Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Links ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mind Links
- Chapter 4 -
"So, where do you want to talk?"
Kurama suggested the nearby restaurant. It wasn't really a sit-in place as much as it was a little food booth on the street. Keiko agreed.
They walked mostly in companionable silence. Once at the booth they ordered a couple of drinks and headed on toward the park. Keiko sipped at flavored coffee as they sat themselves upon a sturdy wooden bench.
"Keiko, you remember this morning when we were talking about the peaches? I kind of need to confess something . . ." Kurama began hesitantly.
Keiko looked over attentively, "Yeah? What is it, Kurama?"
"I smelled peaches this morning." He sighed.
Keiko stiffened as an image of peach scented body wash flashed in her mind. "Wh-what do you mean?" She asked the question, but somewhere deep inside she feared she already knew the answer.
"Exactly what I said,” Kurama replied, looking directly at her. “I smelled peaches this morning, and it wasn't coming from me."
Keiko averted her eyes from his, a blush rising to her cheeks. "Where do you think it was coming from then?" She whispered, not wanting to jump to conclusions.
Noting her blush, and her overall tension, Kurama replied, "I think it was coming from you."
Gasping, Keiko's gaze darted back to Kurama. "But that's impossible!" She exclaimed. "I mean, if you could smell my body wash then that means..." She trailed off as she saw the look in Kurama's eyes.
He nodded. "It's going beyond thoughts. We need to try and anticipate what will happen. This link seems to be getting stronger, not weaker. It could come to a peak and then die away completely, or it could last for a very long time. I don't know, and Youko's not too much help in this instance either. We're just glad that it's not dangerous, just, ah, interesting."
Keiko bit her bottom lip, a sure sign she was beginning to get worried, “But I haven't smelled anything unusual… not yet, at least. What are we going to do, Kurama?”
Kurama studied Keiko, wondering how he could reassure her, "I got a much larger dosage of the blood than you did, Keiko, it's possible that only I will feel the additional side effects, or you could develop them, but later. As for what are we going to do?" He sighed, "I'm not sure what can be done exactly. At the moment, all we can do is cope as best we can. Youko and I will continue to search for a cure, but I am not terribly hopeful at the moment. Youko likes this and is being a bit obstinate about the whole thing."
~Hey, I resemble that remark, I'll have you know!~
Youko's outburst had a positive effect; Keiko laughed. Her worry faded in light of the good humor and she sighed. "I suppose coping will be the least of our worries I guess. I'm just wondering what we're going to tell Yusuke and the others."
Kurama gave her a chuckle of his own, "We shall have to look for a solution to this if it starts to get dangerous, in the meantime coping is the best option as some of the solutions could be hazardous to you and possibly me as well. As for what to tell the others?" He shrugged. "I wish that I could answer that, Keiko. Do we have to tell them anything? Hiei might notice, but I doubt the others would. And that's only because he's telepathic."
Keiko looked thoughtful, "I guess not. I mean, I've kind of gotten used to hearing you in my head, and as long as Youko doesn't say anything too outrageous, I can deal. So, unless someone notices and mentions anything, I'm not saying a word."
"Besides,” Kurama added, “I shudder to think of what someone's sense of humor would do with this. Hiei will ignore it for the most part."
Once agreed upon, the couple finished their drinks and deposited the empty cups in a nearby garbage can. Keiko picked up her school books and looked to Kurama. “Well, I need to be getting home. I have some homework to do as I'm sure you do as well.” She eyed the book satchel slung over the red head's shoulder.
Kurama also nodded and with a final farewell, they parted ways. Kurama expected the rest of the day, with the exception of Keiko's added presence to his mental companions, to be quite normal. His homework was the general run of the mill assignments, pages of pages of reading and the practice problems. He had one report for his literature class.
He stopped, turning toward the voice he recognized at once as Hiei. The fire apparition leapt down smoothly from a tree and proceeded toward him.
"I saw you with the Detective's woman."
He said it like it was an accusation.
"Keiko and Yusuke are not dating. So why should that matter?" Kurama asked.
~Maybe he's jealous. When have we ever seen Hiei talk to a girl?~
Keiko's voice echoed in Kurama's mind. 'Hiei jealous? That's definitely a weird thought.'
Hiei almost seemed to jolt at the unexpected mental voice. "There's a girl in your head," He stated bluntly.
~Quite astute of you, Hiei,~ Youko responded. ~Now, tell us, which girl is it?~
Hiei glared in Kurama's direction before concentrating, trying to figure out if he were acquainted with anyone whose voice sounded like the voice he'd just heard.
'You mean he can hear me too? Great...'
"The detective's girl!" Hiei's eyes widened enough to be comical and Youko took delight in it.
~First guess he gets it and you don't think he could be jealous?~ Youko quipped.
Keiko's giggle came again. 'Once again, your ego astounds me Youko. Not everyone wants you, you know.'
Kurama smiled. Actually, Keiko, I believe Youko was referring to Hiei wanting you, not us, Shuichi responded.
~Quite so, although I disagree. No one has ever rejected my attentions before.~
`Wh-what!?' The mental exclamation came and Kurama wondered just how red Keiko's face was at that moment.
Hiei, on the other hand, remained silent and continued to glare up at the fox. "That isn't funny, Kurama."
Kurama just smiled a little more.
"How has this happened?" Hiei asked, face impassive. "The last I was aware, she was not telepathic."
"She isn't. You might say she's borrowing power at the moment."
Hiei looked at him with something akin to displeasure. "Borrowing from who?"
"I'm unsure at the moment. Maybe me, or it could be the demon that was slain on our last encounter that is the culprit. Perhaps he was telepathic and she is drawing on the residue of his power. For the moment, all we know for certain is that I can hear her thoughts and she in turn can hear mine, or rather, mine and Youko's." Kurama replied.
