Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Links ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mind Links
- Chapter 9 -

“Very well. Let’s be off then.” He said, and in the next moment, they were gone, leaving the bedroom empty, the white curtains floating with the light breeze that drifted through the open window.


Hiei and Kurama sprinted through the wilds of the Makai, the taller demon cradling Keiko to his chest as they went. The grass beneath them was tall and it seemed to sway with a natural motion. Her body was pressed up close against his, minimizing the jarring of his leaps from branch to branch. She kept one arm curled about his neck, the hand fisted in the back of his shirt as her free hand held back the wayward strands of her hair so that she could see the passing scenery below. No words were spoken but that did not mean there wasn't a conversation going on.

'It's so beautiful, Kurama.' Keiko's mentally whispered words revealed to the kitsune her awe at the majesty of his home world. Kurama felt a surge of pride in his heart as he heard this and was sure that Keiko felt it too through their emotional link.

Thank you, Keiko. I am glad that you appreciate the beauty, but keep in mind that not all in this world is as tranquil as it appears. Kurama responded.

It was at this point that Hiei felt it necessary to step into the conversation. ~Yes. Small, weak humans, such as yourself are merely plant food around here.~ The fire demon hid a smirk at the audible gasp that emerged from the vicinity of Kurama's arms.

That was rather harsh, Hiei. Kurama scolded lightly as he cuddled Keiko closer to his body.

~Hn, harsh maybe, but true all the same.~ Hiei replied, glancing over at the kitsune who was easily keeping up with his swift pace. He could feel his own powers increasing and noticed that Kurama too was becoming more nimble as he ran longer and faster. It would seem that the very atmosphere of the demon's home world had a more than positive effect on its inhabitants.

They raced a little further, but the unexpected surge of several demonic auras caused Hiei and Kurama to come to a halt. They leapt in different directions right before a sudden explosion disintegrated the tree they had been previously perched on. Hiei landed a safe distance away from the debris and immediately withdrew his katana. Kurama also landed a safe distance away, placing Keiko on her feet as one hand went up to his hair to withdraw a rose. He unleashed his rose whip while he pushed Keiko behind him for protection.

Keiko cowered behind Kurama, not sure what to expect, but going by the vibes she was getting from him through their link, she was guessing they were in trouble. She glanced over to the side and saw Hiei. He stood in a fighting stance not quite twenty feet away from them. Her attention snapped back to Kurama when a sudden surge of… something, reached her through their link. Her eyes widened quite a bit when instead of crimson locks, strands of silver hair filled her vision as it flowed down the newly transformed Youko Kurama’s back.

‘Keiko. Stay close to me.’ The deeper voice of Youko filled her mind, causing an involuntary shiver to go through her and she nodded, drawing closer to the kitsune’s back.

Ahead, she spotted why they had stopped. There was a group of… youkai? They were short with odd brown ears propped atop their heads and light colored green eyes. One, near the front was wearing a red knit cap that resembled a sock.

“Smell it?” he rasped, presumably to the others.

“Food…” Another hissed back. “Girl food.”

Striped, bushy tails were twitching back and forth behind their little heads
. Keiko would have almost called them cute. Almost. However, after hearing them reference her in the category of food, that compliment was swiftly rethought.

“Hn, of course they would be after the girl.” Keiko heard Hiei mutter. She sent a glare his way. It wasn't her fault!

“Kuzuri demons. They may look cute and cuddly, Keiko, but rest assured they are infinitely vicious creatures.” Youko warned her as he keep a keen eye on the advancing youkai.

“Can I have her feet?” Another rasped, his ears twitching.

“Let’s eat now!”

The four of them leapt, abruptly, toward Youko. In response, Youko shifted just slightly drawing the vine whip up. The broad green leaves surrounding them began to twitch as if the earth beneath them was shaking. Youko grinned, his teeth glinting.

