Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Wings ❯ A Dream ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N Part 1: Hello. This is my first fic here, so please R&R. The characters may seem a little OOC(Out Of Character). Well, make that a lot OOC at times. I hope you enjoy. Rated for the language and content, including suggestive dialog. But the rating may change in the future.

P.S. ' ' = Someone thinking

* * = Pictures in someone's mind

Disclaimers: I don't own YYH, I only own Kali. If you care to use her in a story, please write to me at chrono_shadows@hotmail.com and ask.

Midnight Wings

Ch.1- A Dream

The embers were slowly dieing as a small shadow whisked over to an already occupied sleeping bag.

"What are you doing?! What if someone wakes up?!" a red haired, 17 year old male asked.

"I'm to horny to care." a short, black haired male replied.

"But Hiei! So many people!" the red head exclaimed.

"Oh, c'mon Kurama! No one's gonna wake up!" Hiei, the black haired male, exagerated.

"But...!" Kurama started, but was cut off by Hiei's mouth on his.

A soft rustling could be seen and barely heard from the sleeping bag next to the one occupied by Kurama and Hiei.

"Oh no, there they go..." a soft female's voicefrom the sleeping bag whispered.

Over the next half of an hour, soft whimpers and slurping noises, and once a small yelp, could be heard from the doubley occupied sleeping bag. Once durring this time, a black haired boy names Yusuke awoke, got a drink, and fell back asleep.

After everything was silent again, Hiei quickly and quietly slipped bak into his own sleeping bag and after a few minutes, was fast asleep.

Kurama, on the other hand, was wide awake and staring at the stars. A young girls' head silently poked out of the sleeping bag next to that of Kurama's. The girl then quietly positioned herself so that she was on her back and had her hands behind her head, as if they were a pillow.

"Hey, Kurama...?" the girl said suddenly, startling Kurama, as she pushed her long black hair behind her ears.

"Kali?! You're awake?" Kurama questioned.

"Yes, i'm awake..."the black haired girl replied.

"How long have you been up?!" Kurama asked.

"All night..." Kali half whispered.

'Oh god...!'Kurama thought to himself as he started to blush.

Getting out of her sleeping bag, Kali grabbed a large stick, walked over to the fire and sat in front of it, while stoking it. Her dark blue tank top and black shorts were sticking to her skinny frame from all of the heat. Kurama then got out off his sleeping bag as well, got a soda for himself and a water for Kali, and joined her by the fire. Kurama was no longer wearing a shirt, for Hiei was now wearing it, and his white pants were sticking to him as well his now sweat soaked hair.

"So what was it you wanted to ask me?" Kurama questioned, handing the water to Kali and sitting down next to her.

"Oh it's nothing. Never mind..."replied Kali as she took the water from Kurama.

"Okay...!" Kurama exclaimed. He then opened his soda and took a long drink. As he did so, Kali looked towards him and noticed a bead of sweat runnimg down his chest. She shivered.

Kali replied with a simple, "Uh huh." She then began to driink some water. As soon as Kurama stopped drinking his soda, he looked over at Kali and saw a water drop spill over her lips, down her neck, and disappear under her tank top. Kurama got the sudden impulse to go chasing after the fugitive drop of water.

'What the hell are you thinking, numb skull?! You're with Hiei, remember?!' Kurama almost thought aloud.

'You idiot! You know he's with Hiei! Why are you looking at him like that?!' Kali thought to herself as she brought the water bottle down from her mouth. She started blushing as she thought, "But he's just so cute!"

"Hey, um, Kurama...?" Kali half whispered, praying he hadn't heard her.

"Yes?" He had...

"Well, uh, I was woundering..." Kali continued.


"Well, have you ever been with anyone besides Hiei?" Kali asked.

"Well that's a very personal question, "Kurama replied.

"I know. I'm sorry. You don't have to answer," explained Kali, lowering her head.


"No what?" Kali wondered, facing Kurama.

