Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Behind the Scenes ❯ We Meet Again+The perfect girl=You ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Mission: Behind the Scenes


Ceres no Tennyo

CnT: Okay everyone this chapter is the one where we find characters to play the parts.

Chapter 1:We Meet Again+The perfect girl=You

Ayame sighed (that's me!) "Wassup Ayame?" asked Dark Jadi (that's his real name) coming over with some soda. "We haven't found the right girl yet and we need it soon!" she complained. "Yeah there have been so many different girls yet none are great." said Yusuke joining. "Yeah like that Kagome girl she didn't do very well because she needed to die and she doesn't like dying." said Jadi. "And then there was Maya who so wanted to be with Kurama but she was darn ugly!" shouted Ayame. "Yeah there doesn't seem to be anyone left." Yusuke said as the stage door opened. There you were the last girl who wished to try because you wanted an opportunity like this to happen and this might be your chance. "Yes?" they all asked at once. "May I try out? It seems that I'm the only one left." you said as you walked down the stage. "Sure give it a try." said Jadi who looked bored. "Hold it!" shouted Ayame. "We need Kurama to be here so he could see what would happen!" she called Hiei and Kurama to come over and to bring the baka over as well. After they came over she told you to start.

[after you did your part]

Ayame had a smile on her face, Jadi had a look of the sign that said, `She's the one' and the others clapped. "Congratulaions _________ you got the part!" Ayame ran up to you. "Yeah!" you shouted. The doors suddenly slammed open. "LIKE WHAT?!" shouted a voice. (I made Maya's voice speak like this.) Maya stormed up to you. "Like no way! You like got the part that like I was supposed to get! Like it's not fair! I like don't get to like be in the like show now!" she screamed. "Oh no Maya who told you that? Of course you get a part!" the other's gaped at Ayame. "Like I do? It's like gonna be like the one who like gets Shuuichi-kun like right?" she asked. "Like no! You get the part of like the girl who like dies at the like beginning that like nobody ever like heard of!" Ayame said in the same sissy voice that she did. "Like you're so like mean!" Maya ran out. "Like so long!" you and Ayame say waving. "Now let's get to the shooting!" Ayame led you to the wardrobe.

[In the wardrobe]

"Okay now here's what you wear in the fic!" Ayame handed you _____(whatever you want to wear)___. "Are you sure?" you ask. She nods. "Trust me." You change and look at yourself. "Hey Ayame? What's taking you so long?" you ask. "Oh nothing I just have to put on my elfish type ears." she said as you come over. "You know your dress looks like a wedding dress with tears at the bottom." you say looking at her dress. "Oh yeah there's a reason for that you'll find out later."


Kurama and the gang were waiting for you and Ayame to get done so they could start shooting. You both came out and met with the gang. Jadi said, "Okay the set is gonna be sometimes in real life and some won't be. Okay now here we go… Take one. Action!"

[20 takes later]

Ayame, Jadi, and you looked very irritated. Ayame got very mad and got the mega-phone out. "OKAY YOU LOSERS!!! YUSUKE YOU HAVE TO ACT SAD!! KUWABARA JUST ACT LIKE YOUR NORMAL SELF AND SAY YOUR LINES!!! HOW LONG CAN IT TAKE TO DO JUST ONE TINY SCENE!!???" Ayame shouted as the demons plugged their ears and Yusuke and Kuwabara flew back because of the force. "Okay…

^ ^;;; umm…Take 21. Action!" Jadi said.

[end of the day]

"Okay cast that's enough for today even though we only got 2 scenes done." Ayame told the cast. You got up in your pjs. "How did you put that on?" asked Ayame. "Oh when you shouted at the two boys I knew we wouldn't get far." you say as you go to your room near the set. Jadi looked at the time. 12:00 a.m. Jadi sighed. "Well we may as well just go to sleep as well. "Goodnight!" shouted Ayame and fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow after changing out of her dress.

