Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight at the Lost and Found ❯ Loyalty ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters thus associated with it. The title for this story is from a Meat Loaf song, all right? I know, not original, but it suited my rough plans for this fic.

Author's Note: All right, readers. I still only have 4 reviews, but I'm going to post this anyhow. Oh, and I had to go back and replace Chapter Three because none of the mind speech was showing up. It's there now, so hopefully the chapter will make a little more sense. I apologize, but I just now noticed it, and made corrections right away. Also, the Kokoryuha is Japanese for Hiei's Black Dragon Wave, in case anybody's interested. Anyhow, please enjoy this chapter.

Chapter Four: Loyalty

Yusuke was thrilled. Not only was he free of that place, but they had been called off the mission. Apparently all the souls had surprisingly returned to the Reikai, already sorted where they were supposed to go. Koenma had no explanation to give them, and Yusuke refused to divulge any more information on the subject.

He had, of course, told the others about the tests. Kurama had paled upon mention of Karasu- - when Yusuke called him on it, he had admitted that he had heard him when he warned them of the second test, but couldn't quite bring himself to believe that the sadistic bastard was back.

In turn, the others told him of what had happened while he was behind the barrier. Not much, really- - other than when he had called out to Kurama for his help. Apparently, the kitsune had never before done that with anybody. It was altogether too intimate, once one stopped to think about it.

Yusuke found the third test to be the most disturbing and thought-provoking. It had been Kuwabara who explained about the mental test they had gone through. It had felt like someone was probing around their souls, trying to sort the out and get a complete picture, like a jigsaw puzzle. However, everything the hand that guided the test looked at centered around Yusuke. It appeared to be a test of friendship or loyalty or something of the sort.

This worried Yusuke, although he didn't let it show. He hadn't told them that he'd be called back to aid the robed figures at some point in time, but now he was seriously reevaluating his decision. The only reason he could think of for the beings that had tested him to seek out the loyalty and respect the others had for him was if they too were going to be dragged into the fight, or whatever it was that he would have to do.

This frightened him. What if he got the others killed? He had always been worried that they'd die on one of their missions, but never before had he felt so directly responsible for their well-being. After all, if they had held no loyalty- - or only a minimum of respect- - then they wouldn't have been dragged into his mess. K'so!

Apparently even Hiei was loyal to him- - as loyal as he was to anybody, even his mate. He already knew that the two youkai respected him, but had not realized just how deep their admiration went.

And that frightened him. Nobody should respect him so much that they'd willingly die just to give him a chance at survival. Especially not a thousand year old youko and a Forbidden Child with the Kokoryuha at his command. He just wasn't worth it. He was reckless and irresponsible, and he knew it. It was quite likely that he wouldn't live to see thirty.

