Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Knowing you ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
DISCLAIMER- YYH not mine, Obsession by Animotion

"Ah, fate." I hum as I look at his form just lying on the bed so peacefully. Of all the cars that could have passed by that spot, it was his. I will admit this isn't my frist time doing this and it did take a while for me to get your pattern down. Ican't remember all the times I had to call the police to help some idoit who drove over the trap set for my Kurama. I was starting to get a bit impatient. I thought I would have to visit his mother again. I already been there several times already. She is such a wonderful women. I reach in my pocket and pull out the locket he gave to her for her birthday and open it up there is a picture of my soulmate and his mother inside and inscripted on the other side is 'To the only person I will love forever.' I play with the trinket tring to think of a way to remove her from the picture and replace it with myself. He might not understand right now but we do belong together. I knew this would happen. I just knew this, this perfect moment would be blessed apon me.

I kneel down beside the bed as grab his hand playing with his long slender fingers I can just image a ring on your finger. Slide my thumb and forefinger down his four finger. I take his hand and pull it close to my chest. "You feel that?" I whisper to him. "That my heart you own that." I gentle place his hand on his stomache then crawl closer to him. I place my head on his chest and listen to the slow steady music of his heartbeat and breathing.
" One day I will own yours." I mental slap myself.
"Enough day dreaming. There is work to be done." I scoff as I get up.

You are an obsession
I cannot sleep
I am your possession
Unopened at your feet
There's no balance
No equality
Be still I will not accept defeat

This place is a mess and I have about three hours before he wakes up. I walk around the room gathering up all my item and proceed to put them in a bag. Everything, not surprisingly, fits into one bag. I move to the bathroom and fill the bath tub up, checking the tempature it is very hot but I fiigure by the time we get in it should be perfect. Satisified I walk back.
"Well, no need to be modest now." I say as I remove his shirt and start undoing his pants. I neatly fold the clothes in pile on the bed before I begin the task of removing my own. I realize half way to the bathroom my angel is very heavy despite his apperance and end up practically dragging him the rest of the way. I notice the cute mole on the inside of his left thigh and the fact he is a naural red head. I finally reach the bathroom who knew dragging someone thirty-five feet would take so long. Thankfully the water has cooled just enough to be comfortable. I step one foot in and then pull him in before I unsteadily pull my other foot in.
"Shit" I mummble bumping my elbow against the wall. I seem to forgotten your ablity to stand up is momentarily suspended. I slide down into the tub most of the water manages to stay inside the tub but I know for a fact that I will need extra towels to clean up. I lean back and pull him back towards my chest. I just relax and enjoy his light scent and then tantilizing feeling of skin rubbing against mine. I sit up a bit to see the clock. 1:27 sneers at me.
"Damn." I curse lightly in his ear not wanting to lose the body to body contact we were sharing. However, it is much later than I thought and there was so much I wanted to do. I shimmy from behind him and angle myself so I could sit on the edge of the tub and being the wonderful task of washing his hair. I let the strands run through my fingers like white sand mesmorized by the color and texture. I gentle massage his whole scalp with my finger tip ever so often using my nails to give the scalp an invigorating scratch.

Your face appears again
I see the beauty there
But I see danger
Stranger beware
A circumstance
In your naked dreams
Your affection is not what it seems

He looks so peaceful just lying there like the angel that he is. His slightly damp hair hangs over his forehead almost covering his eyes. His body wraped in a soft white robe. I softly touch the tip of his nose with my finger nail grazing it slightly slowly moving it down to his lips, over his chin and onto his neck.
"Uughh" Kurama moans.
"Good morning my sweet." I say sitting on the egdg of the bed with one hand on his chest.
He blinks and unsteadily shakes his head. "Where..where am I?" He stammer for a second then he attempts to sit up. I gentle press him back with the hand still resting on his chest and place one figer to his lips.
"Hush now, you have had a long night and you need rest. You stay here alright and I will get us some thing to eat." I say getting up to leave but not before brushing his bang away to place a tender kissing his forehead. He looks at me strangely as if I wanted to do harm to him. I just smile and hope he understand.
"So, what are you in the mood for?" I call from the kitchenette around the corner. I can hear him struggling to get up. "Kurama?"
"Um yes, anything fine thank- you." He say as he continues to try to upright himself.
"Dear if you wanted to get up all you had to do is ask." I say walking back over with some juice. "I thought you might need this for your throat." I bring the straw to you mouth and marvel at the way his throat moves and bobs as he swallows.

My fantasy has turned to madness
And all my goodness
Has turned to badness
My need to possess you
Has consumed my soul
My life is trembling
I have no control

He looks around, I guess to get his bearings. "Who are you?" He finallly asks once his eyes settle back on my face.
"Nobody" I said with a hint of hurt in my voice I knew he was popular but I would think he could at least have some remeberance of me. Since I knew everything about him. The least he could have done was remember being introduced to me. I even asked him out at one point because I thought he was interested in me. I was a foolish youth.
"Ha" I laugh still deep in my thoughts. No matter that all in the past.

I walk over to the dresser and picked up a hypoderamic needle and plunged into a small vile of clear liquid. Pulling the plunger back the needle sucks up the contains. I can see him in the corner of my eye his shoulders are twicthing a bit more now. I up right the neeedle and get that pesky little air bubble out. I walk over to him. He giving me that look again.
I place one hand on his shoulder and tenderly say, "It's alright it will only sting for a moment." Then jab the needle into his arm while forceing half of the chemically modified novicane into his arm. He shivers as the icy liquid spread throuth his musscles relaxing them to a point of immobility. I remove my hand from his shouler and place it on his back and rub it before I go to his other side. He attempts to block me but I simple catch his hand in mid-atttack and kiss his palm, completely ignoring the trecherous glare he was giving me. Soon his left arm was as free hanging as the other one. I gentle place my hand on his chest and gentle push him back.
"What do you want?" he calmy says.
"Nothing, I already got what I want." I say holding back ninty percent of my emotions inside so that only a small smile appears on my face instead of me jumping around and screaming like a luntic high on pixie stix and espresso.

I feed you I drink you
My day and my night
I need you I need you
By sun or candlelight
You protest
You want to leave
Oh, there's no alternative

"I will escape you know." his tone is still pleasent but behind the gentleness is a sharp edge of determenation.
"Really?" I say wanted to see what he would do if I chanelleged him. He did exactly what I thought he would do he called apon one of his many plant to aid him. A shiver went up and down my spine just thinking of all the power he would have released if he actually had the seed on him. I was almost giddy when I opened my hand to show him all the seeds I had found on his body. He seemed shock for some reason.
"H...." he trys to speak
"I know everything about you. I know who you really are and what you do." I lean in closer and whisper,"I also know two more things."
"What?" he says bravely
"That you can't leave until I let you and you will be mine."