Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meri Kurisumasu ❯ Popcorn Fight! ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

DS: Hello! I took the liberty to write this fic as a Christmas present from me to you readers. I think you'll like this pairing. I also named you and put descriptions for you. I hope you enjoy this fic.


Disclaimer: I do not, I repeat once again, I DO NOT own YYH or you. Please enjoy!

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You sat on the couch, watching a 'Christmas Carol' program on T.V. in peace while sipping some warm hot chocolate on a cold winter Christmas eve. Yep, you had the temple all to yourself. Yusuke and Kuwabara were spending their Christmas eve at an arcade, Yukina was spending her time with the girls, Hiei was spending his at Makai, and Genkai was spending her's with a friend. Life is good! You sigh happily as you finish gulping down the last of your hot chocolate, pulling the big, warm fleece blanket up to your chin. Then you close your hazel gold eyes in content, listening to the silence that lingered in the temple. Usually it was loud and full of activity, courtesy of Kuwabara and Yusuke fighting every second, you were happy now but, it seeems like there was something missing...maybe some popcorn? Yeah that's probably it. You get up from the couch and procede your way into the kitchen for some popcorn. You grab the popcorn bag and put in the microwave, setting the timer for about 5 mintures and pressing start. After 5 minutes of waiting, the popcorn was done, so you went back into the living room and sat back down on the couch.


'Something smells funny and I know it's not the popcorn..' You thought, sniffing the air to verify this familiar scent. (A/N: Yes, your a wolf demon. But I like wolves so there.) After a few minutes you shrugged it off, thinking the smell of the burnt popcorn caught you off guard and started eating. But, unbeknowest to you, a figure stood in the shadows, watching you intently with knowing eyes. You sat your popcorn bag down, feeling a bit full and lied down to catch some sleep. Minutes passed by and you were in your own little dream world while the unknown figure crept closer and closer to you...


You chose this time to wake up and when you did, you almost had a 'Inuyasha' heart attack as you screamed at the figure before you.


"AHH! Yoko!! That was NOT funny and what the heck are you doing here?" You yell, your gray wolf ears twitching in irritation.


Your arch-nemisis, Yoko laughed, his hands resting on his knees, and his silver fox ears twitching madly in amusement.


"I'm sorry..it was just so hilarious." He answered, sitting down on the couch beside you.


"Hilarious? Well, let's see how hilarious it is when you are on your knees begging for mercy!!" You said, half-yelling.


You heard Yoko chuckle in response. You 'hn'ed' like Hiei would and averted your direction to the movie you were watching earlier. Minutes passed by, you felt the silence was a little unnerving to you, especially since an ex-theif was sitting beside you probably cooking up a new way to annoy you.


'Baka head.' You thought bitterly. Then you felt something lightly hit the side of your face. You turned to face Yoko, he was currently 'watching' the movie intently but a smug smile was evident on his face. 'He's up to something.' You thought. You look down and on the floor was a piece of popcorn. 'Oh, so he wants to play huh?' You thought as you looked at Yoko again, his smug smile turned into a playful grin and his eyes were on you. You took a piece of popcorn from the bag and chucked it at Yoko. He thought he dodged it, but unbeknowest to him, the popcorn piece you threw got lodged in his long silver hair. You bit your bottom lip to hold back the laughter and while you were doing that, Yoko looked at you, confused as a newborn pup. He reached up and ran a hand through his hair and sure enough, the popcorn was there and it fell down to the floor. Yoko smirked, grabbing the bag from your hand and taking out a handful of popcorn, throwing it at you. You failed miserably at dodging the flying pieces of buttery popcorn and there were a lot of pieces of popcorn in your long black hair.


"Hey no fair! I'm unarmed!" You yell playfully. Yoko just laughed and continued throwing more popcorn at you. When the bag was fianally empty....you attacked. You pounced him to the floor and started tickling him mercilessly. Yoko TRIED to hold back his laughter, but to no avial. You were the attacker finishing off his prey and there's nothing Yoko could do about it! Then Yoko turned the tables and you were suddenly on the floor with Yoko sitting on your stomach with an 'I win' grin on his face.


"Give up mutt?"


You growled as you bristled under him, trying desperatly to get free, but he was too dang heavy! Then to make things worse, Yoko started tickling you just as you did to him. You were laughing yourself to tears and Yoko was enjoying the torture he was enflicting on you.


"Stop!" You said, half-yelling and half-laughing.


"I will if you say I am the most strongest kitsune to ever roam the three worlds and that you are a second rate mutt!" Yoko said, grinning smugly. You half-growled, half-laughed as you mentally slap yourself for stooping this low.


"Argh..You are the strongest kitsune to ever roam the the three worlds and I am a just a second rate mutt!! Happy now?" You growled out. Yoko nodded and got off of you.


"Why yes, yes I am." He said, that stupid grin still plastered on his face.


You stood up, glaring playfully at him. "You just got lucky, I'll get you next time."


Yoko smiled softly as he pulled you in a warm embrace.


"We'll soon see."


Then Yoko leaned in slowly, making your heartbeat soar and your eyes close. You felt his breath play your lips, you were mentally growling at him to stop torturing you, then his rose petal like lips greeted yours in a soft kiss. This kiss was innocent, full of love and gentleness. It made you wonder if this was the cold-hearted theif you learned to like, no love. When he finally pulled away, he smiled knowingly at you and looked up. You followed his gaze and hanging on the ceiling was a green mistletoe with red berries. You haven't noticed before but you soon smiled as you realized Yoko was the one who put this up.


"Meri Kurisumasu, Mika."

"Meri Kurisumasu to you too."

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DS: Okay, In my opinoin I thought it was kinda sweet but a little corny. I got this from watching one of my cousin's sappy love movies that she forced me to watch. So, what do YOU guys think? I don't get a lot a reviews for my stories and it makes me wonder if I'm doing bad. It makes me sad. ~_~ Please review, that's all I ask. Constructive critisism is greatfully accepted. Later and happy holidays!

Meri Kurisumasu: Means Merry Christmas in Japanese If I remember correctly.