[next day]

You woke up early and decided to go outside to eat something. You got yourself a donut and some water and started to eat. "Hey you wake up early too?" asked a voice that you recognized as Kurama's. "Yeah it's a habit." you say looking up at him. He chuckled. Little did you know that Ayame was taping every bit of it. `Hmmm.' she thought. `Maybe they might get together in real life to!' she thought mischieviously. "Good morning Townsville!" shouted Dark Jadi bursting through the doors. Ayame growled. "Leave it up to him to ruin precious moments." she muttered. She went through the back doors and followed through the same doors as Jadi. "Jadi what did you watch this morning?" she asked annoyed. "The Powerpuff Girls!" he said doing a pose. Ayame sweatdropped. "What is going on here?" asked a yawning Yusuke. "Oh nothing just the usual Yusuke." answered Jadi running around. "Okay who the heck gave him sugar this morning?" asked Ayame looking at the boys and you. "Huh oh Kuwabaka did." Yusuke said still half asleep. Ayame came up to the baka and hit his head with a hammer. "That's much better!" she went to the dressing room and got out. She was in the same dress she wore yesterday. Her dark blue hair put down and her green eyes sparkled. "This is gonna be fun!" she chirped. "Okay everybody! On set in positions? Okay ready? Take 1 Action!" Jadi shouted as you and the crew came on the set. The guy who played Koshu came up. He said his line and did his move even though nothing would come out. Kurama raised up his arms and you went on set. A light went on so they would know where to put the special effect and Ayame added the surreal sound to your voice. The actors did a very good job of acting shocked to see you. The reason why? Okay I'll tell you it's because of the dress you were in. You wore a slightly angel blue dress that went to the floor. You also wore a white rose in your hair so it would seem you were there all the time.

[two takes later]

We come to the part to where you introduce me! Yusuke asks you the question and you reply, "I think that Ayame should tell you this." Jadi claps. "Okay now you guys will have to wait a moment okay? I have to add whatever Josetta is recording for Ayame." You and the cast look confused. "Why?" you all asked. "It's because we have a smaller blue screen that holds Ayame's set so we do your recording at different places (Josetta is the co-director.)" he said as they took five. Josetta came in. "Here you go!" she said as she went out leaving Ayame. "Okay today's been a rough day. So we'll do the rest of the shooting tomorrow." Jadi ushered you and the YYH gang out. "So how'll we do this?" asked Jadi playing the tape. "Like this." Ayame did some stuff on the computor to alter the stuff together.

[the next day]

You and the others woke up early "Okay everybody! Follow me we're going to the blue screen!" shouted Jadi leading the group to the huge set of the blue screen. "Umm Ayame what are those?" you asked pointing to the two huge things near the set that had harnesses to hold only one person up. "Those are to help you fly." she smiled as you gulped. "Don't worry though they don't hurt. Only those do." she pointed to another blue screen set that showed a tall blue pole that looked like those football things only smaller with two small little poles that would probably hold them. You went onto the set. "Okay _______ come with me I'll put the harness on you." you followed Ayame and let her drape the harness over you. "Okay she's ready! How about Kurama?" shouted Ayame to Jadi. "Ready!" they put them over the set and shot them dancing. It lasted for about 30 seconds to a minute long. "Okay Jadi you should probably cut off some parts since I probably added too much in it." said Ayame rubbing the back of her head. Jadi nodded.

[Few hours later]

"Okay! It's finished!" shouted Jadi bringing in the finished work. You gathered around to watch it.


"Wow that turned out pretty good!" exclaimed Yusuke. You nod. "What parts did you take out though?" you ask Jadi who smiles. "You'll see. In the next chapter." he says as he drinks his tea. "The next chapter?" you ask. "Yup in the text here!" Ayame points to where Jadi says the next chap. "Ayame! You're not supposed to see the text!" you guys shout. "But why? It's fun!" she pouts. "See you next time!" shouts Jadi who is still drinking hot tea.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((End))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Ceres: Well that was fun!

You:Can you get moving on the next chapter?

Ceres:Sure!Remember to read and review!

Next Chapter will be about: Deleted Scenes

Hiei: Whoopee.

Ceres: [takes out hammer]

You: [sweatdrop] -.-;;;;