answered nervously, "Now Hiei, she must be in Berkshire in a weeks' time or the wedding's off," Hiei turned to Koenma, "Why is it so importiant she be wed in that time?" Koenma sighed, "The Demon World is in termoil. The threat of war is growing and the King is trying to get as many allies as he can. A deal was made, the hand of his only daughter to the Chimerian prince, in return an alliance," Hiei nodded, then turned his head to the screen again. Koenma hopped down, "Im leaving this in your capible hands Hiei," He paused, "But if this deal falls through, it could spell disaster for all three worlds," Hiei turned and nodded to Koenma, "I'll do my best to make sure the deal doesn't fall," Koenma sucked on his binky again, "You leave tonight, so get a quick nap."

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Amee: Well There Ya Go! -jumps around Hiei in joy- first chappy up!
Hiei: -trips her-
Amee: -skids into a wall- MY SPLEEN!
Hiei: -shakes head- Review..or taste my blade!
Amee: -pops up infront of Hiei- Please Review! -bops Hiei- Don't scare people!
Hiei: -.-;
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