Sighing, Yusuke trudged into his apartment, ignoring his mother's rants about where he'd been and why hadn't he cleaned his room? Reaching his bedroom, he flopped down and let his exhaustion, both physically and emotionally, pull him under. He dreamed.

~~~Dream Sequence~~~

He was running through the forest in the dead of the night, panting heavily, his limbs throbbing with each new step and stinging at each new jump he forced himself to make. He had no time to try and work out the cramps in his side and legs. If he so much as slowed down, it would get him.

Yusuke didn't know what `it' was, only that if he was caught, he would die, or wish he had. Bolting through the forest, dodging around trees and leaping over fallen logs, he ran for safety. He knew it was there, just beyond his reach, always beyond his reach. Nonetheless he struggled on, forcing his exhausted body to keep running, calling on all the endurance his demon heritage had given him to keep moving away from the thing that was hunting him.

He never even saw the log that tripped him and sent him sprawling to the ground, face down in the forest floor. Panicking, he struggled to his feet, only to be bowled over from behind by the hunter. The creature quickly pinned him down on his back, snarling at him. He couldn't make out its face………he never could. All he saw were the blazing golden eyes that spoke of keen intelligence and overwhelming bloodlust.

Eyes lighting in triumph, the beast lowered its head, intent on tearing out his throat. Yusuke closed his eyes, defeated. He had run this path before. Every night he ran, and every night the creature gave chase. This was the first time that it had caught him. Always before he had reached the safety of the waking world, leaving the forest and its sole inhabitant behind him.

Without warning, he felt the pressure of the monster pull away from him. Uncertain of what was going on, but not feeling the need to question it until he was back on his feet, Yusuke quickly rolled and rose, coming to rest in a defensive crouch and calling forward his Spirit Gun. From the light of his Rei Gun, he saw the reason for the monster's sudden removal.

Hiei and Kurama were both there, battling the creature. The redhead currently had the beast twisting and snapping at the thorny vines that held him while Hiei prepared to call forth his Dragon. Not wanting to be left out, Yusuke waited until Hiei looked over at him and nodded, then grinned and prepared his attack.

As Hiei released the Kokoryuha, Yusuke released his Rei Gun and combined it with the Black Dragon as it rushed towards the monster. Shrieking its dismay, the monster's eyes locked with Yusuke, letting him know that this wasn't over. Then he simply vanished, the vines that had bound him falling limply to the ground and the Dragon/Rei Gun combination attack destroying the forest around them.

When the forest fell silent once again, the three friends looked at each other. "Do you have this dream often?" asked Kurama, the amusement in his voice barely concealing the worry behind them. Yusuke just nodded and murmured, "Every night for the past year. But until tonight, I've always made it to safety on my own before that thing caught up to me." There was none of the confidence in his voice that usually characterized the raven-haired leader, he didn't have the strength for it.

Kurama was still looking at him, concerned, but he just nodded. "All right, but we're coming to visit you in the morning, okay?" Hiei didn't protest this, just kept staring at him, crimson eyes filled with worry for his friend and leader. Yusuke just nodded, too tired to say anything, and slowly the dreamworld faded around him.

~~End Dream Sequence~~

Yusuke groaned as he woke up, and immediately buried his head back under his pillow. He was exhausted, and all because of a stupid dream. For a long while, his demon blood had helped him to cope with the added strain, not to mention that the missions had been practically nonexistent, and when they did come up, they were usually quickly and easily accomplished.

Hearing a knock on the door, he sat up abruptly, sleep forgotten as he remembered the end of the dream. "We're coming to visit you tomorrow morning," Kurama had said. Dammit all to hell! This was just not his day. Sighing, he slid out of bed and stumbled down the steps to open the front door before they managed to wake up his mother, who was probably dealing with a hangover right now.

He didn't even realize that he was still clad in only his boxers until Kurama laughed at him, mirth evident in his vivid emerald eyes. Even Hiei had a comment on his state of dress, snorting in amusement. Yusuke just scowled at them before trudging back upstairs to slip on some jeans and a t-shirt.

When he entered the kitchen, the fox thief was sitting at the table, watching him but not yet speaking. Hiei was over by the window, staring out it, but he too turned to face Yusuke when he entered the room. The object of their attention flushed lightly and shifted. "I take it you're both here because you had the same dream as me last night?"

Hiei shrugged and said simply, "Not the same." When Yusuke just looked at him inquiringly, Kurama clarified for him. "What he means is that we sensed you were in danger in the dream and came to help, but we were not being chased ourselves. Not to mention that this is the first time we've ever had such a dream."

Yusuke sighed and slumped down into one of the chairs, leaning his head back and staring up at the ceiling. He then proceeded to tell them about the dreams- - their frequency, and the events that occurred in them, and then the variation between the other ones and this particular one. When he was done, he fell silent and waited for one of the others to speak.

"Hmm………I wonder why last night's was so different?" Kurama mused to himself. Yusuke snorted indelicately, catching both his friends' attention. "Baka. It's simply an extension of the test you guys had at the Lost and Found. You all came after me and helped me, even in my dreams, and so once again proved that you're loyal to me. Before, it was me relying on myself, but after the tests we went through, I realized that it was okay for me to rely on the two of you as well, which I think is why the beast managed to tackle me last night."

The others just nodded and silence once again fell throughout the kitchen. It was the fire demon that finally asked the question on everybody's mind: "If they're testing our loyalty to Yusuke, they obviously want us for something. But what?" And to that, there was no answer.

Author's Note: I'm done another chapter. Yay! Anyhow, review please. I really do appreciate them, and oftentimes they help decide where I'm taking this story next. I write whenever I get the inspiration to do so, and the encouragement, so please review. Thank you!