"No, I've never been with anyone but Hiei," replied Kurama as he turned and looked at the angelic looking Hiei and smiled. "He's the only one. And will probably be the only one."

"Oh." It was the only thing Kali could say.

"Have you ever been with anyone?" Kurama questioned.

"Who, me?! Oh, god, no..." Kali replied.

"Why not? You're a nice enough girl." exclaimed Kurama as he turned back to face the fire.

"You really think so?" Kali asked, taking another drink of water.

"Yes, I do," said Kurama.

"But what's so special about Hiei?" questioned Kali.

Just as Kurama opened his mouth to reply, Yusuke began to stir as if he were about to wake up again. So instead, Kurama replied, "It's getting late. We should get some sleep."

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Kali sighed in a dissappointed tone.

Finishing thier drinks, Kali and Kurama slowly made thier ways back to their sleeping bags. Climbing into her sleeping bag, Kali thought to herself, 'Wow... He really thinks I'm nice! Wait a second... Me? Nice?! Ha! That's a laugh!'

'She really is nice. A little nosey, but still. And she's beautiful too...' Kurama caught himself thinking.

They both spent the time until sleep came looking up at the stars. But just before either of them fell asleep, they each looked at the other and smiled shyly. Then sleep clamed them.


The next morning, all but three of the seven people were asleep. Keiko, Boton, and Kuwabara were up and sitting around the fire, eating the pancakes they had just made, in silence. Yusuke then got up and joined them by the fire. Taking the plate of pancakes form Keiko, Yusuke began telling them about how he was woken up in the middle of the night by Hiei and Kurama. But before he could finish his "lovely" story, Hiei awoke and joined them as well, but instead of taking the pancakes handed to him by Kuwabara, he began making himself some steak and eggs. As people guaked at him, Kurama also proceeded to join them. Taking the food Hiei handed him, they both began to eat silently.

It was about another ten minutes until Kali finally awoke and joined them. After grabbing a blanket and wrapped it around herself, Kali checked the watch around her wrist and it mearly read 10:37. On her way to the fire, Kali stopped and got a bottle of water from the half filled cooler. Sitting in front of the fire, Kali refused the plate of pancakes Boton handed to her.

"No thanks. I'm not hungry," exclaimed Kali as she rubbed her half open, dark green eyes.

"Kali, you need to eat something!" Boton persisted.

"No really. I'm fi..." Kali began. But before she could finish, she fainted backwards off of the rock she was sitting on, spilling water all over herself. Kurama, being the closest person sitting to her, was just able to catch Kali before her head hit the ground.

Hiei sarcastically remarked, "That's what happens when you live on only water for a week." Everyone glared at him.

When Kali awoke about an hour later, she was shocked to find herself in Kurama's arms being carried down the mountain to which then had been camping on for the past week durring their christmas vacation. Not wanting to be put down, Kali continued to act as if she were asleep. When they reached the foot of the mountain, Kurama's mother was there, waiting to bring them all home. Seeing Kali in her son's arms, she raced to the group to see if she was alright.

"Shuuichi, is she okay?" Kurama's mother asked quickly.

"Yes, mother. She is fine. She just fainted." replied Kurama.

"Shuuichi? I thought his name was Kurama!" Boton whispered to Yusuke.

"Okay, Shuuichi. Just put her up in front," his mother exclaimed. As instructed, Kurama placed Kali in the front seat of a dark grey van, next to his mother. Everyone else then placed thier things in the trunk and piled into the back seats.

Over the four hour trip home, no one talked much. After making sure eevryone was asleep, Kali finally opened her eyes and acted as if she were just waking up.

"Oh good! You're up! I thought I might have to take you to the hospital!" Kurama's mother half whispered happily.

"Where are me?" Kali yawned softly.

"We're a few hours from home. Are you feeling any better?" Shuuichi's mother quietly explained.

"Yes, thank you..." replied Kali.

Over the next two hours, Kali and Kurama's mother talked of things like school, family, and work. Then it cam up...

"So, Kali, do you have a boyfriend?" the driver asked.

