Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Mission Impossible ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters thus associated with it. I own only my muses and the storyline.

Raven: Yu Yu Hakusho. *drool* Bishounen galore!

Kagome: *rolls eyes and sighs* And how do you figure that?

Nathaniel: Who cares? As long as she's not drooling over me anymore.

Raven: Oh, don't worry Nat. You're still MY bishounen. *smirks* After all, I can have you. Kurama won't ever be mine. The most I can do is tell Kagome to borrow him.

Nathaniel: *sweatdrop* Uh………

Kagome: *snarls* Enough already! If you two don't hush and let me write this fic, I'm gonna sic Hiei on you. See how much you like his Black Dragon.

Raven: Awww………can't you at least sic Kurama on us? I'd love to see his umph mmphff!

Nathaniel: *covering Raven's mouth* We'll just let you go ahead and write now. Keep Kurama and his Rose Whip in the story, all right? *drags Raven out of room*

Kagome: *snorts* Hn.

Chapter One: Mission Impossible

Yusuke was in a decidedly foul mood today. Koenma must have given him more bad news. The little brat always did have a definite lack of tact when it came to doling out bad news.

Kurama deduced this after he saw the leader of the Reikei Tantei storming around a park in Ningenkai with his fingers twitching at his side, eager to find a target for his anger and his Rei Gun. Hiei, standing beside the redheaded youko, had apparently reached the same conclusion, for his ever-present scowl deepened and his crimson eyes narrowed as the contemplated the teenage spirit detective in front of them.

Seeing no reason to remain hidden, Kurama stood up and walked towards Yusuke, calling out to the other boy as he did so. He quickly realized that he had made a potentially fatal mistake as Urameshi whirled on him and raised his hands, Rei Gun ready to fire.

At the last second, Yusuke realized who it was he was pointing at and pulled his rei ki back. "Dammit, Kurama," he snarled, "don't ever, ever, sneak up on me like that when I'm tense."

Kurama swallowed and apologized for startling him. After all, Yusuke ranked high among the S-class demons, while he was still back in the A-class. He was practicing to get stronger, more powerful, but so was Yusuke. In the few battles the two had participated in against each other, Yusuke had won all but one. Of course, it also helped that he was now one of the three major lords in the Makai, alongside Mukuro and Youmi.

Hiei suddenly appeared at the youko's side, catching the attention of the other two. The small jaganshi smirked at them, then turned his attention to Yusuke. "What's that little runt ordering us to do this time? It had better be worth my time."

Kurama nodded. "It must be big if Koenma's calling the Reikei Tantei to handle it."

Yusuke just nodded, then informed them that he'd explain everything when the rest of the team arrived. They were still waiting for Kuwabara and Genkai. Kurama wandered over to a maple tree and sat down, leaning his back against the trunk. Hiei disappeared into another nearby tree, settling on one of the limbs. Yusuke sighed, then continued his aggravated pacing.

Half an hour later, the other two members of the Reikai Tantei had shown up, Yusuke had used his Rei Gun on an innocent tree, Hiei had promptly fallen out of that same tree and tried to kill Yusuke, Kurama had broken up the fight and suffered some minor injuries, and Yusuke had finally calmed down enough to give them their newest mission, which he had deemed Mission Impossible.

Impatient as always, Kuwabara demanded, "What is it Koenma wants this time? And what is up with you?" Yusuke glared at him, then hissed. The other four members of the group froze as their leader began to shift into his demon form. However, he didn't stop there. Slowly, the markings began to fade and change, and his body began to shift.

When he was done, the others just stared at him in awe. He was around seven feet, as tall as Kurama in his silver youko form. He had two blood-marks raking across his left cheek, and one on his right. There were also blood-marks drawn along his wrists. In the center of his forehead was a simple purple crescent moon. His ears had sharpened and appeared elven in shape. His eyes were cold and distant, a beautiful deep violet hue that reminded the others of the night sky.

What shocked them all more than anything was the tail. Yusuke now had a huge fluffy white tail wrapped around himself so as to keep it out of the way. All in all, he was cold and beautiful and foreign.

"What are you?" breathed Kurama, taken aback by the icy magnificence of this creature before them. Even Hiei stood staring in awe. Kuwabara's jaw had dropped wide open, and even Genkai seemed to be rendered speechless, though for a much different reason.

"Truly, Koenma's instructions are full of bad news, at least for you," she murmured, causing the others to swing their heads towards her, wondering what she knew that they didn't. Yusuke just nodded and asked, "Then you know what the instructions are?"

Genkai shook her head. "I do not know what the instructions say, but I do know what that form indicates," she explained. Yusuke just nodded.

Impatient with the way the two were communicating and excluding them from the conversation, Hiei announced himself, stating, "Well, since we're all here, and at least two of you know about the mission, how about you tell the rest of us?"

Yusuke looked at Genkai, who nodded sadly, then handed her the scroll that contained their next mission. With that done, he bounded off into the trees, using his new dog demon form to bound from tree to tree.

The others just stared after him, then turned their attention back to Genkai as she sighed and opened the scroll, reading the script over carefully and nodding to herself. Finished, she looked up at the others and opened her mouth to deliver the bad news.

"Yusuke's new inu form is truly dangerous and does not bode well," she began. "As you all know, while Yusuke's mother was human, his father was Lord Raisen." The others silently agreed and waited for her to continue.

"Yusuke's blood is now fighting with him," she resumed her place. "His demon blood is trying to overcome his human self, and vice versa. As a result, he now has three forms: human, the hanyou, or half-breed form he uses in the Maikai, and the pure demon form, which is the one we just saw."

The others waited for her to continue, still not understanding where all this was headed and what it had to do with their mission. Genkai took a deep breath and concluded, "Our mission has to do with Yusuke, which is why he left. Apparently he only recently gained enough control over his demon form to remain sane."

"The first time he went full youkai, he went a bit crazy and slaughtered innocent Ningens. As a result, he must be punished for it, but that provides complications." The others were silent, stunned. It was Yusuke who had committed that mass murder a month ago? Why hadn't they heard of it before now.

"He was not aware of what he was doing at the time," said Genkai, startling them all and causing them to wonder if she had read their minds. "He must be punished, but only the inu youkai part of him. The human and hanyou parts had nothing to do with it."

Now they really stared. Punish Yusuke's inu youkai side, but not his human or hanyou ones? How the hell were they supposed to accomplish that?!

Kuwabara voiced the question most effectively. "How the hell do we separate Yusuke's demon side from his other two sides without hurting him or separating all three parts?"

Kagome: All right. This chapter's done.

Raven: Mou! Where's my bishounen come in here?

Nathaniel: Don't worry, he'll come up later, along with Hiei.

Raven: Yay! Bishounen galore!

Kagome: *glares* I believe you've said that already.

Raven: Oh, I did? *looks puzzled*

Nathaniel: *nods* You did.

Kagome: *nods* You did.

Raven: *sweatdrops* Ah ha. Guess I did. *giggles*

Kagome: *rolls eyes* Nathaniel?

Nathaniel: Got it. All right people, this is Kagome's first Yu Yu Hakusho fanfic, so be nice, but please read and review. She would appreciate compliments and constructive criticism, but will simply ignore and/or delete all flames. If you didn't like the story, you shouldn't be reviewing. Arigato! Ja.