From the corner of her eye, Keiko saw a glint of steel accompanying a black blur as Hiei sprang into the fray. Keiko heeded Youko’s instructions on staying put and watched the fight take place. Or at least she tried to. The series of parries and attacks from both sides were a bit of a challenge to follow.

She saw and heard the snap of the vine whip. There was a spray of something crimson and a pungent odor filled the air. A breeze kicked up suddenly and she saw Youko’s hair swish and across the way from her he landed softly, his golden eyes seeming to exude satisfaction. She looked around, where was Hiei?

“Weak human.” She turned her head toward the voice and then, not seeing him, glanced up. Standing on a tree branch he was staring down, his eyes flickering over the battle site. “You may have gained some weak telepathy but your other senses are still as poor.”

Keiko huffed in offense, her eyes narrowing at him briefly before she was suddenly taken off guard when a pair of strong arms suddenly wrapped themselves around her waist and hoisted her back against the solid wall of muscle that was Youko's chest.

"Her senses may be poor compared to ours, but her range of sensations is delightful. Shall we try them out?"

"Hn," Hiei disregarded the fox's comment and leapt down from the tree, landing silently beside the two.

Keiko's cheeks were aflame from what Youko had suggested. To Hiei, no less! She began to wiggle in his grasp, wanting to be let go, but only succeeded in making the arms holding her tighten significantly around her. A sharp nip on the lobe of her ear made her quickly still her movements. One of the hands attached to the arms slipped down and Keiko squeaked as she felt a hand tweak her breast.

“We could teach him all about human sensation, couldn’t we, Keiko?” Youko murmured close to her ear, causing her already blazing cheeks to flush even deeper.

Youko! Do not handle her so rudely! Shuichi’s voice echoed reprimandingly in both kitsune and human’s mind, as well as Hiei’s, but was unfortunately ignored.

Youko did pause in his molesting of Keiko when Hiei stalked intently toward the carcasses of the demons and held out his unbandaged arm over the bodies. Keiko twisted to watch as a dark flame sprung up within his open palm and in a nonchalant motion, Hiei set the pile ablaze with the black flame. Turning on his heel, he returned to where Youko still stood with Keiko in his arms.

“Let’s go. Mukuro’s castle is still a ways away and I do not wish to encounter anymore annoyances today.”

Release her, Youko, we need to get this settled quickly. It is not safe for Keiko here, Shuichi chastised.

Youko tensed. “You doubt my ability to protect her?”

I hardly think she’s comfortable here knowing practically everything she touches can eat her.

“Eh! Everything?” Keiko murmured, glancing around.

Hiei scoffed, but it sounded distinctly amused.

Youko sighed in dejected resignation. "Oh, alright.”

“Then let’s go already before you have the girl in hysterics,” Hiei remarked, leaping ahead.

Youko gave Keiko one last little squeeze before bounding after the fire demon with Keiko clinging to his neck. The kitsune enjoyed the feel of her supple curves as they pressed into him with each jump and so he allowed his stride to become less graceful than it had prior to his transformation from human form to youkai to allow more friction between his body and hers. From within his arms he felt Keiko shift slightly.

“Ano… Youko?” She spoke into his chest.

He glanced down in time to meet her upward gaze. “Yes, yamaneko?” He asked, allowing a deep purr to enter his voice and vibrate through his chest, which he was sure she felt from where she was pressed against him.

“Aren’t you going to change back? To Shuichi, I mean.” She added, to clarify exactly what she meant. Though she knew that it was probably safer for them all if he were to stay in his youkai form, considering where they were, Keiko found that she couldn’t quite handle the subtle little squeezes and caresses that Youko’s hands kept making over her thigh and side where they held her in his arms. Plus, she kinda missed the redhead.

Youko chuckled, "Why, sweetling, when you know it is safer for us to travel this way? Are you getting," Here he paused, making sure to touch her in a way that caused her to squeak in surprise before he continued, "uncomfortable?"