"Me...? No... No one would want to go out with me..." Kali exclaimed, blushing.

"But what about those guys?" Kurama's mother questioned, juesturing to the boys in the back seats.

"Well, let's see... Yusuke is with Keiko, Kuwabara's just a freak and he's all ga-ga over Yukina and Boton, and Hiei just doesn't like much of anyone," Kali explained, racking off names on her fingers.

"But what about my Shuuichi?" his mother asked.

Kali blushed at the mention of Kurama's family name, then replied, "Well, I don't know... I don't really think he'd be into someone like me... He's so nice and all, but I think he's already with someone..." She said this as not to tell his mother that Kurama and Hiei are together.

"But boy he's cute..." Kali thought aloud.

"So you do like him...!" Kurama's mother exclaimed.

Kali blushed maroon when she realized what she had said. "Well, um, yeah... But like I said, I think he's already taken..." she said.

"Oh dear... I'm sorry..."

Kali then turned around in her seat to look at the sleeping group. And when she looked at Kurama's face, she could have sworn he was hiding a smile.

Just then, Hiei, who was leaning up against a window, began to stir, about to wake up. Kali, turning back around in her seat, quickly and quietly explained to Kurama's mother, "Please don't let them know I'm awake! I don't want to cause a fuss!"

"Okay, I understand." replied the driver.

Kali then quietly shifted herself into the position she had been placed into the automobile in. Everyone was awake withing the next 10 minutes. Soon afterwards, Yusuke and Boton were dropped off at Yusuke's house.

Over the next half hour, the last three people were dropped off in the order of Kuwabara, Keiko, and Hiei. The last person to bring home was the still "sleeping" Kali.


When they arrived at Kali's house, she was still acting as if she were sound asleep.

"Shuuichi, why don't you bring her inside? It would be a shame to wake her now," his mother suggested.

"Yes mother," Kurama replied.


"Yes, mother?"

"Why don't you stay here until her parents come home? I'll go home and unpack your things. It wouldn't be right to leave her here alone." his mother explained.

"Um... Okay, mother..." he replied.

Kurama then got out of the van and got Kali out of the front seat while his mother got her trunk out ogf the trunk. They both then carried the items in their hands into Kali's house. His mother placed her trunk on the floor of her room while Kurama layed Kali on their living room couch.

Kissing her son on the forhead, Kurama's mother said good bye and left for home. Kurama then got some pillows and blankets from the hall closet and made Kali comfertable while making a bed for himself on the floor. "This is just great... Kali said her parents were on vacation and wouldn't be back until tomorrow! This means I'm gonna be here over-night..." Kurama thought aloud.

"But I don't know why I have to stay... I heard her talking to my mother in the car and I'm sure she's just pretending to sleep now..."

But in fact, not but five minutes before they reached her house, Kali had fallen asleep in the van and was now dreaming of, who else, Kurama.

Helping himself to the kitchen, Kurama got himself a soda and a glass of water for Kali when she, as Kurama thought, gave up her "act".


"So she does like me... Well, she is beautiful... And nice... And kind hearted..." Kurama thought aloud again. By this time he had realized Kali wasn't faking. "My god, man! What are you thinking?! You're with Hiei! Hiei's the love of your life! And you're here day dreaming about a girl you barely even know! Right in front of her!"

Over the next few hours, Kurama read his book, which was kept in his jacket pocket, utnil well after nightfall. By the time he read the clock, it read midnight. So Kurama got out of the chair he was sitting in, and went into the bathroom and stripped down to his undershirt and boxers.

Placing his folded clothes on the seat he had been sitting in, Kurama walked back into the living room, turned off the light, and crawled under the blanket on the floor, which was to be his bed for the night.

Not but five minutes later, Kurama was sound asleep, dreaming of his mother and deceased father. But ten minutes after this, the sleeping Kali finally awoke from her dreams in a cold sweat. For in her dream, she had been in the car with her parents on their vacation in Hawii...