~And possibly yours directed at us, who knows where the bounds of her growing abilities will cut off. I'm certainly having fun with it,~ Youko responded.
"Your brand of fun is usually pitiable for someone else," Hiei replied.
Kurama grinned. "Actually it isn't that bad. We're getting along well."
Hiei looked skeptical.
Kurama felt a sudden mental jolt and realized it was Keiko. She was surprised. 'Do you really think I'd be able to hear Hiei?'
Kurama tilted his head to the side. It's worth a shot, wouldn't you say, Hiei' He sent the message to Hiei as he replied to Keiko's question.
Hiei stared at him a moment. <I think you ought to set about correcting this immediately.>
Keiko gasped. 'Oh! I can hear him! Wait?! Does that mean we can fix it? Does he know how?'
~Have you heard of these cases before, Hiei?~ Youko asked, not at all surprised Keiko's abilities were expanding, as it seemed.
<Yes, I've heard of it. It's happened before, sometimes it was permanent, other times not. It depended on the time of treatment, the sooner the better.>
'What exactly did 'treatment', consist of?' Keiko asked hesitantly.
<A highly sulfuric mineral bath.>
That would be highly dangerous, Shuichi noted.
Hiei shrugged.
'Sulfric...? Ewww... Um... there wouldn't happen to be another way?' Keiko's mental voice quivered.
Hiei's reply was less than reassuring. <Hn, I seriously doubt it.>
It is still worth a shot though, if you wouldn't mind lending me your assistance Hiei? The fire demon wasn't sure, but he could have sworn there was a hint of pleading in the kitsune's voice.
Hiei glowered a moment as he thought it over before replying. <Fine, I'll help. But only so I might be able to converse with you without the threat of eavesdroppers.>
'Oh, well, I love you, too, Hiei.' Keiko's sarcastic reply caught the fire demon by surprise, causing him to gape.
Before either Youko or Hiei could respond to the off-comment, Shuichi saw fit to interfere. Well, I think we ought to plan on doing it tomorrow. Keiko and I have homework to do.
~How can you think of homework when she has just declared her love for another demon, Shuichi? Hiei must be dealt with immediately.~
Hiei tensed slightly at the serious tone of Youko's voice.
We don't have time for you to joke around, Youko. We have other things to do and you know perfectly well that Hiei doesn't want Keiko.
'Well, thank you, Shuichi,' Keiko noted bitterly.
I didn't mean it that way, Keiko, He tried to back peddle
'Oh, right... and just what did you mean, Mr. Suave?' Keiko's tone seemed to lighten a bit as she grew amused as to how he would answer. From the side, Hiei cocked an eyebrow as he too seemed curious to the kitsune's response.
I merely wished to prevent Youko from going off on a tangent and irritating Hiei and causing further delay, that's all. Truly.
~Are you thinking about homework again?~
The two demons, Youko and Hiei, both seemed to be smirking at him.
Keiko's giggle could be heard tinkling in both Kurama and Hiei's mind. 'No wonder your fan club gets nowhere with you.'
~Of course not, he's far too goal driven, he's a bore. Which is why I suggest you come over to enliven our barren existence. I have handcuffs, scarves, several lifetimes worth of ideas and just a great a number of females willing to participate and Shuichi insists we behave ourselves. ~
<Really and you wondered why other demons don't take the fox race seriously,> Hiei scoffed.
~Well, pardon me for being positively, absolutely and completely bored ever since I got here, Hiei! This is the most interesting thing to happen to us in several lifetimes.~Youko scoffed. ~Besides, we fox demons know how to please a female far more thoroughly than anything else out there! Do you even know what to dowith one?~
'I'm sure Hiei is perfectly skilled in that area, maybe ... um... well, what about that homework, hmm?' Keiko suggested.
Hiei's brows rose, <I decline to comment on my skills, or lack there of and get drawn into the fox's game. You mention homework, I shall leave you to it then.>
Yes, Shuichi spoke up, taking careful note of Youko's offended tone earlier We should get on that.
~Homework, homework, it's always homework! Can't we play hooky? Just once?~ Youko whined, bored to tears with the mundane life that he had to lead.
For the second time that day, a chorus of responses answered the fox spirit, only this time it was a trio instead of a duet as Hiei joined in. <'NO!'>
Youko yelled back, ~FINE!~ And then went completely silent on them.
'Well, what about this bath thing?' Keiko asked after a strained moment of silence.
Yes, tomorrow afternoon would be best as Keiko and I have class, Shuichi added.
<Impossible, if we go in the afternoon we'll never make it by nightfall.>
'I guess we don't have any choice then, tomorrow morning is okay with me,' Keiko said.
Behind them there was a rattling sound of movement. Kurama turned toward it as a man with a food cart drew by, the scent of food drifting past his nose.
'Mmmmm... I'm suddenly craving hot dogs! I'm getting a snack.'
Kurama blinked as Keiko's words registered. You… He choked, ...wouldn't happen to be smelling hotdogs, would you, Keiko? He asked, dreading the answer.
'Why, yes, I am... how odd.' She then gasped as something occurred to her. 'Kurama, you don't think that-'
Kurama nodded, even as he knew that she couldn't see him. Yes, Keiko, you smelled it from me.
"Hn. I'm going. I will meet you at our usual place tomorrow. Bring the girl with you."
With that, Hiei was gone, Youko was still being obstinately quiet and Shuichi still wasn't even halfway home.
Go to the print shop up two streets from your parents noodle house. I'll meet you there tomorow morning, Shuichi ordered.
'Um, okay,' She agreed.
Kurama started walking as Keiko seemed to drift off too. He wondered if his mother would be worried when he got in.