Slightly ahead of them, Hiei turned his head back briefly as the sound Keiko had made reached his sensitive ears. “Something wrong with the girl?” Though his question was meant to be made out of concern, there was an amused smirk playing at his lips.

"I think there may be, Hiei, though I haven't the faintest idea what it could be.” Youko lamented. “Although, I believe that she is uncomfortable in the presence of one such as myself."

By this point Hiei was nearly double over in laughter, not at Youko's words but at the expression on the girl’s face, which was steadily becoming redder. Hiei had his doubts about it being embarrassment.

Keiko, caught by surprise at hearing anything short of a sinister chuckle from the dark haired demon, lost the urge to rant at Youko’s arrogance and instead twisted in the kitsune’s arms to stare wide-eyed at Hiei.

Keiko felt a smile form at the corner of her lips. 'So he can laugh.'

Hiei, quieting immediately upon hearing her thought echo through his mind, felt a blush come to his cheeks. Him laughing made her...happy? He turned away so that neither of them would see his face. “Hn. We’re close and it is almost nightfall. Let’s move.” He barked, before darting forward once again.

Youko chuckled as he began to sprint, falling in behind the fire demon. "Awwww. He's so adorable when he's embarrassed, don't you think, yamaneko?"

Keiko, deciding it would probably be best for both his health and her sanity, ignored him.


The Makai sun was just sinking below the horizon when the trio finally arrived at Mukuro’s stronghold. Hiei looked over his shoulder to find Youko cradling a sleeping Keiko in his arms and the two demons nodded to one another in silent agreement. They would need to allow Keiko time to rest before going to see the demoness.

Without saying a word, Hiei led them into the huge building and down a darkened hall. Youko peered about absently, scenting the air as he walked, cradling his precious cargo close to him.

Halfway down a hall, Hiei turned and pushed open a door. Youko glided past, welcoming himself. He took a moment to peer over the room and its elaborate décor, eyeing the large bed near one wall.

“Place her there.” Hiei said smoothly, indicating the piece of furniture with an absent wave of his hand.

Youko knelt onto the bed and gently placed Keiko amidst the crisp sheets and pulled the covering up, tucking her in snuggly.

Rising from the bed, the kitsune turned to find Hiei leaned against the wall, arms crossed as he watched them from the corner of his eyes.

“And where shall we sleep?” Youko smirked, glancing back at the peacefully slumbering Keiko. “Unless you intend for us to share…”

For a moment, it seemed as though the fire demon wouldn’t answer at all. “I have other things to do.”

Youko watched the smaller male drift toward the door and when his hand was upon the knob, he spoke. “I think she likes you.”

Hiei barely paused. “What she likes is of no interest to me. Don’t get my sheets dirty.”

With that, the moody fire demon stepped out of the room and Youko saw no need to go after him. Perhaps it was just as well to have Hiei away for a bit. He would need to lay down a few rules for Keiko while she was there and he feared she wouldn’t like it and Hiei could only antagonize things.

With a web-thin plan of action in mind, Youko crawled up onto the bed beside her and closed his eyes.


Hiei made his way down the hallway leading to Mukuro’s chamber, all the while trying to put Youko’s words to the back of his mind. What game did that blasted fox think he was playing? Why in the three worlds should he care whether the girl liked him or not.

Youko had always been the one who liked to bandy around with humans. His mouth twisted down into a frown. Movement from his peripheral vision drew his eye and he paused. The guards milling about Mukuro’s were a bit restless and that would only increase as the girl’s scent drifted down the corridors.

Humans in Mukuro’s castle were a rarity. It would be in everyone’s best interest to get their business concluded and the girl out of the castle as soon as possible. He started forward again. What would Mukuro say about a human girl in her home?

He supposed he was about to find out. With a sigh, Hiei stepped up to the demon guards.

“I wish to speak to Mukuro.” He sneered.

“Yes, sir!” One of the guards snapped a small salute before opening the door to allow Hiei entrance.

With a long-suffering sigh, Hiei entered the room in order to give Mukuro his report.