*Kali was in the front seat of the automobile with her father and her mother was in the back seat behing Kali's father. Suddenly, there was a bright light. Then everything went black. Once she could see, Kali began screaming when she looked down to see the chared and melted bodies of her parents and herself. They were no longer in the car. Insead, the three bodies were in the road and there were doctors and policemen everywhere. The car, which was on the other side of the road, was in flames as fire fighters tried desperatly to put it out. As Kali looked on, herself and her parents were placed in body bags and place into a near by ambulance. A near by police man told another that the driver of the other vehicle had been drunk, but he had survived. Kali, unable to controle her body, then started running towards the burning car, strait into the flames. As Kali reached the automobile, everything went black.*

Kali then quietly got up and made her way to the bathroom. When she returned from vomiting in the toilet five minutes later, Kali walked into the dark living room and tripped over the sleeping Kurama's head on her way back to the couch. Within seconds, Kurama was wide awake and standing up, holding Kali in a head lock, about to snap her neck. When he realized who it was, Kurama quickly let go of Kali's head.

Coughing from the lack of air, Kali stammered over to the light and turned it on with one hand as her other covered her neck. Kali covered her eyes with her free hand, still coughing, as the room was suddenly illuminated. Once her eyes adjusted, Kali looked into the middle of the room, saw the half naked Kurama, and gasped. Kali was sweating in her dark blue tank top and black shorts from the night before.

"What are you doing here?! You scared me half to death, after you almost killed me!" Kali half shouted.

"My mother asked me to stay here and watch over you until your parents got home. But she didn't know that they weren't comming back until tomorrow, actually, make that later today," Kurama explained calmly as he sat on the couch Kali had been sleeping on.

"Well, you didn't have to..." Kali replied.

She then sat down on the couch next to Kurama. They sat in silence for the next fifteen minutes, thinking of how much the liked eachother. They then faced eachother at the same time and were looking into eachother's eyes. Slowly and silently, they began to lean towards eachother, closing their eyes slowly. But when they were a meager 1/4th of an inch from eachother's lips, the phone suddenly rang!

Snapping back to reality, Kurama exclaimed, "You should get that. I'm going to go get dressed." He said this as he puled his head back and stood up.

"Yeah, you go do that..." Kali half whispered, lowering her head.

Kurama walked into the bathroom and began dressing as Kali went and answered the phone.

"Who would be calling this late?" Kali thought aloud just as she picked up the reciever off of the kitchen wall. "Hello?" she asked.

"Hello. Is this Kali Furuhata?" a male's voice asked.

"Yes, it is," Kali replied.

"Miss Furuhata, I'm afraid I have some bad news... There's been an accident... Your parents were in it... I'm afraid they didn't survive..." the man explained.

Unable to reply, Kali dropped the reciever to the floor, the cord dangeling.

"Kali? What's wrong?" Kurama asked as he walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed, just in time to see Kali drop the phone and fall into a heap on the floor, sobbing uncontrolbly.

"It's...it's...muh...my...p-par-rents...!" Kali stammered between sobs.

Picking up the reciever from the floor and speaking into it, Kurama asked, "Who is this?!"

"This is the Hawiian Police Department. Who is this?! Are you related to Miss Furuhata?" the male asked.

Thinking fast, Kurama replied, "Yes. I'm her step brother. Why are you calling?"

"Well, Mr. Furuhata, I'm afraid that your parents have been killed in a car accident... We will notify your local police department and they will take it from there. Although it may not help, have a goodnight," the officer explained and hang up.

"Oh, Kali... I'm so sorry..." Kurama exclaimed as he hung up the phone. He then bent down on the floor beside Kali and hugged her. They remained that way until daybreak.


A/N Part 2: Okay all! That's all of chapter one! Please review and tell me what you think! This is my first fic, so please don't be too harsh.^_^;

I'd like to send a special thanks out to my sisters for getting me into this series, and my friend Caset for telling me about this site. Okay, enough outta me! Please review! So until next time,
